Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (2013 - present)



  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    In Marvel mythology, the Kree were the race that created the Inhumans way back in Earth's pre-history. They were intended to be used as warriors by the Kree against their various interstellar rivals. Didn't quite work out that way...but the link between the Kree and the Inhumans is still there, sort of like the special relationship between Britain and America.

    I'm confused by what you mean. In the MCU, the Kree still created the Inhumans as cannon fodder in their war against the Skrulls (ignore what I put the strike through, it's not confirmed), so I don't see how there's much of a difference between comic mythology and MCU mythology.
  • I can't really be bothered to keep track of the cinematic universe's continuity. I'm talking about the comics. In the stuff I bought off the stands for 12 cents each, created by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby, the Kree and the Inhumans have a special relationship. Sorry if my terminology was sufficiently lax as to make my meaning unclear.
  • Posts: 12,553
    Consider me frustrated as I didn't realise it had restarted back here in the UK. You would not believe the trouble in I am having in trying to watch episode 11 of season 2 because 7 days have passed on the Iplayer? Tried other sites but simply no joy! ~X(
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    I can't really be bothered to keep track of the cinematic universe's continuity. I'm talking about the comics. In the stuff I bought off the stands for 12 cents each, created by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby, the Kree and the Inhumans have a special relationship. Sorry if my terminology was sufficiently lax as to make my meaning unclear.

    Well... No offense, but if you're not talking about the show, why are you posting on its thread? I'm just asking.
  • Just because I don't follow it avidly doesn't mean I have no interest in it at all. But when you're talking capital C Continuity I think stuff that's been set in stone (on paper) for 60 years shouldn't be just blindly ignored. I suspect the relationship between the Kree and the Inhumans will probably be delineated FOR THE CINEMATIC UNIVERSE in the movie that's coming -- what? Next year? But just as a clue for what the future has in store, you might want to pay some heed to the stuff that was established decades ago.

    PS: James Bond was married once. It didn't work out. Happened on paper first, cinematically a bit later. Going with the source material is usually a good bet on questions like this...
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    But, the Kree did create the Inhumans in the MCU, and the Inhumans movie is in continuity with this show, meaning that for the film (which I believe comes out in '19), the Kree created the Inhumans. The MCU is actually doing a good job adhering to a lot of the comic continuity.
  • Sorry for creating confusion -- I was originally trying to respond to a post several pages back where somebody was expressing a lack of clarity as to the relationship between the Kree & the Inhumans. Yes, Marvel's been pretty good about keeping their movie universe and the comics universe in sync. I just wish they could reclaim the Fantastic Four -- what I'm seeing so far from the uncoming FF movie doesn't fill me with much hope.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    I just wish they could reclaim the Fantastic Four -- what I'm seeing so far from the uncoming FF movie doesn't fill me with much hope.

    Well, maybe when the movie fails, FOX will be smart, give the rights back to Marvel, and then we can actually have the Marvel Universe Vs. Galactus movie we deserve, and not the the piddly Fantastic Four Vs. Galactus movie we already had and hated.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Review later this week, guys, sorry.
  • edited April 2015 Posts: 645
    Spinoffs galore. Inhumans, Agent Carter (hopefully it gets picked up for another season) and then we have the Netflicks stuff which is supposedly going ot be intertwining here and there... (or just easter eggs showing Coleson)

    I'm just glad this is going somewhere and will be tied into the film series.

    Love it.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I know I promised a review last week, but I had some issues to deal with. Sorry. No review of last week's episode, but it didn't have Deathlok in it, anyway. it just had a kid who mind controlled people, and May was forced to kill her.

    Fitz outruns a SHIELD team that's trailing him and, lucky him, Coulson, Hunter and Deathlok are waiting to pick him up. Fitz gives Coulson the Toolbox and they talk about Strucker, List, and then reveal that in order to find Skye, they need to make a deal with Ward.

    List is looking at bodies, for some reason, but not the ones he wants to look for.

