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Personally, i think it's a little too edgy.
You can tell it's on the lower (but not inconsiderable) budget/indie side at very specific points (Joker's prosthetics and wig look a little obvious) but otherwise that's pretty damn well made. Very dark and not a comfortable watch, but I can appreciate how evocative it is.
Will this or project 007 come out first lol
I'm honestly most excited about Clayface as a movie. I also hope that WB and DC learned their lesson from Joker and 2. Have more comic book characters appear. As for Superman and Supergirl same thing, namely villains from their long time histories in comics. Apparently, that's too much to ask of WB and DC.
Ironically, going back to the MCU, a lot of people it seems want Kevin Feige to resign from Marvel. I personally have mixed feelings about that.
I recall reading somewhere that had Burton gotten to do The Riddler, he would have wanted Robin Williams for the role.
That's what I heard as well. Marlon Wayans was looked at for Robin. Rene Russo was looked at for a love interest. Alas, it took over 30 years for WB to realize what is popular.