The various influences on the John Gardner James Bond Novels?

edited October 2014 in Literary 007 Posts: 18,487
They say that all writing is derivative - an author comes along, and magpie-like picks some bits from one author/film/TV show etc. and one bit from another and adds his/her own special twist to it. John Gardner was no different from any other author in this, and other, respects.

The object of this thread is to try and collate all of the influences we can think of that work on the John Gardner James Bond continuation novels (1981-1996):

Licence Renewed (1981) - The China Syndrome (film), Three Mile Island, 1979
For Special Services (1982) - The US Star Wars umbrella defence satellite programme-Space Wolf (Gardner)
Icebreaker (1983) - Neo-Nazi stories/novels/books/Fourth Reich thriller writers' trite device
Role of Honour (1984) - Billion Dollar Brain by Len Deighton (film/novel, both 1960s)
Nobody Lives Forever (1986) - From Russia, with Love (1957) by Ian Fleming (SMERSH revenge plot element)
No Deals, Mr. Bond (1987) - A Killer For A Song (1975)by John Gardner
Scorpius (1988) - televangelist Jim Bakker's scandal, 1980s (real world) Charles Manson and his 'Family'/Helter Skelter murders, USA 1969, Rev. Jim Jones - the Jonestown Massacre 1970s. (real world)
Win, Lose or Die (1989) - Top Gun (1986) (film)
Brokenclaw (1990) - A Man Called Horse/Dances with Wolves (films), Indian-American reform history in the US - many books
The Man From Barbarossa (1991) - John Grisham Legal Thrillers/John Le Carre Spy Novels etc./Newspaper Headlines 1990-91/Gulf War/End of Cold War 1991/August 1991 Coup (after the fact)
Death is Forever (1992) - No Deals, Mr Bond (1987)/A Killer For A Song (1975) by John Gardner
Never Send Flowers (1993) - The Silence of the Lambs/Red Dragon - Thomas Harris (novels/films)/General Serial Killer Genre
SeaFire (1994) - Icebreaker (1983) by John Gardner/Environmental concerns/oil spills etc./Ian Fleming - ecological awareness
COLD (1996) [U.S. title, Cold Fall] - ? Bush Admninistration (after the fact)/ American Nazi Party/Clinton Administration??

Please feel free to add/subtract from this list. I'd love to hear your views on these influences and your own suggestions, too.


  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,487
    Could some kindly mod please fix the title typo in this thread? More speed, less haste etc.
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