Last Movie you Watched?



  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Lord of War and Blood Diamond.

    2 of my favorite films, they are just so rewatchable due to fantastic plots, killer performances from Cage and Dicaprio, and stunning soundtracks.

    "That's for breaking ma TV, bruh."

    I'm a huge fan of 'Blood Diamond.' Fantastic film.
  • Just watched OHMSS on Blu-ray .
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    3 Days To Kill. Awesome film. Just amazing.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    My new favorite Marvel movie. :D
    Also...Disney, I'm always ready for a Murdock cinematic universe. ;)
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,520
    Phase one of our world domination plans, @Murdock? Or isn't that device the shrink ray machine with which we'll dispose of our enemies?
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    @DarthDimi, It serves many purposes. ;) It can miniaturize enemies or take you on a big adventure. :D
  • edited December 2015 Posts: 12,605
    The Incredibles (2004). I love a lot of Pixar films, but this is definitely right near the top. I've seen it countless times and it never gets old; definitely one of the most rewatchable movies I've ever seen. Great characters, great story, great action - this is the complete package as a superhero film. Truly an incredible film.
  • Posts: 9,913
    I am tempted to rewatch Phantom menace I know everyone hates it but lately I have been hearing it was so bad it "ruined my childhood" and that "the film is the worst film ever" We live in a world where Deborah Gibson has an acting career and Phantom menace is the worse film ever? Based solely on memory I remember hating Anakin and Jar Jar but the film as a whole wasn't that bad and I am genuinely wondering am I Misremembering it or is it that bad.

    there are a few franchises I would like to go through and review though. And while the idea of doing all of 007 next year is good I might do Batman then Star Wars and then MI then Die hard etc go through each franchise between now and Bond 25.... hmm

  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited December 2015 Posts: 23,883


    I was able to sneak in some time to see these classics prior to the new film, which I'll be watching in a few hours.

    I wasn't a huge fan of these films as a kid, being more of a Bond & Batman fan through and through. In fact, I remember wondering what the big fuss had been all about when I watched the original film for the first time - MR, its contemporary, had far better special effects, I thought.

    As time has progressed, I have grown to appreciate these three films for what they are and were - a perfect, larger than life break from the predominantly dour, serious product that had been emanating from Hollywood just prior to their release and for most of the 70's. They represented 'hope', optimism, and the triumph of good over bad, and they arrived at just the right time to capitalize on new film technology. Moreover, the concepts underlying the films (forgiveness, conscience, good vs bad, teamwork, family, deception, David vs Goliath etc.) are universal and timeless. Arguably Jaws was the birth of the modern blockbuster, but Star Wars is definitely more influential, and marked a significant turning point in the tone of films - some may say it was the 'dumbing down' of the blockbuster even.

    Anyway, I really enjoyed watching them this time around - my first time since Revenge of the Sith hit theatres in 2005 (has it been that long already?). They are just good all round fun. Not too serious in tone, with just the right amount of humour (usually from C3P0 & Solo). The special effects still hold up relatively well, and the sound mix on my blu rays are absolutely phenomenal. I liked how they used British thespians in key roles to add the necessary gravitas and elevate the acting (which let's face it, was pretty pedestrian from Hamill etc.). Ford showed that he had the makings of a bona fide star in these films though....the clear standout.

    I'm now well and truly pumped for A Force Awakens.
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015

    Don't worry this is spoiler free!

    Yes it's borrows heavily from the original trilogy and at times copying it wholesale but unlike the lifeless prequels it has heart and soul and characters that we care about. It's exuberant and it feels like an old school action blockbuster, the lifeless pap that gets spewed out by Hollywood these day could learn a few lessons from it.
    The return of old favourites and the introduction of new characters. Harrison Ford slip into his outfit and feels the epitome of a weathered older Han Solo with his loyal co pilot Chewbacca, the chemistry between Ford and Peter Mayhew is joyous and their first scene I don't mind admitting almost bought a tear to my eye with the sheer joy of it all. Other parts also almost got the same reaction for different reasons but as I said I'm not here to spoil things.

