Brian Berley 007 Art Work Has Gone From Public View ?

MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
edited August 2013 in Fan Creations Posts: 3,144
From time to time I drop into his web site to catch updates on his great work sadly this week it would appear that he has had to take the Bond part of his site down can anyone shed any light on this
Regards Mr Coggins.


  • Posts: 1
    It is with much regret (and a degree of chagrin) that I have to announce that my collection of Bond Illustrations has been officially banished from public display. This comes with little surprise on my part, knowing that I, like Icarus, was flying a little too close to the sun. I want to thank all who gave such kind feedback and showed interest in my work. Perhaps someday the illustrations will re-emerge, but for now I must accept that my efforts have become a miniscule asterisk in the James Bond universe.
    - Brian B.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,534
    You can't say better than getting a reply from the man himself! Thanks for explaining that, @BBerley.
  • Let me just say how much I've enjoyed your work @BBerley! Fabulous stuff! Maybe someday the Powers That Be will see the wisdom in a having you produce a fully authorized graphic novel version of 007 adventures!
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