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Gunbarrel sequence for Dr. No, even though it wasn't my first Bond film. (John Barry)
On Her Majesty's Secret Service theme (John Barry)
The Lion in Winter opening shot (John Barry)
GoldenEye PTS (Eric Serra)
Pretty much all of The Living Daylights (John Barry)
It's sort of cheating, as it's a TV series, but I always get goosebumps any time I watch an episode of The Sopranos and "Woke Up This Morning" starts up. (Alabama 3)
Anyway, I can't do this in order or name composers easily... but here goes:
Some favorite musical moments, themes, etc.:
The theme to Lawrence of Arabia (desert shots)
Rocky's song ("Gonna Fly Now" was that the title? Running up the steps in Philly)
A Hard Day's Night (well, all of it - let's go with "Can't Buy Me Love" as the band bursts out of the studio doors and goes on the run, being chased thru London by girls - and how I longed to be one of those girls - and the final scene when the theme song breaks out as the helicopter pulls away). Classic.
"Goldfinger" - exactly when it kicks in the second the door slams shut to finish the PTS, just about throws me back in my seat every time. I do love that, the way it just punches you right in the face from the first blaring notes.
"Werewolves of London" by the one and only Warren Zevon, during one of the games of pool shown in The Color of Money, as Tom Cruise arrogantly slammed balls into the pockets while admiring himself.
"In Your Eyes" with John Cusack playing the song outside the girl's window (played by Ione Skye but I cannot remember the character's name) in Say Anything.
Monty Norman's guitar James Bond theme; can't remember first time I heard; I still love every bit of it.
"Nobody Does It Better" - reprised during the scene with Bond and Anya on the boat (before she puts him into a drugged sleep); I like the lilting playfulness of it in that scene.
Thomas Newman's bit ... I cannot recall the name of the piece in Skyfall as Bond sails slowly into the casino harbor, standing in the boat, and the theme song is woven into it, it just soars. I could listen to that part over and over. Gloriously shot and perfect music in that.
Well, I cannot remember the show, but some show when I was a child had the theme song, "Secret Agent Man" and how I really loved it. How appropriate as I discovered Bond later as a teen.
That's about it! I have probably left out moments for sure; I enjoy films so much. But that's a good start for my list.
The A Team.
The X-Files.
Star Trek TOS.
Colt Seavers.
Sherlock (somehow derivative, but nonetheless brilliant).
And of course:
Ride of the Valkyries blaring from the helicopters.
Highlander, "I know his name" segueing into "Princes of the Universe".
Heat, Moby´s track played over the ending.
Miami Vice, when Trudy awakens from coma.
X-Men 1st Class, Cerebro, X-training.
Jaws theme.
SW fanfare.
SW a lot of the rest of the music.
The 007 theme.
OHMSS and DAF, many tracks.
The Godfather theme.
Indy Jones theme.
Superman theme.
Conan the Barbarian 80% of the soundtrack.
Robocop theme.
John Woo classical pieces played over slo mo violence, several films.
A Clockwork Orange classical pieces played over slo mo violence.
Jurassic Park theme.
The First Knight, Arthur´s farewell.
The great Escape all of the soundtrack.
Blade Runner a lot of the soundtrack.
Somebody stop me.
There are a lot of brilliant pieces of film music which don´t qualify because the films are terrible or boring ;-).
The Terminator s/t
Fletch s/t
Every piece of music connected to the Miami Vice series
Total Recall (1990) main intro theme and 'Mutant Dancing' Last Resort club music
True Blood theme 'Bad Things'
'The Look of Love' during CR'67
1. My non-Bonds would start with what I'll always call Philly's unofficial theme song, Bill Conti's brilliant "Gonna Fly Now". There is just something about that song that somehow captures the tremendous fighting spirit of the city, the underdog who will one day be champ through sheer blue collar hard work and muscle. It's a shame Conti hardly hit the mark for FYEO short of the obviously very popular title song, but it still beats the piss out of anything Serra wrote for GoldenEye.
2. The 2001 Space Odyssey theme from the classical master Richard Strauss, composed in 1896- I could care less about the movie, I find outer space films in general to be a bore. For me it's the theme song of the real world champ and greatest wrestler ever, the Nature Boy Ric Flair-Wooooooooooo!