    Both Daisy Ridley and John Boyega as Rey and Finn are fantastic as the new heroes and both hit the ground running, Although it is Adam Driver's Kylo Ren that impresses most. This is a different villain to Darth Vader with more conflicts and Driver invests this with some real depth and pathos.

    This is not a spoiler so I think I can mention it, the film has one of the coolest cameo's of recent times, lets just say, it's the best film Daniel Craig has been in all year. See if you can spot it, despite his protests earlier in the year when questioned about it.
    JJ Abraham's seemed the logical choice after rebooting Star Trek successfully and his eye gives us some spectacular moments and the film zips along at a pace. Although next time round we need someone with more of an original vision but for the time being this nostalgic blast will more than do.

    I would say if I was ranking it I'd put it at no. 4 due to it's excessive borrowing just below Return of The Jedi but it's infinitely better than those soulless extended toy commercial we got in 1999, 2002 & 2005.

    It's clearly setting things up for the next two episodes and quite a few things are left unanswered but we are left with one hell of a cliffhanger that is going make waiting till Summer 2017 excruciating. Although we have the tantalising prospect this time next year of the first of the spin off entries Gareth Edward's Rogue One that will tie us over till then. Rian Johnson it's over to you.

  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited December 2015 Posts: 15,732
    Just watched 2 of the most intense and awesome war films I've seen, straight from South Korea, that put even the best American was films like 'Saving Private Ryan' to shame:

    My Way


    Taegukgi: Brotherhood of War

    Both feature wall-to-wall extremely intense war battles, from South Korea, to China, to Soviet Russia, to Germany, and finally to France, that almost make the opening scene of 'Saving Private Ryan' look like a disney movie. 'Brotherhood of War' features Won Bin, who 6 years after this film would play one of the most badass main characters ever in 'The Man From Nowhere'.

    I urge everyone who enjoy asian films, or war films, to watch these 2 work of art from South Korea. Is there anything that asian cinema can't do without putting the rest of the world to shame?
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Damn...I didn't think I'd be this excited for 'The Force Awakens.' Dodging spoilers, going to see it next week when it's "less" crowded. Already shattering B.O. records, as expected. I can honestly see this beating 'Avatar' - called that before it was released, and I still believe it's true.
  • Posts: 1,631
    The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
    I know that this one was pretty well received by those that saw it, but I just couldn't get into it. Had to turn it off a little ways through the film, as I just couldn't take it anymore. I know absolutely nothing about the TV series, so it wasn't that I disliked it out of any sense of loyalty to the TV show, it just didn't work for me.

    Jurassic World
    One of the most overrated blockbusters I can remember seeing in a while. I thoroughly enjoyed the first three films and was excited for a new entry, but this movie was just dull beyond words. And that ending, wow, that was just one of the worst endings I can remember seeing in a while. And people called the end of Jurassic Park 3 abrupt. The ending to this one was basically the screenwriters realizing that they hadn't used a particular dinosaur yet in the film and then bring him in to save the day. Couldn't believe it when I saw it.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    The Guest (2014)
    Terrific film, I had tons of fun, excellent throw-back to the 1980's. However, I didn't see Bond material in Dan Stevens, even if I found him to be quite the badass in this film. I hope there is a sequel.
  • Posts: 12,605
    The Secret Village (2013). Solid candidate for worst film I've ever seen - stay far away unless specifically looking for a horrible movie.
  • Posts: 3,336
    FoxRox wrote: »
    The Secret Village (2013). Solid candidate for worst film I've ever seen - stay far away unless specifically looking for a horrible movie.

    Why would you watch a film with a 2,4 imdb rating :))
  • edited December 2015 Posts: 3,336
    Black Christmas (1974)

    Was good enough to watch it once.

