Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (2013 - present)



  • Posts: 12,553
    Can't wait for it to be back on the tv!!!
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    jolearon wrote:
    Well it looks like Marvel is stepping it up, and rumors of the show having cross overs not only into the Avengers 2, but into the GOTG movie, which is exciting if true.

    I enjoy that the show references the movies, but I'd also like to see some crossover the other way. In Thor: The Dark World, Darcy can't get a hold of SHIELD, despite the fact that I'd think the Bifrost opening a couple of times in rapid succession should draw them right to London. Then, in Agents of SHIELD, we see that Coulson's team shows up in Greenwich, pretty much right after the movie ends, for clean-up. Given the fact that SHIELD could track Loki where ever the hell he was in The Avengers, I'd really like to know how a bunch of kids and Darcy were the only ones to find the gravimetric anomalies in London.

    I'd really like to see, maybe in just a quick shot in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Coulson's team walking past Cap in the Triskelion, and Cap does a double-take as he sees Coulson walking around alive. I know it won't (likely) happen, but it'd be nice.
    jolearon wrote:
    So many crossovers, it seems like they've dug their self out of the whole in which many viewers were getting bored of the TV series.

    I'm disappointed at the fact that crossovers are required to get the show viewers. The show has been good from the pilot, and has never required the movies to be good, but people just keep waiting for the connections to the movies, which are nice but should not be the ratings crutch that they are proving to be.
    jolearon wrote:
    See the blue guy in the last episode? -- I haven't seen anything official yet on who this is supposed to me, but the rumor mill has nothing but gems.

    One of the biggest rumors running around the internet is "Kree", which would be nice. The Kree will be introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy, and getting an informal introduction in Agents of SHIELD would be pretty nice.
  • Posts: 645
    @Agent007391 I agree, a show shouldn't have to depend on the film crossovers for ratings, BUT, in this cinematic universe that Marvel has put together, it's a pivotal element to the franchise in every film and now their using that formula to propel the TV series, which started out rocky (because, well, hey, it's new to them) and they've caught on now to gain mass viewers, not just the loyal fan boy base.

    I personally didn't think it would go over well, but with Coulson and the crossovers, it's gone the distance. I just hope this series carries over to Marvel Phase 3, Ant-Man, GOTG, Dr. Strange, Etc.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Guardians of the Galaxy is in Phase 2, not 3. Ant-Man and Dr. Strange will be awesome.

    I know that the crossovers are par for the course with this shared universe, but I just wish that people would stop watching the show just to see how it ties in with the films. They're building a great storyline with the Clairvoyant, and it's a storyline that I highly doubt will tie-in with the films. I want the series to stand on that, with the occasional tie-in with the films just to show "hey, we're still a part of this universe".
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    It's being done to get viewers interested. This series really isn't the big hit it was meant to be, so anything is being tried at the moment.
  • Posts: 12,553
    I'm still looking forward to seeing its return here in the UK on Friday night! :-bd
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Okay, having just seen Captain America 2, I have to say, the upcoming episode of Agents of SHIELD has a lot to deal with. Hopefully, it's not like the episode "The Well", which just threw up Thor and The Dark World references in two minutes and then ignored them the rest of the episode.
  • Posts: 1,394
    I gave up on this show after the pilot.Absolute rubbish with a terrible cast.And i say that as a fan of the Marvel movies.
  • Posts: 645
    @Agent007391 Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing the CA2 aftermath episode. I cant see how it will pan out at all....
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Oh, it was g*ddamn awesome.
  • Posts: 645
    Just watched it! And noticed the new onscreen logo, nice.
    Can't wait to see where this goes. It really does make it feel more connected than the Thor 2 film, they did a much better job, but with this story line I don't see how it could have been avoided, ha.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    They claim to have had this story arc in the cooker since the first episode, which makes me wonder
    How soon did Bill Paxton know he was going to be playing the Clairvoyant? When he comes in in T.A.H.I.T.I., he asks Quinn "What do you know about Cybertek and the Deathlok program, despite the fact that no one with the possible exception of Skye knows that the name Deathlok is combined with the cybernetic leg that Mike Peterson is given. How early was Brett Dalton told he was going to be a Hydra agent? All these questions ran through my mind as I watched last night's episode, and now I can't wait until next week to get the f*cking answers that I want.
  • Posts: 645
    Haha. I know right!
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Well, at least we get Maria Hill returning in a few weeks, and then Sam Jackson a few weeks after that, in the finale. Now if only we could get us a Tony Stark or a Bruce Banner appearance...
  • Posts: 645
    I didn't realize Maria Hill is going to be on AOG, is that what you meant?
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    AOG? Yes, Maria Hill is going to be on Agents of SHIELD on the April 29th episode. And then Nick Fury will be returning for the season finale, hopefully for more than just a cameo.
  • Posts: 645
    I believe she had a quick cameo in the beginning of 4/15th episode.

    Yes, I hope they give the fans something more for the finale.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Maria Hill's only appearance thus far has been in the pilot (save, maybe, the Previously on Marvel's Agent of SHIELD), and Nick Fury's only appearance was the second episode "0-8-4" (save archive footage in "The Magical Place" and, this one particularly nice, "End of the Beginning", which was archive footage from a movie that had yet to premiere in the States).
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Say, the season finale aired tonight. Here's some spoilerific thoughts about it:
    First off, I've got to start with the FitzSimmons stuff. It wasn't horrible, but it was better than some of their other scenes in earlier episodes. Fitz being ready to die for Simmons was pretty good, though.

