If you had the power of Blofeld, which problem on modern Earth would you try to fix with it?

DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
edited January 2013 in General Discussion Posts: 24,515
Suppose you had the connections, the resources, the know-how. And you are an idealist. You understand that our world today isn't what it could and / or should be. Exactly which challenge for mankind OR for our planet would you try to tackle using this power?


  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX https://www.behance.net/gallery/86760163/Fa-Posteres-de-007-No-Time-To-Die
    Posts: 2,635
    Yes, I'd try to fix it. The first thing i'd do is send a significative number of my army forces to the Iran and Bagdah Regions and finish off with any and every fight for once - with or without USA's help.

    Then, i'd try to end with the starvation in Africa. The other countries and governments had already got/taken too much money from them, it's time to stop and make Africa grown up already.

    I know that those may be foolish ideas, but, it's some sort of good thinkings i've got in mind.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited January 2013 Posts: 12,501
    Well, I don't know what powers Blofeld really would have in this scenario. But, some of the world's problems I'd try to tackle first are:
    Globally -
    1. Hunger/poverty
    2. Religious tolerance
    3. Stopping wars
    4. Wiping out diseases that are preventable (cholera, TB, polio, etc.)
    5. Friendship alliance between all countries for expansions, innovations in science
    6. Education - free for all through high school and affordable alternatives for college in 7. every country
    8. Medicine - availble and at a reasonable price
    9. New social services (that actually work and benefit the entire system) to help the elderly, ill, or stranded folks who now "fall through the cracks" of current systems
    10. And force J. Bieber and Miley Cyrus into immediate retirement.

    (Well, I guess almost all current systems would need to be changed - but you said I had the power and resources, so there you go ...)

    Well, some of these seem to be what Gates and other foundations are aiming at. But those would be my main aims if I got to be in charge, whether my name was Bond or Blofeld. Guess I'd need superhuman powers to achieve some of these; maybe I could enlist the Avengers, too. :)
  • I'd stop wars.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    I'd stop wars.

    Yes, the most important one.
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    I would erradicate a problem that everyone would agree needs to go away.

    I would kidnap the Khardashian's and hide them away never to be seen again by the public.

    I also know Bond wouldn't come to rescue them.

  • Posts: 5,745
    Kerim wrote:
    I would erradicate a problem that everyone would agree needs to go away.

    I would kidnap the Khardashian's and hide them away never to be seen again by the public.

    I also know Bond wouldn't come to rescue them.

    And you can still bribe the family for one BILIYON DOLARS! And get away with it.
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    Kerim wrote:
    I would erradicate a problem that everyone would agree needs to go away.

    I would kidnap the Khardashian's and hide them away never to be seen again by the public.

    I also know Bond wouldn't come to rescue them.

    And you can still bribe the family for one BILIYON DOLARS! And get away with it.

    I think I could probably pull off with demanding $100 billion dollars not to release them.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    @Kerim, they would pay whatever you wanted if they could turn it into a reality show, with the series finale being the payoff.

    I would fix world hunger and end wars.
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    edited January 2013 Posts: 2,629
    I'd probably keep about a billion of the ransom and donate the rest to worthy causes. Some of which would eliminate some of these problems.

    To sum:

    1. Kidnap Khardashians
    2. Demand $100B for them to never be seen again.
    3. Collect $100B
    4. Bank $1B
    5. Donate the other $99B to worthy causes.
    6. Use donations to eliminate diseases, hunger, poverty, illiteracy, etc.

    It's a win-win for everyone. How can anyone not like this plan. It's brilliant if I do say so myself. And I do say so.
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX https://www.behance.net/gallery/86760163/Fa-Posteres-de-007-No-Time-To-Die
    Posts: 2,635
    Good Idea. Kidnapping Kardashians, Kerim? Let Kimberly with me... I'll torture her.. If you know what i mean >:)

    Jokes aside, everyone's ideas are great. We need people like many of ourselves to resolve world's problems. It's a pity that the people that Are on the chairs, corrupt theirselves by stealing or killing for power.
  • As Truman-Lodge would say "Blofeld, Your aim of curing world poverty just cost you one trillion dolllars".

    Maybe it's time to start cutting overheads!
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,591
    @kerim you never fail to make me smile!

    In keeping with Blofeld's spirit I'd reduce the (over)population of our planet, make myself the only source for renuwable energy and force the world to use it. And I'd get a mission to mars going, and other planets, if science permitted.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited January 2013 Posts: 28,694
    Well, I'm a realist incarnate, so I will need to think on this one.


