India Locations Cancelled [Was: 'India Locations Selected']



  • Posts: 4,619
    I think it's totally un-Bond and much too Bourne-like to be constantly changing countries.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Yes, I saw list - DN visit 2 countries, YOLT 1, OHMSS 2, DAF 2, GF 2, FRWL 3, LALD 3, TSWLM 3, MR 3 (!!), FYEO 3, OP 3, AVTAK 3... CR 6, and QOS 8 (and 6 country changes in 50 minutes, which is 4 times more than any Bond film from 1962-1985.

    Notice how the 3 biggest Bond films, most epic outings visit 6 times less locations than QOS, and 4 times less than CR... Something is very wrong, since neither Craig films are even close of the epicness of YOLT/TSWLM/MR... And, QOS's globetrotting *is* extremely Bournified since, contrary to any Bond films from 1962-2002, it changes location at an alarming rate of once avery 10 minutes, just like Bourne... While the Bond films from 1962 to 1985 can stay at the same locations for nearly 45 minutes average.

    You can see that, @Panchito, no ? It is totally un-Bond and very Bourne-like to change country every 10 minutes or so... Contrary to nearly every Bond films and every Fleming novels as well. I don't watch Bond film to feel like a tourist who barely never leaves the airport, but to feel AT HOME in locations I will most likely never visit in my life.
  • zebrafishzebrafish <°)))< in Octopussy's garden in the shade
    Posts: 4,380
    I don't watch Bond film to feel like a tourist who barely never leaves the airport, but to feel AT HOME in locations I will most likely never visit in my life.
    Nicely said, I could not agree more. However, the last time I could warm to a location in a Bond movie was the River Thames in the PTS of TWINE.

  • edited August 2011 Posts: 1,894
    You don't get the hint, don't you? India, S.Africa and China is way, way to many locations.
    Let's assume it's a two-hour film. If all three locations feature in equal measure, that means Bond will spend 40 minutes in each. That's plenty of time.

    I don't understand this whole "Bond must only be in one location" drivel. Some of the best films in the series have featured multiple locations. FRWL has five (SPECTRE Island, Zagreb, Belgrade, Istanbul and Venice); FYEO has five (Spain, Corfu, the dive site, Albania and Greece); TLD has six (Gibraltar, Bladen, Bratislava, Tangier, Vienna, and the airbase in Afghanistan); and CR has six (Prague, Madagascar, the Bahamas, Miami, Montenegro and Venice). In fact, the only Bond film with less than three locations was OHMSS. Even DN had three locations, as did YOLT.

    So I really don't get why it's so important that Bond stays in one place and "absorbs the local culture", or whatever you want to call it. If I wanted to see that, I'd watch Michael Palin.
    And CR and QOS had an appalling number of locations. I think it's totally un-Bond and much too Bourne-like to be constantly changing countries. I want ONE, maybe TWO major locations outside the London-MI6 section and a PTS location, and that's it.
    You have no idea how the locations in BOND 23 will be divided up. For all you know, South Africa will be the PTS sequence, with India and China being the post-London locations. So on one hand, you want "ONE, maybe TWO major locations outside the London-MI6 section and a PTS location, and that's it", but at the same time you think "India, S.Africa and China is way, way to many locations". Contradiction, much?
    And CR had 6 locations, and it didn't come anywhere close of the epic scope of MR.
    I don't think "epic" is a word anyone would use to describe MR. Except maybe "epic failure".
    So CR is a total failure in the locations department - it has too many locations, yet doesn't succeed in being epic, and it's Bournified to the extreme.
    As you repeatedly point out, you think CR is a poor film. Yet the general consensus is that it's one of the best films in the franchise. You will also notice that every location in CR serves a function of the plot. Bond does not stay in one location for longer than he needs to - if the Miami, Prague or Madagascar scenes had been any longer than they actually were, they would have felt over-long.

    Also, your claims of Bond being "Bournified to the extreme" carry no weight. IDENTITY was limited to three locations - Zurich, Marseilles and Paris. SUPREMACY went to four - Goa, Italy, Berlin and Moscow. And Ultimatum went to four - London, Madrid, Tangier and New York. Bond has regularly been going to four locations since 1963. Or does your memory only go as far back as 2002?
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Please look at this very complete locations list :

    If you can read, you'll see this : DN visit 2 countries, YOLT 1, OHMSS 2, DAF 2, GF 2, FRWL 3, LALD 3, TSWLM 3, MR 3 (!!), FYEO 3, OP 3, AVTAK 3.

