Last Movie you Watched?



  • Posts: 11,216
    The only thing I've seen is the 1998 shot-for-shot remake (Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates :0& )
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited July 2011 Posts: 14,076
    Oh yes, the remake, I had forgotten about that... until now. ;-)
  • edited July 2011 Posts: 11,216
  • edited July 2011 Posts: 11,216
    Cars 2

    A fun, lively but slightly inferior latest effort from Pixar. For Bond enthusiasts there's enough to enjoy with Michael Caine voicing for an Aston-Martin like spy/car. There is also a character called Holley Shiftwell and, predictably, the design of each car-character is superb. However the film lacks the focused plot and genuine heart that has become essential for Pixar. In many ways it feels more like a film that Dreamworks produced rather than Pixar (no offence to Dreamworks but their stories don't quite have the richness of their rival).

    It's nice however to see the Toy Story short beforehand.

  • Entrapment (1999 - Sean Connery/Catherine-Zeta Jones)
    Watching the aged Connery in a Mission: Impossible styled Romantic action thriller was great, i loved it, it's very clever aswell, and well acted.

    8.5/10 - Not the best of movies, but there's nothing wrong with it, and i'd recommend it to anyone on this forum
  • Posts: 321
    Last night I watched the excellent Liam Neeson in Taken. Nice action, good thriller.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    edited July 2011 Posts: 821
    I have been trying to watch The Social Network for 4 nights now.

    I watch a bit of it and I turn it off.

    I cannot get past the arrogance of Mark Zuckerberg!

    He's an A~H*** in the film; just because you are a computer genius and you scored 1600 on the SAT, it doesn't give you the right to treat everyone like crap!

    Was he like that in real life then?

    Is he still like that in real life?

    Especially the way he spoke down to his girlfriend at the beginning of the film and then slandered and demeaned her on the Harvard website!!

    The guy has no social skills and must not get laid much - no wonder he needed to start FACEMASH just to meet girls!!
  • edited July 2011 Posts: 2,599
    The very talented, stylish Danish director Lars Von Trier's latest film 'Melancholia'. Excellent film. Loved it. Surreal, funny, enchanting, dark and suspensful. Love these arthouse films! This one had Kiefer Sutherland (love this guy) and Kirsten Dunst in it.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    edited August 2011 Posts: 821
    The Social Network 3/5

    Mark Zuckerberg is a greedy back-stabbing bastard who will screw his best friend over for money - the best friend who gave him $1,000 to start Facebook which made him the world's youngest billionaire;

    I am seriously considering canceling my Facebook account !!

    He is also arrogant and self-centered and condescending.

    This is the first scene of the film where his girlfriend at the time, in 2003, broke up with him:

    [first lines]
    Mark Zuckerberg: Did you know that there are more people with genius IQ's living in China than there are people of any kind living in the United States?
    Erica Albright: That can't possibly be true. What would account for that?
    Mark Zuckerberg: Well, first of all a lot of people live in China. But here's my question, how do you distinguish yourself from a population of people who all got sixteen hundred on their SAT's?
    Erica Albright: I didn't know they take SAT's in China.
    Mark Zuckerberg: They don't. I wasn't talking about China anymore, I was talking about me.
    Erica Albright: You got sixteen hundred?

    Mark Zuckerberg: Would you like to talk about something else?
    Erica Albright: No. It's just since the beginning of the conversation about finals club I think I may have missed a birthday. There are really more people in China with genius IQ's than the entire population...?
    Mark Zuckerberg: The Phoenix is the most diverse. The Fly club, Roosevelt punched the Porc
    Erica Albright: Which one?
    Mark Zuckerberg: The Porcellian, the Porc, it's the best of the best.
    Erica Albright: Which Roosevelt?
    Mark Zuckerberg: Theodore.

