
edited March 2014 in Fan Creations Posts: 12,837
A Connery era story written in the way I usually do these. And yes I know that there's a 68 dodge in a story set in 1966 but it's a very cool car which I wanted to include.

The gunbarrel opens to reveal the cavern cub, in Liverpool. A black car (a 1968 dodge charger R/T) cruises past Matthew Street, and continues through the city, eventually reaching an abandoned factory. Two bald men with moustaches step out and a van pulls up. Another bald man with a moustache steps out and greets them before swinging open the van doors and pulling out a well dressed man with a bag tied over his head. The men take the prisoner inside.

The prisoner is tied to a chair and the bald men gather round him. None of them speak. One man gestures to the other to remove the bag and they do so. The man in the chair is James Bond. One man smiles and draws his gun before beginning to speak in a thick German accent, "you have caused us a great deal of trouble mister Bond", he was visibly pleased with himself. "First that nasty business with Dr No, then the unfortunate incident involving the Lektor and most recently, all that trouble in Miami". Bond is barely even conscious, his head slumped down. "Now, you pay" the man shoots Bond in the head without hesitation, splattering blood over himself and killing 007.

As he holstered his gun, one of his co workers noticed something. On Bonds wound, mixed in with the blood and flesh, it looked like rubber. The man desperately began clawing at the material, ripping off a mask and revealing a completely different man.

"Major Dexter Smythe, war hero, businessman and SPECTRE agent", the men spin round to see James Bond completely unharmed, tipping his trilby hat to them as he strolled casually into the room. "Oh, I assume you'll be wanting this back", Bond took an octopus ring out of his side pocket and tossed it to one of the men. "He'd have wanted you to have it", he said with a wry smile.

All three men quickly draw handguns and open fire, Bond dives for cover behind some barrels as bullets slam into the ground beside him. As the men start to reload, Bond draws his ppk and pops up from behind the barrels, firing two shots. The first hits one man right between the eyes, the other hits a second man in the throat. The final remaining man, the one who shot Smythe, drops his clip, panics and races out of the factory, Bond shoots at him but misses.

The final man races to his car (the 68 dodge charger), and speeds off as Bond shoots at him, shattering a side window. The man drives for a bit and relaxes, safe in the knowledge that he's safe for now. Then an Aston Martin DB5 screeched out of an alleyway onto the road behind him. Bond was determined to catch the man and used the cars machine guns to pop one of the tyres. The man took a left and Bond followed.

Eventually the chase led them towards Merseyside docks and Bond almost swerved out of control trying to avoid running over an old lady, losing sight of the SPECTRE agent. Bond quickly began driving around searching for the damaged dodge but suddenly it came shooting out of a side road causing a T Bone crash and putting Bonds DB5 out of action for good. The moustached man got out of the car, reloaded his gun and went to kill Bond. But when he inspected the Aston, it was empty. Suddenly he felt a Walther PPK press into the back of his head and before he could talk, Bond killed him.

PTS done! I'll post more at some point soon but I've been at this for a while and Match Of The Day's on so good bye for now.


  • edited March 2014 Posts: 12,837
    After the titles we see a table full of SPECTRE agents, and at the head of the table there's a massive man well over 200 pounds with long silver hair and a matching moustache, with an armed guard on either side of him and a white cat at his feet. His black eyes are covered by green tinted contacted lenses and when he starts to speak you can see he has a gold tooth.

    "Our first order of business, the mole responsible for the death of Major Smythe" Blofeld turned to look at a small Irish man. "Mister Mcdonald, do you have anything to say for yourself?" Mcdonald quickly got up to leave but was mercilessly gunned down by 2 henchmen. "Now", said Blofeld, completely ignoring the man face down on the table riddled with machine gun fire. "Despite Smythes failure, we cannot allow Bond to live after the trouble he caused us, and no further operations will be carried out until he's dead", Blofeld then turned to face a thin, pale, man with a long scraggly beard, thin grey lips and bloodshot eyes. He was completely bald and his face was covered in wrinkles. He looked 100 years old. In reality he was in his 50s. "Dr Shatterhand has devised a suitable plan". Shatterhand slowly and carefully stood up, he seemed very frail, and then spoke, "yes mister Blofeld", a grin spread across his face, "it's beginning as we speak".

