Star Wars (1977 - present)



  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,559
    Less than a week playing and already well passed 600 million according to BOM. I'm impressed. Now please, PLEASE, push Avatar from its undeserved throne!!!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    edited December 2015 Posts: 41,113
    With how big 'Star Wars' is and the fact that it reached $600 million in just five days - shattering 'Jurassic World's record by four whole days - it'll most certainly beat 'Avatar.' It now has the biggest Monday box office take of all time, too.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    It could do it domestically @DarthDimi, but it's unlikely to pull in sufficient converted gross worldwide, due to the strong US $. Titanic's #2 spot is probably toast, but I think Avatar will likely hold the title, tragically.
  • I've seen it twice, and love it! Just as good as Return of the Jedi and possibly better.

    The fact that it borrows a lot from the earlier films doesn't bother me at all.
    The only thing that irked me a little was then giant planet sized super Death Star, but they addressed it in a tongue in cheek way, they didn't come up with a new convoluted way to destroy it, and it wasn't the focus of the film.

    Regarding Rey:
    I do think she's Luke's daughter. I'm fine with her overcoming Kylo Ren as well. She's presented her skills with the bow staff weapon, and is imagine those skills are easily transfer. He was also injured, and quite possibly underestimating her.

    Nice to only have a year and half wait for Episode VIII!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,113
    My one standout complaint from Episode VII:
    The lack of Phasma. Christie is an amazing actress and I was looking forward to her character. But she has, what, three or four scenes, and is simply killed off out of nowhere? Shame.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited December 2015 Posts: 23,883
    Phasma was not killed as far as I know. She is supposed to be more influential in later episodes, though I agree she was wasted here. Killer outfit though. There's an original Battlestar Gallactica thing to it
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,559
    @Creasy47 and @bondjames, I totally agree on the outfit. Great stuff!! Also, yes, I certainly hope Avatar is crushed ruthlessly. That CGI overdose has hijacked the first place long enough. But if SW can beat Titanic... ah well, it's a start I guess. ;-)
  • Posts: 4,717
    How do I insert spoilers, I have a different ending to suggest
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,113
    @patb, click on the white question mark in the grey square located along the line that contains bolding, italicizing, underlining, etc. Then, enter your text in-between the two spoiler boxes.
  • edited December 2015 Posts: 4,717
    The ending is bugging me so how about this for an alternative?

    When R2 releases part of the map, they give R2 Luke's light sabre and a message from his sister, then send R2 away in a ship to Luke's location, this is then not referred to again.

    When Hans is killed, he does not fall from the gantry and Chewy is on the same level, Hans dies in Chewy's arms.
    "My friend, look after the girl , promise me, "

    With the fight in the forest, Finn is useless against the force and is knocked out pretty quickly. Rey does her best but eventually is no match for the more practiced and honed skills of Kylo Ren. Ren orders her to kneel in front of him (as a sign of submission and worship). He moves to her side, raises up his light sabre and brings it down in an attempt to take her head off. In close up, as the red "blade" reaches her neck, a blue light sabre comes in and blocks Ren's.
    Ren is shocked and looks around.
    "You?" We just see a hooded figure in a cloak. A light sabre fight ensues with Ren losing but saved as the planet falls apart. The figure approaches Rey and reaches out a friendly hand to help her up

    After the big dogfight set piece is won, the movie finishes with Han's funeral. As all of the central characters stand in respect, a close up of Leia in tears pans to a close up of the hooded, bowed figure. He lifts his head and lowers the hood. It's Luke in tears of sorrow and anguish. He looks across to his sister.
    "We fight."

    The End

    This seeks to deal with Rey being too good in the fight, the rushed end to find Luke and a more deserving send off for Hans. It also cements the future relationship between Chewy and Rey (chewy could die protecting her in future?) It also makes Luke vulnerable as he is enraged by the death of his friend and that could lure him to the dark side
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I saw the film today. Excellent, in every way. Is it somewhat of a retread of A New Hope? Yes, but enough is done to distinguish it in the first ten minutes alone. The cast is superb, and the effects are amazing.

    Regarding the Craig cameo:
    I haven't read all the tagged posts here, so I don't know if I'm the only one who thinks this, but to me, the Craigtrooper wasn't affected by the mind trick. The way he tossed the gun aside said to me "This girl's crazy, I'm out of here. I'll tell management she did that Jedi thing".

