SPECTRE Production Timeline



  • Risico007 wrote: »
    DonnyDB5 wrote: »
    Germanlady wrote: »

    ..and that's exactly, where I thought, he is right now. He just doesn't know. And part of me wants him to leave and get away from the line of fire.

    “That’s the question, isn’t it — do you leave the party early or do you stay and get p***ed on the floor? It’s a big debate and at the moment I just don’t know,” he admits.

    Here we go again...

    Thought we just heard he'll keep going as long as he's physically able?
    no not really his physically able comment is from September this interview though released today was done in July. It's like asking the winning team of the superbowl are you going to be in the superbowl next year. A few days after the athlete has no clue get a little farther away from the grueling training and the games the Athelete will probably say "yes"

    Same with actors.

    Good analogy, @Risico007. I hate those kinds of questions that reports insist on asking celebrities. "What are your plans for next season?" they ask, 30 seconds after the World Series has been won. Asking that question to DC so soon after filming is like asking someone who just pigged out at an all-you-can-eat buffet what he wants for supper.

    On the other hand, if you don't ask you risk the potential of missing a quote like the one Pat Riley, then the coach of the Los Angeles Lakers gave, guaranteeing the team would be in the NBA finals the next year. The Lakers did indeed win the next year. When the question came up again at that time, Magic Johnson (playfully) stopped Riley from talking.
  • Posts: 11,119
    Germanlady wrote: »
    Another long interview. Quite good. I post it her, as he alaborates abit moer about the next Bond. But its four days after the final shoot, so..

    Time Out interview:

    If you want to know how James Bond – sorry, I mean Daniel Craig – starts the day, I can tell you. Two double espressos with honey. Plus poached eggs on toast. With another double espresso to follow. So basically: caffeine, more caffeine and some more caffeine, with honey to soften the blow. Craig needs all the help he can get when we meet in July: just four days ago the 47-year-old finished an epic eight-month shoot for ‘Spectre’, which saw him hopping back and forth between Pinewood Studios near London and Mexico City, Morocco, the Austrian Alps and Rome.

    It’s the British actor’s fourth outing as Bond, and his second with the director Sam Mendes after the success of ‘Skyfall’ – which in 2012 took over $1,000 million globally. He thinks – thinks – ‘Spectre’ is going to be a stylish, classic Bond movie, and Craig is not an actor who talks bullshit. He’s blunt. He’s thoughtful. He’s wary of being precious. But he’s also nervous. At one point a look of horror passes over his blue eyes. ‘God, hubris is a terrible thing in this business,’ he says, checking his enthusiasm. ‘I just pray the movie is going to be great.’ So, no pressure, then. Another double espresso, please…

    So you’ve just finished eight months of filming ‘Spectre’. Did it all end with a bang or a whimper?
    ‘It’s always a whimper. I wish movies ended and we all high-fived each other and said, “Yeah! We did good work!” But they tend to peter out. We filmed in Morocco for the week before the very end and that felt like the real end of the film. We went out there and blew shit up! We did stuff that felt like a Bond movie. It felt like a good way to finish.’

    What do you most want to do when you finish such a long shoot?
    ‘Literally, just have a holiday. It’s fair enough, no? I just want to switch my brain off. What usually happens is it’s 6am on a Sunday and I’m bolt upright in bed thinking that I’ve got to go to work. It’s about switching that feeling off, turning the alarm off and going to sleep. I drink a lot more too. I’ve started this week. Just relaxing.’

    Did you always plan to play Bond for a fourth time? It's been ten years now.
    ‘Well, I was contracted to do another one. That was all set up. But at the studio there was a real keenness to get it done as soon as possible. In fact, there was a conversation at one point that went: “Let’s film two movies back to back.” I just went: “You’re out of your fucking minds.” In the nicest possible way. They’re just too big.’

    You described ‘Skyfall’ as ‘Bond with bells on’. So how would you describe this new Bond movie, ‘Spectre’? Same bells, different tune?
    ‘There you go, that’s perfect! The complicated answer, without me having to think of some clever line, is that “Skyfall” did really well and broke all sorts of records and was a massive success. Then we had to do another one – which for all of us, the director Sam Mendes included, felt incredibly daunting. What the fuck are we going to do? Once we started, we realised we couldn’t think about “Skyfall”. We had to think about this film.’