    At the blades club in London, Bond had decided he'd already lost enough money and walked away from the poker table, instead he went to the bar and ordered himself a vodka martini, shaken not stirred. But before he could drink it, Sylvia Trench, who he hadn't seen for a while, walked in and sat down next to him. As they began to talk, Trench took his martini, cockily telling Bond he could order another one. But once she drank some of it her expression quickly changed. Her smile disappeared, her face went completely white and her mouth started frothing. She collapsed into Bonds arms and before he had a chance to do anything, she was dead. Bond spotted the barman hurriedly rushing out of the room and he followed, chasing him up the stairs onto the roof.

    Bond barged out onto the roof, ppk in hand, and the assassin spun round drawing a berretta and firing, hitting Bond in the shoulder. Bond fell down but before the assassin could fire again, he'd shot him in the chest twice. Bond picked himself up and rushed towards the body of Trench's killer, asking him who he worked for. The man just smiled, staying completely silent. Bond ran downstairs to get someone to call for help and desperately tried to keep the assassin alive so he could interrogate him but the man died before an ambulance arrived.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    These are great! Thanks for posting. You write rather like they are screenplays, which I enjoy. You can picture this all happening on the screen. Please keep writing; this is entertaining and fun.
  • edited February 2014 Posts: 12,837
    "Joseph Neville", M slammed the file down on his desk. "One of the best assassins in the world, famous for his varied brand of poisons, but at the end of the day, just a gun for hire". Bond looked up at M, "any idea who might have hired him?". A second file was slammed down onto the desk. "Mister Ciero Gonzales, wealthy businessman who owns several cigarette factories, what makes him interesting however is his brother, do you remember shutting down a certain heroin smuggling operation in mexico?", this peaked Bonds interest and he looked up, paying attention. "You electrocuted his brother, and he certainly has the money and contacts to pull off something like this, and he was one of Neville's most frequent clients, so he seems the most likely candidate".

    M stood up and Bond did the same, "with all due respect sir, I've made many enemies, can we be sure that this is our man?", M lit a cigar and said "yes 007, but most of your other enemies are dead. I'm sending you to mexico city, the section chief will meet you at the airport and he'll help you to investigate Gonzales", Bond began to walk out, "oh and Bond", he turned around, "try to come back alive".

    Bond walked out of the airport after arriving in mexico city. A red 1964 Ford Thunderbird came screeching up to meet him. A big, well built man in a short sleeve shirt and cargo shorts peered out at Bond from over his sunglasses. "007?" he spoke with a thick mancunian accent, Bond nodded and the man gestured for him to get in. As they sped off, they began talking.

    "The famous James Bond eh, heard a lot about you", Bond replied as the car continued to speed forward, "all good I hope?", "oh yeah, you can't expect to save the world from a nuclear war and for nobody to talk about it, and my predecessor told me all about the heroin operation you shut down", he stuck a hand out, which Bond shook, "Jason Brown, section chief", Brown jumped a red light. "Now, that friend of yours, mister Gonzales", Bond lit a cigarette as Brown continued "he's a sneaky bastard, lots of dodgy contacts, and a very private man, but I've managed to get us invitations to a little partido he's having at his villa just outside of the city, celebrating some new deal he's secured", he opened the glove compartment and handed Bond a sealed envelope as the car came screeching to a halt at an MI6 safehouse. "I'll see you later James, and hopefully we'll get the chance to give that arsehole what he deserves". Brown sped off, and Bond went inside to prepare.

    Hours later, the same Ford Thunderbird pulled up at Gonzales' villa. Bond stepped out of the car while Brown (in Spanish), told the valet what'd happen to him if there was so much as a scratch on this car. They headed into the massive garden where the party was taking place. There was an open bar, gambling tables, live music, etc. Nobody could say Gonzales wasn't making an effort. Brown grabbed a chicken leg from the buffet while Bond spotted Gonzales playing bridge. Bond spoke to Brown, "you try and slip inside so you can bug the house and have a look around, I'm going to go and have a chat with our friend". Brown, who's mouth was full, nodded, and Bond walked off while Brown grabbed a glass of champagne.