    Then we come to Coulson's assault on Cybertek, which was, in a word, awesome. The part where they captured the truck was amazing, and really showed just how good a team Coulson and Triplett are.

    Garrett's stuff wasn't particularly, well, good. His craziness seemed kind of forced, as opposed to his just plain badass evilness in earlier appearances. (Though, I have to say, back when the Hydra reveal happened, it didn't surprise me that he was Hydra.) The scene where he ripped out the general's rib and jammed it in that same general's skull was great, though. Garrett's best scene, I have to say, came later, when he died. That scene rocked, because it was f*cking hilarious.

    Next comes the fact that Fury's appearance in the finale was way more than a cameo. It was a little too convenient when he showed up to save FitzSimmons. But when he got to Cybertek's headquarters to help Coulson, and gave him the awesome Destroyer gun from The Avengers, it gave us some of the best scenes in the entire series so far. Coulson and Fury make the best buddy act on TV, and I really want Fury to show up in a recurring role in season 2, but alas, it probably won't happen. Coulson's anger at Fury over the Tahiti (or should I say T.A.H.I.T.I.) stuff was pretty good, but altogether too brief.

    Then we got the scene where Fury gives Coulson the reins to SHIELD. Season 2 looks like it's gearing up to be a rebuildin' season, as Coulson and crew set to bringing SHIELD back to its former glory. I can't wait for it.

    There were some honorable mentions. Ward and May's fight was great. The Deathlok stuff worked very well, and I'm betting we'll see him more in season 2 as the anti-hero that he is in the comics. Ward being alive and still a bad guy sets up some good plot potential in the upcoming season. I can't wait to see what happens to Fitz now that he'll "never be the same again". Garrett writing on the glass in that alien language was a great way to show how deranged he was, and then Coulson doing it on a wall later was a great way to show that things aren't exactly back to normal with Fury's Favorite Avenger.

    All in all, the season finale did what it should have done: be a set up of things to come. Come this (likely) September, we'll all have a great show to return to (and a great way to fill the midseason break, since Agent Carter has been greenlit).
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    I enjoyed the season finale but I felt like they forced some comedy a little too much. I like this show but if I'm being honest, I'm looking forward to Agent Carter more than the second season of Agents of SHIELD.
  • Posts: 312
    I'm waiting for Agent Carter TV show too. I hope that we'll see some spy stuff and some heroes from 40's.
    BTW I was happy when I heard about the second season of Agents of SHIELD.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    DVD/Blu-ray US release is September 9, alongside the DVD/Blu-ray of Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
  • Posts: 6,432
    Just watched the season finale, despite a mid season slump, overall quite enjoy this show. Seems to be building momentum, will be interesting to see where they go with the Skye character.
  • Posts: 12,553
    Watched the season finale Friday night. Really enjoyed it and love the Fury/Coulson double act as people have already mentioned. I thought the carvings that Garrett and Coulson had made for some reason looked like a strange type of circuit system. Age of Ultron link perhaps? Or is it my over active imagination?!!! [..]
  • Posts: 6,432
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Watched the season finale Friday night. Really enjoyed it and love the Fury/Coulson double act as people have already mentioned. I thought the carvings that Garrett and Coulson had made for some reason looked like a strange type of circuit system. Age of Ultron link perhaps? Or is it my over active imagination?!!! [..]

    Not considered Age of Ultron, would not surprise me if it were, based on links to Dark world and Winter soldier in the show previously. Would seem logical as i think the show will continue to run parallel with the cinematic universe.
  • Posts: 12,553
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Watched the season finale Friday night. Really enjoyed it and love the Fury/Coulson double act as people have already mentioned. I thought the carvings that Garrett and Coulson had made for some reason looked like a strange type of circuit system. Age of Ultron link perhaps? Or is it my over active imagination?!!! [..]

    Not considered Age of Ultron, would not surprise me if it were, based on links to Dark world and Winter soldier in the show previously. Would seem logical as i think the show will continue to run parallel with the cinematic universe.

    Will be quite proud of myself if I guess right? :-))
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    RogueAgent wrote:
    I thought the carvings that Garrett and Coulson had made for some reason looked like a strange type of circuit system.

    Somebody on the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki mentioned that it's the language of the Skrulls in the comics. It'd be weird, considering the stuff that made them do it came from what was apparently confirmed (Skye's actress confirmed it, I guess) to be a Kree.
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Age of Ultron link perhaps? Or is it my over active imagination?!!! [..]

    I'd like it to be, especially considering Joss Whedon's brother runs the show.
  • edited June 2014 Posts: 6,432
    Kree! was kree a inhuman? Not totally up on some Marvel storys and characters. Probably means Skye is a inhuman? Near the end of Beginning of the end episode when Deathlock mark one suited up, was hoping skye was going to become She-hulk and fight him lol
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    No, the Kree are the race that are usually at war with the Skulls. They'll be making their big screen debut in Guardians of the Galaxy, with Ronan the Accuser and Korath the Pursuer. Skye, however, might be an Inhuman.
  • Posts: 6,432
    No, the Kree are the race that are usually at war with the Skulls. They'll be making their big screen debut in Guardians of the Galaxy, with Ronan the Accuser and Korath the Pursuer. Skye, however, might be an Inhuman.

    Cheers, looking forward to Guardians will be all new to me as know very little about them.
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