SPECTRE Production Timeline



  • leas_mole wrote: »
    Ben and Léa - Les Inrockuptibles interview (rough translation)

    After Cannes, the actors will return to England to the set of the new James Bond, Spectre, where they embody the gadget man, Q, and Bond girl. "A very long shooting," Ben Whishaw "Yes, but I was told that this will be the best James Bond of all the series" Who told him? "Sam Mendes".

    Une fois pas­sé leur in­ter­mède can­nois, les ac­teurs re­tour­ne­ront en An­gle­terre sur le pla­teau du nou­veau James Bond, Spectre, où lui in­carne l’homme-gad­get, Q, et elle une James Bond girl. “Un tour­nage très long”, souffle Ben Whi­shaw, im­mé­dia­te­ment re­pris par sa par­te­naire : “Oui, mais on m’a dit que ce se­ra le meilleur James Bond de toute la sé­rie !” Qui le lui a dit ? “Sam Mendes”, lâche-t-elle dans un grand rire.

    The joke from Lea is lost in translation here : she's the one who says the two last sentences, and she ends with a big laugh. When there's a superlative in the joke, it looks like French humour, we're the best at being arrogant ;)

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    I just noticed that Waltz is on set with the rest of them. Now I'm really itching to see some shots of the cast.
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
    When will we get some pictures?!?!?!?!!
  • Posts: 822
    Yes, any photos of Waltz on set?
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    edited May 2015 Posts: 1,208
    My hope is going down for any photos :(
  • Posts: 1,552
    aaron819 wrote: »
    My hope is going down for any photos :(
    I think they're being careful with Waltz, Scott and any other potential villains (other than Hinx) to keep their images hidden until a later date - they tried to keep Silva hidden last time and his photo leaked in the police uniform

  • Posts: 709
    JCRendle wrote: »
    aaron819 wrote: »
    My hope is going down for any photos :(
    I think they're being careful with Waltz, Scott and any other potential villains (other than Hinx) to keep their images hidden until a later date - they tried to keep Silva hidden last time and his photo leaked in the police uniform

    I do find it interesting that Andrew Scott hasn't been seen anywhere, and has barely been mentioned in press and interviews. Almost as if EON wanted to keep him and his appearance a secret...
  • Posts: 1,552
    Well, I think they're keeping both Waltz and Scott's appearance discreet. They announced both at the first press release so they're not keeping him a secret.

    It could just be that Scott's and Waltz's scenes are all internal so less chance of leaks.
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
    Video from the filming last night:

  • Posts: 872
  • SkyfallCraigSkyfallCraig Rome, Italy
    Posts: 637
    I don't think Daniel wasn't in set
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    edited May 2015 Posts: 10,592
    The Empire magezine states that the 007 stage is being saved for something huge for SP's finale. Are they recreating Westminster Bridge?
  • edited May 2015 Posts: 3,285
    It shouldn't be difficult for someone who has followed this thread recently to guess where the smokes is suppose to come from.
    jake24 wrote: »
    The Empire magezine states that the 007 stage is being saved for something huge for the SP'S finale. Are they recreating Westminster Bridge?
    Yes, some parts of it are being shot in Pinewood.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    One day, ONE DAY, we will have another Bond film where he is just given an assignment and we don't have to drag M and the rest of them into the action and carnage.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    edited May 2015 Posts: 10,592
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    One day, ONE DAY, we will have another Bond film where he is just given an assignment and we don't have to drag M and the rest of them into the action and carnage.
    It keeps it interesting. If we just had Bond on a mission, people would complain about a lack of creativity/inspiration. And if theories prove true that
    Dench's M hides a message in the bull dog, I read somewhere with the idea that technically his mission would be assigned to him in a posthumous way.
  • Posts: 1,500

    jake24 wrote: »
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    One day, ONE DAY, we will have another Bond film where he is just given an assignment and we don't have to drag M and the rest of them into the action and carnage.
    It keeps it interesting. If we just had Bond on a mission, people would complain about a lack of creativity/inspiration.

