Hitman: Agent 47 (2015)



  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Creasy47 wrote:
    McCaffery also gave Wahlberg pointers on how to be Max Payne, but I'm not sure if he followed them or not.

    I think not.

    Probably not. There are some scenes where he seems like Max Payne, but others where it's like, "Why the hell did he do that?!"
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    The main problem with game-to-film adaptations is that they have to be marketable and enjoyable for a broad audience that tries to include just as many people who have never played the game. With that, what we as gamers love about a certain game will be hard to convey in a movie that makes sense.

    GTA = two hours of stealing cars and shooting people.
    Hitman = two hours of sneaking around and fiber wiring people.
    Halo = two hours of hopping and grenade spamming.
    CoD = Directed by Michael Bay. That's all you need to know.

    You can't really make a genuine story out of most of those without taking away a good portion of what we love about games. Granted, Max Payne's first misstep was taking a fat white Jim Bravura and having him played as Ludacris, of all people.

  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    The main problem with game-to-film adaptations is that the film makers' primary focus is attempting to bring the barest necessities of the story to the screen while also "film making" the gameplay.

    (Actually, a COD film directed by Michael Bay might actually work better than it really should.)

    The film makers should focus on taking the story of the game, and bringing a representation of that to the screen. Look at Silent Hill (the first one, back in 2006). Instead of a 2 hour film about people slowly walking around buildings that screw themselves up every twenty minutes while carrying around a flashlight and a busted radio, we got a decent film that took the themes of the games (important children, family connections, the sins that we all fear come to light, what is or is not real) and actually put those on the screen. That is what game adaptations need to do.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    The main problem with game-to-film adaptations is that the film makers' primary focus is attempting to bring the barest necessities of the story to the screen while also "film making" the gameplay.

    (Actually, a COD film directed by Michael Bay might actually work better than it really should.)

    The film makers should focus on taking the story of the game, and bringing a representation of that to the screen. Look at Silent Hill (the first one, back in 2006). Instead of a 2 hour film about people slowly walking around buildings that screw themselves up every twenty minutes while carrying around a flashlight and a busted radio, we got a decent film that took the themes of the games (important children, family connections, the sins that we all fear come to light, what is or is not real) and actually put those on the screen. That is what game adaptations need to do.

    Although Silent Hill was messed up by changing the protagonist from a Man to a Woman I have no problem with it, but just imagine how badass the movie would have been if Sean Bean was the hero instead of the wife (whose name I forget.) :-S
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    @Murdock, if you want a badass Sean Bean, watch 'Cleanskin.'

    @Agent007391, couldn't have said it better myself. You're right, and that's what most adaptations don't really look at. If I see a 'Hitman' adaptation, I want more than the big things: suit, bald head, Silverballers, bar code. I want it to give me the details you would only notice from really playing the games, or showing me the heart of it on film and keep that atmosphere.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    I didn't really care for Timothy Olyphant as 47. He looked too psychotic and sounded like Billy Bob Thorton. :)) And the whole train scene where the assassins go Ninja on eachother was just plain random.
  • Posts: 2,107
    Hitman movie is a little guilty pleasure of mine. I actully enjoy that movie. Even thouugh it's not 100 % faithful to the game franchise.
  • Hitman is easy because he's a contract killer, so in a film like what they did, an original storyline, it can be easy to go into the film fresh or as a fan, either way. Max Payne had a good shot, if they had actually bothered with filling a 2-3 hour slot that would give time to follow the story better. But instead they changed so much. From big things like making Max transfer to a cold-case file clerk instead of DEA, his buddy's death, Bravura being Ludacris, and BB being the main villain, to small things like CHANGING THE BABY FROM A GIRL TO A BOY!?!? And adding characters that didn't exist in the game. If you ask me, they could have had a great movie out of Max Payne, even if it had to be compressed somewhat. But what came out in 2008 was a generic cop movie, nothing more.
  • SharkBait wrote:
    Hitman movie is a little guilty pleasure of mine. I actully enjoy that movie. Even thouugh it's not 100 % faithful to the game franchise.

    Agreed, and honestly, they didn't mess with 47's character as much as I thought they would based on the trailer. I thought that since it was marketed as a generic action movie there'd be a sex scene. Instead, we got 47 syringing Olga Kurylenko, which imo is the best part of that entire movie!!
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    jackdagger wrote:
    SharkBait wrote:
    Hitman movie is a little guilty pleasure of mine. I actully enjoy that movie. Even thouugh it's not 100 % faithful to the game franchise.

    Agreed, and honestly, they didn't mess with 47's character as much as I thought they would based on the trailer. I thought that since it was marketed as a generic action movie there'd be a sex scene. Instead, we got 47 syringing Olga Kurylenko, which imo is the best part of that entire movie!!

    Agreed, Olga Kurylenko was the best part of the movie, and she was very stunning. I hope she returns in a future Bond movie. :)
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Murdock wrote:
    The main problem with game-to-film adaptations is that the film makers' primary focus is attempting to bring the barest necessities of the story to the screen while also "film making" the gameplay.

    (Actually, a COD film directed by Michael Bay might actually work better than it really should.)

