Last Bond Movie You Watched



  • edited May 2012 Posts: 1,497
    Once again I watched the super mega masterpiece TMWTGG. Wow, it's perfect beyond belief.

    And yes, Brosnan's voice is sometimes too nasal and high-pitched.

    I'm always curious to hear reasons why a film like TMWTGG is considered a masterpiece. It's obviously not a favorite around here (along with DAF sadly). But I hear some big enthusiasm from you on it, so it peaks my curiosity. For me personally, Golden Gun was was one of my favorites for a while when I first got into Bond. I liked the sheer fantasy of it. But it felt a bit low-key to me compared to other bigger and more extravagant Bond films like TB and TSWLM. It lacked the grand scale of others, maybe it was the rogue villain or the lack of a serious world domination plot.

    I'd be curious to hear what it is about that film that really clicks for you.

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    We've been warned folks. A storm is coming.
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 1,082
    I'm too lazy to explain it all again, so I quote a post where I compared TMWTGG to LALD. I bring up many of the points here. Apologies for my laziness. :)

    I'm gonna try to explain why I like TMWTGG more than LALD.
    LALD is at the lower end of my top 10. So I like it, even though it isn't a favorite. TMWTGG is my favorite movie of all time.

    Roger does a great job in both films, IMO he was the ultimate 007 as soon as we see him in the beginning of LALD. He is equally good in both movies, IMO.
    This round is a tie.

    Goodnight is my favorite Bond girl, so she wins this round (but Solitaire is still hotter). I find Goodnight to be very funny and entertaining. I also prefer an agent to a voodoo girl. TMWTGG wins this round.

    Mr. Big/Kananga is a good villian with some great lines ("At any cost, any, Bond must die"). But I don't think he is at the same level as Scaramanga, who in my mind is one of the best villians of the Bond series. And I think that the duel between Bond and Scaramanga is more interesting than the drug affair that is LALD. TMWTGG wins.

    Nick Nack is my favorite henchman, but I must say that Tee Hee, Baron Samedi and the others in LALD are quite a good match. But TMWTGG wins this round too.

    The secondary Bond girls, Rosie Carver and Miss Anders, are not my favorites, but I like Anders more. She is hotter too. Win for TMWTGG.

    I think that TMWTGG is great all the way through, while LALD drags a little from when Bond leaves New York until he and Solitaire leave San Monique. I also think that LALD loses its Bondesque identity a couple of times (briefly, like in the boat chase), while TMWTGG remains solid in this department. And I don't like the "card crap", as Mr. Big says. I just don't think that stuff belongs in a Bond movie.
    Another win for TMWTGG.

    TMWTGG doesn't have many action scenes, while LALD is rather stocked (or fully loaded, I think is the term). TMWTGG has a great car chase, a good karate and boat chase, a good hand to hand fight and the klimax of course. LALD, on the other hand, has a good boat and bus chase, a great car/airplane chase and a fantastic klimax on San Monique, + the fight with Tee Hee. I also love the crocodile scene.
    So this round goes to LALD (with a very slight edge).

    All in all, I prefer TMWTGG, as you see.

  • Posts: 12,837
    Once again I watched the super mega masterpiece TMWTGG. Wow, it's perfect beyond belief.

    And yes, Brosnan's voice is sometimes too nasal and high-pitched.

    Welcome back @007RogerMoore

    I see you haven't changed a bit ;)
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 1,082
    Once again I watched the super mega masterpiece TMWTGG. Wow, it's perfect beyond belief.

    And yes, Brosnan's voice is sometimes too nasal and high-pitched.

    Welcome back @007RogerMoore

    I see you haven't changed a bit ;)

    Well, you have. You´re even lovelier.

    Grazie del Italiano. :)

    I should make a trailer like this:

    "When the world is the target...
    And the threat is real...
    You can still depend on one man...
    The name is Moore, 007RogerMoore.

