Last Movie you Watched?

edited March 2011 in General Movies & TV Posts: 70
I know, there was a thread created. But I've started every thread of this type since 2005. Please let this stay open. Let's try to keep some of the traditions.

Please, pretty please?



  • edited March 2011 Posts: 17
    Spose theres no better place to open my account...


    The Man Who Came To Dinner (1942)
    Dir. William Keighley

    Rather fun early 40s name-dropper comedy thats at its best when its a battle of wits between Monty Wooley as the arrogant boor of the title and his secretary, played by a rather excellent and understated Bette Davis - who's starting to look old round the eyes but carries a rather smokin' air about her. Richard Travis is also pretty good and Ann Sheridan turns up for a bit... but its definitely a Wooley and Davis show.
  • TubesTubes The Hebrew Hammer
    edited March 2011 Posts: 158
    I didn't see any "Last Movie You Watched" threads. Maybe the last one I saw, but not watched. ;-)

    jackass photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

    Jackass: The Movie

    Comedy perfect for the tired, drunk stoner in me. It's far from quality (VERY far), but perfect entertainment in the right situation.
  • I'm going to try to actually compile my old list. I may ditch the rating system and simply list them. Hell, should we even start a new thread for it? Did you ave yours, colly? You'd seen over 80.

    God, this is so depressing. I eally hope they can salvage the old board as a read-only site. So much lost.
  • I have better grammer than Tux, but I'll respect his wishes:

    The last movie I saw was NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN. It cheered me up from the current state of affairs on MI6. ;)
  • TubesTubes The Hebrew Hammer
    Posts: 158
    Quoting Fairbairn-Sykes:
    I have better grammer than Tux
    He has an excuse. His digital world just came crashing down on him in the middle of the night and there are no pieces to pick up.
  • Quoting Fairbairn-Sykes: I have better grammer than Tux, but I'll respect his wishes
    I type lyke I tawlk beeytch.
  • Posts: 19
    Man, we have to even start this from scratch. Will we ever match the amount of this thread being recreated in the old forums?
  • Depends on if this community thrives or dies.

    Trust me, being on a dying forum is depressing. I've been there -- but I suppose this will survive because it has the main website backing it up and a large old user base. Even if the vets abandon ship, there'll always be an influx of noobs to keep it going.
  • TubesTubes The Hebrew Hammer
    edited March 2011 Posts: 158
    Quoting Fairbairn-Sykes:
    • Trust me, being on a dying forum is depressing. I've been there -- but I suppose this will survive because it has the main website backing it up and a large old user base. Even if the vets abandon ship, there'll always be an influx of noobs to keep it going.

    This. I remember an old Matrix board I used to frequent between 2004-2005. It went through a makeover (nothing a drastic as this) and slowly faded away. A sad thing to watch, really.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 19
    Quoting Fairbairn-Sykes: Trust me, being on a dying forum is depressing. I've been there -- but I suppose
    this will survive because it has the main website backing it up and a large old
    user base. Even if the vets abandon ship, there'll always be an influx of noobs
    to keep it going.
    I've been there as well, so this is no new thing for me either.
  • Hey! Tubes! You figured out how to quote less ugly. Share plz!
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 19
    For me too!
  • TubesTubes The Hebrew Hammer
    edited March 2011 Posts: 158
    Quoting Fairbairn-Sykes:
    • Hey! Tubes! You figured out how to quote less ugly. Share plz!
    I have no idea how that worked or what I did to make that work. The only thing I did differently was quote a partial post. Maybe that's it.

    EDIT: Oh, god, everything looks screwed up now.
    EDIT EDIT: Well, I think I'm on to something. It has to do with the div classes. Mine are set to
    Maybe that's the key.
  • Highlight the text. The quote botton pops up.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 70
    Oh yeah. Not a movie I've watched in a while, but I'm listening to this.

    Though, on iTunes.

    Hey, embedding works. Was curious about that.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 17
    Yeah, but we only have a 24 hour timeframe to edit our posts. Great amount of good thats going to be.

    Just glad I keep my own, non-MI6 lists.
  • Yeah, I know. That really sucks. Maybe they can alter it? There's no use in having a lock like that. What's the character limit for a post. Because that's insanely stupid. I may have a lot to sa

    Sorry, character limited exceeded. Try again later.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 110
    I've been sick lately, so I've had a lot of time to watch stuff. I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and loved it. I am a big fan of Charlie Kaufman's writing. I also watched the entire run of Firefly. Now I am chomping at the bit to watch Serenity.
  • Bartleby? Who were you on the old site?
  • Posts: 110
    @TheWhiteTuxedo I was Green.
  • I had the last post in the old thread. And it was about Battle LA. I am sad.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 202
    Removed by a moderator
  • Agreed.
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    edited March 2011 Posts: 8,375
    I thought Harmsway was a 00, wasn't he? He should have his account already set.

    I remember he took a hiatus from the site for awhile. He was a real loss. It would be a shame if he were gone again.
  • TubesTubes The Hebrew Hammer
    Posts: 158
    Hopefully, harms makes the transition. With any luck, the shakeup will reach some members on current hiatus and bring them back for a bit.
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,375
    I hope to see The Shark around.

    And I like embedded youtube links. There are so many things I dislike on the new format, but I do find the few improvements to be nice.
  • I was actually watching The Prisoner of Zenda (the original) when we made the transition.

    I love that movie.
  • This is going to be quite different without harmsway and FourDot.
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    True Grit
    Great movie. Jeff Bridges was once more amazing. But Hailee Steinfeld really stole the show.
    Believe it or not, I had never seen a Western before True Grit. I absolutely loved it and it immediately made me want to see more! So I got some DVDs and I watched:

    Sergio Leone's: The Dollars Trilogy
    Aka, A Fistful Of Dollars, For A Few Dollars More and The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. Amazing films! The music, the atmosphere, the characters, the actors. Everything. And needless to say, Clint Eastwood is bloody fantastic! All three of them are definitely in my top films list.

    Once Upon A Time In The West
    Another classic western by Sergio Leone. Fantastic! Once again, with Ennio Morricone's amazing soundtrack.

    Next on the list is The Magnificent Seven, and then some modern westerns like Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven. Can't wait to see them.
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