Last Movie you Watched?



  • Good stuff, gt! It's a great genre!
  • Posts: 7
    Quoting bondfan06: This is going to be quite different without harmsway and FourDot.
    Certainly. I really hope harmsway makes his way over, and FourDot ends up staying.

    Just finished watching a film I am starting to consider an absolute favourite. I saw it for the first time about halfway through last year, and this is my fourth or fifth viewing. I think it's perfect.

    Josef von Sternberg, 1935


    There is so much I could say about this 76 minute masterpiece. The most striking thing about it is probably the incredibly dark way it portrays Marlene Dietrich. Sternberg discusses the corrupting influence of women in previous films, and Dietrich often serves as the corruptor in those films too. The Blue Angel is the most obvious example, perhaps. But if we compare the two films, we'll see that the earlier picture lingers much more on the effects of the woman on the man. Here Sternberg is more concerned with showing Dietrich's character, Concha, as a cruel deceiver of men. Elements of the caring mother from Blonde Venus appear briefly and fleetingly, but Sternberg's overriding attitude appears to be one of distaste, brought on by romantic distress. Elements of explicit misogyny are present, the most obvious being when Captain Pasqual beats Concha, but always with a strong admission of shame. Pasqual cannot look Concha in the eyes during the next scene. The identities and thoughts of the characters are not as black and white as the goregeous photography which captures them. Concha is a cruel mistress, but she shows signs of remorse to those she ruins. Pasqual is clearly ashamed at himself, but takes pleasure in exercising some form of authority over the woman who exercises supreme authority over him - she is in possession of his heart. It's a very complex film, from a somewhat confused man, but it's utterly enthralling.

    It is this complexity and obscurity, combined with the incredible artificiality of the production, that I find so fascinating. Every single action appears choreographed, every ray of light and every ornately designed gate is used for a reason. Yet it still feels incredibly robust and real. The emotions are heightened to the same extent as a straight melodrama, but it doesn't feel melodramatic when I watch it.

    And man, I wish people still made movies in black and white. You could never make a film this Earth-shatteringly beautiful in colour (although, admittedly, nobody could make one in black and white either now that Sternberg is long dead and buried). If I had to pinpoint one scene in any film I've ever watched which is just perfect, it would most certainly be the climactic duel in this picture. The dark figures entering and exiting the frame en-masse, the heavy rain obscuring the entire image and attacking the participants, the brief, fleeting moment of calm before a shot rings out - it feels like an eternity.

    Such an overwhelming motion picture.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    I saw Taken last night again and was ready to add it to the "Films you've seen in 2011" thread. Oh, well.

    And harmsway, BETTER return. It'd be so wrong to go on without him.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 163
    The Day of the Jackal. Had read the book earlier, and when it was released I was in US, and made sure that I bought the ticket in the nearest Cinema in Cincinnati to watch it on Day1 evening show.
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    To Live and Die In L.A

    Absolute pants, I've seen better episodes of Miami Vice, what happened to William Friedkin?
  • TubesTubes The Hebrew Hammer
    Posts: 158


    I had to watch it in two parts because I was too tired to finish it yesterday. Ended on the car chase yesterday and started with the car chase today. Oh, those poor, poor cars. That's something that is missing in today's chases. You can tell that those cars went through the grinder for those shots.

    As far as the rest of the movie, the first half was too slow for my tastes, but the second really takes off. McQueen dominates the screen. One of my favorite looking "flat" films, in terms of composition. I have a feeling I'll like Bullitt better the more viewings I get in.
  • If you like Steve McQueen films you might want to check out The Getaway as well, Tubes. I also had a little problem with the pacing for Bullitt and while The Getaway doesn't have quite a spectacular car chase as Bullitt, the pacing is pretty good and the action is spectacular.
  • Blood Simple (1984, Dir. Joel Coen)

    A strange directorial debut from The Coen Brothers, I didn't quite catch what was all going on but it was a good noir film with interesting twists. Dan Hedaya played an especially cold and ruthless character which is a far cry from his many comedic roles later on and M. Emmet Walsh was brilliant as a psychotic private eye. Kind of a precursor to the great No Country for Old Men which was also set in stark and dark Texas.