    Edit: One of the first slasher films, came before films such as: Friday the 13th, A nightmare on elm street, and Halloween. So i definetly respect it, even though i didn't like it that much.
  • Posts: 12,605
    FoxRox wrote: »
    The Secret Village (2013). Solid candidate for worst film I've ever seen - stay far away unless specifically looking for a horrible movie.

    Why would you watch a film with a 2,4 imdb rating :))

    Just checked it out on Netflix; thought it might be one of those so-bad-it's-funny films. Just bad really except for one or two funny moments.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    edited December 2015 Posts: 1,812
    Mission: Impossible
    Just bought the Mission Impossible 5 movie collection on blu-ray the other day and I'm watching them all in order. It's been years since I watched the first movie and I forgot how good is. Compared to the others it's the most simple and least exciting but it's still fun to watch and is the most realistic one.

    My ranking of these films at the moment...
    Ghost Protocal
    M:I 3
    Rouge Nation
    Mission: Impossible
    M:I 2
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,401
    FoxRox wrote: »
    The Incredibles (2004). I love a lot of Pixar films, but this is definitely right near the top. I've seen it countless times and it never gets old; definitely one of the most rewatchable movies I've ever seen. Great characters, great story, great action - this is the complete package as a superhero film. Truly an incredible film.

    This is a great movie; #2 is on the way!

  • edited December 2015 Posts: 2,081
    FoxRox wrote: »
    The Secret Village (2013). Solid candidate for worst film I've ever seen - stay far away unless specifically looking for a horrible movie.

    Do people actually check such ratings before they watch a movie? Really? Oh.


    Bridge Of Spies
    I wasn't sure how much I even wanted to see this, but now I'm glad I went. This was better than I expected, and looked very good, too.

    2 x Tom Hardy... and he was so good and it was so well done that it was easy at times to sort of forget the fact that both Krays were played by the same actor. An enjoyable movie overall.

    The Martian
    I had to kinda talk myself into going to see this, too, but unlike Bridge Of Spies this did not pleasantly surprise me. Not bad, but well... not that great, either. HFPA decided it's a comedy... ok... and I've seen some people say it's really funny... ok. Those two are not necessarily the same thing at all, but I thought this was neither comedy nor funny. Oh well.

    Black Mass
    I have to admit I expected more from this. I really wanted to like it more than I did (because I really like Scott Cooper, and also like Depp and Edgerton). It was... good... but I felt like something was missing, though I couldn't pinpoint what. The tone and look was as expected - bleak, no glamorizing but also not overtly brutal. I prefer this approach to what some other directors do with this type of material.I suspect this may be a movie I'll appreciate more on re-watch some day... possibly.


    tv and dvd: too many to even remember, but a few that come to mind:

    It had been ages since I saw this, and didn't remember much. I had a vague idea I hadn't liked it much way back... Still didn't, unfortunately.

    Not too shabby, eh?

    Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari
    A silent movie classic from Germany. What I love most about this is the whole visual style of it, still absolutely fascinating to watch almost a century later.

    For some mysterious reason I was inspired to watch a couple of movies with Jesper Christensen in them. Sadly he only had a small part in each, but anyway...

    A Danish film. This was a bit of an ordeal to sit through. Basically hated it.

    Everlasting Moments
    A Swedish movie, based on a true story. This one I liked.

    The Interpreter
    With Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn (both of whom I also like) as leads. A pretty good movie, but nothing special.



    I know and understand that what you say about Terminator Salvation script changes is not your own theory, I've seen that before elsewhere, but since you brought it up...

    I suppose it's an easy theory to accept without questions, because it fits the common narrative about "movie stars" and their "big egos" - and in this instance many people are probably making that assumption even more due to "big ego" being mistaken as the cause for other stuff that ultimately had nothing to do with ego. I'm not saying you are doing that, just that it's part of the accepted story here and that story is somewhat suspect.