3. The Godfather theme from Nino Rota. Instantly memorable.
4. Miklos Rosza's biblical classic "Ben-Hur", as well as his "El Cid" soundtrack.
5. Hawaii Five-O theme song- I always loved it for some reason, show was not all that great except for Jack Lord being in it.
6. Lalo Schifrin's main title from Matt Helm's second film, "Murderer's Row". Something so cool and spy-like about it for me.
For Bond, lots and lots of great music from the likes of Barry, Martin, Arnold, Hamlisch, and Kamen, of course Norman's JB theme, and too much to cover here.
As for other non Bond nominees I could list many moments in the Original Star Wars trilogy. The truck chase scene in Raiders is fantastic too. John Williams was the man.
I really enjoy the soundtrack to Pulp Fiction as well.
And of course, can't believe I couldn't think of it - thanks for reminding me, @Boldfinger, of Ride of the Valkyries! Man, that movie had some memorable moments and lines but yes, especially that piece of music.
And today I am adding the song Sinner Man, that played in The Thomas Crown Affair (Pierce's version) during the museum scene, when all of the identical looking men showed up carrying identical suitcases, and Crown still managed to steal the painting while everyone watched. It fit the scene perfectly and was so much fun. I like that movie so much. I wish they had managed to make a good sequel years ago, especially if Rene Russo could have been in it again. Pierce and Rene were really great together.
1- Mancini's Pink Panther theme
2- The James Bond theme in DN as created by John Barry
3- Goldfinger sung by Shirly Bassey
4- Star Wars theme at the start of the original movies
5- The lovetheme from the Crow
6- Some of the music done by Lisa Gerard in Gladiator.
7- Children of Dune
8- Bram Stokers' Dracula Wojchech kilar
2. Apollonia's theme in The Godfather. My favorite sequence of the trilogy and my favorite theme also.
3. Title sequence of On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Barry's masterpiece.
4. Marcia religiosa from The Godfather Part II.
5. Notturno o mattutino in La Dolce Vita.
6. End theme of Gladiator.
7. La Mer by Julio Iglesias at the end of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (movie version).
8. Main fanfare of From The Earth to the Moon.
9. Patton's main fanfare.
10. Finale "suite" of Return of the King (it's not a proper suite but the ending has much coherence from the Battle at the Gates to the end).
11. In The Sopranos there are also great musical moments, just mentionting the songs all say "Tiny Tears" (Isabella), "I (Who Have Nothing)" (The Telltale Mozzadell), "Running Wild" (The Blue Comet), "Con te partirò" (Commendatori), "It was a very good year" (Guy walks into psychiatrist's office)
2. Anything in Jaws. Duh
3. Most of Star Wars' music. Imperial March, Force Theme, Cantina Band, I think you get the point. I love the music with Yoda's size matters not and then he lifts the X-Wing out of the swamp.
4. El Dorado by George Alexander.
5. True Grit, Glen Campbell's song and Elmer Bernstein's score. Excellent.
That's my top 5, of course there would be many others up for consideration, but only the best can make my list.
Here here! love that movie! ;)
How about the small bit of music just before Bond meets Bambi & Thumper? Short but oh so sweet.
And if we include TV, yeah, Man From Uncle rules, as does the Prisoner theme.
Superman II opening
Super Mario Bros: Car Chase
Roads? Where were going we don't need "roads"
Battle Beyond the Stars Opening
Spaceballs: The Opening Crawl!
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: Test Run
Honey, I Blew up the Kid theme
Mission Impossible 1996 intro
Dr. No intro
TND: Backseat driver
Robocop: Rock Shop
Beyond Thunderdome!
That i liked animation with a dark side are also 2 other animated movies Aladdin (1992) and The Lion King (1994) Singing in movies only accepted in those. Inspecialy fan of the begin songs.
Bond theme. Dr No[url="
Mission Impossible theme from 1996. Music from Mi2 by Hans Zimmer, example Opening from X-men 2. A lot of the Harry Potter 3 music and some of the other Harry Potter music John Williams composed.
Tv tunes: Knight Rider, The A-team, Macgyver
The Untouchables when Ness corners Nitti on the roof.
My favorite is the Al Capone theme.
His "once upon a time in America" was far superiour when we are talking gangstermovies.