    The film surpassed my expectations, pure and simple, and they were high expectations.
  • edited December 2015 Posts: 1,009
    imranbecks wrote: »
    Is Craig's cameo totally confirmed?

    Yes. Try and spot him.

    I know which scene it is. Problem is I will not recognize Craig's voice if I watch the OV: I've always heard him dubbed, and the main dubbed version does not feature his usual VA. Maybe if I go to my local language version (yep, we have two dubbed versions. In Bond movies, Craig's VA does both)...

    FUN FACT: Our Darth Vader was the same VO that dubbed Roger Moore as Bond (and Charles Gray on DAF).
  • Birdleson wrote: »
    And I hope that all of you fans too young to have seen the original release of RETURN OF THE JEDI have at least seen this scene as we originally saw it in the theatre (the legitimate cut, in my mind).

    Sad fact: I actually liked the idea of putting Christensen instead of the original actor.
    Sadder fact: I love Chewie doing the Tarzan yell.
  • Birdleson wrote: »
    Birdleson wrote: »
    And I hope that all of you fans too young to have seen the original release of RETURN OF THE JEDI have at least seen this scene as we originally saw it in the theatre (the legitimate cut, in my mind).

    Sad fact: I actually liked the idea of putting Christensen instead of the original actor.
    Sadder fact: I love Chewie doing the Tarzan yell.

    Sebastian Shaw showed more humanity in his few moments on screen than Christensen did in two films. When he appears alongside Obi Wan and Yoda in the original in 1983, the audience cheered with genuine happiness and affection. There is no way in Hell Chrisrensen's Anakin could evoke that reaction from any but the most diehard obsessive fans, because their criteria is more one of accuracy, than emotion.

    I know, I know... It's just that, well, they decided to keep with the new continuity and I liked it. I know it's no good, but I swear I'm a good boy :-S
  • ThomasCrown76ThomasCrown76 Augusta, ks
    Posts: 757
    Shardlake wrote: »
    Shardlake wrote: »
    I love his reading of that scene, classic Craig sarcasm in the line
    "and I'll drop my weapon"

    Well at least he got to be in one truly great film this year.

    Yes, it was called Spectre

    If only that was true, the elements of SPECTRE that some have issues with some are saying TFA is getting a free pass with but it wasn't the homage moments in SP that was the problem, it was the Blofeld nonsense and the two lamest set pieces of the Craig era as well as a not very well thought out plot.

    TFA didn't have any lame set pieces whatsover at all and had nothing a sacrilege as P&W ridiculous Blofeld linked to Bond past nonsense. Instead it paid respect to the series with great wit and warmth, SPECTRE was a particularly cold fish in comparison that at times was lacking any sense of danger.

    The force awakens was ok...when it was already made in 1977

  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    What I'm finding quite interesting speaking to some people I know is that.

    They aren't realising that the light sabre Maz gives to Finn after Rey refuses to take it after the reaction she gets from touching it when she discovers it in that chest in the basement of Maz's bar.
    That that this is actually Luke's first lightsabre, the one that originally belonged to Anakin and not the green one that he made himself after Vader cut his hand off, as few have said to me why is it green and not blue as they are sure she says Luke gave it to her before he left, which I don't remember hearing her say. I did remember Han asking how she got it and her wanting to avoid the subject.
    Which suggests how did Maz get this? I'm sure this is going to play into the next 2 episodes going forward.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited December 2015 Posts: 23,883
    Absolutely @Shardlake
    this is the light saber that fell down the Cloud City central core at the end of Empire Strikes Back. It was actually originally Anakin's, then passed onto Luke. So it has a lot of history - hence Kylo Ren saying it's his. The fact that it called to Rey rather than Kylo Ren is fascinating and will lead to further revelations in later episodes I'm sure.

    Also, it's possible Hans knew who Rey was - because Maz asks 'tell me about the girl' and the scene cuts away. When she confronts Rey later, she appears to know more about her
  • Posts: 5,767
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    My one standout complaint from Episode VII:
    The lack of Phasma. Christie is an amazing actress and I was looking forward to her character. But she has, what, three or four scenes, and is simply killed off out of nowhere? Shame.
    @Creasy47, I read that she was confirmed to re-appear in the future.