    Erica Albright: Okay, well, which is the easiest to get into?
    Mark Zuckerberg: Why would you ask me that?
    Erica Albright: I'm just asking.
    Mark Zuckerberg: None of them. That's the point. My friend Eduardo made three hundred thousand dollars betting oil futures one summer and Eduardo won't come close to getting in. And the ability to make money doesn't impress anybody around here.
    Erica Albright: Must be nice. He made three hundred thousand dollars in a summer.
    Mark Zuckerberg: He likes meteorology.
    Erica Albright: You said it was oil futures.
    Mark Zuckerberg: You can read the weather, you can predict the price of heating oil. I think that you asked me that because you think the final club that's easiest to get into is the one where I'll have the best chance.
    Erica Albright: I...what?

    Erica Albright: The one that's the easiest to get into would be the one where anybody has the best chance.
    Mark Zuckerberg: You didn't ask me which one was the best one. You asked me which one was the easiest one.
    Erica Albright: I was honestly just asking, okay. I was just asking to ask. Mark, I'm not speaking in code.
    Mark Zuckerberg: Erica...
    Erica Albright: You're obsessed with finals clubs. You have finals clubs OCD. You need to see someone about who'll prescribe some sort of medication. You don't care if the side effects may include blindness.
    Mark Zuckerberg: Final clubs. Not finals clubs. And there's a difference between being obsessed and being motivated.
    Erica Albright: Yes, there is.
    Mark Zuckerberg: Well you do. That was cryptic, so you do speak in code.
    Erica Albright: I didn't mean to be cryptic.

    Mark Zuckerberg: I'm just saying I need to do something substantial in order to get the attention of the clubs.
    Erica Albright: Why?
    Mark Zuckerberg: Because they're exclusive. And fun and they lead to a better life.
    Erica Albright: Teddy Roosevelt didn't get elected president because he was the member of the Phoenix Club.
    Mark Zuckerberg: He was a member of the Porcellian and yes he did.
    Erica Albright: Why don't you just concentrate on being the best you, you can be.
    Mark Zuckerberg: Did you really just say that?
    Erica Albright: I was kidding.

    Mark Zuckerberg: I'm going to be straight forward with you and tell you I think that you might want to be a little more supportive. If I get in I will be taking you to the events and the gatherings and you'll be meeting a lot of people you wouldn't normally get to meet.
    Erica Albright: You would do that for me?
    Mark Zuckerberg: We're dating.
    Erica Albright: Okay. Well, I want to try and be straight forward with you and let you know that we're not anymore.
    Mark Zuckerberg: What d..?
    Erica Albright: We're not dating anymore. I'm sorry.
    Mark Zuckerberg: Is this a joke?
    Erica Albright: No, it's not.
    Mark Zuckerberg: You're breaking up with me?
    Erica Albright: You're going to introduce me to people I wouldn't normally have the chance to meet. What the f...? What is that supposed to mean?
    Mark Zuckerberg: Wait, settle down.
    Erica Albright: What is it supposed to mean?
    Mark Zuckerberg: Erica, the reason we're able to sit here and drink right now is cause you used to sleep with the door guy.

    Erica Albright: The door guy, his name is Bobby. I have not slept with the doory guy. The door guy is a friend of mine and he's a perfectly good class of people. And what part of Long Island are you from? Wimbledon?

    Mark Zuckerberg: Is this real?
    Erica Albright: Yes.
    Mark Zuckerberg: Okay, then wait. I apologise, okay.
    Erica Albright: I have to go study.
    Mark Zuckerberg: Erica...
    Erica Albright: Yes.
    Mark Zuckerberg: I'm sorry. I mean it.
    Erica Albright: I appreciate that but I have to go...
    Mark Zuckerberg: Come on. You don't have to study, you don't have to study. Let's just talk.
    Erica Albright: I can't.
    Mark Zuckerberg: Why?
    Erica Albright: Because it is exhausting. Dating you is like dating a stairmaster.

    Erica Albright: I have to go study.
    Mark Zuckerberg: You don't have to study.
    Erica Albright: Why do you keep saying I don't have to study.
    Mark Zuckerberg: Because you go to BU. Do you want to get some food?
    Erica Albright: I'm sorry your not sufficiently impressed with my education
    Mark Zuckerberg: I'm sorry I don't have a rowboat. So we're even.
    Erica Albright: I think we should just be friends.
    Mark Zuckerberg: I don't want friends.
    Erica Albright: I was just being polite. I have no intention of being friends with you.

