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The Dexter finale was the worst episode of televison I've ever - oh wait, I didn't even watch it, I walked out of my living room 45 minutes in. Pathetic.
I am going to watch The Wire somehow. Breaking Bad, I just don't know yet ...
But as for BB, in my option, the journey that was Walter White was something that should be experienced by everybody who loves good acting and storytelling
At least Walking Dead, Justified, Boardwalk and Banshee are all returning or have returned although Hannibal is the one that's got me most excited about continuing.
BB has set the bench mark very high although The Wire remains no. 1 for me still.
Walter White is one of the greatest characters of all time. I actually don't think becoming Heisenberg changed him that much though and despite him constantly using it to justify what he was doing, I don't think it was ever really just to provide for his family. I think him becoming Heisenberg was about him building up an empire, like he should've done years ago when him and his mate started Gray Matter. Yeah at first he wanted the money to provide for his family but I think part of him wanted it because he was a genius that deserved an empire and lots of money, who thought that the life he was living was beneath him. I think that's the sad truth behind the character: he'd never changed that much at all. He'd always had evil and resentment inside him, it just took becoming a meth kingpin for his dark side to fully reveal itself.
My favourite characters from the show have been Hank, Walt, Saul and Mike.
So what if it's over, we can still discuss it. If they stopped making Bond films tomorrow then should they close this forum down?
I prefer BB personally. The Wire was brilliant though.
I do too. I have a lot of respect for The Wire but I found it very heavy going and sometimes difficult to watch. BB is a bit more accessable IMO though still a mature, well acted drama.
Haven't seen the final yet but am going to watch it tomorrow night.
Well that's what stood out to me. The Wire is 60 episodes and it basically plays out like a novel. Same can be said within that for each of the individual seasons as well.
You and I say satisfying, where others use predictable. Although nobody disliked the ending, just because it wasn't a mind blowing episode like some of the others, I keep hearing moans and groans. But I say it was fantastic!
Also, its probably just me but the scene where
The best TV show since Lost? I take it you forgive that lame ass ending, I can't forgive that ending and personally I wouldn't put BB and that lazy series in the same sentence.
Both BB & The Wire new when to end and the ending while predictable was hugely satisfying, the ending of lost was terrible and an example that they had just back themselves into a corner and the only way out was oh yeah they were all in purgatory. I Incidentally that was proposed at the end of the first season on the net but the writers denied it, the truth was they didn't have an end game and it was one of the biggest cop outs in TV history, no I hate that series and that ending undid all the good that might have been done in it's far too long duration.
That being said I loved the hugely controversial cut to black of the Soprano's, I thought that David Chase did the right thing, those expecting Tony to go to jail or go out in a blaze of glory clearly didn't know the series they'd been watching, we were denied the conclusion but T would looking behind his back for the rest of his life, the ending was perfect.
Maybe I should give The Wire another chance... I saw the pilot episode but wasn't hooked.
Fair enough, I got the same feeling with Lost that I got with the finale of Dexter this week, totally underwhelmed and cheated, guess it was my fault for continuing to watch what had become such a serviceable series.
As for the Wire it does still remain my favourite series but I wasn't hooked immediately, it took a good few episodes into season 1 to grab me, although re-watching Season 1 was a joy, it plays better when you know the characters and whats going on, the mark of a truly great series. Like that I'll be returning to BB once that Blu ray set gets to a reasonable price.
Although same here. My friend let me borrow the first series and I too got bored quite quickly. I've always been more of a 24 man. As much as I enjoy that show though it certainly can't compete with BB.
I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to 24. I definitely wouldn't call it the best show ever but I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to it coming back.