    Everyone's favorite MI6 member is back"!
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 176
    I just finished watchng MR. It's an okay movie but it's filled with holes.

    First, I don't understand why Drax would want to kill Bond so early. That bugged me the entire film. There is no good reason to suspect that Drax is responsible for the highjacking--it's just a hunch. However, if Bond fails to check in, MI6 is going to investigate. Unless, Drax was just biding his time and figured his plan would be completed before MI6 was able to do anthing.

    I HATED Jaws with a passion. Really, the man should have died falling out the airplane. The henchman who will not die is not amusing--it's annoying. Plus, at first, there is no concrete reason for him to go after Bond. We don't see him working for Drax until later. It's as if he's just mad and Bond.

    I don't see how Drax could have built an entire space station with no one knowing. I get the radar jamming device, but wouldn't people see shuttles going back and forth?

    Finally, when Bond finds Drax's last lair awfully fast. I don't get how he knew where to look. Plus, even though I know now that stuntmen performed it, I still find it unlikely that Bond could have survived jumping out of an airplane like that at the beginning.

    Also, we have military who can go into outere space? Who are those guys? Plus, they say there were two survivors. What about all the people Drax brought? Hopefully, they were saved too.

    All that complaining aside, I didn't hate the film. It was enjoyable except for the items I mentioned. Oh, and I loved Holly Goodhead. She was a very intelligent Bond girl.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited May 2012 Posts: 28,694
    Once again I watched the super mega masterpiece TMWTGG. Wow, it's perfect beyond belief.

    And yes, Brosnan's voice is sometimes too nasal and high-pitched.

    Welcome back @007RogerMoore

    I see you haven't changed a bit ;)

    Well, you have. You´re even lovelier.

    Grazie del Italiano. :)

    I should make a trailer like this:

    "When the world is the target...
    And the threat is real...
    You can still depend on one man...
    The name is Moore, 007RogerMoore.

    Everyone's favorite MI6 member is back"!

    "I never left." ;)
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 1,310
    The Man with the Golden Gun

    Still towards the bottom of my list but I found myself...enjoying a good number of parts...????????

    W-W-What is happening to me????
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 4,762
    Creasy47 wrote:
    @00Beast, it sure isn't. What is your favorite? Mine, obviously, is Alec and Bond - I surmise it might be yours, as well?

    Oh indeed, no question there Creasy!

    As for me, I watched License to Kill and GoldenEye in the last two days. Both are in my top 5, with excellent reason. I love the amount of action/violence in these two legends which had not been seen at such a high rate in past Bond movies. The villains are exceptionally villainous and entertaining, the scores are both really awesome, the girls are VERY attractive, and Bond is played magnificently by Tim and Pierce in both. The only thing not on top of the game are the locations, which don't come off as Bondish sometimes, but whatever, these two are as good as it gets.

    EDIT: I don't know what happened, but apparently my text got wrapped up in the top part, which is Creasy's quote. Everything below the word well is mine though, sorry for the mess-up.
  • Posts: 5,634
    I had a bit of free time this night and thought long and hard about watching a Bond movie, but after some careful consideration decided against it and went with - a Steven Seagal release..

    I very nearly did put in From Russia With Love, then I thought maybe Daylights, then On Her Majestys Secret Service and even Die Another Day actually, but in the end Mr Seagal had a viewing.. (I quite enjoyed it)
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I had a bit of free time this night and thought long and hard about watching a Bond movie, but after some careful consideration decided against it and went with - a Steven Seagal release..

    I very nearly did put in From Russia With Love, then I thought maybe Daylights, then On Her Majestys Secret Service and even Die Another Day actually, but in the end Mr Seagal had a viewing.. (I quite enjoyed it)

    So, if you thought about it, but never watched a Bond film, and then just talked about what you watched instead, why post in this thread?
  • Posts: 5,634
    Why not?

