What was happening in the world when Bond movies came out....

chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
edited February 2013 in General Discussion Posts: 17,989
I thought I'd throw a little Bond/world history at ya (I researched & wrote this myself):

DN- Cuban Missile Crisis- we come *this close* to nuclear war.
FRWL- Washington-to-Moscow "hot line" communications link opens, designed to reduce risk of accidental war; Kennedy assassinated later that year.
GF- the Peoples Republic of China detonated it's first nuclear weapon.
TB- The first US combat troops arrive in Vietnam.
YOLT- The US and USSR propose a nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
OHMSS- We land on the Moon; Star Trek is cancelled.
DAF- Nixon ends the US trade embargo against China.
LALD- End of Vietnam War.
TMWTGG- Nixon resigns; India test's it's first nuke.
TSWLM- First Apple computer goes on sale.
MR- Margaret Thatcher becomes first female PM for the UK; Iran hostage crisis.
FYEO- Iran frees hostages; Reagan becomes U.S. President.
OP- President Ronald Reagan proposes the bogus Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).
AVTAK- Mikhail Gorbachev hits the Russian scene big time.
TLD- German dude lands an airplane on Red Square, Moscow.
LTK- Thousands killed in Tiananmen Square as Chinese leaders take hard line toward demonstrators.
GE- Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated.
TND- China gets Hong Kong back; Princess Diana dies in car accident.
TWINE- The Y2K Bug threatens to destroy the world.
DAD- The Euro now means money.
CR- Saddam Hussain gets thrown to the deep end.
QOS- World financial crises in progress.
SF- North Korea successfully launches a rocket into orbit.

Got any I missed?
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