    Oh, and your idea of S.Africa being the PTS is just patheticly wrong. Bond visits S.Africa for the FIRST TIME, and you want it to only be featured in a 5 minutes PTS sequence ? How can you say such insane rubbish ? A new locations MUST BE a major location. You are not thinking straight at all. If S.Africa is the PTS of any plot, than it is an instant failure to me, without even seeing the film. I do NOT want to see a new location in the franchise be wasted in a 5 minutes PTS sequence. I hope you are not serious shadow, or else you just have no idea how locations should be chosen for a Bond film.
    In fact, the only Bond film with less than three locations was OHMSS. Even DN had three locations, as did YOLT.

    Have you ever seen YOLT ? It takes place in ONE country - Japan. DN takes place in 2 countries - London and Jamaica. Please read this list first :
  • Posts: 421
    Woah. Agree to disagree. For all we know, three FILMING locations might be just a single destination in the film.

    Anyway, I would say that the number of locations doesn't matter too much as long as the story itself flows. Yes, some of the more recent films have had more locations, but (with the exception of QOS) I've felt that they've all been quite fluid. I would imagine that (like most films and stage productions) the story will be set into three acts. It is perfectly possible - though not definite - that each location will be used for each act. Now that does not seem unreasonable to me.

    Now can we stop throwing statistic-ridden mud at each other and just wish the best for B23? Please.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,732
    South Africa and China are 2 totally new locations in the franchise.... Anything less than 40/50 minutes at each of these countries will be criminal. So that's 1 hour and 40 minutes, let's say 10 minutes in London, that leaves 10/15 minutes in India. So India has to be the PTS. I will not accept S.Africa and China to be wasted in a 5 minutes PTS sequence, They are NEW LOCATIONS for christ sakes !!
  • Posts: 4,619
    This whole debate is ridiculous. I don't care how many locations Bond will visit in Bond 23. 1 or 6 or 100, I don't mind as long as it's a good movie.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,732
    This whole debate is ridiculous. I don't care how many locations Bond will visit in Bond 23. 1 or 6 or 100, I don't mind as long as it's a good movie.
    How can you accept seeing totally new locations in the franchise (South Africa and China) being wasted ? That's just criminal. They are 2 beautiful countries, how can they be only there for 5 or 15 minutes ? THEY ARE NEW LOCATIONS, Bond has never visited them before. So anything less than 40 minutes at China AND 40 minutes in S.Africa, and B23 will be a total waste of locations. I won't even give it a 5/10 before seeing the film.

    All I am saying is this - S.Africa and China MUST be the major locations if B23 goes there, or I won't be wasting 2 hours of my life to see this film I will hate from the start. India must be the PTS for me, or it's no use going there, as it will steal the screentime for the 2 new countries in the franchise, which deserve much more than a 15 minutes sequence.

    Sorry to sound redundant, @PanchitoPistoles, but Bond is about to visit 2 new countries, 2 very beautiful and exotic countries (China and S.Africa), and I do NOT want to see either of them wasted in a 5 minutes PTS. If B23 goes to China, India and S.Africa, then India MUST only be shown in the PTS, and give plenty of space for the film to show the 2 other locations. It will just be criminal if, for the first time Bond visits China and S.Africa that they are only there for a 10 minutes. They almost deserve the whole film to themselves and dump India alltogether.
  • Posts: 1,894
    your idea of S.Africa being the PTS is just patheticly wrong. Bond visits S.Africa for the FIRST TIME, and you want it to only be featured in a 5 minutes PTS sequence ? How can you say such insane rubbish ? A new locations MUST BE a major location. You are not thinking straight at all. If S.Africa is the PTS of any plot, than it is an instant failure to me, without even seeing the film. I do NOT want to see a new location in the franchise be wasted in a 5 minutes PTS sequence.
    South Africa and China are 2 totally new locations in the franchise.... Anything less than 40/50 minutes at each of these countries will be criminal.
    And most alarmingly:
    I hope you are not serious shadow, or else you just have no idea how locations should be chosen for a Bond film.
    I'm sorry, but you're the one who has no idea how locations should be chosen. James Bond films are not travelogues. They are not meant to introduce people to countries. They are not chosen to meet the desires of local tourist boards. If Bond goes to a particular location, he should do so because the story calls for it. The number of locations and the amount of time spent in each of them are not the most important things about the film; they are not the qualities that make a film good or bad. The story must always come first. Spending an hour in each location because it is new will do nothing to overcome a weak story. You point to YOLT as being an example of a film where Bond spends most of his time in one country. And that's fine. But of the twenty-two films to date, YOLT probably has the weakest story of all, and staying almost exclusively in Japan does nothing to save the ridiculous premise.