    [Erica takes Mark hand and looks straight at him]
    Erica Albright: Look, you are probably going to be a very successful computer person. But you're gonna go through life thinking that girls don't like you because you're a nerd. And I want you to know from the bottom of my heart that that won't be true. It'll be because you're an asshole.
    [Erica gets up and walks off]

    [Mark is writing a post on his blog]
    Mark Zuckerberg: [voice over] Erica Albright's a b*****. You think that's because her family changed their name from Albrecht or do you think it's because all BU girls are b*****? For the record she may look like a 34C, but she's getting all kinds of help from our friends at Victoria's Secret. She's a 34B, as in barely anything there. False advertising.

    then later he sees her at a bar near the Harvard campus

    Erica Albright: Hi.
    Mark Zuckerberg: I saw you from over there. I didn't know you came to this club a lot.
    Erica Albright: It's the first time.
    Mark Zuckerberg: Mine too. Could I talk to you alone for a second?
    Erica Albright: I think I'm good right here.
    Mark Zuckerberg: I just...I'd love to talk to you alone. If we could just go some place.
    Erica Albright: Right here is fine.
    Mark Zuckerberg: I don't know if you heard about this new website I launched.
    Erica Albright: No.
    Mark Zuckerberg: TheFacebook?
    Erica Albright: You called me a b***** on the internet, Mark.
    Mark Zuckerberg: That's why I wanted to talk to you. It we could just...
    Erica Albright: On the internet.
    Mark Zuckerberg: That's why I came over.
    Erica Albright: Comparing women to farm animal?
    Mark Zuckerberg: I didn't end up doing that.
    Erica Albright: It didn't stop you from writing it. As if every thought that tumbles through your head was so clever, it would be a crime for it not to be shared. The internet is not written in pencil, Mark, it's written in ink and you published that Erica Albright was a b*****. Right before you made some ignorant crack about my family's name, my bra size and rated women based on their hotness.

    Erica Albright: You write your snide bull**** from a dark room because that's what the angry do nowadays. I was nice to you. Don't torture me for it.
    Mark Zuckerberg: If we could just go somewhere for a minute.
    Erica Albright: I don't want to be rude to my friends.
    Mark Zuckerberg: Okay.
    Erica Albright: Okay.
    [as Mark walks away]
    Erica Albright: Good luck with game.

    Funny that Erica is now on Facebook:
  • SeveSeve The island of Lemoy
    Posts: 478
    National Treasure
    Nick Cage in an "Indiana Jones" meets "The Da Vinci Code" treasure hunt adventure which I found very enjoyable
    The underlying premise is utterly preposterous but once you accept that, the actors show commendable restraint delivering some reasonable dialogue and the action is soundly contracted
    Sean Bean is the villain, as is usual in the Hollywood branch of his career

    Operation Crossbow
    WW2 espionage movie that was more enjoyable than I expected, given reviews I'd read
    Sophia Loren received top billing, but she only has a cameo role in the middle before being killed off, which works well as a plot device, as her death has more impact for being completely unexpected
    George Peppard is suitable as the American interest but I'm afraid Jeremy Kemp is better suited to playing villains, and I would have preferred his role to have gone to…
    Richard Johnson, aka Hugh Drummond-Bond from "Deadlier Than The Male", who instead plays the "M" role of Duncan Sandys
    IMO Peppard & Johnson would have made for a much more attractive duo, along the lines of Burton & Eastwood
    Tom Courtenay does well as the tragic agent who runs out of luck, as does Anthony Quayle as the German agent
    John Mills has an undemanding role as the General, but Trevor Howard is less fortunate, enduring the role of the doubting professor twit
    The underground installation is promisingly "Bondian" and things are going along well enough, until they start repeating the same rocket launching footage over and over ad infinitum, interspersed with exploding buildings and fire and rescue footage
    Overall it's watchable enough, however in the end the director was no Hitchcock and is unable to make the most of the material