    Bond decided to play and sat down, quickly realising that Gonzales was cheating, Bond noticed that he was looking at the reflections of the cards using his cigarette case. Eventually Bond decides to play Gonzales at his own game and fixes the deck against Gonzales. Gonzales is furious and tells Bond to tread very carefully. Bond walks over to Brown at the bar, who is hitting on Gonzales' wife, but doing a crap job of it. Bond takes Brown aside and asks him if he's bugged the house yet, and Brown walks off moodily. Bond flirts with Gonzales' wife (who isn't happy with Gonzales at all) and they end up sleeping together. However, when Bond asks her about Neville, his wife says that she hasn't seen him for well over a year.

    Bond slips outside and goes to leave, Brown is already waiting in the car. However, when Brown starts the engine the car explodes. Bond is knocked off his feet but isn't badly hurt, but Brown has been killed. As people rushed around to help, Bond just stared at the burning wreckage of the red Ford Thunderbird, not saying a word.
  • edited March 2014 Posts: 12,837
    Sorry this took so long. I originally wrote this bit back in September and I've been making changes to it every now and again then leaving it for months on end. Anyway, here it is

    Now back at the safehouse, Bond fixed up his wounds before going to report Browns death, but just as he went to pick up the phone, it started ringing. Cautiously Bond answered and before he had a chance to say anything a harsh female voice was giving him instructions. "Listen to me very carefully, people are coming to kill you, and you don't have much time", she spoke with a thick Irish accent. Bond began to question this but he was interrupted, "if you take my advice and get out of there now, then meet me at the airport if you want to live for much longer", before Bond could say a word, the woman had hung up.

    Bond picked up his ppk and glanced round, checking the door was locked, and then peering out of the window. The street outside was completely empty. Bond, still on edge, went back to the phone to report Brown's death. As the phone started to ring, Bond sat down, and a snipers bullet shot through the window buried itself into the wall, the same spot where his head was a second before. Bond threw himself down out of sight and another snipers bullet slammed into his chair. Bond started crawling towards the back door as the sniper started blasting rounds through the wall, desperately trying to hit Bond. Bond made it outside, behind the house, but as he started to consider his next move he heard the sound of a gunshot coming from another rifle, very close by, followed by silence. Hearing a car horn Bond went around to the front of the house where a woman sat in a jeep. She smiled, opened the door and said "I didn't think you'd make it to the airport". Bond got in, noticing the sniper rifle in the back, and she started driving, introducing herself as Connie Webb, an Irish mercenary.

    Bond began asking questions. "The sniper, he was working for Gonzales?", Webb shook her head. "Gonzales was a coincidence, he's not trying to kill you", Bond looked puzzled, "then who is?", the jeep turned a corner as Webb began to explain. "There's a bounty on your head, a big one, some of the best assassins in the world are after you, Christ I would've happily killed you myself if anyone else had put the contract out but I have some unfinished business with the bloke who did". She then told Bond that the man who set the bounty was Dr Guntram Shatterhand, a wealthy Swiss scientist who had been designing a nuclear weapon for England at his facility in Dover, he was currently on holiday at his large estate in the Italian countryside just outside of Florence.

    Bond and Connie travel to Florence but Webb still refuses to tell Bond why she wants to kill Shatterhand. The next day Bond has a key and a message delivered to his hotel room and before going to Shatterhands estate they go to the town square where Bond unlocks a seemingly ancient door down a small, empty alleyway. Bond leads Connie downstairs and through another door to an MI6 safe house where Q is waiting. He's happy to see Bond again because he has something new for him: a gorgeous black Triumph Tiger Daytona. Bond wants to know why he couldn't have another Aston, or even his old Bentley back, but Q quickly explains the advantages of the bike and then moves onto to the gadgets. The bike has bulletproof tires, front mounted machine guns, a front mounted grenade launcher (although Q explains this can only be used once, so save it for an emergency) and a smoke screen. The seat also lifts up to reveal a small compartment containing a spare ppk and a grenade for emergencies. The helmet contains a night vision mode for the visor. Bond thanks Q and him and Connie set off. They scout Shatterhand's estate and later that night they break in by scaling one of the walls, taking out cameras and armed guards, and eventually reaching Shatterhand's room in his villa. Webb goes to kill him but Bond knocks the gun out of her hand and starts to interrogate Shatterhand, wanting to know why he wants him dead. Shatterhand doesn't even speak, just stares silently at Bond. Webb and Bond begin to argue and then security burst into the room, having discovered the bodies of the other guards. Shatterhand seems unaffected. He stares at Bond and Connie for a little longer and then leads them out of the room, telling them that dinner will soon be ready.