    Now Mr. Hyde is talking to his wife, who's name I've sadly forgotten. She doesn't really seem to be all that happy with him, but she tells him that he can kind of stay. I never noticed her scars before. Huh. Anyway, Skye's playing checkers with Lincoln, and they talk about her parents. Jianyin, that's her name. Oh, not checkers.

    Bobbi spars with Mac, and Mac thinks Simmons is stalling with the Toolbox (the fake one, that is). She's not happy that they're putting more focus on Coulson than HYDRA, but Mac doesn't seem to care. May and Simmons talk in the office, and Simmons tells May that the Toolbox they have is a fake.

    Agent 33 is talking to her mother, and apparently her mother sent her a photograph of how she used to look. Some men were there to see her mother, apparently, and then Coulson and Deathlok show up. Ward is sneaking around, stealing a car. His phone rings, he answers it, and Coulson's on the other end.

    Deathlok asks 33 about her mask, but she says she can't help him. Ward then shows up and Deathlok x-rays him to find all the weapons he's stashing. I see Ward is back to rocking that awesome beard again, which is good, because the clean shaven look just sucks with him. Ward then sits down across a table from Coulson, who asks for help in return for a way to start over. Ward agrees.

    May told Bobbi about Simmons' fake Toolbox, and then Bobbi asks Simmons to use Deathlok's eye to track them. Fitz isn't happy about working with Ward, and Hunter tells him that it's just the hand they've been dealt.

    Jianyin talks to Gordon about Raina. He seems to think she has precognition, but Jianyin is skeptical (says the woman who's lived for f*cking decades!). Skye walks in and talks to her mother about Calvin. Jianyin tells her daughter not to be hopeful about her father staying there, but Skye pretty much doesn't care, and just wants to get back to SHIELD.

    Ward and 33 talk in the backseat and have some romance time. Ward's certain Coulson's not saying something. Deathlok then interrupts them, and Ward pulls Bakshi out of the trunk. Huh.

    Calvin talks to Skye, asks her if she likes Funyuns. I do, dammit! Skye asks him if he's going to China, but he says no. Turns out that when he was still a respectable man, he was working with Medicens San Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders), and then he met Jianyin and stayed until that day. He then asks her if she wants to go to his current home, in Wisconson.

    Skye now seems very concerned about her father. She asks her mother not to drop him somewhere. She explains that she now empathizes with her father, and that if he can't stay, she wants to go with him. It's touching.

    Hunter, Coulson, Fitz, Ward, 33, and Zombie Bakshi are flying to a meeting with Doctor List. Ward tempts the dragon by asking Fitz how he's doing, and Fitz gets ready to hurt somebody, but Hunter and Coulson keep him back. It seems Bakshi will be sent into List's meeting with Deathlok.

    Simmons argues with May about what's happened. Simmons doesn't care, and knows that Coulson was doing the right thing.

    Gordon drops Calvin and Skye off in Milwuakee, and Calvin wants to show Skye around. He looks confused as he walks up to a building, and it seems that his memory of town isn't exactly correct. He tells her all the plans of being a happy family they were going to have, mourns the fact that they didn't have it. Then they go for ice cream.

    Deathlok and Bakshi get to Doctor List's 747, and List asks Bakshi how he survived the multiple head chopping that HYDRA received. Bakshi doesn't take too kindly to List's insinuations. He offers List Deathlok as an offering. It seems Ward has sold them out.

    Mexican stand-off on the quinjet, and then Fitz notices that Deathlok's about to end everyone in the room. The stand-off ends just in time for Fitz to tell him not to. List then finds out some information and they take off. Coulson tells the team that they're following.

    Calvin and Skye are still walking around town, because apparently, the internet has killed even old-timey ice cream shops. She gets him to check a place out for ice cream while she makes a call on a stolen phone to May. After that, she and Calvin are eating ice cream sandwiches (and I'm doing the same, kudos, SHIELD).

