Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (2013 - present)



  • Posts: 12,553
    Just watched last nights episode! Certainly getting more complicated for Sky! So addicted to this show! :-bd
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Spoiler alert!
    Skye is, apparently, Daisy Johnson, aka Quake.

    Three people have separately added this to the character's Wikipedia page. Three.
  • I'm wondering who will major bad guy now?
    Is Daniel Whitehall really dead?
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Doctor Calvin/Mr. Hyde. Probably Ward and 33, too. Maybe some Inhumans.
  • Posts: 1,107
    Edward James Olmos Joins The Cast Of AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. In Mysterious Role
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    They'll either find him in Miami or he'll be the captain of a battleship. I want it to be the former.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    I just discovered a very interesting connection between Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD. Season 2 SHIELD spoilers and season 1 Agent Carter spoilers require I spoiler tag this. If you haven't seen Season 2 of SHIELD and Season 1 of Agent Carter, leave.
    In episode 3 of Agents of SHIELD, as Whitehall and Bakshi are using their HYDRA mind control on Agent 33, Whitehall says "You and I both know the Faustus method takes time." At the time, I just took this as a nod to a comics character that I still don't really know. Agent Carter has a hypnotising Russian man whose name still escapes me, but it appears as though he's Dr. Faustus, and his method (focusing on one particular thing while saying soothing words like "focus", where Whitehall says "comply") is introduced in episode 6. In the end of the Agent Carter finale, he's recruited into HYDRA by none other than Arnim Zola himself. I happen to love this bit of connective tissue between the two series, considering I didn't expect any aside from a mention of Peggy's capture of Whitehall, which ultimately was never brought up.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    We're back from SHIELD's three month break. Let's see Skye's evolution into Quake (huh... Skye, as in the air; Quake, as in the ground... Interesting).

    We begin with a poor teleporter in 1983, who has no eyes. He's visited by two Asians, who I assume are also Inhumans. I think one of them is Skye's mother, and she's talking to the eyeless kid, who is desperately trying to get control over his powers. Poor kid can't even cry anymore, that's disappointing. The two adults talk about him, and apparently Skye's mother has helped many Inhumans through their transformations.

    Present day, Skye is trying to sleep, but neither she nor Coulson can. She's having dreams about Trip, and then waking up to remember that he's dead. Coulson thinks that the Obelisk caused the earthquake, and that Trip destroyed it, which is only partly true. The rest of the team is coping in their own way. One in particular is Simmons taking care of dealing with the city. Skye's not happy with this whole situation. She blames herself for everything, but Coulson tells her that it's not her fault, but whoever caused all of this will pay for what they've done.

    There's a meeting of HYDRA heads, including that one guy who met with Strucker in Winter Soldier. Since Whitehall's out of the picture, they need somebody to take his position, and the doctor suggests Bakshi. Either way, SHIELD needs to be taken care of, and that doctor's gonna find out what Whitehall saw in things like the Obelisk. Back at the city, a SHIELD scientist is pulled around a corner and killed, and a hand reaches around.

    Simmons gets ready to leave and splits from two scientists who are taking pictures. The thing that was once Raina pops out and slaughters them, and Simmons shoots at her. Raina hops onto the elevator and leaves.

    Bobbi stops by Skye with a "quarantine survival kit", and congratulates Skye for everything she's done (specifically last episode). Mac drops by to talk to Fitz, who's having a particularly hard time himself trying to do something. Mac's brooding about his situation after the city took control of him, and Fitz tells him that he knows what Mac's going through. They talk a bit more.

    SImmons calls Coulson and May, telling them about Raina. They all have the same thought: that whatever caused Raina to transform also could have affected Skye.

    The team talks on the plane. Apparently there's a prisoner exchange in the way, whoever the hell HYDRA could give them. Mac gets very angry at everyone, and because they're all talking with Skye in the quarantine suite beside them, she's getting quakey, but Coulson calms everyone down.

    Oh, Coulson's handing Bakshi to Talbot. That makes sense. They get on the move, and Coulson and May talk about Whitehall being dead, which catches Bakshi's attention. The commercial cuts in when a truck broadsides them, likely HYDRA.

    The truck pushes them into a building, and then guys in tactical gear come out shooting. May tosses mini grenades at them, killing some of them. She counts four, then pulls a badass move and kills the rest. May and Coulson are then shot and "killed", and the set-up that we didn't know about until May "died" is pulled off perfectly. Hunter has Bakshi, and Bakshi's none the wiser.

    Fitz and Mac work on something, but Fitz can't work anything. A plane lands. Bakshi buys a disposable phone and calls one of the other HYDRA heads. Hunter pulls a gun on him and tries to fake him out. It works, Bakshi's grovelling, and offers to pay him more. Hunter agrees.

    Simmons takes a blood sample from Skye while she's examine Raina's blood. Wow... Simmons sees people with powers as a plague on this Earth, I'll be damned.

    On a boat, Dr. Calvin pays someone off to stowaway, and then Raina shows up. She's not happy at all with what she's become, and shoves him against a container into a commercial. After the commercial, Raina's still pissed off and still got Calvin up against the container. She's not happy that Skye got off easy and still looks human. Calvin's happy to know that Skye's not dead and went through the transformation, and does a dance. Then he realizes that she's back with Coulson, and apparently he knows some people on the Index. Raina looks like a human porcupine. She doesn't want to live that way, and Calvin just says "Then, don't." They then separate.