    'So if that was bells on, there’s more of everything in this film. It felt completely the right thing to do. We’ve got the character of Moneypenny back, and Q, and now Ralph Fiennes is playing M, so it was, like: right, let’s get all of them into the story. Things started building from there. Everyone’s been banging on to me about the gadgets. “Where are the gadgets?” Before it hasn’t felt right, and it’s not like we’ve made this one heavily into gadgets, but we’ve snuck a lot of stuff in. So, yes, it’s got more bells!’

    There was more humour in ‘Skyfall’ than in ‘Casino Royale’ or ‘Quantum of Solace’. Will that continue with ‘Spectre’?
    ‘The humour in “Skyfall” was conscious. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t. I just think there’s room for it. Especially when you’ve got someone like Sam Mendes at the helm who is the truth police – and I’m the truth police too. We’re always asking: is this real? Then the humour can happen. But it’s not gag writing. They’re not the kind of movies I want to make. Really, really, really good gags are few and far between. Those writers are out there, but they’re rare. Look at people like Seth Rogen and people who make those movies, a lot of that is improvisation. They’re funny people and I’m not used to doing that sort of thing. But we’ve got people like Ben Whishaw and Rory Kinnear who are very easy with humour. But, yes, short answer: we tried to put more humour into this movie!’

    Were you involved in bringing Sam Mendes back to direct?
    ‘Yes, I was begging him. Begging him. They offered him loads of money, of course, but I was also begging him to do it. They wanted to make the movie very quickly at first and he said he couldn’t. He just didn’t have time. He had three theatre productions he was working on. How he fucking does it I have no idea. And they were saying: we have to get moving on the script and he was, like: “No, I can’t do it.”’

    Were you disappointed when it looked like he wouldn’t do it?
    ‘I was gutted. I felt we’d just got somewhere, me and him. “Skyfall” was very fraught. He’ll happily tell you. The two of us butted heads a lot and had lots of very passionate discussions. But we got through it. We got through his nervousness – it was his first Bond movie. He came on a set with a crew I’ve known for a number of years. We’re all fucking pals. He’s thinking: What’s the fucking dynamic here? And I’m nervous because I’ve asked him to do the film and I want him to be comfortable but I also want to push him. And we’re not just strangers, we know each other, and so we can shout at one another. It became a proper friendship on this new movie. I felt massively supported by him, in a different way. He had my back and I certainly had his.’

    There were stories during this shoot that you were helping to write the script. Were they true?
    ‘It’s not like I sit down and write the script. Because I can’t write scripts. If I could write scripts, I’d be writing scripts, believe me. The writer John Logan came in and gave us the bones of something and then two writers came in and we worked with them and Sam. The way it works is that I’d wake up in the middle of the night with an idea and write it down and send it to Sam and he ignores me or doesn’t ignore me, or talks to me the following morning and we develop it from there. So I’m not physically writing things down.’

    Playing James Bond is a lot about how you look – the clothes, the walk, the fitness. Do you ever get fed up with all that?
    ‘It’s a drag. The best acting is when you’re not concerned about the surface. And Bond is the opposite of that. You have to be bothered about how you’re looking. It’s a struggle. I know that how Bond wears a suit and walks into a room is important. But as an actor I don’t want to give a fuck about what I look like! So I have to play with both things. In a way that works, as that’s Bond: he looks good and he doesn’t give a fuck what you think he looks like!’

    The most famous image of you as Bond is you in your blue trunks coming out of the sea in ‘Casino Royale’. How do you feel when you look at that now ten years on?
    ‘I don’t look at it! I don’t look at it, weeping, going “Wasn’t I beautiful!” Everything like that has been a voyage of discovery. I was aware of what was needed to be Bond but it still goes against everything I believe in. You’ve met me a couple of times, I’m not very cool. I’m not the coolest human being. I wish I was, but I’m not. And I don’t pretend to be cool. But playing James Bond, you have to be cool, and what the hell is cool? You could write a dissertation on it! That was a big accident, that particular shot. I was pretending to swim in shallow water and then I stood up and walked out of the water! I was pretending to be cool by swimming, I thought it looked stupid and stood up and I walked off – and that was the shot!’

    Can we expect any similar moments in ‘Spectre’?
    ‘Am I getting my kit off in this movie? Yes, I’ve been working out for six months. Of course I’m getting my kit off!’

    Do you ever look back and think: How the hell did I end up playing James Bond?
    ‘I know, it’s ludicrous, it’s ridiculous. When I first got approached, I just thought: You’ve made a mistake. I don’t know, it’s still crazy.’