    Jianyin talks to Gordon and it seems one of the Inhumans has disappeared. I think it may have been that body that List was looking at earlier. It seems as though HYDRA has found Afterlife. Ward puts it together that Coulson's looking for Skye.

    Oh, hey, Calvin's last name is legally Johnson, hence Skye being Daisy Johnson. She spots a hula girl on Calvin's desk and remembers the one she used to have in her van. She asks him why the place is still there considering everything else has up and moved, and it appears as though Calvin owns the building. He pulls a bag out of his file cabinet, and it seems its his medical kit, the one he used to put Jianyin back together again. He wants them all to be the family they should have been, but Skye tells him that they just can't, that the times he wanted can never happen again. She then says that she can "visit", which makes him suspicious, and her cautious. Then there's a sound, and Lincoln is apparently following them. Calvin isn't very happy about it.

    Ooh... is HYDRA downstairs? Anyway, Calvin gets ready to kill Lincoln when he calls her Skye. Bakshi sends Deathlok in. Calvin is absolutely not happy with Lincoln, but he's able to take out a HYDRA agent just in time to show Calvin that he and Skye need Lincoln. Coulson and the team lands on the roof, ready to go in. Lincoln fights Deathlok, and fails to convince Lincoln that he's a friend of Skye's. ("Sure, and I'm the Hulk.") Hunter takes one in the leg as Coulson and Ward take off to find Deathlok. SImmons hacks into Deathlok's feed just in time to see Coulson and Ward together, then they take off. Bakshi shows up and proves to be a traitor. Coulson and Ward catch up with Skye just as Gordon shows up to take her, and Calvin hops onto them.

    Ward lays down the situation and asks Coulson what they're gonna do now.

    Bobbi and Mac show up and discover all the remnants. That's when Coulson calls them in and tells them to take him in.
  • Posts: 645
    @Agent007391 very nice!
  • Posts: 6,079
    Saw the episode "T.R.A.C.K.S." today, and had a great moment with that very special cameo, which I'm not going to spoil for those few who haven't seen the episode.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Gerard wrote: »
    Saw the episode "T.R.A.C.K.S." today, and had a great moment with that very special cameo, which I'm not going to spoil for those few who haven't seen the episode.

    Really? It's not much of a secret. Why are you that far back? Season 2 is going to end in a few weeks, but you haven't even gotten to HYDRA's take over attempt.
  • Posts: 6,079
    Well, the series had to go on cable and in Belgium and Switzerland before being aired on a free channel, which accounts for the delay. As I don't live in Brussels or Geneva and I don't have cable, I had to wait, like the majority of France.
  • Posts: 312
    Gerard wrote: »
    Saw the episode "T.R.A.C.K.S." today, and had a great moment with that very special cameo, which I'm not going to spoil for those few who haven't seen the episode.

    Really? It's not much of a secret. Why are you that far back? Season 2 is going to end in a few weeks, but you haven't even gotten to HYDRA's take over attempt.

    It was a damn fine cameo :D
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    It was a damn fine cameo, though I felt the one in Agent Carter was better.
  • Posts: 312
    His cameos are like icing on the cake in MCU movies & TV series.
    BTW, cameo in Agent Carter was fine too B-)
  • Posts: 6,079
    Wait till you see his cameo in "Age of Ultron".
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    edited April 2015 Posts: 7,854
    We begin with a weird vision, courtesy of Raina. Jianyin is there, watching her. Raina tells Jianyin about her dream, and then Calvin interupts the conversation, very angry. Jianyin doesn't want to talk about this in public, where everyone's watching them. Wait a minute, wasn't Gordon there a second ago? What the hell? Now he's bleeding.

    On the Bus, Edward James Olmos enters the cell to talk to Coulson, who tells him everything he knows. He wants to work with Edward James Olmos, but Olmos doesn't really seem to care. Coulson pleads his case, and says that he knows Olmos' secret. There's something in Olmos' aircraft carrier.