    Bond and Connie are then sat at a table with Shatterhand surrounded by armed guards. Shatterhand is picking at his food very slowly and taking extremely small mouthfuls, his eyes never straying far away from Bond. They're sat in complete silence until Bond asks for something stronger to drink. Shatterhand goes off on a rant about how alcohol is the drink of the devil, how it corrupts people and makes them impure and stupid. Then there's more silence, with Shatterhand not even blinking, just staring creepily. He then asks Connie how her shoulder is. Connie tells him to fuck off. More silence. Bond notices the Octopus ring on Shatterhands finger and Shatterhand notices Bond looking at it. It begins to make sense to Bond as the guards drag him and Connie up. Shatterhand tells them that it's time for them to go and see the garden and they're escorted outside.

    They're led to a very large greenhouse, as Shatterhand explains his interest in gardening, particularly poisonous plants, and also his interest in unusual insects. Two men in yellow bio hazard suits walk out and the guards shoves Bond and Connie into the garden of death and slam the solid steel door shut as Shatterhand removes a pocket watch from his pocket, saying that he'll take great interest in seeing how long they'll last, and tells them to not bother smashing the glash as it's bullet proof, then he retreats back to the villa. Bond and Connie notice cameras and then slowly move through the garden to find a way out, being careful not to touch any of the plants. A body falls from one of the trees behind them, causing Connie to jump backwards into a spiders web. She slowly turns around to reveal a spider which Bond identifies as a type that is poisonous but won't attack unless it's provoked. Bond slowly takes off his shoe and brushes the spider off and it scuttles away. An unusually large wasp buzzes past them but it gets swallowed whole by a fly trap type plant. Bond notices a cat walk high above them leading to an emergency exit and decides that's their best chance of escape, but the ladder leading there has been pulled up. Connie takes off her belt and reveals it's a gadget she nicked from an MI6 agent years ago. She fires a grappling hook up to the cat walk, however, this causes three guards in bio hazard suits to charge in and start shooting. Connie grapples up as Bond dives out of the way to dodge the machine gun fire. With Bond nowhere to be seen, the guards move through the garden. Connie sends the ladder down from the catwalk, which hits one guard on the head and knocks him out. The second guard spins round in surprise and Bond darts out from behind some plants and chokes him out. The third guard discovers the others and is panicking when Bond comes up from behind and attacks him. They wrestle for control of the gun which goes flying across the floor. The fight carries on and Bond manages to rip off the guards mask and break his nose with one punch but the guard kicks Bond in the balls and throws him to the ground. Bond brushes past a plant as he falls which stings his hand and leaves a nasty mark. The guard grabs his gun but before he can shoot Bond he's killed by Connie, who picked up one of the other guards guns. Bond and Connie race up to the cat walk and dash outside.

    Now on a balcony, they slide down the ladder, ending up back on the estate. Bond spots guards rushing towards them and realises that escaping over the wall wasn't an option, there's no way they wouldn't be shot. Instead they run through the estate to the docks, planning to escape down the lake. There are a couple of guards here too but Connie and Bond shoot them and steal a speedboat and manage to escape.

    Hours later, a helicopter arrived at Shatterhand's villa, carrying Ernst Starvo Blofeld and his two body guards. Blofeld spoke calmly as the guards raised their guns "You know I have a very low tolerance for failure Dr Shatterhand". Shatterhand wasn't scared at all. He waved his hand, dismissing Blofeld as he poured himself a thimble of water. "I haven't failed, I've taken down the bounty and we can move on with our operation. I'll be setting off for Dover in the morning". Blofeld didn't like being talked down to, he got angry "move on? You've taken down the bounty?! But Bond is still alive!". Shatterhand shook his head. "When Mr Bond and Miss Webb escaped the garden Bond had a nasty altercation with one of my guards. My security camera footage shows that Bond came into a contact with a very poisonous plant I've been developing. I'm yet to think of a name of it but I'm suitably proud of it as just one touch can kill you". Sipping his drink, Shatterhand's thin grey lips were the closest they'd ever been to smiling and his blood shot eyes lit up with glee. "He doesn't know it yet, but James Bond is already dead".
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited March 2014 Posts: 13,369
    It's good to see you returning to this @thelivingroyale.
  • edited March 2014 Posts: 12,837
    After sailing for a while, Bond stopped the boat and turned to Connie who'd been hit in the arm and was struggling to remove the bullet. Bond removed the bullet for her, then took out a flask and doused the wound in vodka. He then ripped off a bit of his shirt and used it as a makeshift bandage, stopping her bleeding, then wrapped his jacket around her. Connie was grateful for this. Bond asked her again why she wanted to kill Shatterhand and this time she explained. Shatterhand hired her to kill a CIA agent who'd previously been feeding him information (which he'd then given to SPECTRE) but had become a liability. Webb did the job but then Shatterhand, fearing she knew too much, sent out an assassin to kill her. Unfortunately this agent was a nasty piece of work who liked the look of Connie. She pulled her top down, revealing a scar left by a bullet wound on her shoulder. He shot her in the shoulder and tried to rape her but she managed to grab his gun, kill him and escape. She'd been after Shatterhand ever since. Bond then apologised for fucking up her assassination attempt but she didn't mind, saying that Bond had a job to do himself after all. Webb asked why Shatterhand put out a bounty on Bond in the first place and Bond just said that he'd killed some old friends of his. They kissed and then set off to get Connie some serious medical attention. After dropping her off at a hospital, Bond set off back to London.

