The X3MSonicX Productions' third fan Bond film and first book, again starring Daniel Craig.
Complete Synopsis:
Just after the last occurrings from Perla de Las Dunas, Bond was under vacation when M called his services when she suspected about Quantum acting again. She told Bond about everything that he should know about his next case.
After a long time on the case, he knows that Kratt, Le Chiffre's Bodyguard, was alive, and intended to kill him, in an attempt of revenging the death of his boss. He is now a close chair to the leader of the organization.
At the investigation from Bond on Quantum, he learned that the leader is a Woman, called Walkyria Nortwick. He knew that she was, obviously, a very feared and powerful person in the organization, having lots of bank accounts throughout the world. Any underestimation she thinks she is being aimed at, will be seriously taken care of.
Bond also had known that Kratt intends to kill Walkyria, and assume the position of leader in Quantum. Bond will try to run after Walkyria as soon as possible to protect her, in exchange for any evidences, testimony, revelations, and possibly, the end of Quantum.
The book is being written.
Movie & Book scheduled to be launched anytime at 2013.
Book Cover:

Official Fan DVD Cover:

DVD Alternative Cover:

Music Video:
Launch Trailer:
If you guys want to, here's the full film.
Thank you :D the idea of the story was pretty easy to be done.
Thank you, my friend! I'm really otimistic about making WB. I'd be sad if this turn into an unreleased project.
I like that one, but I think i'll stick to Weeping Blood. Not having any problem with 'Tears Run Red', I could use it for a 4th movie or 2nd book, if I should make it :D
Surely. Even more when it's the hemolacria disturbance that Le Chiffre had. :)
Of course, perhaps 'Tears Run Red' could be a sequel.. bum bum BUMMMM!
EDIT: Your title song is amazing!
A sequel wouldn't be a bad idea. :-bd
Thank you :D i've had this song for like, above 1 year, and it FITS in a Bond film.
Also, notice Kratt's reaction when Le Chiffre says "someone talked"? Kratt seemed concerned Le Chiffre would suspect him, alluding to the notion that Kratt regards loyalty very important, much like Franz Sanchez.
Just some suggestions that might help flesh out his character. ;)
PS: Yes, Robyn's song is an excellent choice for the project. On that note, you must now include Sweden as a location! ;)
Thank you for the suggestion of Sweden. If i'd add it as a location, i'll have to make WB as a book. :)
Thank you :D
Thanks, friend! It's good to see that all of you had liked it. :)
I'll just have to get some experience on writting, because i've almost didn't wrote anything so huge before.
The mistake I've been making is trying to do it all by myself without any outside help- apart from my flatmate, who is well educated in geopolitics (very handy). Now, I've realized there's no shame in getting advice from professionals. Upon looking for articles titled 'how to write a spy thriller/James Bond story', I've found this extremely helpful article giving tips on what helped make CR'06 so successful! It's more so aimed at screenwriting than novel writing- but the article still applies, as it has some helpful tips to keep the reader enthralled.
I would strongly recommend:
-looking for spy/thriller novel writing tips on the net;
-reading a Fleming novel in between working on the story (I'm reading MR at the moment- incredible writing);
-educating yourself in what's currently happening in the world, whether it's world politics, latest technological breakthroughs etc., and thoroughly research all the places you want Bond to visit throughout the story.
Also, don't be afraid to write whole paragraphs on less important things. Fleming put a lot of detail into seemingly minor things, such as the way food and drinks are prepared, as well as Bond's private observations and opinions of other characters.
Good point. I can say, we may write the story, but when we have an idea, we change up a little detail on the case, that would might change up the whole book's destiny. I know how it is, the project and the writting getting mature with the time, it Is a good thing, because the more time you get to write it, the more mature you see that it needs to get, and that makes it even better.
Thank you for the tips article, @QBranch! I'll read it tomorrow, and see if i can start up to write my book. :)
That's a great attitude of yours. If i can end up this book, I will be eternally grateful! :D
Now i'll just have to find a way to restore everything.
I'll do that, but not with an External drive - I'll burn some big .RAR archives into DVDs to backup everything i have and need, such as Hellfire, One Last Shot, and Weeping Blood archives, Sony Vegas Movie Studio 12, pictures, and many other stuff i'd like to save.
The games i have here such as Blood Stone won't be saved, since they're still at internet, so i can download them again with no problems, so i'll safely upgrade my comp to Windows 8. :)
Thank God Windows 7 has created the Windows.old!
But, i've got an idea.
This time, i guess i'll make the movie in GTASA again. But, while editing, when the ideas come to my mind, i can write up the story with the timeline events. And until you get to see the real film, you'll get the story written as a book :P what you think?
Hahaha, yeah. Unfortunately the game sucks, but the skins for GTA are great.