    I agree; the Bond films now are dealing with a very different world than the 60's, 70's, 80's etc. People know the world is a much more murky place and the spy game has changed so much now, so the Bond films are, within their own world, also reflecting that.
  • SkyfallCraigSkyfallCraig Rome, Italy
    edited May 2015 Posts: 637
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    One day, ONE DAY, we will have another Bond film where he is just given an assignment and we don't have to drag M and the rest of them into the action and carnage.

    Oh come on, we (Bond) won't drag anyone. The fact they're there doesn't mean they're into the action
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
    Good quality video from the filming:

  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    edited May 2015 Posts: 1,208
    We should be seeing Daniel, Waltz and Lea on set tonight, as we didn't see them last night.
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
    i have some more information about some more filming schedules:

    Thursday 4th June (19:00-06:00)

    Friday 29th May (19:00 - 06:00)

    Driving sequence which will start on Bartholomew Lane and run to Lothbury, Gresham Street, Coleman Street and Basinghall Avenue

    Request to close:

    Gresham Street (between Moorgate and King St), Bartholomew Lane, Lothbury, Coleman Street, Basinghall Avenue Basinghall Street, Ironmonger Lane
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    One day, ONE DAY, we will have another Bond film where he is just given an assignment and we don't have to drag M and the rest of them into the action and carnage.

    Oh come on, we (Bond) won't drag anyone. The fact they're there doesn't mean they're into the action

    The fact that they're battered, bloodied, and bruised looking says otherwise.
  • Posts: 725
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    One day, ONE DAY, we will have another Bond film where he is just given an assignment and we don't have to drag M and the rest of them into the action and carnage.

    My same fear about SP, that we'll just get SF2 as Mendes sees all the additional minor players as HIS creations and is grossly inflating their roles and cluttering up SP with more M, more MP, more Scott's character, more Tanner, more Hinx, more (3) Bond girls, and just more and more of what should be minor supporting players eating up most of a Bond film that should be about Bond and his mission. Mendes turned Craig's Bond into an aging supporting player in SF who failed at almost everything. I can't even remember the plot other than Bond trying to foil the villain and in major part failing as M was killed. I'm all for Waltz's Blofeld and Lea's Swann and OK, Hinx could be fun, but beyond that, Mendes is cluttering this film up with a an endless bunch of actors that most Bond film goers don't give a damn about. I fear a good Bond film will just be lost in the clutter.

  • Posts: 15,417
    Early Bond movies, DN and FRWL, had extensive time spent on other characters than Bond and nobody complained. Bond does not exist in a vacuum, his mission does not exist in a vacuum either: he has to interact with both friends and foes and such characters need to be properly developed.

    I for one expect that Hinx is more than a grunting henchman, M more than some man in suit giving a file with a few words, the villain more than a sneering man in a suit ordering some other guys in suit to kill Bond, the Bond girl more than a woman whom Bond beds at some point.
  • Posts: 6,601
    You forget, that at least Mendes said, this film is first and foremost about Bond. More then once, too. Also, why does it matter, if the characters surrounding him are known or not. Personally I like it, if familiar faces turn up again.

  • Posts: 725
    The early Bond films did not have supporting players that cluttered up the films to the exclusion of Bond and his mission which is what Mendes did in SF. Fine that we have Blofeld and Swann and Hinx. I look forward to having them play sizable supporting roles, particularly Swann and Blofeld. But there are too many additional players in Mendes and Logans Bond world, that can detract from having a decent Bond film. This is not going to be a 4 hour film. 120 minutes is it, give or take.
  • Posts: 15,417
    That's a "no true Scotsman" argument: the early Bond films had supporting players. I agree they did not clutter the film, yet in both DN and FRWL, MI6 and SPECTRE are featured extensively and Bond does not show until a fairly long time into the movie. Even in TB, Young shows SPECTRE extensively at various points of the movie. Whether a secondary character "clutters" the movie or not is debatable, that there are secondary characters in a movie that are developed does not mean the main character is excluded.
  • Posts: 6,601
    It makes them more interesting IMO, you do care more about wat happens to them, which can only be a good thing.

    Again - Mendes has said more then once, that this film is totally about Bond. So, until better knowledge, I tend to believe him and not worry, that others are stealing the show.
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