


  • I think like a lot of employers, EON don't want to admit prior fault as it's seen as weakness, instead of what it really was which was simply solving a problem. What they should be thinking is "We didn't have problems, we had opportunities & we solved them with the help of this Lady".

    As I see it the producers at the time employed some beautiful girls who were all about image, but it wasn't until they opened their mouths that they realised they had a potential problem with the US audiences, their biggest market. Basically it was style over substance with the so called actresses. I think the way they have treated this Lady is shameful, but not unexpected considering how unappreciative employers often are.
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    This is strange but I just can't see what this woman might have that is so dangerous. On another hand the fact that Sir Roger had this attitude might indicate some old story, he remains connected to Eon and Bond but he doesn't work for them anymore.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    I know; Roger's backing out is the most confusing to me. And it would have to be something significant, I think. He has always seemed the gentleman off screen, by all accounts I have read over the years. Don't know why ... and we probably never will know. But it is sad and a bit unsettling that this has developed this way.
  • Don't forget that Moore at one point had agreed to write the forward, took the time and effort to write the forward and probably read a version of the book as well (people who write forwards are general given an early draft of the book). All this, only to pull the forward at the last minute? Are we supposed to believe Moore simply had a sudden and drastic change of heart for no reason? Sure looks like someone got wind of Moore's involvement and intervened.
  • Posts: 1,497
    Grinderman wrote:
    Don't forget that Moore at one point had agreed to write the forward, took the time and effort to write the forward and probably read a version of the book as well (people who write forwards are general given an early draft of the book). All this, only to pull the forward at the last minute? Are we supposed to believe Moore simply had a sudden and drastic change of heart for no reason? Sure looks like someone got wind of Moore's involvement and intervened.

    It could be more complicated than that. The business of royalties can get nasty. Rog could have thought fond of her in the past, but maybe she said something that offended him. With others, such as the producers and the Bond girls, there could have been a tempestuous relationship all along; certainly sounds like it. Who knows what was said over the past 50 years. Could be real nasty stuff. We don't know. Maybe Shirley Eaton's tiff with Nikki attending the event, set off Nikki and she went on a diatribe, dragging Rog's name into it. It's really hard to know. But I have seen people get really nasty when they feel cheated out of the fair piece of the pie. Just food for thought.

    I am curious to read her book though, if it ever gets published.
  • Posts: 202
    Big conspiracy here.

    "Your file shows no locked threads... and to become a mod, it takes..."
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    edited December 2012 Posts: 9,117
    Grinderman wrote:
    Don't forget that Moore at one point had agreed to write the forward, took the time and effort to write the forward and probably read a version of the book as well (people who write forwards are general given an early draft of the book). All this, only to pull the forward at the last minute? Are we supposed to believe Moore simply had a sudden and drastic change of heart for no reason? Sure looks like someone got wind of Moore's involvement and intervened.

    This indeed seems very sinister. If Rog had something against her then why agree in the first place? It appears as though someone found out he was doing it and got him to pull it.

    Here is the letter open letter to Rog she put on her website which raises a few questions:

    'Dear Roger,

    I am writing to you in this way because I do not have direct contact with you and wish to avoid any intervention to your receiving this letter.

    We go back a long way together and I have always admired you and thought of you as a friend. Therefore I was shocked when I received an email from my publisher saying you had withdrawn permission for me to use the Foreword you had so kindly written for my book. It was a warm and truly lovely Foreword.

    I understand a letter was sent to the publisher without my knowledge, marked Private and Confidential saying that I could not now use your Foreword. I have not seen the letter, but am saddened and disappointed that you did not contact me before it was sent.

    I hope you enjoy reading my book. There are nothing but good things said about you in it. Perhaps you can tell me why you took this action? Who were the Saint's Persuaders?

    With sadness but without rancour,
    Your old friend,
    Nikki '

    Well first of all she immediately loses crediblity by saying she does not have direct contact with Rog. Well how did she get him to write it in the first place then? Unless she is suggesting that Rog is no longer answering her calls?