    Hunter pulls into wherever Bakshi wants to go. Bakshi goes in and then Bobbi hops in the car with Hunter. They talk about secrets. Apparently Mac and Bobbi are in a support group, which makes Hunter laugh his ass off. She explains herself, and Hunter tells her that it's a good thing, and emotionally healthy.

    Mac apologizes to Coulson about his little outburst from earlier. There's a funny moment about Mac working on Lola relating to an RC car he'd built for Coulson in an earlier episode. It's a running gag that the RC car doesn't fly. Simmons then gives Coulson her opinion on the situation with Raina, wanting her dead instead of caught.

    Bakshi talks to the doctor, and then he tells the one he met up with that Hunter is "begging to die". Raina stands in front of a highway. Skye turns off her Walkman to talk to Fitz, who says the magic word "Inhuman". He's going nuts trying to figure out what happened in the city, and figures it out that Skye was the cause of the earthquake. This causes Skye to have an outburst.

    Skye picks up all the broken glass from the light she blew out and then May walks in to talk to her. They're both concerned about Coulson, and apparently Coulson thought that Trip was the literal embodiment of everything that SHIELD stood for. Coulson visits Trip's mother/grandmother (not sure which). The various heads of HYDRA are all contacted via watch device. HYDRA agents attempt to kill Hunter, but his SUV's got stuff, so he takes down all the hitmen with the machine guns in the truck. Hunter and Bobbi then kill the guy Bakshi was meeting with, all the while the other HYDRA heads are all systematically eliminated thanks to the ideas that Hunter planted in Bakshi's head.

    May and Simmons are both in the room, waiting for the DNA results, and then Fitz comes in and says that it's all clear. He switched the results to fake the test, and tells Skye that her potential powers need to be their secret. He comforts her as she breaks down about what happened. He tells her that she's "just different now, and there's nothing wrong with that." Meanwhile, Raina walks into traffic, and then SHIELD or HYDRA show up to take her in. Mr. Eyeless shows up and teleports her out of there.

    It appears as though the RC car has some sort of secret scanner in the hood. The team talk about Trip. Mac and Bobbi are in cahoots, looking for Fury's Toolbox. Hrm... What's going on there? The team mourns Trip, claiming that they'll laugh a lot less.

    Looks like Lady Sif comes back next week.
  • Posts: 312
    Looks like Lady Sif comes back next week.

    I'm waiting for this episode :)
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    I'm a little afraid Mac and Bobbi will end up HYDRA agents, which would anger me. Maybe, if I'm lucky, they'll end up working for Stark Industries, with Maria Hill wanting the Toolbox.
  • Posts: 312
    Only time will tell.
    But i think too that they are working for Maria Hill or Tony Stark.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    I am, however, disappointed that the RC car doesn't fly.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Hrm... Night sky. Portugual. A guy talking about crackers and cookies. Someone walking out of the ocean. Sif, I see. She's looking for someone. Someone named Kava or Cava or Carver. She assaults one of the people on the beach and when asked who she is, responds "I do not know."

    Time for training. Skye versus May. May wants Skye not to hold back, but of course, she doesn't know jack about Skye having super powers. Fitz walks in and suggests Skye take a break, but May's not having it. Just to defuse the situation, Skye says she's fine. Back to training.

    Bobbi asks for water after what I assume was an intense love making session, and apparently pillow talk involves Hunter's meeting with Director Coulson, who's asked him to stay on permanently. Bobbi's amazed that Hunter wants to take on responsibility, and Hunter puts on clothes in real time faster than any man alive. They talk about it all, then Hunter leaves and Bobbi's very concerned about something.

    Coulson's taking inventory and Mac offers to help, but Coulson says no. He asks Mac to be a field agent, but Mac's hesitant. May then shows up saying that there's something everybody's gonna wanna see. The Portuguese police have Sif in custody, and Coulson has a very calm conversation with her, explaining everything. May shows Coulson and Sif a video showing Sif fighting someone, who beat the crap out of her and threw her in the ocean.

    Now we see this man, who's face turns blue apparently. He's hunting someone who's "changed" (Skye? Raina? Somebody else?), and threatens someone who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about and he assures her that she still won't afterward. I assume the man's name is Kava (Cava?).

    Everybody's on the Bus, and FitzSimmons have found more video from Sif's fight with Kava, and they notice that the man bleeds blue. Simmons mentions that new ICERs are being developed, and FItz seems to take this personally.

    Coulson and May take Sif to the pier where she had her ass kicked. Nothing's jogging her memory. Fitz, Hunter and Mac are examining everything, and Hunter spots something on a lamp post. He touches it, and it falls over, clearly having been damaged by Kava's blood, which may or may not be blood.

    Skye and Bobbi investigate a nearby building, asking around about Kava. The woman that got mind-shanked by Kava is in the background.

