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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
4. Keelhauling scene
3. The rock-climbing sequence
2. Kicking the car off the cliff
1. All thing Milos Columbo
4: "Forgive me father, for I have sinned." "That's putting it mildly, 007!"
3: Bond dispatches Locque
2: The rock-climbing sequence
1: Anything related to Topol or Milos Columbo. Probably my favourite Bond ally.
1. I love the underwater scene trying to salvage the ATAC. The henchman in the JIM suit adds an element of horror.
2. The ski chase- split up in two parts by the line up at the ski jump. Both parts are equally superb.
3. Citroën: 1, Peugeot: 0
4. Columbo. Such a likeable character. His first meeting with Bond is ace. :-bd
5. Bond gives Locque the boot. I would've done the same thing. RIP Luigi.
Honourable mentions:
- Bond and Melina being dragged behind Kristatos' boat.
- Climbing St. Cyril's. A tense moment where I truly care about Bond's safety.
- With Lisl in the dunes. RIP Countess.
All the reasons I love this scene! Well, except for Hector and his shorts. Swimsuit ladies and sleazy music for the win because I love my 80s and I love cheese!
Wow. You're willing to admit that? In that case- I love it too! Probably the first Bond film I saw- and the fact that the villain was controlling the helicopter remotely was too awesome! I always feel for Bond when his visit to Tracy's grave is cut short. And then Blofeld has the nerve to say Bond has no respect. [-(
2. Locque being despatched and the scenes leading up to this.
3. Bond and Melina being dragged by the boat, great tense scene.
4. Bond at Tracy's grave, love the "it usually is" line.
5. The Ski chase, probably the best in the series.
I also love the PTS, I think the scene as a whole is very good, just the stupid "delicatasen" line which makes no sense.
Thanks, I suppose I should have gave an honourable mentione to "a nose, not a banana Q".
4) The PTS - Up until Bond gains control of the helicopter. Bond visiting Tracy's grave was touching. Being stuck in the helicopter and climbing out (holy s***) to get into the cockpit was great. Once he "catches" ol' baldy then it goes downhill, for sure, but the beginning part is severely underrated and doesn't get the credit that it deserves.
3) The assault on St. Cyril's - A very tense and thrilling sequence. I love it when Melina shoots the guy with the crossbow and Columbo shuts him up.
2) The ski chase - Extremely exciting with a lot of impressive stunt work.
1) The build up to the ski chase - Kriegler "hunting" Bond is great. Bond on the run and hiding from Locque's men is one of the tensest moments in the series. I love when they catch up to him on the elevator and stare him down. And then the ski jump. I love the music here too. Just an excellent scene overall.
5/ Dinner with Kristatos/Columbo listening in - Classic moment as Bond tries to determine who the real villain of the piece is
4/ "A drive in the country" - Car chases and Bond films go hand-in-hand and this chase in FYEO stands out from the norm for obvious reasons. Conti's score is also terrific at this point of the movie.
3/ Ski chase in Cortina d'Ampezzo - Thrilling, just simply thrilling.
2/ Locque meets his maker - surely this is Rog's defining moment in the role
1/ The keelhauling sequence - The tension, the drama, the danger, the scenery and the sheer look of relish and enjoyment on Kristatos' face as he hopes to watch Bond and Melina get dragged to their doom.
Honourable mentions:
- The rock-climbing/final assualt on St Cyril's
- The PTS: I'll also go against the majority and state that I love this. From Tracy's grave to a wheelchair-bound bald guy going down a smoke stack, it keeps you gripped. As has already been mentioned, that delicatessen line is the only damp squib
- EVERYTHING Milos Columbo. My favourite character in the franchise after you-know-who
- The demise of Countess Lisl
- Conti's score (Dated? Yes. Wonderful? yes)
- The camera zoom to Melina's eyes and the dramatic score after just witnessing her parents get murdered
I could go on...
I did. It is one of the great James Bond movies imho.
LIST 2: Your 007 favourite OT sequences by Maurice Binder
LIST 3: Your 007 most annoying moments in a Bond film
LIST 4: Rank the Aston Martin cars from the Bonds
LIST 5: 007's 007 coolest moments
LIST 6: Rank the non-Barry/Arnold scores
LIST 7: Your 007 most sexy moments in the Bonds
LIST 8: The 6 best moments of Bond in London
LIST 9: The 007 best uses of the Bond Theme
LIST 10: The 5 worst faces made by the Bonds
LIST 11: Your top 10 PTS
LIST 12: The 6 best scenes in OHMSS
LIST 13: David Arnold's 6 finest moments in the Bonds
LIST 14: The five nicest folks who ever played a part in a Bond film.
LIST 15: Ranking the Glen directed Bonds.
LIST 16: Rank the Blofelds (including NSNA and FYEO)
LIST 17: The 5 worst moments in DN.
LIST 18: The 5 best moments in DN.
LIST 19: The 5 worst moments in FRWL.
LIST 20: The 5 best moments in FRWL.
LIST 21: The 5 worst moments in GF.
LIST 22: The 5 best moments in GF.
LIST 23: The 5 worst moments in TB.