    But then she seems to be stating she has no idea why he did it and this secret letter to the publishers that she is not allowed to see again hints at 'dark forces' working against her.

    Also this statement off her website seems quite revalatory if you read between the lines:

    'For Your Ears Only is the remarkable story of a multi-talented actress who never received the acclaim she deserved. '

    Hints at sour grapes for presumably just getting the going rate. The Bond series is littered with people like Vic Flick who just thought it was another job, got a measly sum and then fnd their work is legendary and goes on to make millions for EON. Its a little distasteful but EON have done nothing wrong and are under no obligation to go around rewarding people who have been paid according to their contract (looking at you here Sean).

    But even if she is a bitch and goes round slagging people off that doesnt explain why her publishers dropped the book or why MI6 dont want us talking about it. I cant imagine why publishers would drop a book they had agreed to print, especially if there was something nice and controversial in it, except under serious legal pressure which again begs the question what has she got thats so damaging? Surely having a barney with Shirley Eaton is beneath EON getting involved? Also it would be interesting to find out if the book has been censored at all.

    As for MI6's position we're still waiting for a credible explanation from the Mods as to why the Nikki thread failed to bump like every other thread ever.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    "This will not stand."
  • oo7oo7
    Posts: 1,068
    I guess we need to buy the book...
  • oo7oo7
    edited December 2012 Posts: 1,068
    double post
  • JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
    edited December 2012 Posts: 1,380
    Censorship? Let me know the posts that have been deleted or redacted.

    Please, get some perspective.

    Why would EON be involved? Is this something to do with a new film or official product, tie-in, or license? No.

    I've said it before and this is the last time: if those involved in this dispute wanted their side of events public they would have done so. But they have too much class to go tittle-tattling and reacting to unhinged accusations.

    So quit asking for the gossip.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    JamesPage wrote:
    Censorship? Let me know the posts that have been deleted or redacted.

    Please, get some perspective.

    Why would EON be involved? Is this something to do with a new film or official product, tie-in, or license? No.

    I've said it before and this is the last time: if those involved in this dispute wanted their side of events public they would have done so. But they have too much class to go tittle-tattling and reacting to unhinged accusations.

    So quit asking for the gossip.

    'Unhinged accusations?!' This just seems like an advert to get us to go out and buy the book. Are you sure you and the evil Nikki arent in cahoots to boost sales? ;)

    Seriously though I really dont understand why you are so defensive about all this (as you have been from the very start of this whole thing) and there has still been no explanation as to why one solitary thread on the website suddenly stopped bumping for some reason.

    You obviously know things we dont which presumably shed light on Nikkis situation(and presumably not a very positive light at that!), and that you cant or wont reveal them is perfectly fine as no doubt it will all come out in the wash.

    But if we're talking about classy behaviour is someone getting Sir Rog to pull the foreword from the book of a 77 year old woman that will maybe sell about 100 copies really the greatest example of that?

    I dont know what shes done but I cant envisage it really being so excreable that this sort of bullying of a pensioner who never made the sort of money Shirley Eaton has over the years is entirely justified.

    If her accusations really are unhinged then why are people reacting so violently instead of ignoring her as a mad woman?

    I confess I have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about re Bond events, Bondstars, the murky and rather tragic world of non-entities eking out a meagre living signing autographs and such like but on the face of it this just seems like rather distasteful persecution of someone just trying to cash in on their fleeting brush with fame in their old age - just like Shirley Eaton et al are doing.
  • JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
    Posts: 1,380
    Obviously the message didn't get through. So we're done here.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    I dont know what shes done but I cant envisage it really being so excreable that this sort of bullying of a pensioner who never made the sort of money Shirley Eaton has over the years is entirely justified.
    Agreed. She made a LARGE contribution to the series, unseen as it may have been.
This discussion has been closed.