    The Life & Death Of Colonel Blimp
    With a title like that I wasn't sure what to expect (however in hindsight not being familiar with the original cartoon character turned out to be unimportant)
    I've always enjoyed Roger Livesey, there's something about his voice that is particularly attractive to me, and he is the life and soul of the film
    Deborah Kerr manages the unusual feat of dying twice in the same movie, but have no fear, she has three roles to play and is as young and vigorous at the end as at the beginning
    I have to say I enjoyed the opening sequence and the first act of the flash back best, where Clive Candy is a young man, over the later two acts, when he is older
    The film rollicks along at a brisk pace, full of vim and vigour, up until the duel, and after that it lost momentum and began to drag a bit for me
    Partly because after that the film became something of a soap opera (in my eyes)
    It has it's points to make I suppose but they did not relate to a subject close to my heart, so in the end I found myself rather indifferent to them
    Chronicles of fictional characters lives are not really my cup of tea and this is also a movie of some length, however I did not regret my decision to watch it
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    I just watched Mission Impossible 2 today for the first time in years.

    My last viewing was at the movie theater when it was released in 2000.

    According to IMDB, it was cut down from an R to a PG13.

    Plus the original cut was 3 1/2 hrs and they told John Woo to trim it down to around 2 hrs.

    I wonder if there is an R version out there!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    I just watched Mission Impossible 2 today for the first time in years.

    My last viewing was at the movie theater when it was released in 2000.

    According to IMDB, it was cut down from an R to a PG13.

    Plus the original cut was 3 1/2 hrs and they told John Woo to trim it down to around 2 hrs.

    I wonder if there is an R version out there!
    If there is, I would love to see it. M:I-2 is my favorite M:I film...which may be rivaled come December's M:I-GP release.

    As for the last film I watched, I finished up LALD last night, working on TMWTGG now. Love having a Bondathon every now and then. Very entertaining and gives me something to do.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    edited August 2011 Posts: 1,986
    Flickan som lekte med elden (2009)
    (The Girl Who Played with Fire)
    Although the literal translation is more along "The Girl who dreamed of a gasoline drum and a match"


    A far better movie than the original one, most definitely due to the fact that precious time wasn't needed to introduce main characters in the adaptation. The first story is perhaps the far better one but the movie felt too rushed. The second flick does cut down on a solid hundred pages of Lisbeth abroad, her fascination with mathematics, her involvement in killing a wife beater, and having a sexual relationship with a minor. But this is pretty much all in there to explain her time away from Michael as she tries to forget him. The love she has towards him isn't really present in the second movie.

    Noomi Rapace once again is phenomenal as Lisbeth, Michael Nyqvist as Blomkvist is very strong again, both convincing and very much deserving of the attention they're now getting from Hollywood. Ronald Niedermann's character was drastically different than what I was imagining, I can't picture exactly what I was expecting, but if the Daniel Craig remake takes off and the 2nd movie is made, I'm sort of expecting Reuben de Jong who portrayed Theokoles in Spartacus Blood and Sands. The story was fairly well adapted again, adaptations do require multiple alterations, cuts, and new material. I do admit being extremely tempted of watching the 3rd flick before reading the book. I won't though!

  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    I wonder if the Fincher's films are going to include some elements of the literary trilogy that the original Swedish films left out
  • Posts: 2,107
    Kick Ass
    No Country For Old Men
    The Ghost Writer
    Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot - Sad Cypress
    The Return of the Living Dead
    The Return of the Living Dead Part II
    Casino Royale
    Quantum of Solace
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,520
    Children Of The Corn II

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Nearly finished 'Take Me Home Tonight' for the second time. Hilarious movie, Fogler makes it even better.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    Children Of The Corn II

    watch 3 instead, Charlize Theron first ever screen appearance is in there
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited August 2011 Posts: 14,076
    Halloween 2 (2009)

    Not a patch on the original H2. Ok, this isn't my favourite horror series, but i'd still like to know what Rob Zombie is thinking. What's the deal with HoboMyers and why is Loomis acting now like such a ... well, let's be nice and say... moron.