    Well, Bond films got a mention if nothing else, and I know them back to front and inside out anyway, I merely had the intention of a viewing and finally decided against it, no harm done
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    For Your Eyes Only

    It's funny, after having not watched FYEO in so long, overall I enjoyed it this time. It's tone is uneven (does it want to be another TSWLM/MR or does it want to be something different for the 1980's), but I think that there might be a spy thriller trying to claw it's way out through all the Moore-isms.
    Carole Bouquet has to be one of the prettiest Bond Girls we've seen. I don't recall where I put her in my last Bond Girl list, but if I did one now, she would have a top 5 place for sure. Very pretty, lovely smile too, sadly (for obvious reasons) we don't get to see her smile all that much.
    A question for the Moore fans who may know more, did Rog ad-lib the drive in the country line? I ask that becuase Bouquet's laugh sounds so genuine, and with Rog's reaction to her laugh, I thought it might have been unscripted.

    2012 Bond Ranking
    1. You Only Live Twice
    2. From Russia With Love
    3. Dr No
    4. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    5. For Your Eyes Only
    6. Thunderball
    7. The Spy Who Loved Me
    8. Live And Let Die
    9. Goldfinger
    10. Diamonds Are Forever
    11. The Man With The Golden Gun
    12. Moonraker

    Next Up: Octopussy
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    edited May 2012 Posts: 1,347
    I should do a Bondathon too @Major (YOLT on top, eh? :) ). But at least I watched my first one in several months... TLD!

    Still one of my absolute favorites, and I enjoyed it even more than I use to \m/
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited May 2012 Posts: 14,076
    I should do a Bondathon too @Major (YOLT on top, eh? :) ).

    It's only been 16 years since YOLT was top of my Bond list. ;)

    Good to hear (about TLD).
  • edited June 2012 Posts: 176
    I'm just finished watching FYEO. It's a good film but it has too many action sequences--or else maybe it's that the ones they have go on too long. However, I did like the realistic plot and the villian that wasn't trying to take over the world.

    I hated the opening with a passion. You don't use a grewat villian like Bloefield as a throwaway character. It's just wrong.

    As for Bond, I don't have an issue with Roger Moore's age in this. However, having Bibi be attracted to him is ludicrous. I just can't see it unless Bibi has a thiing for much older men. I am very grateful that Bond didn't take her to bed though because that would have been icky. It just would have looked so wrong.

    Also, Bond has to be the luckiest man alive. He survives being trapped in a helicopter, a high speed car chase (in a subpar car), being tied up and dropped into the ocean and falling off a mountain. Really, the man ought to be dead.

    On the plus side, it was cool how it seemed as if Kristos was an ally and Columbo was the villian until we learned otherwise. Also, Melina continues the trend of very capable Bond girls.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited June 2012 Posts: 14,076

    The post credits sequence with 009 is genuinely creepy (something i've always felt) and I preferred Adams here to TMWTGG, but I just didn't enjoy this as much as I did FYEO. I could have done without the Tarzan yell, "SIT" and all the silly nonsense at the Circus.

    2012 Bond Ranking
    1. You Only Live Twice
    2. From Russia With Love
    3. Dr No
    4. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    5. For Your Eyes Only
    6. Thunderball
    7. The Spy Who Loved Me
    8. Live And Let Die
    9. Octopussy
    10. Goldfinger
    11. Diamonds Are Forever
    12. The Man With The Golden Gun
    13. Moonraker

    Next Up: A View To A Kill X_X
  • Posts: 5,634
    Good luck with that Major ; -)

    I was even thinking just then that I feel I may never really need to see A View to a Kill ever again, maybe when the 30th anniversary comes around in a year or two, it may be fitting for another watch, but I just end up hurling objects at the screen more often than not, it's maybe not as absurd as Moonraker, but at least that one keeps the interest and there's lots to get involved in, AVTAK is just one long struggle (to stay awake)

    Actually, I've decided now to put on a copy of For Your Eyes Only, I just went with the idea, I will be watching from this point onwards, worse ones to see for sure

  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    I never though i'd say this, but despite it's uneven tone, i've developed something of a fondness for FYEO.