    1. No Country for Old Men (2007)
    2. Miller's Crossing (1990)
    - 3. Blood Simple (1984) -
    4. Burn After Reading (2008)
    5. Barton Fink (1991)
    6. Fargo (1996)
    7. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2001)
    8. Raising Arizona (1987)
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    i actually just sat down and watched Speed Racer, and i was surprised - I actually really liked it... it's not the greatest piece of cinema ever made, but it kept me entertained.. it felt like a fun acid trip while being eye fucked with color..
  • SeveSeve The island of Lemoy
    edited March 2011 Posts: 475
    my annual rewatch of Jackie Chan's "Police Story"

    30 years on and it still hasn't been bettered
    three of the best action scequences ever filmed, not to mention the out take sequence that accompanies the credits
    the rest of the film is pants, but if you like pure action, then you need to see this before you shuffle off this mortal coil, or die unfulfilled

    and also Bruce Lee - "Way Of The Dragon"
    good wholesome Bruce Lee action
    set in Rome but with a caste of seventies henchmen who seem to have been imported from Harlem and the Bronx, wearing clothing that no self respecting Italian would be caught dead in
    their dress code stands as an indictment of 70s fashion for all time

    sorry if I'm a bit slow, but can anyone enlighten me
    is there any way to get bold or itallics in this brave new world?
    and how do you upload an immage in a post?
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    just got done with Office Space not too long ago.... damn i forgot how funny that movie really is..
  • TubesTubes The Hebrew Hammer
    Posts: 158

    The Adjustment Bureau

    Good little romantic sci-fi thriller thing. Ending could use some work.
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    edited March 2011 Posts: 1,699
    Beverly Hills Cop (1984)


    An all-time classic '80s blockbuster, replete with a highly entertaining Eddie Murphy, a wonderful guilty pleasure of a soundtrack and more fun than you can shake a truncheon at. Smarter, tighter and more sweary than I remember, this is the sort of quality mainstream, grown-up entertainment Hollywood strives to make with seemingly every other film it churns out nowadays, but gets nowhere near to. Shame about the sequels then, but hey. ;)

    St_George's viewed flicks: 2011

    CW = Cinema watch
    FW = First watch
    RW = Re-watch

    5 out of 5 ~ *****
    The King's Speech (2010) CW/ FW
    Layer Cake (2004) FW
    They Shoot Horses, Don't They (1969) FW
    WALL.E (2008) RW

    4 out of 5 ~ ****
    Alpha Male (2006) RW
    Beverly Hills Cop (1984) RW
    Los Cronocrímenes (Timecrimes) (2007) FW
    The Departed (2006) RW
    The Killing Fields (1984) FW
    Scener ur ett äktenskap (Scenes From A Marriage) (1973) FW

    3 out of 5 ~ ***
    Birthday Girl (2001) FW
    Brideshead Revisited (2008) FW
    Cote d'Azur (Cockles And Mussels) (2005) FW
    Female Agents (2008) FW
    Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) FW
    Genova (2008) FW
    The Ghost Writer (2010) FW
    Girl With A Pearl Earring (2003) RW
    Hallam Foe (2007) FW
    Monkey Business (1952) RW
    Proof (2005) FW
    Les Rivières Pourpres (The Crimson Rivers) (2000) FW
    Sweet Charity (1969) FW
    Trust The Man (2005) FW

    2 out of 5 ~ **
    Déficit (2007) FW
    Lesbian Vampire Killers (2009) FW

    1 out of 5 ~ *
  • Against All Odds (1984, Dir. Taylor Hackford)

    A very, very loose remake of the classic Out of the Past. Jeff Bridges plays a football player who is kicked off the team and takes a job from a hood (played by the excellent James woods) which is to find the hood's girlfriend who stabbed him and left for Mexico. While it's far from terrible, the movie just felt uneven in pace and the ending was terrible to say the least (and NOTHING like the originals ending). Just a cheap romance tale masquerading as Noir, Rachel Ward who played the hood's girlfriend later went on to play in the superb film adaptation of Jim Thompson's After Dark My Sweet, that films a much better take on noir than this one.
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    edited March 2011 Posts: 1,699
    @CommanderStrangways Mmmm, Rachel Ward. Mmmm.

    Must say (and I may lose any 'street cred' I ever had around these parts in saying this), but Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now), that movie's end title theme from the often dubiously popular Phil Collins is another '80s guilty pleasure of mine... :p

  • blockquote>Quoting St_George: @CommanderStrangways
    Mmmm, Rachel Ward. Mmmm.

    Must say (and I may lose any 'street cred' I
    ever had around these parts in saying this), but Against All Odds (Take A Look
    At Me Now), the often dubiously popular Phil Collins' end title theme from that
    movie is another '80s guilty pleasure of mine... :P

    I forgot to mention that song, the song is probably one of the best things about the movie. Sadly it's only played once during the film and that's during the credits.

    Rachel Ward was still good in the film though.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 506
    Jurassic Park IV.
  • Posts: 1,722
    JP4 hasnt been made yet....I gather you mean JP III ?