    The film makers should focus on taking the story of the game, and bringing a representation of that to the screen. Look at Silent Hill (the first one, back in 2006). Instead of a 2 hour film about people slowly walking around buildings that screw themselves up every twenty minutes while carrying around a flashlight and a busted radio, we got a decent film that took the themes of the games (important children, family connections, the sins that we all fear come to light, what is or is not real) and actually put those on the screen. That is what game adaptations need to do.

    Although Silent Hill was messed up by changing the protagonist from a Man to a Woman I have no problem with it, but just imagine how badass the movie would have been if Sean Bean was the hero instead of the wife (whose name I forget.) :-S

    It would have been awesome, though I liked that he had a more subdued role in the film. The man can clearly play every role he's given, be it a burnt-scarred villain, a Man who feels the need to redeem his people, or a psychotic hitchhiker.
  • I think @jackdagger is right, yeah we'd all love the original actors to be in video game adaptions but they're voice actors, not actors.

    Fair enough, he does look like 47 but it would never happen, he's pretty much unknown so a studio wouldn't release a film with him in the lead.
    doubleoego wrote:
    Absolution is awesome!
    Completed it in 2 days just to get a feel for the game. The gameplay is phenomenal but playing the game on purist is just mercilessly unforgiving. Highly recommend getting it.

    I heard it was a big step down from Bloodmoney.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited November 2012 Posts: 13,369
    Another video game film that didn't seem to make it was the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot - thank God, as these things rarely work though Resident Evil has got five (will be six) films out of it.
  • Well, actually, Bond can be portrayed by different actors, but Agent 47 can't. It's just can't, let's face it. David Bateson IS Agent 47 and nothing can change that. Unless.... the actor should look like mid-aged (mid-40s, early 50s), should act like a cold blooded killer, behave like a monk, and have a decent voice. But, what do we get with Timothy Oliphant? Neo (from The Matrix) gone bald, trying to be a Dr. Ort-Meyer clone, shooting people in slow motions, flying in the air, and acting very very badly. Totally unfaithful to the real Agent 47.
  • @thelivingroyale, Bateson played a similar role to 47's in Aurum, his character name was Mark Boland, and I consider him a great actor.
  • JamesBond wrote:
    @thelivingroyale, Bateson played a similar role to 47's in Aurum, his character name was Mark Boland, and I consider him a great actor.

    He might well be a great actor but he's still fairly unknown. A studio wouldn't put him in the lead of a big blockbuster.
  • And what if they did?
  • JamesBond wrote:
    And what if they did?

    If they did, and they had a good script too, we'd probably get a good Hitman film.
  • JamesBond wrote:
    And what if they did?

    If they did, and they had a good script too, we'd probably get a good Hitman film.

    It's good to hear that.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    doubleoego wrote:
    Absolution is awesome!
    Completed it in 2 days just to get a feel for the game. The gameplay is phenomenal but playing the game on purist is just mercilessly unforgiving. Highly recommend getting it.

    I heard it was a big step down from Bloodmoney.

    Blood money was amazing but Absolution is different somewhat from the other games in the series but it still offers a great deal of new elements that brings the game up to date and is still incredibly enjoyable. The bourne-like beat downs you can dish out that was absent in the previous games are glorious. At the end of the day this game effectively allows you to play the game either incredibly stealthily or John Rambo style and to me as long as those elements are solidly in place, I'm happy.
  • Well, if isn't that Jason Bourne... the person who destroyed the whole filming media.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    JamesBond wrote:
    Well, if isn't that Jason Bourne... the person who destroyed the whole filming media.

  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    edited February 2013 Posts: 1,812
    Looks like we're getting a Hitman reboot titled "Agent 47". It's to star "The Fast and the Furious" lead, Paul Walker.
    The guys who wrote "A Good Day to Die Hard" wrote the script.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Yeah I heard about this earlier. Trust Fox to be upto their usual bs.
  • I'm glad Fox Search Light are doing a reboot. Paul Walker as Agent 47? Meh! I prefere Vin Diesel or Bruce Willis. Either way, I hope they stay true to the source of the video game this time around.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    I don't get why they don't just hire 47's voice actor, he looks an awful damn lot like the character already. Just slap a barcode on the back of his head and say "Do your thing".
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    This film will probably fail as well, it's obvious. Hollywood doesn't make stealth films, as this one would have to be to be faithful to the games. It will likely be the same massive shootouts where Hitman doesn't even try to sneak and takes everyone out in a loud spray of bullets.
  • Posts: 1,407
    Timothy Olyphant was actually the best part of the first film and wouldn't of minded a Ghost Rider type reboot/sequel of keeping the same actor but doing a reboot
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 67
    I'm guessing the commitment to Justified prevented Olyphant from returning. Michael Shannon could have been a passable choice to replace, in my opinion. Anything but Paul Walker, come on. They should keep in line with the games though. 47, the character, is pushing 50. But I guess you'd be hard pressed to find an actor who can meet the physical requirements. Skyfall's own Ralph Fiennes would be a good choice, but this obviously isn't going to be a high quality movie.
  • I don't have high hopes for this one. I haven't seen Walker in anything, but he seems like too much of a pretty boy. I suppose with the shaved head and a permanent angry expression he might be able to pull it off, but it's doubtful.

    @PositiveTouch: 47 was 36 in the first game, so if it's an orgin story, his age may not matter.
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