    Skye talks to her mother about her father, and about Lincoln. Jianyin tells her that they can't save Lincoln, and that they'd lose more if they tried to save him. Skye isn't too happy about this.

    Deathlok stands in a cell, and Lincoln wakes up in the cell next to him. They talk, they somewhat bond. Lincoln says that they need to work together to escape. List and Bakshi talk and get ready to experiment.

    Coulson and Olmos have just finished looking at the Toolbox, and Olmos is slightly convinced. He says that they don't have time to waste putting a team together, but Coulson says he's got a team picked out.

    now we're at the Quinjet, where 33 and Ward flirt while Hunter and FItz talk. It seems 33 is nervous around SHIELD, which is odd, considering until she was brainwashed, she was a loyal SHIELD agent. Anyway, they get a call and dock with the Bus.

    They land at the Playground, where May and Ward have a nice little moment and Ward is told he'll be under armed guard at all times. Good work, Olmos. May has a moment with Coulson, too.

    I may miss the next scene thanks to a bathroom break. Sorry.

    I dunno what I missed, but Simmons wants to pack a gun around Ward and Fitz thinks she's nuts. May and Coulson argue about the secrets that Coulson has kept. Coulson's got a good point about May having a line to Fury back in season one, but May doesn't care. She doesn't like that Coulson went to her ex-husband for therapy, but Coulson tells her that they need to help Deathlok.

    Skye argues with Gordon about going to help Lincoln. Raina walks up and tells Gordon that Skye will save Lincoln. Skye gives a funny Sonic reference. I like it. Raina tells Gordon that he'll help Skye, and take her somewhere far from HYDRA.

    33 and Ward argue again, and Ward, for some weird reason, is trying to make her go SHIELD agent again. Bobbi talks to Olmos, who tells her that sacrifices have to be made. I'm confused, is Bobbi going with Coulson, or is she angry about not going with Coulson?

    Simmons asks to go with the team. Coulson says no at first, but then when she gives a good argument about being there to work on Deathlok, he tells her she can go. The team gets on the Bus, and Gordon pops Skye in just in time.

    Skye gets grilled by Simmons and Fitz, and it seems as though any time someone says Ward's name, he appears. Coulson and May show up, too. As Ward brings them up to speed, everybody just stares at him. He decides to get things out in the open and everybody vents their anger about him. Y'know... Fitz hasn't seemed all too brain-damaged in a few episodes. I wonder what happened. Anyway, it seems Ward has regretted everything that he did. Nobody believes him. Coulson gets back on track, tells them what their assignments are on this mission, and tells Ward not to talk.

    Calvin paces the floor in a room and Jianyin comes in to take him for a walk. He asks her why she sent him away, and she tells him that she felt she had to, but he says she was just stressed. He wants to be a family with her and Skye, but she changes the subject again, and asks him about Raina. He tells her she needs to watch him.

    Back at the Playground, Hunter walks up to Mack, and asks him what he's doing. Mack apologizes to Hunter for what he did, but Hunter doesn't seem to care. He's forgiven Mack, for some reason. Mack offers to buy a round of drinks, and Hunter tells him that drinks is the first thing he's going to do to make up for everything.

    33 is getting checked out by a doctor and Bobbi walks in to talk to her. She tells 33 that she'll be there for her, and 33 thanks her for it. Bobbi doesn't seem all that impressed in 33's devotion to Ward.

    Bakshi and List talk about the experiments they're doing with Lincoln. List doesn't exactly name drop Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, but he references them. Then somebody tells them that there's a cloaked plane on approach, and List tells them to shoot it down. Amazingly, HYDRA missiles actually find their target and blow the Bus to bits. Dammit, I liked that plane.

    Team Olmos watches the explosion via satellite, and Olmos says that it was the plan. Everybody hopped in the Quinjet, apparently, and it took a little damage from the explosion, but is otherwise flyable. Well, landable. The team gets to List's base and begin their operation. It seems Bakshi's "betrayal" last week was planned, and he's the one they've had on the inside. Huh. Cool. He gets them into a room and Skye shows off her Quake powers. They find Deathlok, who has lost some of his equipment.