    What does playing Bond not allow you to do as an actor?
    ‘Every idea I’ve had for a Bond movie, I’ve stuck into this one. It’s gone in. The Bond bank is dry. If you’re asking me what would I do with another Bond movie? I haven’t a clue. Go into space? Let’s do it! They already did it. Let’s do it again.’

    No, my question is what does Bond not allow you to do generally as an actor, beyond Bond?
    ‘Oh I see, Bond allows me to do anything I want to in some respects. But it’s changed my working life in an incredible way. There are more opportunities. I could do many, many things. But it takes an awful amount of time. If anything, the restriction is that it is incredibly time-consuming. That’s the restriction.’

    There’s always so much expectation and talk around a new Bond film. Have you got used to the passionate fans and how much they care?

    ‘You can’t think about it. I don’t go on the Internet any more. I think if you’re famous, the Internet is evil. I really think that. If you’re famous, it makes you paranoid. Or it makes you more paranoid than you already are. Because if you’re famous and you go on the Internet for half an hour, you realise people are talking about you. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, some of that will make you paranoid. I just don’t do it anymore. It’s the enemy of creativity.’

    Bond has a ‘special’ relationship with women. Is he a dinosaur?
    ‘Well I think you have to walk a thin line. I think it’s okay for him – not to be misogynistic, that’s too strong a word – to find women a little difficult, shall we say? That’s a character thing. If you start judging him completely on that, I think you’re lost. And that comes with casting. What you do is, you do your best to make the parts for the women in the movie as strong and as interesting as possible. Otherwise, I’m like: forget it. Because that world, as far as I’m concerned, doesn’t exist any more. Characters like that exist. People do think like that, so there’s the conflict. Put that in a movie. Bond still wants to have sex. I still think he wants to fuck anything with a pulse. It’s about how the women change him. That, for me, is interesting.’

    Can you imagine doing another Bond movie?
    ‘Now? I’d rather break this glass and slash my wrists. No, not at the moment. Not at all. That’s fine. I’m over it at the moment. We’re done. All I want to do is move on.’

    You want to move on from Bond for good?
    ‘I haven’t given it any thought. For at least a year or two, I just don’t want to think about it. I don’t know what the next step is. I’ve no idea. Not because I’m trying to be cagey. Who the fuck knows? At the moment, we’ve done it. I’m not in discussion with anybody about anything. If I did another Bond movie, it would only be for the money.’

    Do you care who plays Bond after you?
    ‘Look, I don’t give a fuck. Good luck to them! All I care about is that if I stop doing these things we’ve left it in a good place and people pick it up and make it better. Make it better, that’s all.’

    You won’t be backseat-driving then?
    ‘Oh Christ, no. How fucking sad would that be? “Oh look, it’s Daniel Craig, he’s on set again!” No!’

    If an actor was offered Bond and came to you looking for advice, what would you say to him – or her?
    ‘Literally I’d say two things. Firstly, it’s your decision. Don’t listen to anybody else. Well, do listen to everybody, but you have to make the choice at the end of the day. It’s your bed to lie on. And don’t be shit! Don’t be shit. You’ve got to step up. People do not make movies like this any more. This is really rare now. So don’t be shit.’

    And if someone rang you and said: 'I’ve taken the 007 gig'. What advice would you have for them?
    ‘Don’t be shit! Go for it. Embrace it. Some clichéd line like that. But no, just make sure you’re great. You’ve got to push yourself as far as you can. It’s worth it, it’s James Bond.’


    One can see how much damage those SonyLeaks have caused. Most likely not so much to the (box office) success of "SPECTRE". But it did create a narrative with regard to Daniel's successor. And obviously Daniel Craig says to all of these journalists that he doesn't give a 'fuck'. But he's human. And don't tell me when he goes to bed after an insane day of shooting, he doesn't think at least for a second about all these successor rumours and if it's perhaps better to step down in favor of the 'greater good'. In the end 'it' does make people uncertain.

    On top of that, it saddens me that many so called journalists don't do proper research anymore. Instead, it's 'given' to them by criminals/hackers. Wonderful stuff off course these SonyLeaks. But it does make the profession more lame if you ask me. And perhaps using those leaks brings about some ethical questions about when journalists should use criminally obtained source material or not.

    All I can hope for is that "SPECTRE" will be an even bigger critical success as its predecessors "Casino Royale" and "SkyFall". In the end the longlasting negative repercussions will fade away.... And for me right, I just hope some really interesting, original, unique questions are being aimed at the man who plays 007 right now. What about: "Was there actually some good, creative advice from some loyal Craig-fans that you as a co-producer of "SPECTRE" really could use? Or...don't you care at all about the more positive fans; the fans who admire you?"
  • Posts: 15,381
    Reading this interview with Sam Mendes, I have the feeling that when Daniel Craig leaves, his successor will be coached by him.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    Craig will do Bond 25 only because of the money?? Did he really mean that??