    If you think that the first purpose of a Bond film is to visit exciting new locations and spend plenty of time soaking them up, then I'm afraid you've missed the point of the films entirely. You're willing to write a film off as being unable to score anything more than 5/10 simply because it spends fifteen minutes in a location the franchise has never been before? That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a very long time.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Take your views elsewhere, and stop dictating them to me. I am tired of you forcing your opinions and explanations down my throat. It is MY opinion that if China and South Africa are wasted in 15 minutes sequences, the film will a total failure. Can you grasp that someone can have a different opinion than you ? You can take your Craig fanboyism somewhere else.
  • Posts: 1,894
    Who are you to tell me I missed the point of the films ? Stop dictating what I must think about the films.
    Funny story:
    your idea of S.Africa being the PTS is just patheticly wrong. Bond visits S.Africa for the FIRST TIME, and you want it to only be featured in a 5 minutes PTS sequence ? How can you say such insane rubbish ?
    I hope you are not serious shadow, or else you just have no idea how locations should be chosen for a Bond film.
    So, you want me to "stop dictating what you must think about the films" despite the way you've been doing exactly the same to everyone else in this thread for the past half hour? Can you say "double standards"?
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Anyway, back on topic..... I expect India to be the PTS. I don't want India to steal screentime from the 2 new countries, South Africa and China. I think both these locations must have atleast 40 minutes of screentime. And of course the London section, if there are M, Q and Moneyepenny scenes at MI6... So Let's say B23 is a 120 minutes movie : India 10 minutes PTS, London 10 minutes, S Africa 40 minutes and China 1 hour (or vice versa). Sounds about right.
  • Posts: 1,894
    And stop thinking you are the boss around here. Thank you.
    I don't think I'm "the boss". I just see someone being a hypocrite, and I feel I should call them out on it.
    I expect India to be the PTS.
    Do you have any evidence that it will be? I'm told EON has booked six weeks shooting time with an Indian studio (I don't know if that includes location shooting). It's going to take them six weeks to shoot ten minutes' worth of footage? I don't think so.
    I don't want India to steal screentime from the 2 new countries, South Africa and China. I think both these locations must have atleast 40 minutes of screentime.
    And I don't think spending a lot of time in new locations simply because they're new should be EON's priority. I think that's an incredibly poor way to make a film. I an Fleming might have written Thrilling Cities, but that book does not feature James Bond.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Yawn... Stop sounding so angry, and accept people have different views on Bond than you. I want big screentime for the 2 new locations. Can you handle and accept that ? Thank you. As you can see, I don't have the same ideas on Bond films than you. I hope one day you will accept that. As they say.... agree to disagree.
  • Posts: 1,894
    Yes, I can handle it ... I just wouldn't put you in charge of making a Bond film.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Yes, I can handle it ... I just wouldn't put you in charge of making a Bond film.
    And I wouldn't put you in charge of making a Bond film either. So we're even , I guess.

  • edited August 2011 Posts: 4,619
    Even if the pre-title sequence is set in India, India will definitely have other scenes as well after the title sequence. A train stunt, a possibe car chase and a possible foot chase? India will be one of the major locations of the movie.

    My personal theory is that the other major location will be South Africa, with China or Scotland being the PTS. (By the way, it looks like this will be the first Bond movie in a long time where the only European location is the UK.)
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Even if the pre-title sequence is set in India, India will definitely have other scenes as well after the title sequence. A train stunt, a possibe car chase and a possible foot chase? India will be one of the major locations of the movie.

