Update: Adele with Skyfall in Top 2000 - 2013 year list list on number 61!

M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
edited December 2013 in News Posts: 4,571
Adele with Skyfall enter the Dutch Top 2000 on number 112.


Top 2000 is yearly event on public channel radio 2 start from 25 December 12.00 PM til the last minutes of 2012 and this year more then 3 million people vote on this charts. The list start this year with Duran Duran and A view to a Kill on number 2000 who last year not be in the list and the 6 years before that.

The only other Bond song in the list this year be Live and Let Die on 1339, 102 places lower then in 2011. Eagles with Hotel California who you can hear in AVTAK stil stay on number 2. The list exist since 1999 and every year those 2 numbers get a rank in Top 2000.

Complete list from 1999 til 2012 http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lijst_van_alle_Radio_2_Top_2000's


  • WOW! Amazing newsss :-D! Fantastisch leuk nieuwtje kerel :-D!
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited January 2013 Posts: 4,571
    And in weak 12 Adele moved in the weakly top 40 list from the 4th place to the 6th place.

    The 11 weeks she stay in that list in 2012 be enough for the 38th place in the Top 100 of the Top 40 Yearl list of 2012. She get 415 points like Birdy with Skinny Love, but because she need 11 weeks and Birdy 18 weeks to get those points she stay on place 38 and Birdy on 39.


  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Posts: 4,571
    In top 2000 of 2013 Adele and Skyfall moved 51 places to top from 112 to 61.

    Duran Duran with A View To A Kill be in 2012 number 2000 and this year the song be credit on place 1735. As kind of tradition, the Eagles stand stil on number 2 with Hotel California. Live And Let Die go to lower place from 1339 to 1532.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    That's a very good placement. I woke up this morning, made myself a cup of coffee, and I was staring out the window into the backyard and heard the piano kick off 'Skyfall.' Such a great song to wake up to.
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