    1. Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers (1995)
    2. Halloween (1978)
    3. Halloween II (1981)
    4. Halloween 4: The Return Of Michael Myers (1988)
    5. Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)
    6. Halloween 5 (1989)
    7. Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
    8. Halloween (2007)
    9. Halloween II (2009)
    10. Halloween III: Season Of The Witch (1982)
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    edited August 2011 Posts: 1,699
    Latest update, peeps...

    Persona (1966) - an art-house classic. Challenging, confusing, very experimental but (for me) genuinely entertaining, even if at times you wonder just what the hell's supposed to be going on - whisper: to this day I'm not sure Ingmar Bergman himself knows...
    The Bank Job (2008) - sort of a cross-between The Italian Job and Get Carter; a retro light-heist-cum-action-espionagey-sleazy-Brit-gangster flick. Tails off in the second third, but entertaining hokum certainly and Jason Statham makes for a surprisingly engaging lead.
    2046 (2004) - ambitious, episodic, melancholic and ever so slightly strange period drama from Wong Kar-Wai. Not as good as its predecessor (the outstanding and similar In The Mood For Love), but definitely different enough to that to be worth doing. And Crouching Tiger's Zhang Ziyi really shines.
    Dear Frankie (2004) - sweet, twee, but likeable and moving wee Brit flick, featuring the lovely Emily Mortimer going all Scots.
    What Just Happened (2008) - very hit-and-miss Hollywood satire as Robert De Niro continues his current (/ late-career?) excursion into comedy. Bruce Willis's beard is the most entertaining and satisfying plot macguffin. Seriously.

    Movies viewed by yours truly this year...

    CW = Cinema watch
    FW = First watch
    RW = Re-watch

    5 out of 5 ~ *****
    Elizabeth (1998) RW
    The King's Speech (2010) CW/ FW
    Layer Cake (2004) FW
    Persona (1966) FW
    Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981) RW
    They Shoot Horses, Don't They (1969) FW
    The Third Man (1949) FW
    Viskningar Och Rop (Cries And Whispers) (1972) FW
    WALL.E (2008) RW

    4 out of 5 ~ ****
    Alpha Male (2006) RW
    Beverly Hills Cop (1984) RW
    Brazil (1985) RW
    Coming To America (1988) RW
    Los Cronocrímenes (Timecrimes) (2007) FW
    The Damned United (2009) FW
    The Darjeeling Limited (2007) FW
    The Departed (2006) RW
    An Education (2009) FW
    Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom (1984) RW
    Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (1989) RW
    Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull (2008) RW
    The Killing Fields (1984) FW
    The Last King Of Scotland (2006) FW
    Scener ur ett äktenskap (Scenes From A Marriage) (1973) FW
    Det sjunde inseglet (The Seventh Seal) (1957) FW
    2046 (2004) FW
    X-Men: First Class (2011) CW/ FW

    3 out of 5 ~ ***
    Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) RW
    The Bank Job (2008) FW
    Barbarella (1968) RW
    Birthday Girl (2001) FW
    Brideshead Revisited (2008) FW
    Cote d'Azur (Cockles And Mussels) (2005) FW
    Dear Frankie (2004) RW
    Escape To Victory (1981) RW
    Female Agents (2008) FW
    Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) FW
    Genova (2008) FW
    The Ghost Writer (2010) FW
    Girl With A Pearl Earring (2003) RW
    Hallam Foe (2007) FW
    The Hole (2001) FW
    Hope Springs (2003) FW
    The Man With One Red Shoe (1985) RW
    Marley & Me (2008) FW
    Monkey Business (1952) RW
    Octopussy (1983) RW
    Proof (2005) FW
    Quantum Of Solace (2008) RW
    Les Rivières Pourpres (The Crimson Rivers) (2000) FW
    Sweet Charity (1969) FW
    Trust The Man (2005) FW

