The Accent Q&A Thread

chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
edited December 2012 in General Discussion Posts: 17,989
Question, my UK brothers & sisters-
Can you tell me what accents the last three Doctors have (my Wife thinks Matt's accent sounds quite posh)?
Also, Is Timothy's Welsh accent a cool accent in the UK? Sounds marvellous to my Yank ears.


  • edited December 2013 Posts: 12,837
    You mean Doctor Who? Eccleston had a northen accent.

    Everything about Dalton is cool. Doesn't sound very Welsh though.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    You mean Doctor Who? Eccleston had a northen accent.
    To me, Eccleston's Ohs & Ows sound deep and interesting. What about Tennent (he's MY Doctor, heh heh)?
    Everything about Dalton is cool.
    No argument here. :)>-
    NO one says "carcharodon carcharias" like my man D.
  • edited December 2013 Posts: 12,837
    Tennant was Scottish in real life but he changed his accent for Doctor Who. He had a light cockney accent.
  • Eccelstone is infamous for his pure gruff Nothern accent.
    Tennant had a sort of cockney accent (a sort of working-class London accent) but not full-blown.
    I wouldn't say Smith has a posh accent, he speaks like a well bought up middle class boy. Polite.

    As for Tim. Damn, that dude's voice is as smooth as honey running down velvet.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    As for Tim. Damn, that dude's voice is as smooth as honey running down velvet.

    So what accent does Daniel Have? Also, his Wife Rachel has what is, to my ears, the most charming accent ever....
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited December 2012 Posts: 14,076
    I say this as a Welshman myself, but i've never heard Daltons Welsh accent (I don't think he even has one of any kind*). For a moment in LTK, his accent does go a bit northern England-ish.

    *Anthony Hopkins, Catherine Zeta-Jones & Richard Burton, i've either heard them either speak Welsh, or speak with a Welsh accent. But not Dalton, whether that's because he family moved from Wales before he was 3, whereas the three others I mentioned spent a considerable ammount of their early years being educated/trained here.
  • edited December 2013 Posts: 12,837
    Yeah he doesn't have a Welsh accent. Don't think he lived in Wales for long.

    In interviews and in person he has more of a northen accent than he had as Bond but his voice is more or less the same.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    I say this as a Welshman myself, but i've never heard Daltons Welsh accent (I don't think he even has one of any kind*).
    To me he does... :>
  • chrisisall wrote:
    As for Tim. Damn, that dude's voice is as smooth as honey running down velvet.

    So what accent does Daniel Have? Also, his Wife Rachel has what is, to my ears, the most charming accent ever....

    Daniel's voice is a rather gruff non-regional English accent, almost monotone. Very droll.

    Tim's accent is definitely not Welsh. Let's talk Brosnan because I'll really cant place his accent. I love his voice, but is his accent American?

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    Let's talk Brosnan because I'll really cant place his accent. I love his voice, but is his accent American?
    From an American POV, Brosnan generally comes off as having an upper class English accent. But I do detect heavy American & Irish influences myself.
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 12,837
    Brosnans accent is strange.

    I'd say it's Irish with twangs of English and American.

  • Tim's accent is definitely not Welsh. Let's talk Brosnan because I'll really cant place his accent. I love his voice, but is his accent American?

    I'm probably not the best person to comment on this - although I'm Canadian I watched so much British TV when I was younger (more than American!) that I sometimes don't notice when someone has an English accent! To me they just sound "normal"...

    There were a couple of times when Dalton spoke that his accent would tip into something different - when he tells Kara to "take over" when flying the plane in TLD it's probably the most clear. But I think that he does a pretty general classically "English" (non-regional?) accent - perhaps from his theatre training?

    With Brosnan, his accent seems to me to be surprisingly non-specific. It sometimes sounds like an English accent to me, but usually just on key words or phrases. At other times it doesn't seem Irish, English, OR American...perhaps it's a blend of all three? That would explain why it's so hard to place.

    I do recall reading about a "mid-Atlantic" accent back when I was working as an actor. Apparently this was much more common in the 30s and 40s, and it was supposed to be a bridge between a "standard" English accent and an American one. The idea, according to a book I read on accents, is that it made Americans sound more "classy" and it made English people sound more "approachable". They said that it was used by some actors but more often by announcers and hosts.

  • Posts: 1,817
    I remember some people talking about Dalton's accent when he says in LTK something like "Things are going toe get nasty". That "nasty" pronunciaton is Welsh or Northern?
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