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But every conversation we have about and with women these days has to be had in light of a post-MeToo world where people are pretending like women's rights, thoughts and consent didn't matter before 2017 and only now do we really have to be on our best behavior. Which is extremely disingenuous and darkly comedic. Women deserve far better than to be the center of another goddamn trend that dilutes the suffering of people who need support. Anyway...
However undertaking Spectre’s explosion of Blofeld’s Moroccan desert lair, which was actually three times bigger than what was captured on film, was a particular challenge due to its size, and something that Craig was a little nervous about getting his one shot at the scene right.
Speaking at the opening of 007 ELEMENTS, a new Bond Cinematic Installation in Austria, Chris said: “Originally there was this great big underground lair and the computer guys kept showing concepts of this great big cavern opening up.
“They showed us two or three versions of this concept and in the end Sam [Mendes, director] said, ‘I’m not buying this. It’s not Bond.
“So I said to him, ‘Sam, I can do an explosion that will blow you away.’
The Special Effects Supervisor continued: “[He agreed and] I knew what the whole layout of the baddie’s complex was, so I designed this whole series of explosions. Sam only shot it on three cameras, the temptation is to shoot it on fifteen.”
“But he only used one, when Daniel comes up with Lea and it all goes off.
“Funny thing about that is we used a fairly new technology that initiated all the explosives.
“Normally you run a wire to each explosion, and bare in mind there were 200 explosions in there, but we used this new technology that uses a computerised initiation.
“So each detonator you programme it. The good side is you only run one wire around the whole circuit. The down side is when you push the button there’s a three second delay where all these detonators say ‘I’m ready’ to each other.”
When Craig arrived on the Moroccan set, there was quite the pressure to get the scene exactly right. After all, they only had one shot.
Chris added: “So when Daniel came up I said, ‘This is going to be spectacular, but there is a problem with this.’ He said, ‘What’s that?’
“I said, ‘We’ve got to press the button before you’ve said the end of your line. He said, ‘What do you mean?’
“I said, ‘Well I’m not going to go into the technicalities here, but you’d just better get your line right alright otherwise we’re in deep s***.’
“Anyhow we did lots of tests. Y’know we wouldn’t let the whole lot off; just a couple of sample ones so he could get used to it. But it did freak him out for a minute.”
Special thanks to @Thunderballs007 for providing these on Twitter. What could have been!
Matt also revealed Bond star Daniel Craig is a joker on set.
He added: “Spectre was my second Bond movie.
"Dave Bautista plays Mr Hinx and I was his double in a driving sequence in Austria.
“Then I played a bodyguard in a scene where Daniel is tortured then blows up the room.
"Daniel tries to do as much as he can, or as much as the production will allow him, to make his actions look aggressive.
“He’s got a lovely sense of humour — he does mess around.”
This could come in handy hey @peter ;)
Ambra who reveals how she was a personal runner for Daniel Craig on the 2015 Bond film Spectre. "I was on set as a general runner but all my errands revolved around Daniel," she says. "He didn't know I was Roger Moore's granddaughter. He is such a charming man – and a terrific actor."
Asked if she'd like to try her hand at being a Bond girl, she says, "A Bond villain would be quite nice." While Geoffrey tells HELLO!, "My father thought Daniel Craig was a great Bond. A perfect reflection of today."
Edit: Dutch tv premiere of Spectre is delayd.
Looks a lot better than the actual film. I like the dinner scene. What happened to that?
Mendes made some such weird decisions on SP. Going back to London at the end is so dire and pointless. They should have spent much longer at Blofelds lair. And still had a tacked on epilogue with M and then Bond and Maddy driving away at the end.
Maybe inspired by The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen where M was Moriarty.
Or by real life where the head of British intelligence is a supervillain.
it was a joy to follow this thread as it happened in real time and the amazon/bond threads are all a bit scattered.
There should be a definitive thread for the new movie imo.
I hadn't seen this before, so that's what the cabin in the concept visuals is? That's a nicely twisted idea.
Shades of Drax's chateau too.
A ski-doo chase in Bond 26 would be quite welcome, as well.