    2 out of 5 ~ **
    Cocktail (1988) RW
    Déficit (2007) FW
    Lesbian Vampire Killers (2009) FW
    Night Watch (1995) RW
    Salt (2010) FW
    Tango And Cash (1989) FW
    What Just Happened (2008) FW

    1 out of 5 ~ *

  • SeveSeve The island of Lemoy
    Posts: 478
    Moby Dick
    I find myself in the midst of an unofficial Richard Basehart season, following on from "La Strada"
    however although Bashart is the titular protagonist, this film is really about Greg Peck's Captain Ahab character
    Peck is really too young for the part but he has the right look and makes an effective job of it
    Although I could imagine some fruity character actor might have been even better, someone with mad staring eyes like Raymond Massey?
    The guy playing Queequeg couldn't look less like a South Sea islander but he has some nice tats
    Orson Wells has a colourful cameo as the priest of the whaling town, where he gets to climb up a rope ladder and deliver the Jonah story from a pulpit shaped like the prow of a sailing ship
    The other star of the show is Moby Dick and John Huston makes skillful use of the limited special effects of the time to generate some exciting whale hunting action
    Huston also does a good job of capturing some of the flavour of the sailors life in those times making effective use of a number of work songs
    great entertainment

    Sea Of Love
    Al Pacino in a subtle and superior serial killer thriller
    a script with more depth than usual examines the toll a cops life, where death and violence are in constant danger of becoming mundane, has on personal relationships and the survival mechanisms people who work in such an environment use to deflect it's effects
    it also explores the loneliness to be found in a big city, made more acute by being constantly surrounded by people and yet unable to connect
    and yet without becoming bogged down in the drama or letting it distract from the murder mystery aspect off the story
    Ellen Barkin's crooked smile is well suited to this imperfect world
    John Goodman is in top form as the partner
    Michael Rooker well cast as... the repair man
    and an unknown Samuel L Jackson is "The Black Guy"

    Sheba, Baby
    a tasty serving of fat back Soul Cinema action with Pam Grier (as the lyrics in the movies title song suggest) "kicking ass and taking names"
    PI Sheba Shayne is a little bit "Dirty Harry", blowing punks away with her big chrome plated pistol
    and later a little bit "James Bond", when she dons a sexy blue wet suit and swims out to "The Man's" luxury yacht to exact revenge for the death of her father
    Pam is at the peak of her Soul Cinema stardom here, so unfortunately the customary cat fight ends with Grier jumping into the river before any revealing "wardrobe malfunction" has occurred (doh!)
    which is a pity, because she is in fine physical form here, with the same trim figure she unveiled in "Foxy Brown" after having slimmed down in the wake of her success in "Coffy"

    Pam Grier-o-meter
    1. Coffy
    2. Sheba, Baby
    3. Foxy Brown
    4. Friday Foster
  • Posts: 1,723
    Operation Crossbow felt like a chore to watch......

    Titanic 43 4/6 , kinda meh.....also Titanic sinks waaay too fast. There are some kicks directed at allied forces but actually very little propaganda messages in this one.

    One Armed Swordsman 4/6....Wang Yu appears cooler here than in Man from times its bit too talky but delivers.

    Game of Death II.....3/6 , the ending is fairly good but as a whole its not terrible exciting.....not many tower scenes either. The main bearded villain is meh but Wang Jang Lee is good. Nothing whatsoever to do with Bruce Lee (not surprisingly)
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    RIO (animated)


    it's a fun movie
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    edited August 2011 Posts: 821
    Wall Street Money Never Sleeps

    My Gawd!

    I've seen a couple of hundreds movies so far this year on DVD and at the movie theater.

    These 200 films varies from low budget to big budget; from action to horror to adventures to comedy to romance to animated to drama to foreign (non-US) to independent films.

    This is the worst movie I've seen this year!

    What were you thinking Oliver and Michael and Shia?!?

    Did y'all made this just because you can say you made a sequel to Wall Street?!?

