Best 10 Comic Book movies ever (so far)?



  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    Here's a question: If Donner had been allowed to complete both movies, I'm under the impression that instead of time traveling at the end of Superman one, Supes simply gets to the last bomb in the nick of time. Is that correct?

    The end of Superman: The Movie was how they ended it in '78 due to time constraints (among other things, needing a bonefide climax being one of them). Superman II would have been ended without all that time travel thing, but in restoring the movie for the Donner Cut, they felt obligated to follow the original Superman II script ending for some reason.
    We will never know how it would have been done for real...
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    No, it won't. I was going to have toast (simple white bread, not whole wheat) for breakfast, and you've changed my mind none.
    Hey, I took a shot.

  • Posts: 59
    1: Dark Knight Rises (mindblowing movie)
    2: Dark Knight
    3: Captain America
    4: Avengers Assemble
    5: X-Men First Class
    6: Iron Man
    7: Batman Begins
    8: Spiderman 2
    9: Superman
  • Posts: 562
    In no order:

    - The Dark Knight
    - Sin City
    - Batman Returns
    - Iron Man
    - Watchmen
    - Captain America
    - Superman II
    - The Avengers
    - X-Men: First Class
    - Batman ('89)
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 295
    Superman 2
    Conan the Barbarian (Ahnuld version)
    The Incredibles
    X-Men First Class
    Ghost World
    The Crow
    Kick Ass
    Batman Returns
    Spiderman 2

    Nolan's batflicks are some of the most overrated movies in the history of overrating movies imho.

  • Posts: 278
    1. The Dark Knight/The Dark Knight Rises/Batman Begins
    2. Superman 2/Superman the Movie
    3.Avengers Assemble
    4. Batman Returns/Batman 1989
    5. Iron Man
    6. Captain America
    7. Thor
    8. Blade
    9. X Men First Class
    10. X2/X Men
    I've cheated a little by polling all of the various reboots in the order I like the films and leaving any from that genre out (hence no superman III or IV).
    I know the Avengers and the individual films could all have been the same, but they are all unique super heroes in their own right (like X Men but Wolverine didn't make my 10)with Avengers just a film with them all in.
  • Posts: 2,341
    I am not gonna name ten, I can pick the best and the worst
  • Posts: 3,334
    Here's a question: If Donner had been allowed to complete both movies, I'm under the impression that instead of time traveling at the end of Superman one, Supes simply gets to the last bomb in the nick of time. Is that correct?
    They were both being shot back-to-back when it was decided to stop shooting Superman II and focus on finishing Superman for a release date as they were already 5 months behind schedule with their original summer release date. Donner had already completed 80% of the sequel when the producers made their decision.

    In the original ending for Superman I, the nuclear missile that Superman pushes into outer space happens to strike the Phantom Zone, freeing the three Kryptonian supervillains. The final shot was originally going to be General Zod, Non, and Ursa all flying towards earth in a cliffhanger "to be continued" moment. Because this was dropped Tom Mankiewicz had to perform another rewrite and combine the time traveling to fix the damage intended for Superman II after General Zod, Ursa and Non had destroyed the planet. The worry was that if Superman was a flop then there would be no need for a sequel so they decided to make Superman The Movie a complete story and do away with the cliffhanger.
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 127
    Something like this:

    1, The Dark Knight Rises
    2, The Dark Knight
    3, The Avengers
    4, Iron Man
    5, Batman Begins
    6, X-Men First Class
    7, Watchmen
    8, X2 & SM2
    9, Thor
    10, Kick-Ass
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited December 2012 Posts: 28,694
    How many people here were deadly disappointed with Iron Man 2?!

    My face-palm moments:
    *Scarlett is an absolute torture. Her line delivery is wooden and it is obvious she wasn't chosen based on talent...well, acting talent...

    *Don Cheadle is a horrid fill in for Terence Howard. All the elements of Rhodey are there, but with Terence it all felt so natural. With Don his lines are delivered like he is reading them off a card, while you really believe Terence's Rhodey cares about Tony's well being. I don't feel that with Cheadle in the role.

    *The villain- Good god, we have a problem. I don't understand what the hell has been going on in film lately, but so many great villains have little to no screen time in the film they are written into. This is such a case. Now, I am all up for a villain that is in the shadows until the end a la Halloween (1978) and Dr. No, but Ivan needs to be on screen the entire time. He was crucial to the events of the plot. And even when he is on screen, Rourke is wasted, given only stupid Russian to piddle out and no depth. The character was a bore. I still can't believe the ending fight. Tony and Rhodey take about half a minute to kill bots, then Ivan comes in, grabs them both with his electric-whips, and for literally no reason at all he takes down his helmet, leaving Tony and Rhodey open to blasting him. 45 seconds for the finale?! HOW PATHETIC. This is the product of screen writers not having a bloody idea how to end it all, and the fight with Rhodey and Tony earlier was probably only written in so that the ending here made any kinds of sense, if any at all.

    *You barely see Tony in the suit at all. I am all for more of a focus on the man behind the suit, but it just doesn't work here. It is too comic book centric not have the suit be more of a presence.
    Overall, it pales in supreme comparison to Iron Man 1, average and sadly forgettable.
  • Iron Man 2 is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The first one was alright though.
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 6,432
    Superman The movie

    Dark knight trilogy

    Superman II Donner Cut

    The Avengers

    Batman The movie


    The Shadow

    The Watchmen
  • 1) Sin City.
    2) Spider-Man 2.
    3) Watchmen.
    4) V for Vendetta.
    5) Captain America.
    6) The Dark Knight Trilogy.
    7) X-Men: First Class.
    8) X2.
    9) The Amazing Spider-Man / The Avengers.
    10) Superman: The Movie.

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    Glad to see so much love for Superman 1 & 2 here!!
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