Bond Girl Type Characters in other Films

edited February 2013 in General Movies & TV Posts: 40
I was watching Dark Knight Rises today and it struck me how very Bond Girl-esque both the characters of Selina Kyle and Miranda Tate are. Both are tied to the main conflict, both meet the protagonist during the conflict and of course, sexual chemistry is present.

Marion Ravenwood in Raiders of the Lost Ark also comes to mind. Reunited with the protagonist rather than meet though. Elsa in The Last Crusade fits the bill as well. Willie Scott from Temple... Not so much since she doesn't have any relation to the main adventure whatsoever, she's just along for the ride.

What others can you guys think of? I know there's often debate on what makes a Bond Girl a Bond Girl, especially with M's role in Skyfall, but I guess I'm talking about the simplest of characteristics.


  • jka12002jka12002 Banned
    Posts: 188
    Princess Leia, started out as a damsel in distress then eventually became a Bond Girl of some sorts in Return of The Jedi.
    Chun Li in Street Fighter (1994) - The director even stated himself that the take of the movie was inspired by James Bond.
  • Posts: 140
    The plot structure of the Indiana Jones movies were loosely based on the Bond formula, so the leading ladies in those films can be thought of as pseudo-Bond Girls.
  • Really, many female leads in big-budget action movies share similarities to "Bond girls". Not because of consciously aping the Bond formula, but because of the tropes of the genre period.
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    There are the Tomb Raider movies. I know that Lara Croft's not even close to Bond, but the action Without the tombs, greek stuff and all of that, it has is a bit of Bond there. The way that she discover secret places, the way that she thinks to achieve what she wants (that point might link you up to the Bond moves, known from the games) and her charming that conquers the men that she knows.

    Another example might be... Anne Hathaway in Get Smart (2008) she was a sort of a 25% female Bond, though the movie was Action + Comedy.
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