    As for AVTAK, I might have to double-bill it with TLD.
  • Posts: 4,762
    @marymoss: That was one of my favorite things regarding FYEO- the mystery on who was the main villain, Colombo or Kristatos? This is especially fun when watching FYEO with friends, because they always had trouble putting it together!
  • Posts: 5,634
    I saw For Your Eyes Only yesterday and you do wonder (first time watchers) for a time who is sided with who but it all becomes clear as the film progresses

    This was Moore's last decent and successful Bond release, we can say it a thousand times he should of stepped down in 1981 but it's true in hindsight. Julian Glover makes for a real dull bad guy, Carole Bouquet is a decent bond girl, Johnson is cute, and the Locque actor (Michael Gothard I think), doesn't say much, but a commanding screen presence, the scene when Bond kicks him over the cliff is one of the series more memorable moments. The end bit climb up the monastery cliff face seems to go on forever and even when they reach the top it's a bit of a dull ending. I think all said, this release justifies a 7.5/10

    Now, who's going to buy me a delicatessen in stainless steel
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    edited June 2012 Posts: 4,423
    @Major - I think he did. Bouquet seemed to be laughing spontaneously
  • edited June 2012 Posts: 1,497
    I saw For Your Eyes Only yesterday and you do wonder (first time watchers) for a time who is sided with who but it all becomes clear as the film progresses

    This was Moore's last decent and successful Bond release, we can say it a thousand times he should of stepped down in 1981 but it's true in hindsight. Julian Glover makes for a real dull bad guy, Carole Bouquet is a decent bond girl, Johnson is cute, and the Locque actor (Michael Gothard I think), doesn't say much, but a commanding screen presence, the scene when Bond kicks him over the cliff is one of the series more memorable moments. The end bit climb up the monastery cliff face seems to go on forever and even when they reach the top it's a bit of a dull ending. I think all said, this release justifies a 7.5/10

    Now, who's going to buy me a delicatessen in stainless steel

    The more and more I think about it, the moore I come to appreciate FYEO. It has a much more classic murder-espionage plot, that conjures up those kinds of novels of the 50's. I really like the plot involving the Melina's parent's murder and her vengeance. Kriegler is also often overlooked. He is very menacing in a mysterioud kind of way. Sure the blond henchman thing has been done several times in the series, but there is something extra dangerous about him. Brink is also a very creepy character, as is Locque. Sheena Easton's title song becomes more of a guilty pleasure with time. But I agree with you, Julian Glover is just ok. But there is a great twist with him being the villain. It's been a while since I've seen a Bond film, but this is the one I crave to see the most again.

    The one thing I don't like about the film is the look and fashion, especially Bond. I do like his classic Bond black dinner suit with bowtie. But the other scenes, something looks "off". I don't know what it is, as if Moore is making the akward transition into old age for the first time, and that grey sweater and blue vest looks gaudy to me. Plus Conti's score, while great in places, also is a bit dated in other places.

  • edited July 2012 Posts: 12,837
    Quantum Of Solace

    I'd just got back from watching Prometheus, and I was going to watch the Jubilee but to be honest I'd rather watch a Bond film (even one that was my least favourite) than that crap.

    Anyway last time I "watched" it I was drunk so I felt like I sort of needed to rewatch it anyway to justify me ranking it so low. To start, here's a list of things I enjoyed.

    MUSIC Not the crap main title song (although it is catchy). I meant the soundtrack, Arnold does a great job with the score for this one, makes me sad that he's not there for SF.

    BOND Craig does his best with what he's got. He's not my favourite Bond, but he's a good actor who plays the rookie Bond well, he's great in the fight scenes and he's good at the humour he's given. I still prefer him alot more in CR though, especially on the humour side.