    Hearing Sif say "Shut! Up!" sounds ridiculously awkward. Anyway, May, Coulson and Sif interrogate a man who saw the fight and then Simmons calls in and explains that the not-blood is liquid hydrogen. Bobbi and Skye call in, and then they find him. Bobbi starts the fight, but the Kava throws her across the room, and Skye has a Quake Out just as she's about to shoot him. For some reason, this knocks every piece of the gun loose. Kava gets away.

    Skye explains everything that happened, and apparently Kava is not a name, but a word that means "keys" in an alien language. A specific language. The Kree language. Mr. Blue is a Kree. He uses the hyrdogen to turn his skin human-like pink. Skye talks to Fitz, who doesn't want anybody to know, though Skye wants to tell Coulson.

    Bobbi and Mac talk to one another secretively. Bobbi wants to bring Hunter in on whatever the hell they're doing, but Mac doesn't. He wants Bobbi to drop Mac, and thank God, they're not HYDRA. I'm still hoping that they work for Stark Industries.

    Apparently Mr. Blue is looking for Chavez, Portugual, and apparently, that's where Whitehall found the Obelisk. Skye asks to sit the op out, and Coulson agrees. Mr. Blue gets to where he's going, and Coulson's team is there, waiting for him. They shoot him with a net.

    Have I mentioned that Daredevil trailer is awesome? Very awesome.

    Mr. Blue explains that he's there to help, which, knowing the Kree, surprises me. Sif's playing Bad Cop, while Coulson is playing Good Cop. Vintak is his name, and he needs his truncheon, which can return Sif's memory. He wants to do this as a gesture of good faith.

    Bobbi is examining the truncheon, and Hunter walks in, trying to flirt. Bobbi puts on the "No way, Jose", and basically tells him that the relationship is dead now. Mac walks in for a moment.

    Back at SHIELD HQ, Vintak makes a quick move to snag his truncheon to give Sif her memories back. Vintak talks about the Kree experiments that created the Inhumans. The Inhumans were the product of rogue Kree, and that chest held several Obelisks, which Vintak was sent to destroy. The chest is empty. Simmons almost finds out about Skye's blood sample, but Fitz BS's her. Skye Quakes out when things Sif asks what happened in the city. The cat's out of the bag now. Coulson, Sif, May and Vintak all know that Skye's an Inhuman.

    I'm going to take a moment to talk about the Inhumans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As many of you likely know, there's going to be an Inhumans movie in either 2018 or 2019, and it is currently 2015. In the past two episodes, we've learned quite a bit about the Inhumans, including their origin as a Kree experiment and what gives them their powers. Marvel's doing something interesting here, introducing pretty much the origin story of the Inhumans movie in Agents of SHIELD. I'm now far more intrigued as to what the Inhumans movie will be about when it finally hits theaters, because almost everything will have been explained by then. Almost everything has been explained in these past two episodes of SHIELD.

    Anyway, back to the show. Sif wants to take Skye to Asgard, Vintak wants to kill her, Coulson's sayin' no. Fitz shows up for a moment, and I think this knowledge about Skye will fracture Fitz and Simmons, because she's not happy. Vintak has a pretty cool fight with Bobbi, Hunter and Mac, and Bobbi pulls out her beat-em-up-sticks (so I can't remember their names...).

    May gets Skye downstairs to the cell and May does her damndest to get Skye to calm down. Sif shows up. Back to Vintak Versus Bobbi, and yes! Somebody fixed the Destroyer gun!Bobbi then hits Vintak with his own truncheon, in his own hands. Skye shoots herself with an ICER, knocking herself out, and Coulson tells Sif one more time that Skye's not going with her.

    He then drives her and Vintak somewhere in the woods where Sif can call upon the Bifrost. Vintak doesn't remember anything, but he's thankful that everyone's being kind. Sif tells Coulson that they're never going to understand some things, which Coulson accepts and basically says "Whatever" to. Sif calls upon Heimdall to open the Bifrost, and then she and Vintak get sucked up to Asgard.

    May tells Coulson that she's almost afraid of Skye, that all of this seems planned, since the Kree blood revived Coulson might have led them straight to Skye just so that all this could happen. Back at the base, it's Fitz Against the World, because he didn't want her locked away and Bobbi, Mac and Simmons all did. Skye overhears all of this and locks herself in the Vibranium room on the Bus.

    Hunter goes to talk to Mac about Bobbi, because he's jealous and he knows about things. When he asks Mac about them, Mac grabs him and puts him in a sleeper hold.

    More Inhumans next week, one of which appears to be Edward Scissorhands.
  • Posts: 6,079
    The first three episodes of the first season have just aired in France (well in clear ; they were on cable and satellite before). And I loved them. Love the characters, love the scripts, and love the references to the bigger Marvel Universe. And the stinger of the second episode had me both squeeing and rolling on the floor. Now to see how they're going to explain Phil's resurrection, and how the events of "The Winter Soldier" are going to play out in the series. So, I will avoid reading this thread, just adding my thoughts from time to time.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Gerard wrote: »
    Now to see how they're going to explain Phil's resurrection, and how the events of "The Winter Soldier" are going to play out in the series. So, I will avoid reading this thread, just adding my thoughts from time to time.

    It's quite the ride.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Previously, on Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

    Oops. Wrong show.