    That would be horrible, then better someone new who really loves to play the role :(
  • Posts: 15,381
    Craig will do Bond 25 only because of the money?? Did he really mean that??

    That would be horrible, then better someone new who really loves to play the role :(

    I'd do a couple of films for the money, if the money is good.
  • edited October 2015 Posts: 1,068
    Looks like you're going to have to buy TopGear's new magazine:


    Subscriber edition came today so cover will be different on the shelves of newsagents - looks a really good relevant read on the DB10 and C-X75
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
    @antovolk Is the Heineken Austrian Behind the scenes coming out tomorrow? Will you be uploading it on youtube?
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    edited October 2015 Posts: 9,020
    I can't wait to see those cars and please can somebody tell me if those cars can be bought??

    I have all three cars from Die Another Day in my garage...

    ...well ok, glass cabinet :))

    models I mean, car models not fashion models...
  • edited October 2015 Posts: 3,164
    aaron819 wrote: »
    @antovolk Is the Heineken Austrian Behind the scenes coming out tomorrow? Will you be uploading it on youtube?

    Friday and yes

  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
    @antovolk Thanks! :) :) :)
  • Posts: 1,068
    These aren't the best pictures but they show the flavour of the contents:














  • chipstickschipsticks NOT on TheDanielCraigForum where they think know Daniel Craig personally and Léa and Monica are ugly
    Posts: 560
    "SPECTRE" To Celebrate "The Premiere Of The Americas" On The Day Of The Dead, Monday November 2, In Mexico City

    Published: Oct 7, 2015 6:00 p.m. ET

    CULVER CITY, Calif., Oct. 7, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Albert R. Broccoli's EON Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios and Sony Pictures Entertainment are delighted to announce that Mexico City will host the Premiere of the Americas for the 24th James Bond adventure SPECTRE on Monday, November 2.

    The Premiere of the Americas will follow the World Premiere in London and marks the first time that Mexico has hosted an international James Bond premiere. The date coincides with the colourful Day of the Dead festivities across Mexico in celebration of the film's spectacular opening sequence set in Mexico City.

    Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli commented, "We owe our magnificent Day of the Dead opening sequence, shot in Mexico City, to the expert craftsmanship of our wonderful British and Mexican crews. With 2015 being the Year of Mexico in the UK and the Year of the UK in Mexico, it is fitting that the Premiere of the Americas will take place in Mexico City."

  • DonnyDB5DonnyDB5 Buffalo, New York
    Posts: 1,755
    So basically him saying he'd keep going as long as he's physically able is the most recent comment he's made? This all gets confusing after a while with all these conflicting comments/interviews.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,377
    I think Daniel is doing it to keep attention to himself as Bond instead of Elba or anyone else who's been stealing the Bond limelight for their own news.
  • dominicgreenedominicgreene The Eternal QOS Defender
    Posts: 1,756
    I'm kind of disappointed at DC's responses. On one hand I love him as Bond, on the other hand he almost makes you feel guilty for having him as Bond any longer. I wouldn't want him to stay just for the money.
  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    edited October 2015 Posts: 7,604
    I agree @dominicgreene. I'm just an immature kid or whatever, but it's hard for me to imagine an actor not being totally and completely thrilled with the prospect of being Bond for as long as possible. :(
    Love and respect for Daniel Craig, though, he's incredible to watch and I've thoroughly loved his films. :)
    I also very much agree with @Gustav_Graves; the Sony leaks seems to have cocked things up a bit more than is ideal. :/
  • Posts: 832
    I definitely would prefer if he was doing it because he enjoys it, but I mean he does bring home the bacon...
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    I'm sorry but Craig himself is fueling those rumours he might not return which he also has done in the past.
    Therefore the press or the leaks to blame for the media constantly bringing up possible successors or asking if Craig is done is a bit shortsighted.
  • edited October 2015 Posts: 1,314
    Come on. The guys just finished a two year project including 9 months shooting. He must be exhausted. If you'd asked my wife straight after giving birth whether she wanted another child you'd have probably got similar responses. (Except the bit about money!!)