    GIRL I like Gemma Arterton. She was hotter in St Trinians though. You might notice I said GIRL, not GIRLS. That's because I don't like Camille. She annoys me.

    I also enjoyed certain scenes. The opera scene is a great one, the scene when Bond leaves Greene in the desert is funny and brutal, the bit with the switching hotels was funny and it's something that Bond would do.

    Now, for what I didn't enjoy.

    M They should've gotten a new actress. I like Dench, she's a good actress, but she's more suited to Brosnan than Craig. The whole mother relationship is stupid, the trust issues are boring, and she's in the film too much.

    WHERE ARE Q AND MP This isn't just Quantums fault, they should've been introduced in CR. There's literally no reason why Q and MP couldn't be in this. Even if they were barely featured. That bit where the tech guy in glasses shows info about Mitchell on the screen, that screamed Q, that should've been Q.

    ACTION I'm a big fan of lots of action, but the action in QOS is boring. There's lots of it and it's also pretty similar. CR's action was much better. Plus the shaky cam/quick editing was just awful, no idea what's going on. At least in Bourne it's used well. I did like soem of the car chase though, the part where he kills the last car with the machine gun was really cool.

    VILLIAN/HENCHMAN White is ok I suppose. Greene is crap, end of. Elvis is crap too. The worst villian/hencman of the series imo.

    Overall, I did enjoy this more than last time. I might even have to move it up a few places on my list, but I'll need to rewatch others that I rank low. It's a real let down compared to CR, but to be fair there was the writers strike. It seems rushed (which it was).

    4 or 5/10
  • marketto007marketto007 Brazil
    Posts: 3,277
    Watched the amazing "Octopussy" last night.

  • Posts: 5,745
    Watched the amazing "Octopussy" last night.


    Always entertaining, but I fall asleep in India. Poor villain dinner discussion, even though the eyeball is memorable. It's just slow and dull imo. But then the finale makes up for it. :)

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    I'm at last back into Bond and have watched the first four films over the last four nights. I'm trying to do one per day, so far so good.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Samuel001 wrote:
    I'm at last back into Bond and have watched the first four films over the last four nights. I'm trying to do one per day, so far so good.

    any changes in your ranking of DN/FRWL/GF/TB ?

  • Since I joined this board I have come across a lot of very negative opinions about TMWTGG. So I decided to pop in the bluray and give it a spin...its always been an enjoyable film for me. I still really enjoyed it...Roger is great in this. The PTS in Scaramanga's fun house is entertaining...Christopher Lee is a great villain...the loactions are exotic and fun...Nick Nack is a cool assistant to Scaramanga...Maud Adams and Britt Eckland are georgous...the humour isn't too over the top...Barry's score is enjoyable and I really like the title song. So the action isn't as wild and energetic as previous or future entries and it really should have been shot in scope to make the most of the gorgeous locations. Oh yeah...and I quite like the plot...
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited June 2012 Posts: 15,732
    Since I joined this board I have come across a lot of very negative opinions about TMWTGG. So I decided to pop in the bluray and give it a spin...its always been an enjoyable film for me. I still really enjoyed it...Roger is great in this. The PTS in Scaramanga's fun house is entertaining...Christopher Lee is a great villain...the loactions are exotic and fun...Nick Nack is a cool assistant to Scaramanga...Maud Adams and Britt Eckland are georgous...the humour isn't too over the top...Barry's score is enjoyable and I really like the title song. So the action isn't as wild and energetic as previous or future entries and it really should have been shot in scope to make the most of the gorgeous locations. Oh yeah...and I quite like the plot...

    Not much complaints by me on TMWTGG.... apart from the irritating Goodnight, the slide-whistle somewhat ruining the car stunt, the film looks cheap in places..... but it's still a very good Bond film ! my current favorite Bond film !

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