    Old movie, someone's eating. There's a knock on her door, and it's Doctor Calvin Zabo, who wants to recruit her. She slams the door on his face. Damn, Kyle MacLachlan is awesome on this show. The smile he has when she opens the door again is priceless. He has her finger restraints taken off, where her razor blade fingertips are revealed.

    Skye and Coulson have some damned good grill cheese. She talks about all the crazy sh*t that's happened, that she feels calm, finally. Coulson and May then talk about Skye, and Coulson tells May to go talk to someone named "Andrew", and she doesn't look happy.

    Simmons and Bobbi talk about Skye's DNA results, and Fitz walks in, making the situation awkward. He then leaves, and the conversation resumes. Bobbi asks Simmons how long she's going to treat him like she has, and Simmons explains that she's not happy at all with what Fitz did. Bobbi then calls Mac, who's Hunter locked in a room. They talk about bringing him in. Hrm... Wonder where this is going.

    A man who I can only assume is Andrew appears to be a college professor, and he's talking to a student when May shows up from out of nowhere. She asks him for a favor, and he lays down terms. They agree. Turns out Andrew is May's ex-husband.

    Dr. Zabo is having a helluva time again, pulls up to a gate and tells the guard that they're lost. Ms. Scissorhands walks up and slashes the guard's throat. He waves to the camera while his goons open the gate.

    May and Andrew show up at the Playground, and Coulson welcomes him. Coulson asks Bobbi where Hunter disappeared to, but she avoids the question. Simmons leads Andrew to the lab, about to lead her to Skye. Fitz is good in this scene. May then talks to Skye, and tells her that she'll like Andrew.

    Skye then proceeds to ask him everything she can about May. He deflects every question, then starts asking his own questions. When he doesn't get any answers, he starts answering Skye's questions. Damn, he's a good shrink. This get's Skye to start talking.

    Coulson and Bobbi review the security footage, then go inside to find out what Zabo did. Looks like he broke out one of the two people who were locked away underneath the building.

    May and Andrew have a drink. They chat, look almost like they want to rekindle their relationship. Fitz then walks into Simmons' lab, and they strike up a conversation about May and Andrew. Just as they seem to have rekindled their own relationship, Skye starts shaking the plane. May and Andrew run inside to calm her down, because she was having a bad dream.

    Coulson and Bobbi talk about the gifted individuals that Zabo has. Then they question where the bad guy team has gone, and the answer is a very peaceful restaurant where they're having a pleasant meal. Apparently, Zabo chemically enhanced himself, which explains his hilarious outbursts. Seriously, he's funny when he's emotional. Coulson asks Bobbi why Hunter left, again, and assumes it has something to do with Bobbi herself. She says that Hunter disappeared drunk, and Mack went to find him. Coulson latches on to "history repeats itself", and discovers where Zabo went.

    Skye talks to Andrew, who goes all psychoanalyst on her. He tells her that she hasn't gotten over the fact that she's different, and she explains her dream, that she's afraid somebody is going to shoot her the way she did Donnie Gill so many episodes ago. That's about the time the plane starts to shake, but it's not Skye's doing. May has lifted the plane off the ground, because Coulson needs backup.

    Zabo and his cohorts take the muzzle of the new dog they grabbed back at the sanitarium. This one then goes outside and opens his CGI mouth, which drops everyone in sight. And a sh*tload of birds.

    Hunter tries to get his cuffs off, and then Mack walks in with a pizza and a beer, the breakfast of champions, and tells him that he's not gonna be offed. Hunter wants answers, but Mack won't give them.

    In the sky, May and Andrew talk about what's going on. Skye then pops in and states that she's going, because her father is there. Coulson and Bobbi arrive at the high school where Coulson's father was a coach. Zabo speaks over the announcement system and once again, he's a scene stealer. Coulson goes out to the center of the football field, where the loud mouth guy takes his gun. Zabo then walks up to him and, what the hell, May's holding a gun to Skye.

    Zabo's going crazy and happy all at the same time. He wanted her to have wings, apparently. He hands Mouthy the microphone, and then Gordon the teleporter pops up and takes him away. That's when SHIELD starts kicking bad guy ass. May takes on Mouthy while Bobbi goes after Ms. Scissorhands. All the while, Andrew stands there looking like he wants to get in on the fight. Skye is also looking that way. Coulson goes after the tech guru that clearly can't fight.

    All of this gets Skye kind of emotional, and the place starts to shake, but she manages to calm herself down, by turning the quake around and shattering all of her own bones. She falls unconscious, then wakes up back on the plane. She's broken pretty much all of the bones from her fingers to her upper arms.

    Coulson puts Simmons on anti-gifted duty, and tells her that she can't let anyone else know what she's doing. May and Andrew talk as Andrew leaves the plane. He wants Skye to leave SHIELD, but May doesn't. She asks him to consult with them, but he says no. He's then driven away. How many people does Coulson have, anyway?

    Mack black bags Hunter and has him brought to a corridor. According to Mack himself, he works for the real SHIELD, and the eagle emblem on their door looks remarkably different. Hmm... Two SHIELDs?

    Zabo is in a room by himself, having destroyed every piece of furniture in the room. Gordon walks in and Zabo's really not happy. Gordon tells Zabo that he's not one of them, like he wants to believe he is, and that whatever happens to him isn't in Gordon's hands.

