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My own favourite Harry Potter movies are the first two (Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets). I love all the others as well (though I find it questionable that they spread out the last book into two movies... reminds me of Peter Jackson splitting the single book The Hobbit into three films - didn't work either). But the initial instalments are for me what Harry Potter is about. Couldn't really sort the others.
And even if I had an issue with her, I'd still be able to forget that while reading her books or watching the movies inspired on those books.
I do, however, wonder why FB has turned into such a messy thing. Too much going on, not enough tension?
I wholeheartedly agree, the second film in particular is my favourite. Those 2 feel like real cozy adventures inside Hogwarts Castle, whereas after a certain point it became about an overwhelming outside threat, and lost some of its charm.
I also agree that we live in supposedly free countries, and JK is entitled to her views. Free expression applies whether the views expressed are controversial in nature or not.
@DarthDimi Sadly I think the wizarding world is as connected to Harry Potter as Star Wars is to the Skywalker family.
Like I say, if I were JK I would have shut down all new Potter works after the films ended in 2010, and then begun work on the new books with harry as an adult and his son at hogwarts, planning everything out ahead of time. My worry is now, we might never see the original cast in a proper film again.
We all have our nickpicks with EON but they do a darn sight better job than these other folk of managing their properties, that's for certain.
I can't really make out what the plan is. Are they simply going to retell the entire HP saga, or will this series offer fresh, new story material? Either way, something says "too soon" to me. Not that long ago, we suffered through the Secrets of Dumbledore.
I think they are doing the entire saga again though in much more depth than the films, a lot from the books was omitted from the movies.
I am looking forward to the series, I was quite late to the films I only discovered the 3rd film when an ex girlfriend put it on and then I had to go back and watch the earlier chapters. Now I have a very nice Bluray Box set of the series.
Secrets of Dumbledore is the only film from the Potter universe I don't own it really was very disappointing, Tina not being in the film was a crime to cinema.
I'm not sure how I feel about that. I've read the books, and yes, a lot of story material never made it into the films. On the other hand, I cannot imagine different actors in the roles, or a different look (or sound) than the films. Also, some parts of the books were faithfully adapted, and almost reproduced verbatim. If a TV series doesn't want to simply copy specific scenes from the films, it will have to change stuff, which would seem odd if the plan is to throw all the literary material on screen. It would likewise be odd if scenes from the films were just redone.
I'm more than anything else confused as to why anyone would want to adapt the Potter books so impossibly soon. It hasn't even been 15 years since Deathly Hallows pt. 2. And these films continue to sell well and find new fans. They are still about as fresh as when they came out. So what's the point? The film collection is perfectly satisfying. And whoever is looking for more, should read the books.
I consider him earlier as Sloghorn, in 6th novel who is introduced by Dumbledore. In the movie played by Jim Broadbent.
Meanwhile, Johnny Depp was fired over allegations that turned into a media spectacle and Rowling found herself trapped in a frenzy over the definition of 'women'. The costly FB disaster combined with the weird turmoil in the sewer pit of the Internet a.k.a. "social" media have already left a stink on Harry Potter that not even the best wizard deodorant can whiff away. Common sense dictates that Potter and his friends are best served by many years of radio silence until Death Eaters in Hollywood and on low-IQ platforms like Twitter/X, Facebook and Instagram have turned their backs aways from them. While HBO is known for delivering quality, I am not at all looking forward to anything new here for a very long time.
That said I’m not going to watch the show anyway. Never enjoyed the books I read and past film three I tend to check out.
Not tempted by an after dinner Fantastic Beasts then?
However, I had and still have absolutely no impulse to watch any of those Fantastic Beast or whatever spinoffs there may have been so far. They just can only be disappointing in comparison.
I tend to think most are like @DarthDimi when it comes to a TV show about Potter. I also think a faithful adapation of Fleming would result in similarly low ratings as you are likely appealing to the hard core fans.
I think there's a better argument to be made for a Bond TV show (though I'm not pushing for it myself) since most of the novels weren't faithfully adapted. While some Potter fans might resent the movies for streamlining so much of the plots of the later books, compare that to a film like YOLT, which aside from a few characters, plot points, and the setting, is a totally different story.
I fear no film series is allowed to rest anymore. There always has to be more.
One of my earliest memories is watching the first two films on videotape in the early-00s and they're pretty much burned in my brain as a result. And of course, the third one is just wonderful. Fantasy doesn't hold much appeal to me as an adult, but if the ones that came after captured the same magic (pun intended) of those first three, I'd probably be a much bigger HP fan today.
Wasn't an all British cast one of the conditions of the series? What happened to that?
Doesnt JK Rolling hate casting non British actors for roles?
Rowling, people, with a w after the o. Just like Fleming is only spelled with one m.
I think he would be perfect. It seems he's not the right age as they are attempting to get the ages right for the characters in the books. Snape was in his early thirties. This "faithful" adaptation will also feature a more inclusive cast and I don't think Driver is racially diverse enough for the role.