  • Posts: 1,856
    ^ that's down 5%
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 303
    The Truman Show
    - Clever idea, sort of like a 'Big Brother' tv series based on only one guy, and has been continuesly filming him without him knowing ever since the day he was born. It's not the type of film that i would take on to direct (Or even work on), but for the genre it's in, it's clever, guess some could find it pretty humorous (It's Jim Carrey by the way), but anyway it's interesting and different. Although i thought the ending wasn't as good as it could have been.

    (I'm starting a rating system)
    3/5 (Good)
    - it's an interesting and watchable film, but it's nothing spectacular.
    Sot of like a cross between the Adjustment bureau, Big brother involving well any other jim carrey role...


    - Another clever idea, though the tone of the film seemed strange to what the film was all about. The film was about a guy (Bruce Willis), who cannot be harmed or become ill, and has not been able to for his entire life, but he does not realise this until he meets the completely oppossite peson to him (Samuel L. Jackson), who is extremly vunerable to breaking a bone, because he has a problem that makes his bones weaker than other people's, and these two meet, and the bone-breaking guy tries throughout the whole movie to convince Willis' character that he is the 'hero' that only seems to exist in comic book and such. The movie is a whole lot better than how i described it, it is a realistic film, with the 'super hero' touch to it, but it never goes 'over the top' on anything, instead keeps it believable and real (ish).

    4/5 (Very Good)
    - Reminds me of other 'super hero' movies, but towards the end, the film becomes something different, with a likeable ending.


    (10/8/11 Update)

    Lucky Number Slevin
    - Starts off very dark and violent, with murders and a horse race, and slightly confusing to start off with. But towards the end of the film, the film twists everything round and tells us all of the secrets that we had missed, and it becomes very enjoyable!

    4/5 (Very Good)
    - dark, violent, thrilling and well very good.


    The Talented Mr. Ripley
    - The film starts off slow, and not very interesting, gets better towards the middle, then is pretty suspenseful, but somehow fails to have a quick pace, i had nothing wrong with this film up to this point, it was clever, and pretty entertaining.
    I was not really happy with the ending though.

    3/5 (Good)
    - Slow, not perfect, and not exactly a 'cheery' film, but still clever and suspenseful!
  • Posts: 1,497
    Batman Begins -