    Ooh... SHIELD vs. SHIELD next week. Me like.
  • Posts: 312
    And I'm waiting for return of Ward and Agent 33 in next episode.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    I'm interested I Edward James Olmos and the opposing SHIELD faction.
  • Posts: 6,432
    For UK Viewers Agents of Shield resumes on channel 4 on Friday 27th March @8pm.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    I wish it was on Fridays here. I have to go straight from my Flash review to my SHIELD review with no break.
  • Posts: 6,432
    I wish it was on Fridays here. I have to go straight from my Flash review to my SHIELD review with no break.
    Still not seen The Flash, waiting for the DVD release. Being in the UK we tend to be behind, I have a habit of forgetting about shows. Only notice if my HD recorder automatically records things.

  • Posts: 312
    I wish it was on Fridays here. I have to go straight from my Flash review to my SHIELD review with no break.
    I like yours SHIELD reviews.

  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    I love writing my reviews, my problem is just the "no break between" part on Tuesdays. Personally, my Gotham reviews are my favorite, because I love making fun of things on that show.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Missed last week, sorry. Edward James Olmos wants to out-SHIELD Coulson, so it's time for a SHIELD-on-SHIELD fight, I guess.

    In a flashback to "the day SHIELD fell", Mack and his fellow agents are being threatened by HYDRA agents, and then Bobbi comes in to save them. She's not the Black Widow, but she was clearly trained at the Black Widow School of F*cking Awesome. And then Hartley shows up and helps. Looks like she and Bobbi were working for Fury.

    Present day, Mack is now working on Lola, and Bobbi shows up to claim responsibility for Hunter disappearing. Coulson says he's got people looking for him, anyway. Bobbi then walks around the Playground and plugs a flashdrive into something that doesn't look like it should take a flashdrive.

    Now we're with Skye, who's video chatting with Simmons. Simmons wants Skye to wear those gloves, which makes me wonder if they'll somehow completely rid Skye of her powers. Fitz shows up and asks her about her "science experiment", which Simmons says i necessary.

    Coulson then talks to Mack about the RC Lola, and tells him that he knows about the secret scanner in the RC car. All of the people that weren't in the shot twenty seconds ago are now pointing guns at Mack, because he's not giving Coulson the answers he wants. May, meanwhile, catches Bobbi looking for the Toolbox, and now it's time for some awesome May Vs. Bobbi scenes! After the commercial, that is. Damn, this episode's not wasting any time.

    Bobbi is on the run, and May catches her and yes! Fight scene. Bobbi was hiding an EMP in her cleavage, apparently, and this gives her and Mack a change to escape. May and Fitz tell Coulson what just happened.

    Flashback: Mack, Bobbi and Hartley sweep that aircraft carrier that Edward James Olmos lives on, and he nearly shoots them until Bobbi explains who they are and why they're there.

    Present, and Bobbi uses a secret tablet to talk to Edward James Olmos and that dude who is a badguy on almost every show. She tells them that she has the toolbox.

    Skye is sitting beside the fireplace, debating whether or not to put on the gloves. She eventually decides to, which makes me hope that Simmons didn't booby trap those with anti-Skye's-powers juice. She spots a blue wire that reveals to her that the whole building is secretly just like the room on the Bus, and built out of vibranium. Somebody punched one of the walls, and it appears as though it must have been the Hulk. That's when Gordon shows up.

    Gordon must have some sort of "radar sense" to actually see, because he walks around and "looks" at things like he's got eyes. Anyway, he tells her about his journey through Terrigenisis, and asks her what SHIELD did for her.

    Simmons runs into Bobbi, with no idea that she's not on Team Coulson. Coulson and May talk about who Bobbi and Mack might be working for, and note that while it may not be HYDRA, it doesn't really matter, because they have the Toolbox.

    Gordon talks to Skye, telling her how special and magnificent she could become. She tells him that the gloves were made to help her, but he says they were made to protect everyone else from her. He offers her a chance to go to Attilan - um... somewhere... This seems odd, considering he practically kidnapped Raina and Dr. Zabo.

    Anyway, Simmons... pulled a fake searching trick on Bobbi, and knocked her out. I'll be damned. She's getting way better at lying than she was in season one. Fitz finds that flashdrive, and is about to pull it out when Mack shows up and doesn't threaten him. Seriously, he asks Fitz to trust him.

    Flashback: Mack tells Edward James Olmos a story about when he broke his hand, I guess because he's trying to take his mind off the pain. Hartley and Bobbi talk, and Bobbi gives Hartley something to give to Hunter, then Bobbi goes back over to Mack and tells him that she's got a second mission, to sink the ship. The ship has something that HYDRA can't get their hands on, and I want to know what it is. Mack doesn't want to sink the ship.

    Present day, and Coulson pulls the Toolbox out of Bobbi's pocket. Simmons has never seen the Toolbox, but Coulson explains it to her. May roots through Bobbi's locker and finds a hidden compartment inside, where she finds a gas mask. It seems as though Nega-SHIELD is pumping gas in before they burst through the wall right behind Fitz.

    Flashback territory again, and Bobbi and Mack sweep the ship again, finding Hartley kicking the sh*t out of some HYDRA goons. It seems as though some other SHIELD members on the ship are fighting back, and Victoria Hand has been in contact with Hartley.

