Fan Media



  • Posts: 612

    CAUTION: Adele's song for Skyfall is in this.
  • Posts: 5,745
    BRAVO! I didn't even try the complicated process of incorporating dialogue in mine. You pulled it off!

    Very good.
  • Posts: 12,568
    Good job! Getting used to it. Just wanna listen to the complete track now.
  • Posts: 12,568
    Good job! Getting used to it. Just wanna listen to the complete track now.
  • Using clips from trailers (i put this together before the 35 second train clip was availablle otherwise I would have used that also! )and video blogs I put together a video of the PTS and an imaginary credit sequence using swimming ladies from THUNDERBALL. The video includes the James Bond theme and the newly released title song by Adele. Hopefully (due to copyright rules) it won't get pulled from youtube straight away!
    Happy Birthday 007 and welcome back!

  • Just got an email from youtube about copyright. Might get pulled.
  • Posts: 6,098
    It has been pulled, in France at least.
  • merde!
  • It was blocked but I have now removed it. Don't want to get into is it though that there are thousands of clips all over youtube that never get blocked?
  • Using clips from trailers (i put this together before the 35 second train clip was availablle otherwise I would have used that also! )and video blogs I put together a video of the PTS and an imaginary credit sequence using swimming ladies from THUNDERBALL. The video includes the James Bond theme and originally contained the song by Adele. However when I posted it this morning within a few minutes it had aleady been blocked by youtube and so I removed it. I replaced the song with alternate music as I think it was the song that was the reason for the block. Originally the song started at the credit sequence (Bond falling off the bridge) and lasted to the end. Hopefully (due to copyright rules) it won't get pulled from youtube again.

  • Posts: 5,745
    That was really very excellent! So imaginative and accurate. Great job. Can't wait to see just how close you came ;)
  • JWESTBROOK wrote:
    That was really very excellent! So imaginative and accurate. Great job. Can't wait to see just how close you came ;)

    Thanks. Originally I wanted to cut up all the clips and edit them in all the casio clips together...all the london clips..Bond with Silva ....all the lodge clips...but I realised that was going to take more time than I I did the best I could with what I had. But I am glad that you liked it. Thanks.
  • ShakenNotStirredShakenNotStirred San Monique
    edited October 2012 Posts: 1,410
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    edited October 2012 Posts: 2,635

    NOT mine. :)
    Trailer I made for You Only Live Twice in the style of Skyfall

  • quite like this bitches.
  • While we wait for some news on BOND 24 I decided to throw together a short teaser trailer...

    check it out...

  • That was great, @nobodydoesitbetter. From what film is that shot of the Aston and the British police cars?
  • Posts: 5,745
    That was great, @nobodydoesitbetter. From what film is that shot of the Aston and the British police cars?

    I think it's a car game advertisement.
  • @bondwillreturn

    Thanks. The clip of the Aston Martin and the police cars is from a commercial. The police cars I believe are from the city of Montevideo, Uruguay. As I find more suitable clips I will try and extend this "fan made" trailer into a longer version.

    here is a youtube link to the actual commercial

  • ggl007ggl007 Spain, España
    Posts: 2,543
    Really good, nobodydoesitbetter, congratulations! (I miss Mr. White ;) )
  • Posts: 183
    <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src=""; flashvars="">
  • Posts: 183
    A short video I made with footage filmed just off my I phone, in the style of the Casino Royal teaser trailer. I'm also working on the full trailer version. Any thoughts appreciated but bear in mind I've never made anything like this before and I have little "cast" and little budget!
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,943
    There's some neat camera angles there, @Trigger. And your lip syncing is either first rate, or you can execute Dan's voice remarkably. ;) Well done!
  • Posts: 5,745
    That was extremely impressive considering it was done with an iPhone and few-man crew.
  • Posts: 183
    Thanks @QBranch and @JWESTBROOK for your kind comments, much appreciated.
  • timdalton007timdalton007 North Alabama
    Posts: 160
    I've got an odd request: On the old Keeping The British End Up forum, I spent a very long time trying to do a fan film based on the novel of Moonraker. It went through various titles and ended up unmade. At one point I put excerpts from the script up on the forum in the fan fiction section. Did someone, by any chance, happen to still have a copy of it? If so, I'd be very grateful as I'm considering doing it as an audio production.

  • edited October 2013 Posts: 121
    Some of the stuff I have made.

  • My third and final fan film: Reflection of the Soul.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    edited April 2017 Posts: 10,596
    I know it's been nearly four years since this thread was bumped, but I came across this a while back and thought that it deserved way more attention.
    JWESTBROOK wrote: »
    Bump bada bahhhh.

    Here it is: Bond Complex.

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