    M believed Bond, however, there was no evidence of Shatterhand working for SPECTRE and he'd been very helpful to the British goverment, he'd been working with them since the war and this nuclear missile was an important project which they'd spent lots of money on. There were SAS troops on standby but the goverment couldn't risk going in all guns blazing. They needed someone to investigate first. M said he would send 008 undercover to Dover but Bond wanted to see this through and go himself. M agreed so he sent Bond down to Q branch where he was given a realistic looking mask and a lighter with a built in hidden camera. Bond's cover was a security guard at Shatterhand's facility and his job was to find out what Shatterhand was doing with the nuke then report in. Q had given Bond a watch with an emergency distress beacon. If Bond was in serious trouble, or had found out something major and couldn't contact them in time, then all he had to do was twist the watch face and MI6 would receive the signal and mobilise the soldiers.

    Bond travels to Shatterhand's facility in Dover on his bike where he was given a tour. Bond wasn't allowed anywhere near the rocket however. The underground area where all the scientists were working on the nuke was off limits to anyone else except Shatterhand and his personal body guards, who also guarded the doors. Bond was then taken to the guard barracks where each guard had a small room to themselves. Bond spent time with the other guards and waited until late at night when they were all asleep. Then he slipped out to investigate. Heading across the compound towards the underground area, he waited, eventually managing to slip through the coded locked door behind some scientists. It was there that Bond caught his first glimpse of the nuclear missile. It was positioned in the middle of the room. The entire floor was a circle around it, with other levels below him and lifts leading from one floor to the next. Crouching in an alcove behind some crates, he got out his camera and took a few pictures while listening in on conversations between the scientists, then Shatterhand entered the room, along with a pretty looking girl with long dark hair. Bond was sure that the girl spotted him but she didn't say anything. Shatterhand started discussing the missiles coordinates for the test launch in a few days time and Bond scribbled them down on a pad of paper, then waited for Shatterhand to leave and headed back to his room. When he was back in his room Bond examined the wound on his hand from Shatterhand's garden. A throbbing white scar stretched across the back of his hand, from where he'd brushed against the plant, and the skin around it was burning red. MI6 said they'd never seen anything like it and were unable to do anything about it but since Bond had felt fine, they didn't think it was anything fatal. Now though Bond was feeling really light headed, collapsing onto the bed.

    The next day Bond woke up, still feeling ill. As he was walking back to the barracks from his guard duty, he was confronted by the girl who saw him the night before. They got talking and it turned out that she was a special branch agent named Gala Brand who'd been undercover investigating Shatterhand for a while. A guard passed them, nearly overhearing them, and they decided to talk more away from the compound. Bond took her out on his bike towards town.