    From what I've read Bale wasn't the only one who felt script changes were needed to the early version and it's common practise anyway. I understand why people would blame him though. And it's good to have a scapegoat. But he is very much a character driven actor (as opposed to ego driven), there to serve the story and to be used by the director to tell the story. People who work with him talk about his "refreshing lack of ego ", "tremendous humility ", generosity as an actor and how collaborative he is. From Michael Mann and Christopher Nolan to Adam McKay, from Natalie Portman to Tom Hardy and so on. Not an ego-tripping type outside of movies, either

    To interpret TS script stuff or any other issues anyone may have with the movie being determined by its most famous component's ego is, in my opinion, both grossly unfair and illogical. I know it's a popular theory so you're not alone with it, but nevertheless, it just doesn't make much sense to me.

    I missed some earlier train of thought I had written already and then lost. Oh well. Some of it is there...
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,520

    I can't be sure of course but it's something I've read and heard so often, I guess I just went with it. ;-) Allegedly, the idea was that Salvation would focus primarily on Marcus and Kyle, leaving John barely more than a voice on the radio, a messianic beacon of hope so to speak, who could become a more active player in future films. According to some, Bale demanded that A) he would play the 'iconic' John Connor and B) that John would be given a lot more to do, thus more or less reducing the meaning of having Marcus and Kyle in the picture.

    Salvation was the first film that made me realise how thin the "mythology" of the Connors really is. I should have been thrilled seeing John in action, seeing Reese as a young man, hearing Sarah's tapes... but I wasn't. The mistake they continue to make is that they continue to bring up these characters whose story was basically told in three films (and in fact in only two). How about we discover other interesting people who do interesting things? Over the course of a few films, they can cross paths with some of the bigger names. Even then, downsizing a universe by linking everything to everything else, a mistake Lucas made with the Star Wars prequels, is a terrible thing so they would still have to exercise caution not to overdo it. I guess John, as the big leader, has to eventually show up in your future films but do we really need Reese? Isn't what we know about him enough already? He got one film all for himself and Sarah.

    2 Fast 2 Furious and Tokyo Drift didn't show us Vin Diesel (except for that one cameo), yet by Furious 7 it's all been connected. I think it was well done too. You pick up loose threads and provide closure, but you do so over the course of several films. They did that with Saw too. But for Terminator, I'd do even less than that.

    Again, Planet Of The Apes is IMO a beautiful example of how to do it well. The two recent Apes films have taken a complete U-turn from the Heston film, its sequels and televised spin-off and from the Burton film too. Even the source novel by Pierre Boulle is completely ignored. Yet nothing suggests that over time we can't do something with that "lost spaceship" they briefly mention in Rise. When they first announced yet another POTA, I initially thought, "not again..." Then I learned how entirely different this one was going to be. And it worked. Who knows what the future brings.
  • Posts: 2,081
    @DarthDimi, I edited my earlier post to re-write some of the lost stuff. Can't remember. the rest and my eyes are going. .. and I'm arriving at destination, too. I'll re-read your post later, good stuff...
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Just watched the two Lara Croft films. Back to back on SyFy.

    Some interesting Bond alumni -

    Steve Begg, Chris Corbould, Lindy Hemming, Simon Crane, David Tattersall, one of the producers was Steve Baird and Danny Craig.
  • Don't forget Gerard Butler! ;)
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Rouge Nation

    Is that a mysterious sequel to 'Moulin Rouge' that I've never heard of? ;)
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Of course @Master_Dahark!

    "It's going down at 67 degrees at the stern!" in an improbably Scottish accent.

  • Posts: 6,080
    Star Wars : The Force Awakens. Loved it.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    Is that a mysterious sequel to 'Moulin Rouge' that I've never heard of? ;)

    Haha thanks @Creasy47, I'll be sure not to do that again. :P
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Birdleson wrote: »
    I'm watching INSIDE OUT and it's making me sad.

    Do something that'll cheer you up and make you feel happy for a few hours! If only I had an idea...
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