Reflection of the soul (Fan film) - Original soundtrack

loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
edited September 2013 in Fan Creations Posts: 82
"Reflection of the Soul" is a 1 hour and 34 minute long James Bond fan film being released on YouTube (by BlueDiamondDirector) later this autumn and the score is original and composed by me.

I want to share with you two previews of the score:

I will upload the whole score on YouTube and share it here too when the movie is out :)
Please tell me what you think of it?


  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,996
    Holy smokes! If the movie itself is as good as your BRILLIANT music there, we Bond fans are in for a big treat! =D>
  • loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Posts: 82
    Thanks! :D
    I really appreciate it :D
  • loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Posts: 82
    This is the main titles sequence from the film with the theme song "Forever I'm Yours" by Eva Almér which I incorporate into the soundtrack on several occasions.

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,996
    Not bad! I will be following this.
  • loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Posts: 82
    The release date has now been set to October 11th this year (no specific time of the day but October 11th could mean 12th for some of us since the person who is releasing the movie lives in the US)

    There is roughly estimated 15 minutes worth of film left to compose for me.

    Stay tuned.
  • loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Posts: 82
    This is the last preview of the score I'm sharing with you before the movie is out.

    Please tell me what you think.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,996
    I like it. Keep workin' your stuff, maybe one day a few years from now you'll get a call from EON...
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    Pretty Good Otto, can't wait to see the film. :)
  • loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Posts: 82
    Thanks both of you!
    I appreciate it :).
  • loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Posts: 82
    Here is the full soundtrack from the movie Reflection of the soul premiering this Friday the 11th so watch out for it here!

    Please tell me your thoughts on it, good or bad.

    //Otto Nilsson
  • loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Posts: 82
    Here is the full movie!
    Check it out!
  • loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Posts: 82
    What do you guys think of the score? And the movie?
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    Well Otto, I've watched the film and listened to the soundtrack now and it is very good. Even though the soundtrack is better than the film.
    Great job, it was fun to hear how the soundtrack was built up!

    / Din vän från Sverige ;)
  • loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Posts: 82
    Tackar Em :)
  • loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Posts: 82
    It's on YouTube ;)
  • Wonderful job on the score loullers. Thanks for the help.

    P.S. Yes, I finally have joined this forum.
  • loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Posts: 82
    Thank you mate :D

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