    My personal theory is that the other major location will be South Africa, with China or Scotland being the PTS.
    In that case I hope the movie is close to the CR screentime, as there will be a lot of ground to cover, with India, China and South Africa. I just don't want the last 2 countries to be wasted, that is all. I'd say 2 hours and 10/15 minutes could be a good runtime. Let's say 1 hour to China, 40 to India, 35 to South Africa... That feels about right. And there is still a bit of time for a PTS and the MI6 sequence.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,304
    Yawn... Stop sounding so angry, and accept people have different views on Bond than you. I want big screen time for the 2 new locations. Can you handle and accept that ? Thank you. As you can see, I don't have the same ideas on Bond films than you. I hope one day you will accept that. As they say.... agree to disagree.
    Have you read this post @DaltonCraig007. Might want to issue yourself a hypocrite warning matey. Accept that people have different ideas, yet I WANT. Do you see where I'm going with this. Take a piece of your own advice, and accept not everyone cares if there are one or one hundred locations in Bond 23, just as long as the film is good.

    This is starting to fall into the tedious mess that finds its way into so many topics in which several members cannot agree to disagree, resulting in petty arguments and long winded posts of getting one over on another member.
    I'm looking at both @shadowonthesun and @DaltonCraig007 here.
    Give it a rest.

  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Yes, benny : I warn myself :

    Less raging thunderstorms


    More cool weather and attitude

  • Posts: 9,913
    the one thing I'm hoping for bond 23 is a mixture of Dalton craig's perfect bond film and my own... as much as i prefer the dark gritty bond films (Connery From russia with love Thunderball, Lazenby OHMSS, Moore FYEO, Dalton TLD and LTK and of couse the Craig Era films Casino and quantum) i realize if it gets too dark I'll be the only person who will watch and love it. so i'm hoping great travelogue gogous women a bit more suttle humor but some dark gritty action sequences.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited August 2011 Posts: 28,694
    I'm with you on the darkness @Risico. One of Craig's greatest contributions is how great he portrays Bond's coldness and ruthlessness. And he has definitely had some of the darkest scenes of the franchise, action scenes or straight dramatic scenes.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,732
    I would also love a TB, OHMSS, FYEO, TLD or FRWL for Bond 23 @Risico007. I just want a departure from CR/QOS. If gritty is the only way to go - then please make it FRWL or TB gritty.
  • Posts: 9,913
    fair enough Daniel craig ins a from russia with love styled bond film all agreed?

    Now the deal breaker I want bond to play hold em in one scene as i feel it's Craig bond's game of choice.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited August 2011 Posts: 13,369
    I think Bond 23 will be more in the vein of some of the big, grand adventures of the past, so it may well aspire to be like some of the films DC mentioned.

    As for the locations, if everything is done correctly, we should be OK, if not, well...
    Another update, added to the previous article:
    Dinesh Trivedi, the railway minister from Calcutta who confesses he is a Bond fan, will meet the team on Monday. "I received a request from the unit members today and have called them for a meeting on Monday. I will be pro-active to sort out the problem,” Trivedi told The Telegraph from New Delhi. "I’ll have to find out about the problems. It will be solved but I’ll ensure that passenger safety is not compromised,” he said. “We all love Bond movies and it’ll be good publicity for India and the Indian Railways," the minister added.

    A production member who wished to remain anonymous said, "The initial talks with the minister were satisfactory and he seemed keen to remove the bottlenecks. We expect [formal production planning] to get rolling by the middle of next week.". After Trivedi’s intervention, things looked positive, he admitted.
    It seems like this could be no problem then. Good news.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,732
    As for the locations, if everything is done correctly, we should be OK, if not, well...
    I don't know, but I feel very worried about Bond 23. I fear another bad film is on the way. In my opinion of course.
  • Posts: 4,619
    No need to worry. With Sam Mendes directing I'm sure Bond 23 will be great.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    I like Mendes as director, and like quite a few of his films. But I have a bad feeling about B23... Can't help it.
  • JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
    edited August 2011 Posts: 1,380
    I like Mendes as director, and like quite a few of his films. But I have a bad feeling about B23... Can't help it.
    OK, I think we caught how you feel by the 17th post on the matter.
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