    If be very surprised if he didn't do at least one more. His Bond is one of the most bankable characters on earth right now)
  • Posts: 725
    Matt007 wrote: »
    Come on. The guys just finished a two year project including 9 months shooting. He must be exhausted. If you'd asked my wife straight after giving birth whether she wanted another child you'd have probably got similar responses. (Except the bit about money!!

    The big problem is that your wife isn't giving interviews with her comments pulled into a million press outlets. It's Craig's job to do press, and he knows that the one question he'll get is will he do another Bond. He's given too many interviews to have blown this question so badly.

  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    edited October 2015 Posts: 9,020
    Matt007 wrote: »
    (Except the bit about money!!)

    =)) I thought as much, but good you cleared that up
  • Posts: 92
    I wish he didn't feel the need to say "fuck" so often. Once or twice, hey no problem. But he really litters his interviews with it doesn't he, for no apparent reason.
  • edited October 2015 Posts: 95
    smitty wrote: »
    The 21st is a little late for a first screning, but maybe the film wasn't finished. If they are confident, they would have likely screened it for some reviewers they trust by now. Am surprised we haven't seen a single comment. Positive early short comments, but not reviews, get ok'd by studios. Baez's early review release had to be OK'd by EON or he would have lost all his future access.

    But then they screened Uncle months in advance. Didn't help. Every film is different but I hope they screened it a little earlier for some media re their confidence, and we'll then see some hopefully very enthusiastic brief comments before the 21st by someone with an earlier viewing.

    I would rather they have the film completely done and fully polished and let the reviewers see it then (even if it is the 21st) because SP will have a bit easier time luring filmgoers back into theaters after SF than SF did after QoS (which I really like btw) and is already seeing the beginning of a massive markerting campaign: #1 song in Britain, great final trailer, tv spots, magazine articles, et.

    This can all be seen as confidence in that they know the film will do great whether it has early reviews or later ones. I feel they felt they needed a bit of good buzz on SF after a 4 year hiatus to get the series back on track. Especially for the 50th anniversary and it being Mendes' first time as an unproven Bond director.

    And SP is so massive I think they will be getting it finished just in the knick of time. Says above in the article with Mendes that as of late Sept. they still had about three weeks to finish mixing the sound, which would put its final completion at about the 21st. Whereas with SF was finished a bit earlier for screenings.

    Plus it is still 4 full weeks befor it opens in the US.
  • edited October 2015 Posts: 11,119
    chipsticks wrote: »
    "SPECTRE" To Celebrate "The Premiere Of The Americas" On The Day Of The Dead, Monday November 2, In Mexico City

    Published: Oct 7, 2015 6:00 p.m. ET

    CULVER CITY, Calif., Oct. 7, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Albert R. Broccoli's EON Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios and Sony Pictures Entertainment are delighted to announce that Mexico City will host the Premiere of the Americas for the 24th James Bond adventure SPECTRE on Monday, November 2.

    The Premiere of the Americas will follow the World Premiere in London and marks the first time that Mexico has hosted an international James Bond premiere. The date coincides with the colourful Day of the Dead festivities across Mexico in celebration of the film's spectacular opening sequence set in Mexico City.

    Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli commented, "We owe our magnificent Day of the Dead opening sequence, shot in Mexico City, to the expert craftsmanship of our wonderful British and Mexican crews. With 2015 being the Year of Mexico in the UK and the Year of the UK in Mexico, it is fitting that the Premiere of the Americas will take place in Mexico City."


    As I said many times, Mexico will be a pivotal country for its box office success. The country got largely ignored during the promotion of "SkyFall", but this time around I think we can expect huge huge box office figures from Mexico :-).

    Great news I think. It reminds me of when "Moonraker" and "A View To A Kill" got a prime premiere date in the USA.
  • 00Ralf00Ralf Germany
    Posts: 149
    More interviews with the cast! :)

  • Posts: 159
    Spectre premieres on 12 November in Greece. So much after the first world premier. Can someone please give me any advice on how to avoid visiting this community? :P
  • Posts: 3,164
    New spot (in German though)
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,092
    Plenty of new shots in there, thanks for posting it!

    This is random but have they already filmed the title sequence yet?
  • HMBFFHMBFF Lisboa, Portugal
    Posts: 204
    All I see in this TV Spot is Léa, Léa and Léa. Love it! :x
  • Posts: 2,191
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    Plenty of new shots in there, thanks for posting it!

    This is random but have they already filmed the title sequence yet?

    You mean the Daniel Klienman titles to go with WOTW?

    I imagine its either all done or they're putting the finishing touches to it.
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