LIST 24: The 5 best moments in TB.
LIST 25: The 5 worst moments in CR67.
LIST 26: The 5 best moments in CR67.
LIST 27: The 5 worst moments in YOLT.
LIST 28: The 5 best moments in YOLT.
LIST 29: The 5 best moments in OHMSS.
LIST 30: The 5 worst moments in DAF.
LIST 31: The 5 best moments in DAF.
LIST 32: The 5 worst moments in LALD.
LIST 33: The 5 best moments in LALD.
LIST 34: The 5 worst moments in TMWTGG.
LIST 35: The 5 best moments in TMWTGG.
LIST 36: The 5 worst moments in TSWLM.
LIST 37: The 5 best moments in TSWLM.
LIST 38: The 5 worst moments in MR.
LIST 39: The 5 best moments in MR.
LIST 40: The 5 worst moments in FYEO.
LIST 41: The 5 best moments in OP.
<font color=orange size=5><b>LIST 42</b></font>
<font color=green size=6> <b>The 5 worst moments in OP.</b></font>
4 - The street chase comedy (the tennis jokes, the beggar's 'olé', the bed of nails, ...)
3 - The not so inconspicuous air balloon, driven by Q of all people.
2 - The Tarzan Yell
1 - The crocodile sub...
4) Sit!
3) The croc sub.
2) Bond in the gorilla suit and how he is able to get in and out of it without any detection.
1) The Tarzan yell - What the hell were they thinking?
2) Bond hiding in the gorilla suit and how he is able to get in and out of it at such high speed and without being discovered.
3) leave Johnny Weismullers trademark in peace, and for the record he lived in Africa NOT india.
4) When the stuffed tiger comes through the bushes he says: "SIT".
5) Vija fluting the Barry theme.
1) Octopussy's girl brigade attacking Khan's fortress (brought back unwelcome memories from "In Like Flint")
2) The tennis-match audience bit during the chase scene
3) Bond as a quick change artist for the clown costume
4) The Tarzan yell
5) Sitting tiger
2) Roger Moore as the agent in the clown suit at the start of the movie, thus confusing everyone into thinking Bond got killed.
3) "Octopussy....Oh Octopussy"
4) The Sitting Tiger
5) Too many times where Bond runs into various dangerous animals during the jungle chase.
I believe you got confused with 009, I actauly found it refreshing seeing another one of the 00 section hard at work.
4: Vijay playing the James Bond theme
3: The entire safari scene, in particular "SIT!" and the Tarzan yell
2: Bond changing out of the gorilla suit and later into full clown gear in two and a half seconds, which is an annoying Hollywood gimmick/cliche that I despise every time it's used in a Bond film
1: Pretty much the whole movie, honestly. That's what makes Octopussy so great, is the fact that there's so much bad to be had :D
#2 Roger Moore plays the clown (literally)
#3 Very disappointing climax with Gobinda / Bond / Octopussy / Kamal Khan in the skies
#4 The chase in the streets of India with Vijay / Bond / Gobinda and heavies
#5 Bond (Moore) going from flippant /serious, in next to no time, and vice versa
He wasn't played by Moore... how people make this mistake is beyond me.
I saw OP in the cinema. Even I knew at that age 7, it wasn't Moore playing 009. Do you not think to check the end credits before making that assertion?
As you can imagine this proved to be difficult. Moore and director John Glen were constantly butting heads about how much skin he should or shouldn't reveal when dressed as the female characters. They came up with the compromise that Sir Roger would just wear the clown suit for all of his "female" scenes. Well, that was fine until Moore insisted on wearing said clown suit for all of Bond's scenes as well. That was too much for Glen and that's when they brought in James Brolin to audition for the role.
Brolin was very excited about getting to play Bond but, wouldn't you know it, he just couldn't get behind this idea that Moore got to play all of the other parts. He started making demands to play other characters. It was just minor characters at first but soon enough he wanted the lead roles as well. Although he made a very convincing Octopussy, Cubby just didn't think he was right for the role of Magda. So that was the end of him.
Eventually the whole plan was scrapped. However, they did keep the scene with Moore playing 009 to save some time and money. I hope that I have helped to clear things up for you!
I think @AgentCalibos is beyond us all. ;-)
Brilliant! :D
Now that's a movie I'd pay to see ;-)
Simply sublime
5 Scene from Live and Let Die
4 Bond and Gogol scene... "It's detente comrade"
3 Countess Lisl von Schlaf
2 Bond climbing the stair and killing Loque
1 Topol
I find it long and dull... It doesn't matches OHMSS exciting and tense sequences.
Worst of OP
5 The last scene when Bond is hurt in bed and then releases himself from the bands (I don't know if it's the right word) to kiss Octupussy... was he faking to be ill? Or does he can endure the pain in order to satisfy his libido?
4 Vijay playing the Bond theme
3 The fact that Bond dresses so quickly and with such detail as a clown (not really the fact that he dresses as one as it adds a bizarre element to the most dramatic moment of the movie, which I like)
2 Bond dressed as gorilla and takes a look at his watch
1 The Tarzan yell