Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)



  • Must admit have no expectations for this film, the series has been on a slow decline. Its only because Arnie is in the film that i will watch it, saying that I am more interested in seeing the next Conan film.
  • Posts: 5,767
    fjdinardo wrote: »
    boldfinger wrote: »
    Can it be that this new Terminator film is going to be a full-blown comedy?

    Why would you think that?
    The artificial look of those promo shots, the idea of T raising Sarah Connor and her thus having some T-like characteristics.

  • Posts: 7,653
    I like the trailer, so lets have the movie.

  • 6975_3.jpg

    * Aaron V. Williamson revealed that he signed on to play the younger T-800 role.

    Two: Is the evil 1984 Terminator not a 'digitally younger' Arnold (like I always imagined), and now played by this guy?


    Soooo happy to see 'young Arnold' in the trailer. Back when they cast that body builder as the T800 I was worried sick. I guess he's just some other Terminator, which is fine.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I'll say, the trailer wasn't horrible. Whoever the hell plays John Conner, I don't particularly care for him. Wonder why John has more scars this time around. They seem to be worse than either T2 or Salvation.

    One thing confuses me. I originally thought that Kyle Reese would be sent back to 1984, and it originally looked like 1984, but I also saw things that looked significantly more modern than that. Does this mean that the rumors of a potential time skip for Sarah and Kyle is true?
  • Is it possible that I saw THREE Arnold's in that trailer?
    There's the CGI young Arnold, and the middle aged Arnold (the current, regular Arnold from today) of course. But in the final frame with the chopper and 'I'll be back', Arnold has noticeably longer hair and it's all white. I'm wondering if after 1984 they pull a 'Sarah Connor Chronicles' and send Reese & Sarah further into the future to hide, while Arnold stays behind and continues to age in real time?

    Is it just me? The Arnold in the Chopper looked even older then normal
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I assume it's the lighting. Same thing happened in Metal Gear Solid V images two years ago.
  • Having watched the full trailer, can't say I am overly impressed. Think I'll wait till the Bluray release, the young actress does remind me of Linda Hamilton though. After recent new trailers of next summers big movies, this trailer falls way short in comparison. My thoughts are that the script is going to need to be good to get away with essentially rewriting the history established in earlier films.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    I'll go see it but I still think a remake wasn't needed. I'm also not a big fan of the guy they got to play Kyle but I do like this Sarah much better.
  • Posts: 1,407
    So it looks like we have another 2009 Star Trek/ X Men Days of Future Past type thing going on. I actually find it intriguing. It's cool that is starts out pretty much exactly like the original film and then it gets all messed up. I'm actually interested as to what caused the timeline mess.

    Also could this technically be a sequel to Salvation? Looks like this film starts out with Connor sending Reese back, which would make sense with where Salvation ended. Maybe they're not ignoring it altogether? I don't know. I'm seeing a lot of negativity online about this but count me in.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    It looks decent but I'm not a fan of the casting of Kyle Reese and John Conner.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited December 2014 Posts: 4,398
    i thought Anton Yelchin was a great young Kyle Reese in Terminator Salvation... all in all i didn't think Salvation was that bad - i thought it better than 3.. plus it carried the storyline forward beyond Judgement Day into the war against Machines...

    initially i thought they were rebooting the whole thing, but like others have said, it looks like they are doing a Days Of Future Past thing here, where the timeline is going to go completely screwy.... we'll see.... it's Terminator, so i am down to see it in theater - i just hope Arnold isn't laughably bad in it.
  • It's really more like Back to the Future II than Days of Future Past or Star Trek isn't it? We have a Terminator going back in time to fight a Terminator that was already sent back through time.

    I'm in agreement with nearly everyone on the casting of Reese and Connor. I'm unfamiliar with the Connor actor- is he any good at least?
    It sure would have been cool to have Yelchin & Bale back....
  • Posts: 12,568
    Still not convinced! Need to see more.
  • Posts: 1,407
    The actor who plays John was excellent in Dawn of the Plane of the Apes
  • edited December 2014 Posts: 5,767
    And in Public Enemies. He´s good no doubt.