    Present day: Edward James Olmos, That-Guy-Who-Was-A-Badguy, Agent Weaver, and Bobbi talk about taking the place, and about Skye. Weaver calls the cabin Skye's in "the house that Banner built", which tells us that, yes, the Hulk was there. It did not help, apparently. Though it does prove that the Hulk cannot punch through vibranium. I wonder if this is an Avengers 2 hint?

    Skye takes off the gloves and apparently discovers that her Quake abilities allow her to manipulate water. The hell?

    Fitz and Simmons share a tender moment not tied up or handcuffed, and then Weaver walks in and tells them that she's very much indebted to Edward James Olmos, then asks Simmons to help Mack. Fitz looks pissed.

    Coulson is brought into his own office, where Edward James Olmos is standing there. He assumes Coulson doesn't know who he is, but Coulson surprises him by revealing that he knows exactly who he is. Olmos doesn't trust Coulson, and demands to know what happened with Skye. He pulls out the Toolbox and demands to know how to use it.

    May has eluded capture, likely thanks to finding that gas mask, and calls Skye on the phone with a radio. She tells Skye to run, but is cryptic about why, then says SHIELD is doing it just as the power goes out and Quinjets arrive.

    The Quinjets search for Skye, and Bobbi and That-Guy-Who-Was-A-Badguy are on one of them, and demand that they capture, not kill Skye.

    Flashback time, Bobbi and Mack are about to destroy the ship. Mack doesn't want to, Hartley doesn't want to, Bobbi wants to follow orders, Edward James Olmos wants to follow orders. That's when Bobbi decides that it's time for them to take back the ship, instead of following Fury's orders. They fight back the HYDRA agents.

    Present, Edward James Olmos is apparently telling the story to Coulson, and says that he has no desire to be the director of SHIELD, but Coulson calls bullsh*t on that. Olmos calls bullsh*t on whether or not Coulson truly believes it was HYDRA that brought SHIELD down instead of Fury's secrets and lies. Olmos hands the Toolbox to a guard to give to Fitz and Simmons and Weaver. May then comes in and ICERs him, then sends Coulson on his way to find Skye. Methinks SHIELD is getting broken up in this episode.

    Skye's on the run from Bobbi and That-Guy-That-Was-A-Badguy. He's about to shoot her when her powers decide to kick in, and she shatters the bullet, the ground, a tree, and knocks Bobbi and That-Guy-That-Was-A-Badguy down. She asks Gordon for help, and he pops up out of nowhere and takes her "home".

    Someplace in Hawaii, apparently, and Coulson is having a drink. Hunter shows up and they both act as if he wasn't just kidnapped by Nega-SHIELD. Hunter hands him a napkin with a signature and claims it's his contract.
  • Posts: 312
    I'm a little afraid Mac and Bobbi will end up HYDRA agents, which would anger me. Maybe, if I'm lucky, they'll end up working for Stark Industries, with Maria Hill wanting the Toolbox.
    Librarian wrote: »
    Only time will tell.
    But i think too that they are working for Maria Hill or Tony Stark.

    So it was Gonzales, not Tony or Maria :(

  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    A unique turnout, I must say.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    We begin with some funky banjo music and a wacky, waving, inflatible, arm-flailing tube man, and then Coulson's being sold a car at a very Texas accented man. Hunter drives up in the Jeep Rubicon which they're stealing, and then Coulson shoots the Texan with an ICER.

    Skye wakes up with weird needles in her, which are apparently healing her. Gordon walks in and talks to her for a moment before leaving her with Lincoln, who's just... a geek. He explains terragenesis to her, but she really doesn't care and wants to get back to her friends. Lincoln says no.

    Edward James Olmos is very angry with Bobbi, thanks to Calderon (Guy-Who-Is-Usually-A-Bad-Guy) being injured. Olmos and Bobbi walk downstairs to see Fitz and Simmons, who are very intrigued by the Toolbox, but really don't want to work with Olmos, since he's ruined Coulson. They want to know whether or not they're prisoners to Olmos, and he says that they can leave whenever they want. They take that option.

    Coulson and Hunter get to the cabin and find what's left of a security camera that was somehow not destroyed. "Did she just get abducted by aliens?" Hunter asks as he sees Gordon taking Skye away. Coulson's not happy about this at all.

    Lincoln tells Skye that she can't make contact with her friends, because Gordon's the only one that can make outside calls. She asks where they are, and he shows her the place they call "Afterlife".

    (It's called "Attilan" you a-holes!)

    Skye asks where Afterlife is, but apparently Gordon is the only one that knows. Gordon appears to be the only one that knows anything. Anyway, Skye explains that she's nervous around everyone. Lincoln explains that they're all nervous of her, because her transformation isn't common, and most of the other Inhumans are waiting to be chosen. She asks about Raina and Mr. Hyde, but he doesn't know anything.

    Edward James Olmos interrogates May about Coulson, asking her who she's loyal to. He doesn't want to kill Coulson or Skye, but he says it's leading there. May tells him that they'll never be able to kill Coulson.

