Moonraker Novel Adaptation

timdalton007timdalton007 North Alabama
edited October 2013 in Fan Creations Posts: 158
Members of the old Keeping The British End Up forum may remember that, starting in 2003 and extending for quite some years after that, I and number of others worked on producing a fan film based on the novel of Moonraker. It went through various titles including Countdown and The Enemy Within and, despite a couple of close calls and attempts, it sadly never got made and at one point a large portion of the script was posted on the forum.

Flash forward to now:

Having long been interested in audio dramas and after some encouragement, I've started to look at various projects I might do. The Moonraker adaptation has long been at the back of my mind and, after re-listening to the various BBC Radio versions of the Fleming novels, I've decided to try giving it a try on audio. I've even managed to uncover the handwritten portions of the final draft of the script...or rather most of it. A large portion of the opening including the PTS, the scene with M and the initial scene at Blades are all missing though they were posted on the forum.

If you, by some chance, happen to have made copies of that portion I'd be very grateful if you'd get in touch. If you have any thoughts, comments, etc please let me know.



  • timdalton007timdalton007 North Alabama
    Posts: 158
    I hope it's alright that I'm giving this a bump as I'm still trying to locate the missing material mentioned in the original post. So if someone has it on a harddrive somewhere or backed up, please do get in touch.

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