    While on their way to town, Bond noticed two more motorbikes approaching behind them. Suspicious, he turned down an obscure country road. The bikes followed. Now sure they were after them, Bond thought of his next move when suddenly one of the bikers drew a pistol and began firing. Bond used the smoke screen, causing them to crash, and turned off back onto the main road where a black car screeched onto the road in front of them. Above it, a helicopter hovered. A man leant back out of the window with a machine gun and fired, Bond veered left, dodging the gunfire and made good use of the Triumphs machine guns, sending bullets flying through the rear window, killing everyone inside. It wasn't over yet though, the helicopter was still above them and more cars had formed a road block some distance in front of them. A compartment on the belly of the helicopter opened to reveal machine guns and bullets slammed onto the road around them, it was a miracle that Bond and Gala hadn't been hit. Bond then used the grenade launcher to destroy the roadblock. They shot through the flames but they still hadn't lost the helicopter. Bond shot off road and stopped the bike, him and Gala dived down behind some rocks as the helicopter swooped over them, sending even more bullets their way. Bond emptied his ppk into the front window, he shattered the glass and killed the co pilot but the helicopter was somehow still in the air. As the helicopter spun round for another assault Bond grabbed the grenade from the bike seat. The helicopter charged towards them again and Bond pulled the pin then, waiting for the right moment, he lobbed it inside. Before the pilot had time to react the grenade went off, destroying the helicopter from inside.

    Realising that it's now useless, Bond ditches his mask. This surprises Gala but she seems to like his new look, although he's looking very under the weather. They head to a pub in town where Gala realises that her cover must have been blown. She wonders how but Bond says it doesn't matter now, the test launch is tomorrow and what's important is that they find out what Shatterhand is up to. Gala explains that the coordinates for the test launch don't add up. The missile is meant to land in the sea but she's been doing some calculations and for the missile to land where it's planned to, it'd need a completely different set of coordinates. In fact, she was almost certain that the coordinates led to London. Gala says that she knows where the control room is and that she might be able to reset the coordinates if Bond can get her inside in time for the test launch. Bond agrees and they chat a bit more. They drink more and start getting on well, eventually ending up at a nearby hotel where they sleep together. Gala asks Bond if he's ready to go again but Bond suddenly starts feeling dazed. Gala tells Bond he doesn't look too well and Bond heads to the bathroom where he starts coughing up blood. The wound on his hand was looking awful now, worse than ever. He throws up into the toilet then collapses back onto the floor.

    The next morning Bond wakes up and heads back into the bed room where he found Gala dead with a bullet in her forehead. He put a finger on each of her eyes and slowly closed them shut, then heard the click of a pistol. Shatterhand was sat in a chair with a small handgun trained directly at Bond. "Have a shower and get dressed mister Bond, we have a long day ahead of us". Shatterhand looked like he couldn't fight off a cold and Bond doubted he was a great shot. Bond froze as he considered his options. Shatterhand had a clear shot but he was close, Bond was sure that if he was quick enough, he could reach him without being hit. However, while it would've been easy normally, Bond wasn't in great condition. The combination of a hangover and whatever illness he had was doing him no favours. He still had a good chance though and it'd be better to act now than to try and escape later. Before Bond could make his move however, two more men walked in, both of them armed. Bond gave in and got ready, and then he was driven off.

    Sitting in the back of the car Bond realised he had no choice. His plan had been to sneak in and redirect the missile but there was no chance of that now. There were troops on standby, all he had to do was give the word. It was a risk, he was sure Shatterhand would have some sort of emergency protocol, one last trick up his sleeve, but it was his only option. Time to call the cavalry. Bond twisted his watch face as he fell asleep once again.

    As the car pulled into the compound the guard shook Bond awake. Bond felt like shit. His head was in pieces, his vision was blurred and he could barely stand. He knew he'd been poisoned but he wasn't sure when. The night before, at the pub? It was possible but Bond didn't think that was when. He was sure he would've noticed something, and why wouldn't they have poisoned Gala? He fell to the floor as he stepped out of the car and the guards dragged him to Shatterhand's office. Exotic looking plants were dotted around the plain white room, a large desk sat at the back of the room with a glass wall behind it and in front of the glass wall, behind the desk was a grand, throne like chair. Shelves full of poisons and antidotes lined the walls and there was a tank with a black widow spider on one side of the room. Bond was dumped onto a sofa and Shatterhand poured himself and Bond a drink of water. "I would offer you something stronger but I don't think that's wise, given your condition" for the first time in his life, Shatterhand smiled. It didn't suit him. "Do you know much about chemistry mister Bond?" Bond tried to mumble a response but it was no good. "I thought not, otherwise you'd respect me a great deal more, you see mister Bond, I am the greatest scientist of the 20th century". Shatterhand raised the drink to his lips. He had a bit but he was barely sipping it. "Do you know what I am planning to do here mister Bond". Bond grimaced, "you're going to nuke London" Shatterhand let out a quiet laugh, "hah". This didn't suit him either. Shatterhand explained that he wasn't going to blow up London. He didn't have access to nuclear warheads and stealing them would've drawn too much attention to him (besides, stealing them didn't work out well for SPECTRE last time). No, the missile was built for a test launch. It was a missile but it wasn't nuclear. Except instead of firing it harmlessly into the sea, Shatterhand was indeed going to fire it at London. And he'd filled the missile with incredibly poisonous gas that he'd created himself. "It will be devastating, many will die and once the gas spreads, London will become uninhabitable for a period of at least 10 years". Once again his bloodshot eyes lit up with glee. Bond seemed confused "but why? What are SPECTRE getting out of this?". "Money, mister Bond. At the end of the day SPECTRE are a business, our aim is almost always money". Once again he sipped his drink and then he explained. "Yesterday several of our agents made a series of investments. Investments which will soon pay off massively. Once the missile hits London our stocks will rise. We'll have wealth beyond our wildest dreams".