    Coulson and Hunter sit in the cabin and drink some whiskey that Hunter brought. Coulson's brooding over what happened, but Hunter's a tiny bit more optimisitic. Then he suggests that they leave it all behind and get drinks in Mexico, but Coulson says that they need to finish this.

    Fitz is leaving, apparently, but we're not there right now. We're with Bobbi and SImmons, who are talking about the Toolbox. Simmons isn't leaving just yet.

    Lincoln shows Skye her temporary bedroom, and they talk about her powers. Skye came hoping that Gordon would have a way to remove her powers, but Lincoln tells her that the change is permanent. Sorry Skye. Oh, and Gordon brings Chicago deep dish pizzas in. He's awesome.

    Hunter wakes up to Coulson standing by the window. Turns out Coulson called SHIELD in. Good SHIELD or Olmos SHIELD? Don't know yet. Hunter's not happy, but Coulson's got a plan. They'll fight off the SHIELD agents (it's Olmos SHIELD, by the way), then they'll take the Quinjet. Oh, cool, the SHIELD agents have one of those battering rams that HYDRA used in Winter Soldier.

    Lincoln tries to bond with Skye, and apparently his gift is some sort of static electricity. Where the hell is Skye's dad? Dammit.

    Now, FItz is leaving, and Mack doesn't want him to. He still wants to be friends. Simmons is breaking through the Toolbox somewhere, and they watch the progress.

    Coulson and Hunter are still waiting for Coulson's backup, which is apparently only one person. Anyway, Coulson's got a 21st Century Howling Commandos kit, and he uses it.

    Skye and Lincoln run into Gordon (no pizza tonight, sorry), who won't tell Skye where her father and Raina are, nor will he give a message to her friends without permission from "the Elders" (Blackbolt and his council, please? Please?). He then goes to visit Skye's dad, who's going nuts in his cell, and is bleeding all over the door. I can't tell what Gordon just did, but I swear he broke Mr. Hyde's hand.

    Hunter and Coulson hike through the forest dressed in SHIELD gear, and then they're captured. Bobbi checks on Simmons' progress, and Fitz walks in very angry. He grabs the Toolbox and plays with it for a second, which causes one of the agents in the background to draw his gun. Fitz doesn't want to do anything for SHIELD, but Simmons does, because she thinks it's the only way to get back to normal.

    AW F*CK YEAH! DEATHLOK!!! Deathlok is Coulson's backup! He's been upgraded. Edward James Olmos isn't very happy about this at all, and wants to play one last card.

    Skye and Lincoln are flirting again. She catches him on a lie after he indirectly mentions Raina, and demands to know where she is. He doesn't want to show her, doesn't want her to find Raina. She starts making the ground shake, then stalks outside to the secret room in the back yard, where Raina is. I don't understand why we're not seeing her face, as we've already seen it before. Skye almost kills Raina with her Quake powers before a woman who looks an awful damn lot like Skye's mother enters the room.

    Okay, I can't pronounce this woman's name, so I'm just gonna call her Yin, because that was at least a part of it. Either way, it's her house, and she's very protective of other Inhumans, even against other Inhumans. Yin has chosen to be Skye's guide if she decides to stay, but she's not going to force Skye to stay, she just asks that she does.

    Yin and Gordon - and what the f*ck that is Skye's mom?! Anyway, she and Gordon drop in on Mr. Hyde to tell him about Skye, but refuse to let him see her.

    Edward James Olmos has brought May onto his aircraft carrier, all to test her. He puts a gun in front of her and tells her to shoot him if she feels the need to, then pours himself a drink. He wants her on the new SHIELD Council, that way Coulson's got somebody on his side when they bring him in. May picks up the gun, then puts it back down and slides it over to him. He explains his motivations while Fitz leaves.

    Deathlock, Hunter and Coulson are going to Europe, it seems, to find Grant Ward. He's the only connection they have to Gordon, Mr. Hyde and HYDRA.

    Simmons just can't get the Toolbox open, it seems. Fitz gets in a taxi to the airport and... Go FItzSimmons. Simmons snuck the Toolbox into Fitz' gear, along with a sandwich.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    We begin with some funky banjo music and a wacky, waving, inflatible, arm-flailing tube man, and then Coulson's being sold a car at a very Texas accented man. Hunter drives up in the Jeep Rubicon which they're stealing, and then Coulson shoots the Texan with an ICER.

    Skye wakes up with weird needles in her, which are apparently healing her. Gordon walks in and talks to her for a moment before leaving her with Lincoln, who's just... a geek. He explains terragenesis to her, but she really doesn't care and wants to get back to her friends. Lincoln says no.

    Edward James Olmos is very angry with Bobbi, thanks to Calderon (Guy-Who-Is-Usually-A-Bad-Guy) being injured. Olmos and Bobbi walk downstairs to see Fitz and Simmons, who are very intrigued by the Toolbox, but really don't want to work with Olmos, since he's ruined Coulson. They want to know whether or not they're prisoners to Olmos, and he says that they can leave whenever they want. They take that option.

    Coulson and Hunter get to the cabin and find what's left of a security camera that was somehow not destroyed. "Did she just get abducted by aliens?" Hunter asks as he sees Gordon taking Skye away. Coulson's not happy about this at all.

    Lincoln tells Skye that she can't make contact with her friends, because Gordon's the only one that can make outside calls. She asks where they are, and he shows her the place they call "Afterlife".