    So I will probably get a lot of flack on this one, but I thought BB was just ok. While I appreciate Nolan and co-writer David S. Goyer origins story take on the subject matter, I just felt the movie comes across a little flat as a result. The whole section of the movie leading up to when Wayne first dons the Batsuit interestingly enough deals with Bruce Wayne's training and transformation into that which he fears most. I felt all of this went on for a bit long and felt like excessive exposition. It didn't feel like much was happening in the story. Also, this movie has the annoying factor of hitting you over the head left and right with the theme of fear, face your fear, become you fear! Great film-making conveys these feelings with imagery and the actions taking place without spelling it out for you at every turn. The other problem I had with such an exhaustive study of all the discreet details and mechanics of how Batman came to be, from the ninja stars and arm claws, to the tevlar bat suit, made the whole set-up super scientific and serious, that when we actually see Batman in full get-up it feel like a joke. All that technical hoo-hah and build-up, and what we get is a guy in a funny super-hero batsuit and a cape? Stylistically I thought they could have done a little more with the bat-suit; there was nothing anymore interesting about it than the Michael Keaton one from Batman '89 and as I said, it looks a bit campy in this film. Another issue I have is that after all this, the movie basically turns into standard comic-book action movie faire. There's the typical bad guy plan of wreaking havoc on the city and Batman has to come in and save the day, and he does in the usual fashion of kicking the villain's ass and stopping whatever doomsday device there is from unleashing destruction on the people. Raz Al Ghoul is just an average adversary, basically a traitor with martial arts skills (or in a less flattering light: Qui Gon Jin turned to the dark side but without jedi mind tricks or light sabers). For a comic book film, I was expecting a little more, something more memorable. Scarecrow was also a bit underdeveloped as a villain, and was basically reduced to a henchman by the end of the film, who poses no real threat. The cast is all-star strong here no doubt: Morgan Freeman as Luscious playinig up a bit of a Q from James Bond role here, Gary Oldman playing a good-hearted Commisioner Gordon, and of course Michael Caine convincingly playing Bruce Wayne's butler Alfred. Katie Holmes, obviously is the weakest link here, but does a fine enough job. Everything looks great and is well shot. This is a well crafted film, and despite the slow moving plot in the beginning, the direction keeps things tight throughout. I did have a problem with the editing in the action scenes: it was cut to quickly that it was hard to keep up with what was going on in the action. This was especially apparent in the final fight scene. Overall, my impression of this film was that it was well made, well acted, well directed, and moderately successful in re-inventing the franchise. But then again the problem is in the conception of this version of Batman. While, the series could have in no way continued in the Joel Schumacher tradition of travesty, on the contrary taking the Batman series in such a serious direction loses a lot of the fun and fantasy necessary for a comic book story. I suppose the creators here were hoping to transcend the fact that this is a comic book story and make it something that could exist in the real world. The problem is it can't. Batman is a superhero; a human, but one with extroardinary skills and resourcefulness. Superheroes are metaphors for different feelings we have and powers we long to have. We won't jump from building to building swooping down with our cape, but we can face our pain and grief and overcome it. We can also relate to the feeling of being alone, misunderstood, a dark knight in this world, always seeking to do the right thing but not always feeling accepted or rewarded by those around us, even our loved ones. This is the story of Batman, a recluse millionaire who everyone only sees the outer surface of. There is a sense of mystery to the outside world and what the audience knows. Super hero stories are modern retellings of the age old myths. By reducing these stories to real-like dramas as Batman Begins does, we lose a sense of that myth.
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 303
    The Bourne Trilogy (Well, the 'so-far' films):
    i have always loved these films, though the first is a bit slow, and not in the exact same tone as the next two (Probably due to director changes), but it's still great and thrilling, same with the second, but the third is just the pure definition of 'awesome', every piece of action is brilliant, every 'chase'/'hiding from enemy' is intelligently done, i absolutely love the series, but i absolutely adore the third film (Ultimatum), and i think the trilogy will remain a favourite for some time to come...

    (12/8/11 Update):

    Scott Pilgram vs. the world
    - I had high expectations, and came away from the film happy, but un-impressed at the same time, i thought it was a cool and strange film, it's funny aswell and the action sequences can be quite cool, but it does slow-down in pace quite a bit throughout. I thought it was good, but not as good as the maker's previous attempts: Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead, and not exactly what i'd hoped for, but as i said still a cool and humorous film.

    3/5 (Good)
  • Super 8
    - Ok, so from the trailers i expected ALOT of brilliancwe from this movie, and boy was i correct, and it even went above my expectations, it was the definition of 'Brilliance'.
    I had read some small comment 'reviews' of it on youtube videos, and the movie seemed to be on each side; one of brilliance, and the other of dissapointment, but from start-to finish i was not at all bored, i absolutely loved it. This is a strong contender for no.1 spot on my all time favourite movies, with Inception and Casino Royale already up there.... I honestly cannot decide, but that's because it is THAT good.

    5/5 (Brilliant)

    Ghost's Film Review scores:

    5/5 (Brilliant):
    The Bourne Ultimatum (11/8/11)
    Enemy at the Gates (12/8/11)
    Tron legacy (12/8/11)
    Super 8 (13/8/11) [cinema]

    4/5 (Very Good):
    Unbreakable (8/8/11)
    Lucky Number Slevin (10/8/11)
    The Bourne Identity (11/8/11)
    The Bourne Supremacy (11/8/11)

    3/5 (Good):
    The Talented Mr. Ripley (10/8/11)
    The Truman Show (9/8/11)
    Scott Pilgram vs. the world (12/8/11)

    2/5 (Average):

    1/5 (Rubbish):
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited August 2011 Posts: 13,369
    Cowbys & Aliens.

    Very average but I did enjoy parts of it. Craig and Ford were on good form.

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