
edited March 2013 in General Discussion Posts: 9
Hey guys :) Ive created a Facebook page with the sole purpose of it being a dedication to the spin off to Buffy the vampire slayer show 'Angel' . This show has been seriously overlooked and I am hoping that if anybody here is still a fan or loves the show they will add me , and discussions can be started once I feel we have enough people to generate a prettycdecent discussion . The vampire with a soul played by David boreanaz will always live on in my heart and if you feel the same add me on Facebook - [email protected]. Thank you all very much I appreciate it if you read this and if you decide to add then hats off to you :) enjoy your days fellas


  • Welcome to MI6, @Angel. I love both BTVS and Angel! They are both amazing shows, and indeed somewhat over looked (Buffy is a little better known, but there are still very few people that realise how great this show is, and films like 'Twilight' have not helped the show's reputation (mostly when I tell people I'm a fan of Buffy they say 'Oh, another vampire show', and they don't even know 'Angel') Are you going to be a contributor here? I don't really go into discussions on Facebook pages, but I'd love to talk about Buffy and Angel on here :)

    By the way, the greatest arc ever in the history of television has to be the like 4 or 5 back-to-back Angel episodes in Season 4 that start with the reveal of
    the beast and end with Faith and Angelus stuck in Angel's memories
  • 002002
    Posts: 581
    i really wish they did Season 6...they ended it on a real cliffhanger
  • Posts: 9
    I completely agree about the story arc in the 4th season it was mind blowing haha and that fight scene on the rooftop in 'apocalypse nowish' was epic beyond belief lol . I must say that I absolutely hate twilight , vampires that sparkle ? Lol I'd love to see spike or angel kick Edwards a**e lol. I believe that they intended on doing several spin offs after angel finished , they approached Eliza dushku in 2003 to do a faith spin off and planned to do 4 or 5 tv movies about willow , angel , spike and Illyria , they have continued the story arc of both angel and Buffy in comic form, but it doesn't feel the same lol if anything the comics are quite poor .
  • Yeah, Dushku turned down the Faith spin-off in order to do Tru Calling, which was cancelled after two seasons. Now, I recently watched an episode of Tru Calling, and it was pretty good, but Faith is my favorite character in the Buffyverse, so I'd have loved to have seen her spin-off (especially as the premise of the show would have been Faith travelling trough America on a motorcycle tracking down vamps while she tries to deal with her own inner demons). A few years ago (around 2010-ish, I still had hope for the Spin-off films, but I believe James Marsters said way back in 2008 that if they weren't out in 3 years that meant the wouldn't be coming anymore, so I've kind of given up hope for anymore Buffy/Angel media apart from the comics.

    On that note; I have read the first collection of the Buffy comics (the long way home) okay, but not great and nowhere near as good as the show) I've never read any of the Angel comics. Overall, even though I love the Angel series, I must say I'm more of a fan of Buffy. The last two seasons weren't that great, but the first 5 where consistently brilliant (especially s.2 & s.3). With Angel I loved the concept, and think it was a pre-cursor of later tv-series and movies like the Dark Knight trilogy and Arrow, but I feel they where always struggling to come up with good stories, with the seasons really being hit-and-miss up until the final one. What I mean is; every season has great episodes, but also just down-right boring ones. Especially in Season 4, they where doing so great with the Angelus thing, and Faith and Willow returning, and then they just let it go to shit when
    that woman was born out of Cordy, I forgot her name, but after that it just got really depressing
    . Season 5 was really strong though, and Spike was a great addition to the team, S.5 also brought in some much needed humour (especially after the depressing S.4). I can see where @002 is coming from, wanting a 6th season, but I do really admire the show for stopping at a high note, and if Buffy is anything to judge from, any seasons created after the high note could have been quite a disappointment. In the end, they gave off the message the entire show gives off; just keep fighting!

    As you can see, I'm very passionate about these two shows, possibly even more passionate than I am about James Bond, even though I've been a Bond fan for a lot longer.
  • Posts: 9
    I share you passion my friend , these shows have helped me battle my own personal demons and dark times . I think the buffyverse is the most unique universe in all of television history, I just wished we had more , but I suppose masters and boreanaz couldn't portray immortal characters forever , they were showing their age in the final season of angel . It's also sad to see that andy ballets death was 4 years ago this Friday , what a great actor he was :'(
  • Posts: 9
  • Both shows definitely helped me through some tough times as well. That's one of the powers most people don't understand about these shows; even though they deal with the supernatural, they really have heart, and they are just so relate-able , and use their subject matter as some great metaphors for thing you are going to/have experienced in your life.
  • Posts: 9
    Both shows definitely helped me through some tough times as well. That's one of the powers most people don't understand about these shows; even though they deal with the supernatural, they really have heart, and they are just so relate-able , and use their subject matter as some great metaphors for thing you are going to/have experienced in your life.