  • Posts: 1,314
    Benicia del toro is in the next one. Another bond tie. Must say I thought it knocked spectre into a cocked hat. The writing was great, genuine human, comedic and moving moments. Had a confidence that was admirable considering the expectation. Yes it had nods and homages but as time goes on this bothers me less and less. In fact one review I saw viewed it as a soft reboot.

    Not just continuing the story but re introducing the whole tone an concept.

    It's the most re watchable film I've seen in a long time. The only weak but was the scene immediately after Han and checked intro. Otherwise I though Harrison ford successfully channelled the character. Very rare that actors can manage that after such a long lay off.
  • Posts: 6,396
    I'm seeing TFA tomorrow night. Can't wait. What better way to see in Christmas. :)
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,113
    I'm seeing TFA tomorrow night. Can't wait. What better way to see in Christmas. :)

    I hope you enjoy! Avoided any and all footage for a few good months before the film debuted, and (somehow) managed to avoid any and all spoilers from the movie, so I was pleasantly, pleasantly surprised. Very entertaining!
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    Yes, I agree. I think those who remain spoiler free are going to really enjoy this film.

    Have fun. A truly superior cinematic experience imho.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,113
    If you manage to avoid the spoilers, I can promise the pay-off is more than worth it, with lots of twists and turns and things I never saw coming. Can't stop thinking about this movie, really enjoyed myself and it's definitely in my Top 10 of the year.
  • Posts: 3,289
    Shardlake wrote: »
    TFA didn't have any lame set pieces whatsover at all and had nothing a sacrilege as P&W ridiculous Blofeld linked to Bond past nonsense. Instead it paid respect to the series with great wit and warmth, SPECTRE was a particularly cold fish in comparison that at times was lacking any sense of danger.
    At least SPECTRE had a fairly original script. In comparison: Let's play a game. For each of the points below am I describing A New Hope or TFA?
    1. The main hero is living unhappily on a desert planet.
    2. The main hero is an orphan.
    3. The main bad guy is a black-masked villain.
    4. A droid that bleeps has vital information wanted by the bad guys.
    5. The droid that bleeps hides on the main hero's desert planet and meets the hero by chance.
    6. The bad guys search for the bleeping droid and destroy the main hero's neighbourhood.
    7. The main hero meets a father figure who helps them against the bad guys.
    8. The bad guys have a planet weapon that can destroy other planets.
    9. On the planet weapon the main bad guy kills the father figure with a light saber.
    10. The planet weapon has a major weakness that requires a pinpoint accurate shot to exploit it.
    11. The good guys fly x-wings to the planet weapon and destroy it against all odds.
    What you call "paying respect to the series" I would probably call "plagiarism."
  • edited December 2015 Posts: 5,767
    Zekidk wrote: »
    What you call "paying respect to the series" I would probably call "plagiarism."
    Except TFA rocks the house, while SP has the boat adrift without much wind.

    For me, the reconstruction of the Death Star in ROTJ was much more impressive than the Death Star from ANH. And the Death Star built into a planet, while not the definition of original (especially after they made clear that this one is BIGGER), still was mighty entertaining. If the remnants of The Empire still own the Death Star technology they´d be dumb not to use it, right?
  • Posts: 7,653
    Isn't that natural, each spacegun gets bigger, so the planet is a logical step up, it did not bother me at all. What I found most about TFA is that the movie did have a heart which is something the last two entries in Craigs era kinda lack.
    And Harrison Ford still knows how to do it, So I would not mind a Indiana Jones 5 in the next two years.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,559
    I agree with @SaintMark that TFA has a heart and that's a rare thing in franchise movies these days.
  • Posts: 1,098
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    I agree with @SaintMark that TFA has a heart and that's a rare thing in franchise movies these days.

    That was the problem with SP, i liked the film, but it had no heart, and was joy less to many people.

  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    I loved both Spectre and The Force Awakens. Both were fun entertaining movies I'll be rewatching for many years to come. Great entertainment on all fronts.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited December 2015 Posts: 23,883
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    I agree with @SaintMark that TFA has a heart and that's a rare thing in franchise movies these days.
    Thank you. That's a great point. TFA has both heart and soul and that is indeed rare today.

    It's not a question of what it did (which may have been derivative), but how it went about doing it that was amazing. Nearly everything is cribbing in Hollywood these days, and real innovation is rare, but one can still create the environment and characterizations so that we actually care about what's going on up on that screen - and JJ did that very well.
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