    Coulson, May and Fitz get into a computer room. Simmons "saw an opportunity [...] and took it". Skye's kicking all sorts of HYDRA ass getting to Lincoln, who's flatlining. Can you defib an electric man? Apparently you can, with his own power. I don't get how that works, but whatever. Simmons... What do you have? What are you doing?

    Simmons is about to throw that disintegration disc at Ward, but Bakshi takes the bullet for him. She dares Ward to kill her, but he doesn't. He's disappointed in her, it seems. Damn. May and Fitz finish up with their computer hacking, and Coulson seems to have disappeared. He's hacking another computer, it seems, and May demands that he come with her or she'll kill him. Huh, Ward has disappeared, it seems. The team leaves, mission complete. That was... odd. SHIELD levels the place offscreen.

    Coulson gets a phone call from Ward, who explains that he understands that they won't forgive him, but they should forgive 33. He wants them to treat her well. It seems Ward has a heart after all, I'll be damned.

    Deathlok can't get his leg back yet, it seems. Skye is sitting by Lincoln. Olmos is watching her, and Bobbi isn't too happy about this. It seems Olmos wants to do his own research on Inhumans. Coulson gives him the unlocked Toolbox, and then takes a call from Maria Hill, who gets a tiny cameo.

    Jianyin talks to Raina, and Raina has a vision of Loki's sceptre. Coulson and Hill talk about the sceptre. He gives her the location of the sceptre. It seems Theta Protocol must be "Send the Avengers after Strucker". Raina foresees Ultron. We don't see Ultron. Dammit.

    There's a clip from Avengers: Age of Ultron, but you folks in the UK have already seen it, so what's it matter, right?
  • Posts: 645
    dun dun dunnnn
  • Posts: 6,079
    It's quite the ride.

    Holy crap ! You weren't kidding !

  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Gerard wrote: »
    It's quite the ride.

    Holy crap ! You weren't kidding !

    Season 2 will blow your mind.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    No episode review, guys, sorry. Those have become a chore. Instead, I have a season review for you. Spoiler-tagged for those of us who suck and don't live in the US (just kidding, of course, you guys still rock).
    Well... Season 1 of Agents of SHIELD was quite the ride when it was over. Season 2 was better. People complained during season 1 that things were taken too slow, that obvious things were ignored, that none of the characters seemed to click until the Captain America: The Winter Soldier reveal kicked the show into high gear. Were they right? That largely depends on your own perspective. I personally found little wrong with season 1, save for the occasional villain-of-the-week format that largely died by the end of the first half of the season.

    Season 2, on the other hand, has rectified all those problems, if you assumed they existed in the first place. Things were taken at a far brisker pace, and revelations that should have come one episode earlier the season before indeed came one episode earlier this year. The show just got better, overall.

    The first half of the season was the HYDRA hunt that last season ended with, as Daniel Whitehall took over as the main villain, for ten episodes. There were secondary antagonists, Calvin Zabo/Mr. Hyde, Ward, Agent 33 for all of twenty-five seconds while May beat her ass to a pulp and burned her face. I liked Whitehall, though, and was quite disappointed that he didn't stick around for at least two more episodes in the second half of the season.

    But the second half was no slouch in the villain department, either, what with Jiaying, Ward (again), Calvin Zabo/Mr. Hyde (again, this time with the additional aid of actually turning into Mr. Hyde in this season finale), and, most surprising of all, SHIELD itself, as Edward James Olmos' faction of SHIELD, which included season 1's Agent Weaver, a bearded guy, one other person, and that dude from 12 Monkeys who's a bad guy almost every time he's introduced (he disappeared after eating a tree thanks to Skye, though).

