HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
edited March 2013 in Fan Creations Posts: 4,399
alright... since i've gotten heckled to do so, those now viewing this thread can simply be redirected to my art page with the link below..


  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    I saw that one before, it's great.
    But you should rename the thread to "Haserot's Fan Art Thread" ;)
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited March 2013 Posts: 4,399
    i already have one of those.... but this is something new, so i figured i would post it before adding it to my thread...

    and the card design, yes, i had posted it up before - but it was just the card without the bullet hole or blood... i just recently added all of that, plus the chip and background... plus i threw in a very small easter egg in the design as well.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    Why not just add it to your thread, then? That would have gotten bumped up to the front of the topics, just as this did.
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