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Again I must emphasise that I'm far from being a specialist in these matters. I could be mistaken so corrections are welcome if so required. Still, I believe that what we see in TND - and I know this is a post-Cold War film - is utterly over the top. The British fleet versus the Chinese army? With all due respect, that's like sending a few cats to battle a hundred hungry Rottweiler dogs. I'm only using this example to demonstrate, hopefully with some correctness, that us Bond fans, especially foreign Bond fans like myself, could easily get too big an impression of the British war machine post-WWII through the Bond films and Fleming's patriotic (or might the word chauvinistic not be more accurate?) overemphasising of MI6's weight on Cold War affairs.
Especially in the first two decades the British and French armies had quite a punch to pack.
Don't forget that France and Britain had and have their own nukes. Other then the soviet states the western countries did have quite some influence on world politics. See also the Suez crisis
One of the biggest flaws of TNDs script. From Carvers point of view doesnt starting a war between the US and China make mores sense? After all the Yanks really couldnt give a toss about things that dont involve them so if its viewers hes after why not go for the American audience by tailoring the conflict for them?
Not to mention that the idea that we would actually go out there and fancy taking on China is risible. We could barely beat an Argie conscript rabble so how are we going to take on the biggest army in the world after 15 years of further army cuts?
If the events of TND played out for real the most we would do is slag China off in the UN. We might and try to lobby the Yanks to back us in attacking them but they would tell us where to go.
No one is going to go nuclear for a sunken ship, especially as the Chinese will deny it.
Precisely! The script would have been better, IMO, had the British sent Bond to investigate because they couldn't stand a chance in a military conflict. Of course I'm not going to rewrite the script just out of improvisation right here and now. They would have to insert something to give Carver the chance for gain from the initial incident and its consequences but I can't think of something this very moment. Either way, the idea of a "global war" involving British seamen and some Chinese pilots seemed utterly incredulous at the time. I think Bieber's nocturnal escapades would still receive more media attention, sadly enough.
Couldnt they just have recycled the plot of YOLT? China sinks an American ship and it threatens to kick off. We send in Bond because we hacked signals coming from Carvers satelite or something?
I thought it was, again, 'funny' how the British got so personally involved in Graves' plan to initiate a war between the two Koreas. At that point it was established that he was a Korean with a facelift so no more official links to the British if they so desired. Sure, he was going to conquer the Far-East first and then proceed to the rest of the world... I'm sorry. It just... it doesn't work. #-o
Good thing we don't have solar death rays. :))
My my, I'm not even sure Bond could win from these guys:
Reminds me a little of CR67 though. ;-)
How right you are @DarthDimi. ;)
James Bond needs Duke Nukem's help for this one.