    QoS 3/6

    Frankly Im disappointed.....indifferent plot (I asssumed thered be a SPECTRE like org) , annoying editing and meh song.
  • Posts: 1,722
    BH Cop 2 was all right imo......
  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    Posts: 2,637
    The Social Network... Interesting, yet Boring
  • SeveSeve The island of Lemoy
    edited June 2011 Posts: 475
    Donovans Reef
    John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Caesar Romero, Jack Warden - sounds promising
    directed by John Ford - could be good then
    a comedy… well, comedy was never Ford's strong suit, but could be ok, in a good natured, ham fisted way
    instead "inept" is the word to describe this
    it fails in such basic and fundamental ways that it's hard to believe it could have been directed by someone of the stature of the great John Ford
    he must have been going senile
    after the build-up to the opening comic brawl between Wayne and Marvin it's all downhill
    every premise is half baked, every thread unravels, there is a basic outline for a script here, but the details were never filled in
    it's a series of broad brush, seemingly random and virtually incoherent scenes slapped together with flour and water
    Michael Caine is often accused (sometimes by himself) of having done movies purely in order to enjoy the location
    "Blame It On Rio" being the most famous example, but that is almost a masterpiece compared with this stinker
    which is an embarrassment for all concerned
    I can picture the Duke and Lee and Caesar sitting back in their deck chairs, beers in hand, watching another tropical sunset
    The Duke - "Do you have any idea what in tar-nation is going on with this movie?"
    Lee - "Nah, but who cares…"
    Caesar - "Hola, hula girl, can you get me another cerveza? Oh and two more for my friends? Gracias"
    and why not…
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 57
    Last film:
    Kiss the Girls and Make them Die,

    a eurospy movie trying to benefit from the connery craze in the 60s. It has some great ideas and some good actions scenes, however it drags a bit (being almost 2h long) and has a lame soundtrack.

    Interesting: The last part of the plot resembles STRONGLY Moonraker! Did they lack ideas for Moonraker and got inspiration here???
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Just saw The Lincoln Lawyer last night with the misses. She really wanted to see it, being a fan of Michael Connelly's novels, and since the man himself gave the big two thumbs up for its adaptation on the silver screen.

    I had very low expectations, Matthew McConaughey not being very high on my list of favourite actors, and having seen a trailer which looked a bit dull. The movie was actually quite decent. Nothing spectacular, but better than I expected. McConaughey gives the best performance I've seen him deliver, adequate to the character. The supporting cast is strong, lead by Marisa Tomei as the ex-wife, William H. Macy as the friend and Investigator, and Ryan Phillippe as the young client in need of help.

    The trailer had unfortunately given up quite a bit of the punch, which is a really stupid thing if you ask me, but the story is still well developed to keep you interested. I'd recommend it to drama enthusiasts, and to the folks who enjoy movies with lawyers. This definitely isn't your typical lawyer movie.

  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    The Usual Suspects

    What an amazing film! I watched it last night for the first time and it left me speechless! I absolutely loved it! Definitely one of the best movies I've ever seen.
  • Last film at home:
    Shutter Island
    - Kinda knew what was coming at the end, but still a great and fun film.

    Last film at cinemas:
    The Adjustment Bureau
    - Really good, fast-paced film, instantly became one of my top five :P :')
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    edited March 2011 Posts: 3,262
    Quoting Sir_Hilary_Bray:
    Last film:
    Kiss the Girls and Make them Die,

    eurospy movie trying to benefit from the connery craze in the 60s. It has some
    great ideas and some good actions scenes, however it drags a bit (being almost
    2h long) and has a lame soundtrack.

    Interesting: The last part of the
    plot resembles STRONGLY Moonraker! Did they lack ideas for Moonraker and got
    inspiration here???
    Is that available on DVD? I've wanted to see it for years. Trivia tidbits: it's one of Quentin Tarantino's favorite 1960s spy films. Also, Mike Connors and Dorothy Provine also co-starred in the 1964 Jack Lemmon comedy "Good Neighbor Sam".

    As for myself, to honor the King of Cool's 81st Birthday, I watched "Bullitt". I just meant to watch a little bit of it and I ended up watching the whole film. I hadn't seen it in a long time. Since the last time I watched it, I've read the original novel upon which it is based, "Mute Witness"(1963) by Robert Pike, where McQueen's character is named Clancy as well as become a fan of the classic Hawaii Five-0 TV series. Anyway, I think I enjoyed the film more than I ever had before. Perhaps my appreciation has grown for it since reading the novel. It's definitely my favorite McQueen star vehicle film(as opposed to his star ensemble films "The Great Escape," "The Towering Inferno," and "The Magnificent Seven").
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Whoa! That is one messed up quote ^ :-)) Tried to fix it by adding missing < to initial blockquote, but well the rest is just too messed up!
  • Posts: 2,495
    wow SG that is great list.good that noone made 1star movie .you should watch inception i want to know how you would rate it
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 212
    The Tourist

    Given the reviews this film got, I was expecting a rather below-average film. I was pleasantly surprised with this one, though. Is it the best espionage thriller out there? No, not by a long shot, but I appreciate the direction they went with it and found it to be quite entertaining throughout. I liked that it was an espionage film that didn't rely on endless strings of explosions or wall-to-wall action every few minutes.

  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821

    Is it just my imagination or does Denzel Washington and Tony Scott make the same kind of movies over and over together?
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