    1.) Hire specialists to do extensive background checks into the lives and funds of politicians, officials, leaders to ensure that there is no corruption in any field of office. (See #2)

    2.) If any corruption is found (there would be much) I would waive the evidence against them, threatening the devastating and embarrassing end of their careers if they don't mend their ways or exit office expediently.

    3.) Give back to working class America- Make sure that people who work every day for a living are guaranteed a safe retirement where they don't have to worry about not being able to afford medicine. As for those on Welfare, I will risk seeming dispassionate and lower not only the amount given by hard working Americans through tax dollars, but also decrease how many abuse it. The only way you can have Welfare under my watch is if you have a job, and aren't simply mooching off of the common dollar taken from those that work day in and day out, just getting by themselves. Hard working people who do this and never complain about their living even in times of tough spending shouldn't have more money taken off their paycheck to support the kinds of people who have children before they are 20 and now want to lazily live off other peoples' money.

    4.) Restore sites of historical/cultural importance for ourselves and posterity.

    5.) Blackmail the rich and privileged who choose not to give back and share the wealth. They will fork up cash or check donations to any of the most demanding charities of the moment, or some rather unsavory bank/tax records or shocking pictures and video with hits the presses.

    6.) Scientific endeavors- Give money to projects with the focus on finding ways to effectively eradicate cancer/diseases/illnesses with the least quantity of unrest possible to the patient. I want nobody else to experience what I and millions of others feel when a loved one is diagnosed with a life threatening condition.

    7.) Set up meetings globally with the worlds leaders to grow more prosperous foreign relationships. A unity of trust and hard work that betters the safety and living of all. In time, hopefully these ties lower the commonality of wars being waged.

    8.) Jails will be different places entirely- Rapists, molesters, killers, and criminals will not be catered to. They will not be fed 3 meals a day when homeless men and women who have done nothing wrong in the face of the law are starving to death on the streets. The very idea is revolting, and I can't believe it occurs. Their food with be unsatisfactory and only enough to get them along. Maybe the growling of their stomachs will drown out the shouts of their victims? They will not be able to receive cable or better food/provisions/living spaces just because they have had good behavior. Jail birds will fake rehabilitation to get these increased standards of living, so no real change is made to better them. Their crimes are unforgivable, and they need to feel every bit of pain and suffering that they made their victims feel within the parameters of the law. They will live in barren, windowless cells, only seeing the light of day for an hour daily (enough to tease them), and only get a phone call once month to loved ones who pretend they don't exist in mixed company. Because criminals end up learning how to better commit crimes while in jail (through conversations with other jail birds who are experts in their crimes after being locked up many times), there will in effect be no speaking to one another. This guarantees that no friends are made and that there are no tricks or tips passed on to help our jail birds wage more devastation upon their return to crime in our world. After a while they may even forget what their own voice sounds like. One hopes.

    This list comprises of just a few ideas of what to expect, some of which are very unsavory and to be honest, immoral. Sometimes it is the only way to get things done, unfortunately.
  • Posts: 11,119
    I would try to unite the Middle East region, WITHOUT the West. Making Europe, Australia, United States and Canada completely pissed off. So how can you create a 'forced, accelerated' re-unification in Israël? Steal a couple of atomic bombs and threaten to ignite the bombs at the same time in the Palestine territories and in the Israëli territories.

    Is stealing nuclear bombs oldfashioned and cheese? Never. They are still the perfect means to get the West (NATO, UN) on their knees.....bowing even further for China, Russia and the Middle East.

    That, my dear Bond fans, would be my Blofeld plot :-).
  • Posts: 12,553
    End War, Famine, and Poverty!
  • Posts: 2,341
    I would try to unite the Middle East region, WITHOUT the West. Making Europe, Australia, United States and Canada completely pissed off. So how can you create a 'forced, accelerated' re-unification in Israël? Steal a couple of atomic bombs and threaten to ignite the bombs at the same time in the Palestine territories and in the Israëli territories.

    Is stealing nuclear bombs oldfashioned and cheese? Never. They are still the perfect means to get the West (NATO, UN) on their knees.....bowing even further for China, Russia and the Middle East.

    That, my dear Bond fans, would be my Blofeld plot :-).

    I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK. This is exactly what I would do. Unite all the middle east from Libya to the Arabian Penisuala. Form a country called Arabia. Of course this would piss off US ;and europe (what's left of it). the new Arabia would be a super power and armed with nukes (thanks to the Russians) and one not to be trifled with.
    What of Israel? they would be wise to keep friggin quiet.
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