    Shatterhand was visibly pleased with himself as he took another sip of his drink. "Now, I suppose you'll want to know what's happened to you". Bond didn't respond. He couldn't move. He was fighting with all his might to stay awake. For the first time since Goldfinger was about to cut him in half with that laser, he was properly scared. He was dying with no way out, all he could do was sit here and delay the inevitable. "An unfortunate accident I'm afraid, you did that yourself when you fell onto one of my plants in the garden, back in Italy. I call it Shatterhand venmon, named of course after myself.", once again Shatterhand smiled. "Still, it worked out quite well. You saved us a great deal of money after all. No need for a bounty when you're a dead man walking. I've actually developed an antidote but... you won't be needing that". Bond used all his strength to raise his middle finger to Shatterhand. "I would've thought a gentlemen such as yourself would want to spend your final moments in a more dignified manner mister Bond". Shatterhand shook his head and glanced at his watch. "I'd better check if we're ready for launch. I suppose this will be the last I'll see of you. Goodbye mister Bond". Bond gave in, he'd done all he could. The best he could hope for now was for the SAS to get here and stop Shatterhand before it was too late. He didn't have any regrets. He'd always lived his life to the full and he'd achieved much more than most people would in one life time. As he drifted off, he thought about what would happen when he was gone. Who would go to his funeral? Moneypenny and Q would be there and Felix would probably show up too but who else? He had no family left and his job didn't leave much room for friends. He'd lived a pretty solitary life. He wondered if Honey, Pussy or any of the other girls he'd been with would show up, or if they'd even care. He then thought about stuff that hadn't crossed his mind for years. He thought about his parents and how he'd felt when they died. He thought about his childhood at Skyfall and wondered if the old place was still standing. He thought of Eton and his experiences there and of course the maid he met there, Roan. Thinking of Roan made him think of Vesper and he wondered how different a man he'd be if she was still alive. This was it, he couldn't fight it any longer. Bond's eyes fell shut as Shatterhand left the room.

    There's only one more bit left now so I'll try to finish it off tomorrow.
  • edited March 2014 Posts: 12,837
    "Come on, wake up!" Bond's eyes slowly opened to see Connie rooting through the shelves. Once she saw he was awake she raced over to him. "The poison, what'd he call it?!" Bond was drifting off again so she slapped him, "you need to tell me now". Bond struggled to remember what Shatterhand hold told him. "He, named it after himself" Bond murmured before he collapsed again. This time he'd stopped breathing. Connie went back to the shelves and looked through the different antidotes. Ricin antidotes, scorpion venom antidotes, then she saw it. Shatterhand antidote. Connie grabbed it and poured it into Bond's mouth, lifting his head so he'd swallow. He was still unresponsive but at least he was breathing again. She decided she'd done all she could, if Bond was alive then he could look after himself. She grabbed her gun from the desk and left the room. Time to deal with Shatterhand once and for all.