    The second half of the season also introduced us to the most surprising element of series, actually, as the show debuted the Inhumans a full four years before their feature film debut. I hope this means that a few of the Inhumans that appeared in this show will at least cameo in the film (perhaps a moment taking place sometime between the 40s and the 80s, with Jiaying, or maybe Skye making her film debut?), otherwise it'll be pretty stupid to origin story the Inhumans after this show already has. And, seriously, even if you're not going to watch it every week, DVDs and Netflix, man, you have no excuse not to catch up by the time the film rolls around.

    The first half of the season had a few less-than-decent episodes. Any time Ward's brother was on the screen was crap, and even Ward's forced confession from him doesn't solve any problems. Yes, his brother may have made him nearly drown their other brother, but there's a pretty good chance he didn't, too. Either way, the man's dead now. The episode where Coulson and May go undercover to find that painting, where Agent 33 and May have their no-holds-barred-scene-unfortunately-does-not-contain-a-lapdance fight, was not exactly the best episode of the season, even if it did have the show's best fight scene.

    Even the second half wasn't immune to this. As much as I loved the Inhumans' origin being revealed in the Lady Sif episode, the episode itself wasn't all that good. The episode where Calvin puts together a group of super people and assaults Coulson's hometown wasn't all that good, despite Kyle MacLachlan's acting (and believe me, he pretty much commanded every scene he was in, every episode he was in). While the overall ratio was more good to less bad, there were still some episodes that seemed like they existed to pad things out.

    Also, who else wanted Edward James Olmos' ship to be a helicarrier? I sure as hell did. Damn thing deserved to be. Maybe it will be in season 3.

    As much as I like that the show was tighter this season, I do wish there had been a big "Everything Changes" episode like last season had with Winter Soldier. This season seemed to be shaping up to have one after Age of Ultron, but with so few episodes left, that just ended up being almost as much a waste as last season's Thor: The Dark World tie-in. It was nice to see that Coulson was the one putting Fury's helicarrier back together, but that was all we saw. And while Raina saw a vision of Ultron's forces, nobody seemed to give half a sh*t. I saw no TVs in Attilan, so did the Inhumans ever find out what came of Raina's vision? Did they find out about what happened in Sokovia?

    It's nice that pretty much nobody ended up the same by the end of the season. Coulson's lost a hand (cybernetic or surgical reattachment, make your bets), Skye's lost both parents (in a way; her mother's dead and her father's been TAHITI'd), Fitz has almost gotten back to his former speed, but just as he's finally asked Simmons out on a date, she gets shanked by whatever the hell that obelisk was (it makes me wonder if Simmons is an Inhuman, since it was supposedly death to their race in particular), Ward is now the latest head of HYDRA (or so it seems) and May's gone on vacation.

    So, where does this leave us for season 3? Ward is technically keeping the HYDRA thread alive, the obelisk is kidnapping people, Coulson has pretty much gotten back all of SHIELD at this point, the Terrigen crystals are now f*cking up sea water, and Skye is now putting together a team of super people to potentially combat the renegade super people. Will we ever see Calvin Zabo again? I dunno. He seems happy as a vet. Are Hunter and Bobbi leaving? Probably not, considering their spin-off isn't set in stone right now. Will Mac stay on, leading SHIELD's Area 51? It would be extremely cool.

    Only time will tell. And hopefully the show can keep ahold of this upward climb. Season 3 promises to be amazing if it does.
  • Posts: 312
    What an ending. Poor Jemma. No date - sorry Fitz :(
    Now it's time to wait for season 3 (and for season 2 of Agent Carter) :D
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    edited April 2017 Posts: 15,423
    Anyone watched the latest episode?

  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I did, and I loved it.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    Same! :D

    You know, sometimes the fans are being too harsh on the show. It's staying true to the comics to a larger extent than some Marvel feature length or TV products did prior to the company's merging with Disney of which almost all failed to show.

    Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., despite its rather disappointing story arc of the third season, was a great run overall, and especially with this season.
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