    (It's called "Attilan" you a-holes!)

    Skye asks where Afterlife is, but apparently Gordon is the only one that knows. Gordon appears to be the only one that knows anything. Anyway, Skye explains that she's nervous around everyone. Lincoln explains that they're all nervous of her, because her transformation isn't common, and most of the other Inhumans are waiting to be chosen. She asks about Raina and Mr. Hyde, but he doesn't know anything.

    Edward James Olmos interrogates May about Coulson, asking her who she's loyal to. He doesn't want to kill Coulson or Skye, but he says it's leading there. May tells him that they'll never be able to kill Coulson.

    Coulson and Hunter sit in the cabin and drink some whiskey that Hunter brought. Coulson's brooding over what happened, but Hunter's a tiny bit more optimisitic. Then he suggests that they leave it all behind and get drinks in Mexico, but Coulson says that they need to finish this.

    Fitz is leaving, apparently, but we're not there right now. We're with Bobbi and SImmons, who are talking about the Toolbox. Simmons isn't leaving just yet.

    Lincoln shows Skye her temporary bedroom, and they talk about her powers. Skye came hoping that Gordon would have a way to remove her powers, but Lincoln tells her that the change is permanent. Sorry Skye. Oh, and Gordon brings Chicago deep dish pizzas in. He's awesome.

    Hunter wakes up to Coulson standing by the window. Turns out Coulson called SHIELD in. Good SHIELD or Olmos SHIELD? Don't know yet. Hunter's not happy, but Coulson's got a plan. They'll fight off the SHIELD agents (it's Olmos SHIELD, by the way), then they'll take the Quinjet. Oh, cool, the SHIELD agents have one of those battering rams that HYDRA used in Winter Soldier.

    Lincoln tries to bond with Skye, and apparently his gift is some sort of static electricity. Where the hell is Skye's dad? Dammit.

    Now, FItz is leaving, and Mack doesn't want him to. He still wants to be friends. Simmons is breaking through the Toolbox somewhere, and they watch the progress.

    Coulson and Hunter are still waiting for Coulson's backup, which is apparently only one person. Anyway, Coulson's got a 21st Century Howling Commandos kit, and he uses it.

    Skye and Lincoln run into Gordon (no pizza tonight, sorry), who won't tell Skye where her father and Raina are, nor will he give a message to her friends without permission from "the Elders" (Blackbolt and his council, please? Please?). He then goes to visit Skye's dad, who's going nuts in his cell, and is bleeding all over the door. I can't tell what Gordon just did, but I swear he broke Mr. Hyde's hand.

    Hunter and Coulson hike through the forest dressed in SHIELD gear, and then they're captured. Bobbi checks on Simmons' progress, and Fitz walks in very angry. He grabs the Toolbox and plays with it for a second, which causes one of the agents in the background to draw his gun. Fitz doesn't want to do anything for SHIELD, but Simmons does, because she thinks it's the only way to get back to normal.

    AW F*CK YEAH! DEATHLOK!!! Deathlok is Coulson's backup! He's been upgraded. Edward James Olmos isn't very happy about this at all, and wants to play one last card.

    Skye and Lincoln are flirting again. She catches him on a lie after he indirectly mentions Raina, and demands to know where she is. He doesn't want to show her, doesn't want her to find Raina. She starts making the ground shake, then stalks outside to the secret room in the back yard, where Raina is. I don't understand why we're not seeing her face, as we've already seen it before. Skye almost kills Raina with her Quake powers before a woman who looks an awful damn lot like Skye's mother enters the room.

    Okay, I can't pronounce this woman's name, so I'm just gonna call her Yin, because that was at least a part of it. Either way, it's her house, and she's very protective of other Inhumans, even against other Inhumans. Yin has chosen to be Skye's guide if she decides to stay, but she's not going to force Skye to stay, she just asks that she does.

    Yin and Gordon - and what the f*ck that is Skye's mom?! Anyway, she and Gordon drop in on Mr. Hyde to tell him about Skye, but refuse to let him see her.

    Edward James Olmos has brought May onto his aircraft carrier, all to test her. He puts a gun in front of her and tells her to shoot him if she feels the need to, then pours himself a drink. He wants her on the new SHIELD Council, that way Coulson's got somebody on his side when they bring him in. May picks up the gun, then puts it back down and slides it over to him. He explains his motivations while Fitz leaves.

    Deathlock, Hunter and Coulson are going to Europe, it seems, to find Grant Ward. He's the only connection they have to Gordon, Mr. Hyde and HYDRA.

    Simmons just can't get the Toolbox open, it seems. Fitz gets in a taxi to the airport and... Go FItzSimmons. Simmons snuck the Toolbox into Fitz' gear, along with a sandwich.
  • Posts: 6,079
    Just saw the post "Thor : The Dark World" episode. I didn't figure pr. Larry Fleinhart for an Asgardian warrior.
  • In Marvel mythology, the Kree were the race that created the Inhumans way back in Earth's pre-history. They were intended to be used as warriors by the Kree against their various interstellar rivals. Didn't quite work out that way...but the link between the Kree and the Inhumans is still there, sort of like the special relationship between Britain and America.
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