    Bond woke up two hours later. At first he wasn't sure where he was, then he remembered. Picking himself up he suddenly felt worried. How long had he been out for? Had they already launched the missile? And where were the soldiers? Bond raced outside, just in time to see two explosions. One by the guard barracks, one by the main facility. Trucks full of soldiers smashed through the gates as guards raced across the courtyard. Bond dived for cover behind the truck as the shooting started. Sprinting across the courtyard, he scooped up an assault rifle from the body of a dead guard. At least now he was armed. There was another explosion somewhere behind him and he could hear the chatter of machine gunfire constantly but Bond made it to the main facility building unharmed. He kicked the door open and rolled through, now on his knees with his gun trained on the stairs in front of him. There were two guards, Bond shot them both before they raised their guns. He raced up the stairs and into the next room, now he was on a catwalk. Two guards emerged from the door opposite him but Bond lept off the catwalk, rolling as he hit the floor below, and dashed out the door to his left. Meanwhile, the battle outside was still going strong. Bond bumped into a group of soldiers and lead them to the underground facility.

    Bond saw the missile in the center of the room, the mechanical arms on either side were aiming it upwards and the roof was open, ready for launch. The control room was on the floor below him and there was no time to use the lift. Using all his strength he propelled himself over the railing and swung himself onto the floor below, shooting a couple of guards as he landed. He could hear screaming and peered down into the pit, there was Connie, tied up far underneath the missile. The exhaust would burn her alive. Bond charged into the control room, which appeared to be empty. He ran inside when Shatterhand grabbed him from behind, he was hiding behind the door. Bond's rifle went flying across the room. Shatterhand was choking Bond but Bond dealt with him easily, elbowing him in the face then flipping him over his shoulder. Shatterhand's frail body smashed onto the floor and he could barely move.

    Bond raced to the controls. "You can't stop it" Shatterhand wheezed as he crawled up to the wall and slumped against it, "the launch is locked". Bond grimaced. He couldn't stop it but he could redirect it. Bond desperately tried to remember the coordinates Gala had told him as the missile got closer and closer to launching. Finally remembering, Bond frantically typed them in and locked them just before the missile launched. Suddenly a large metal blast wall slammed down on every single floor, blocking the missile from view. The whole facility rumbled as it took off and the sound was deafening. Once it was gone, the blast walls slowly slid up. Bond raced out of the control room. Soldiers were picking themselves up off the floor as more ran in. The battle was over. But then Bond had a terrible thought. He quickly raced to the railing and looked down into the pit. He saw nothing but the scorched ground. Bond was overwhelmed with guilt and then a hand tapped him on the shoulder. It was Connie. She smiled and threw her arms around him as soldiers dragged Shatterhand out of the control room. He laughed. "You know I'll walk" he said as blood trickled down from his thin grey lips. "SPECTRE won't leave me locked up for long". Connie walked towards him, "well if you do", she whispered, and then she pulled an empty test tube from her pocket, it was one of Shatterhand's poisons, but it had all been used "you'll be a dead man walking". Shatterhand's bloodshot eyes widened in horror as the soldiers dragged him away. Bond looked at Connie, "you killed my only lead". Connie shrugged "I also saved your life". Bond smiled, "fair enough, I guess we're even then".

    A few days later Bond was sat in M's office, waiting for his boss to finish reading his report. "Very well done 007, yet again the country owes you a great debt", M glanced up "but you did let a very dangerous assassin go free". Bond was unapologetic. "She saved my life twice sir, without her I'd never have been able to stop Shatterhand". M sighed, "well, I suppose she could've slipped away, escaped during the aftermath when you weren't looking". Bond smiled, "thank you sir". Bond got up to leave but M told him that before he went anywhere, there was a present for him parked outside, and he tossed him a pair of keys. Bond looked at them and smiled.

    Bond parked his brand new Aston Martin DB5 (a replacement after his previous one was destroyed back in Liverpool, in the PTS) and got out, walking up to his flat. He locked the door behind him and threw his hat across the room onto a stand, then kicked off his shoes, put his jacket on the sofa and went to get himself a drink, leaving his keys on the kitchen counter. Bond grabbed a beer from the fridge and then took off his tie and slumped onto the sofa. It'd been a long couple of weeks. He put on the TV and started drinking when he heard something in his bedroom. Slowly drawing his ppk from his shoulder holster, he moved towards the door and swung it open. Lying in bed waiting for him was Connie. She was wearing nothing and she twirled her dark red hair between her fingers as she she asked him what took him so long. Bond necked the rest of his drink, put his gun down onto the bedside table and kissed her. They have sex as the film ends.

    That's it, the end. Any feedback would be appreciated :)
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