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Has-been music? Mostly, yes. I have no issue with that. I prefer older music to newer trends anyway. Besides, not sure if anyone is reinventing music as we speak. As far as I know it's not happening outside the ESC either.
Are all the ESC songs good? No, certainly not. Some of them are really really terrible. Even more so live. Are they all bad though? Also no. Not in my opinion, anyway.
What ESC does that I do like though, is celebrating Europe's cultural and linguistic diversity. And I'm all for that. It's also the only, the one and only, moment in the entire year that some non-English language music gets a little bit of attention before we are encouraged by mainstream media to return to the same stuff from the same people all over again (and pretend music is only produced in Anglo-Saxon countries). Is it the best representation of continental Europe's music? No. The Italian music scene for instance has much better stuff to offer than what we see at ESC from them (although the Italians are always amongst the better entries regardless). But it is what it is, I quite like to go from Italian to French, from German to Swedish, from Spanish to Portuguese, from Serbian to Greek, etc., each time changing genre along the way too. Just this single one time in the entire year however, I don't need to go all niche for that. For that reason I can appreciate ESC, despite its more than obvious shortcomings.
After that elaborate justification, I'll now return back to my niche playlists and will return here in May in the hope that ESC doesn't undermine my defense too much :p