    What I feel wary about is this whole time jump thing. In the trailer, Sarah says, "everything has changed", yet I have a feeling that we won´t see anything new.
  • edited December 2014 Posts: 4,813
    Here's a very informative analysis of the trailer


    They pointed out many things I didn't even notice and I'm excited to see more!!!
    It looks like we'll be seeing the 70's, 1984, possibly the 90's, he present and 2029 and who knows what else!!
  • I just had a thought, and I sure hope they handle this well....

    In the original Terminator movie, Sarah and Kyle fall in love and that's where John Connor comes from.
    BUT, now that Sarah supposedly knows everything, how is that going to play out??

    I hope they don't make a stupid joke out of it, because I'm picturing Emilia Clarke in my head going 'Kyle, it's time. Do me NOW.' And then Arnold is in the background like 'Good. I'll be back.'

  • pachazopachazo Make Your Choice
    Posts: 7,318
    They are inviting a paradox into the equation without even batting an eyelash. I'm rooting for this (honestly) but my guard is up, for sure.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    I'll watch it, but think they've really screwed up the time line etc. I know
    I won't know what's going on but so long as there's plenty of fights and
    Explosions, I'll be happy. :))
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,449
    I worked on the set when they ere shooting in New Orleans. What they are doing id basically the same thing that was done with JJ's Star Trek. Something(s) will happen that changes the timeline. This will keep them from being locked in to the events seen in the first 4 movies.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Let's see if it works.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,449
    Here is the new trailer. The shots you see that take place on the Golden Gate Bridge were filmed in the parking lot of the old Plaza Shopping center in New Orleans East. I worked on the set for a day because of the pyrotechnics. It was fun to watch but tedious and slow. The only parts of the bridge that are real is the roadway, rail and light post.

  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    Oh dear this looks dreadful, seriously they are looking to relaunch this franchise but they can't let Arnie go!

    They'll never be able to move on if they keep attached to that stone, he's not going to be in these films with any credibility, in such a crowded summer I smell a stinking big flop.

    I've only just recently watch T1 & T2. Terminator is without doubt Cameron's best film, it's dark, menacing and quite terrifying if you look at it's premise, brilliantly paced and well acted.

    I say acted, Arnold's very inability to act plays to it's strengths, no one can play an emotionless cyborg like him. It's his best performance and he's never topped it, the perfect role for one of the most wooden actors of all time.

    Both Hamilton and Biehn are on fine form and the three performers make it fly.
    Cameron without a huge budget and his best screenplay aided by Brad Fiedel's terrific score all add together to make it a 5 star masterpiece, it would have been enough just on it's own but a sequel was inevitable.

    As for T2, a great popcorn flick it is but doesn't measure up to it's predecessor. Robert Patrick makes a great big bad but not as terrifying as Arnie's original. Having Arnie play the good guy seemed interesting at the time but it's just an example of him having to be the hero and capitalise on his box office appeal. I certainly prefer him as the villain.

    Hamilton all pumped is good but Furlong's performance can venture into the irritating and the film reverts at times to remaking the original despite some entertaining set pieces. The climax is a more ambitious version of it but surprisingly not as thrilling. To be honest from the moment I saw it at the cinema I had the same opinion, while it was one of the most electrifying cinema visits of my earlier years due to the audiences reaction and the atmosphere I thought then and still do now that just like the Alien franchise the first is the best.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,449
    Oh, I make no judgments on the quality of the final product, but the filmmaking process is fascinating.
  • Posts: 12,568
    I have grave fears for this movie!
  • Posts: 5,767
    Well, it certainly looks very different from all the others. Which, in fact, says nothing. I´m not particularly thrilled. If my theory should be correct that this one is a comedy, then it might be cool ;-).
  • edited January 2015 Posts: 6,432
    I'll certainly watch it, though will wait till home release. Agree trailers don't inspire much confidence. Though sometimes great trailers can be misleading, Arnies grey hair does look rather daft.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,997
    Terminators have no taste for hair dye.
  • Posts: 6,432
    They should have given old Arnie the Kincade look :))
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