    Perfectly sums up what makes them so great
  • Posts: 6,432
    I watched all of Buffy, great show though had one season i felt took itself too serious. Think it was season six, the season where despite saving the world numerous times, everyone seemed to be at Buffy. Think it was season six.

    Angel seemed to improve as it went along, watched most episodes. Remember the first season being less fantastical, felt more along the lines of Baywatch nights initially.
  • I watched all of Buffy, great show though had one season i felt took itself too serious. Think it was season six, the season where despite saving the world numerous times, everyone seemed to be at Buffy. Think it was season six.

    Angel seemed to improve as it went along, watched most episodes. Remember the first season being less fantastical, felt more along the lines of Baywatch nights initially.

    Yeah, Season 6 is when Buffy starting getting very depressing. Indeed, everybody was against Buffy,
    she had just been forced back onto earth from heaven by them
    and there was a whole lot of drama between all the characters.
    I've never seen an episode of Baywatch Nights, but I've seen the intro's to season 1 and season 2, and the S.1 intro has a shot of Hasselhoff driving a car that looks almost the same as a shot in the Angel into, which I always thought was amusing.

  • Posts: 6,432
    I watched all of Buffy, great show though had one season i felt took itself too serious. Think it was season six, the season where despite saving the world numerous times, everyone seemed to be at Buffy. Think it was season six.

    Angel seemed to improve as it went along, watched most episodes. Remember the first season being less fantastical, felt more along the lines of Baywatch nights initially.

    Yeah, Season 6 is when Buffy starting getting very depressing. Indeed, everybody was against Buffy,
    she had just been forced back onto earth from heaven by them
    and there was a whole lot of drama between all the characters.
    I've never seen an episode of Baywatch Nights, but I've seen the intro's to season 1 and season 2, and the S.1 intro has a shot of Hasselhoff driving a car that looks almost the same as a shot in the Angel into, which I always thought was amusing.

    Of course i forget was it Glory at end of season 5, been along time since i watched them. Season six indeed was depressing and lacked the humour of previous seasons, though i suppose with any long running show you have to mix it up a bit.
  • I watched all of Buffy, great show though had one season i felt took itself too serious. Think it was season six, the season where despite saving the world numerous times, everyone seemed to be at Buffy. Think it was season six.

    Angel seemed to improve as it went along, watched most episodes. Remember the first season being less fantastical, felt more along the lines of Baywatch nights initially.

    Yeah, Season 6 is when Buffy starting getting very depressing. Indeed, everybody was against Buffy,
    she had just been forced back onto earth from heaven by them
    and there was a whole lot of drama between all the characters.
    I've never seen an episode of Baywatch Nights, but I've seen the intro's to season 1 and season 2, and the S.1 intro has a shot of Hasselhoff driving a car that looks almost the same as a shot in the Angel into, which I always thought was amusing.

    Of course i forget was it Glory at end of season 5, been along time since i watched them. Season six indeed was depressing and lacked the humour of previous seasons, though i suppose with any long running show you have to mix it up a bit.

    Yeah, Glory at the end of Season 5 indeed! From Season 6 on they moved to a different channel, and apparently Joss (Whedon, the creator) got the freedom to do whatever he wanted to do with the show. And apparently that's not a freedom he should have had, on the one hand; this meant we got the great musical episode, on the other end, it meant we got the rest of seasons 6 and 7 which where pretty disappointing. Although they still have some okay episodes, like the one where they all have amnesia or something and the one where the trio first start messing with Buffy.
    That episode also has a discussion between the trio about James Bond. They are talking about their favourites and one of them (I believe it was Andrew) says he likes Timothy Dalton, to which to others give him the silent treatment! (I'm actually with Andrew on that one )
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    That episode also has a discussion between the trio about James Bond. They are talking about their favourites and one of them (I believe it was Andrew) says he likes Timothy Dalton, to which to others give him the silent treatment!
    That was HILARIOUS. The pop culture references came fast & furious then.
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