Male Privilege in the Bond era

edited October 2013 in General Discussion Posts: 2
Can we have a civilized discussion, about the sexual objectification, the male chauvinism, and the general degradation of womyn going here? I doubt it, but we'll see.

Mod edit: direct link to copyright picture removed.


  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,488
    I don't see why not - we discuss many things here on MI6 Community. What are your views on this? - we need to hear more from you to be able to get a good disdcussion going.
  • How difficult is it not to see my views? I stated them plainly. The bond films from day one have been extremely chauvinistic. Men displaying their physical dominance over womyn. Womyn, always needing a man to save them. They might give a sister a decent role once in while, but its still always the same. And on top of that, it all for some rail-thin woman that promotes this impossible expectation for beauty!
  • Posts: 12,553
    From the word go everyone knew what a James Bond entailed. Even today most women know it is just escapism and tongue in cheek. Womens roles in these movies have come a long way since 1962.

    I very rarely see, hear, or even read about how enraged women are about James Bond movies. Let's face it? There are far more hard hitting movies out there that are not particularly nice in how women are portrayed. Whether they be psycological or horror and so on.

    But what are your thoughts? You could even say that you are only allowed in Hollywood movies if you have film star looks? Are a certain look? and so on and soon. The film industry as whole has a duty to women, not just the James Bond movies.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited October 2013 Posts: 18,488
    Well, it's better now that you've elaborated on it, @tlaurelv as this Community needs to hear the thread-starter's views to be able to really have a conversation with them. What of Tracy di Vicenzo - she could hold her own and was a real woman. There are some exceptions to your rule, you see.
  • Posts: 12,553
    Vesper Lynd is also another acception in my view too.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,488
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Vesper Lynd is also another acception in my view too.

    Indeed, she was on the tip of my tounge too. How about Major Anya Amasova, Pam Bouvier and Camille too.
  • Flagged for spam.

    My suggestion is, this coming from a man who is well respected by the female Bond fans here (shock of shocks, many ladies love Bond films and objectify the Bond actor!) and had a very successful marriage of 16 years based on love and respect before my beloved passed away is that (a) if you don't like them, don't watch them (b) contact Barbara Broccoli, whose pro-women (the correct spelling) views are well known if you have any concerns, and (c) please take your feminista views elsewhere and stop trying to turn our fun corner of the internet into a battleground for your personal agenda to get fat and ugly chicks hired (another shock of shocks, a few of them have also made it into Bond films).

    Like the others have said, if you bothered to watch the films, you'd see plenty of positive role models to be found L-)
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited October 2013 Posts: 18,488
    Flagged for spam.

    My suggestion is, this coming from a man who is well respected by the female Bond fans here (shock of shocks, many ladies love Bond films and objectify the Bond actor!) and had a very successful marriage of 16 years based on love and respect before my beloved passed away is that (a) if you don't like them, don't watch them (b) contact Barbara Broccoli, whose pro-women (the correct spelling) views are well known if you have any concerns, and (c) please take your feminista views elsewhere and stop trying to turn our fun corner of the internet into a battleground for your personal agenda to get fat and ugly chicks hired (another shock of shocks, a few of them have also made it into Bond films).

    Like the others have said, if you bothered to watch the films, you'd see plenty of positive role models to be found L-)

    I had my fears that this was spam from the get-go in the first post but this has confirmed my suspicions for me. I don't like to nip a new member's thread in the bud unless it is absolutely necessary as we wwere all new members at one time or another.

    I wanted merely innocently to engage the poster to see if they had given the matter more than cursory thought themselves, but obviously not. I will say no more in this thread; time for the mods to get the padlock out instead.
  • Posts: 12,553
    Flagged for spam.

    My suggestion is, this coming from a man who is well respected by the female Bond fans here (shock of shocks, many ladies love Bond films and objectify the Bond actor!) and had a very successful marriage of 16 years based on love and respect before my beloved passed away is that (a) if you don't like them, don't watch them (b) contact Barbara Broccoli, whose pro-women (the correct spelling) views are well known if you have any concerns, and (c) please take your feminista views elsewhere and stop trying to turn our fun corner of the internet into a battleground for your personal agenda to get fat and ugly chicks hired (another shock of shocks, a few of them have also made it into Bond films).

    Like the others have said, if you bothered to watch the films, you'd see plenty of positive role models to be found L-)

    Quality post Sir Henry! I can see why you are our friday salute! :)) =D>
  • Posts: 6,396

    IFM for @tlaurelv
  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    @ Willy Wonderful choice Who puts the spring in Springfield ? today you do.
  • edited October 2013 Posts: 2,483
    No, because you have started a thread that is purposefully provocative and inflammatory.

    PS--I suspect the OP is either the infamous Erica Ambler or one of his epigoni.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited August 2014 Posts: 18,488
    What is it all aboot?
  • @Khan- Ambler is a dude from what I hear. You've been over there.

    Past feeling a bit miffed that my hero's picture was shown, certainly a product of a bygone time that hasn't been seen in Bond films for several decades now, these musings have conjured some scary images for me. Wife beater shirt wearing bull dyke, aggressively pounding away at the keyboard, frustrated because her numerous requests to be a Bond villain have been tabled ;)
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Dragonpol wrote:
    Erica Ambler?! Infamous, certainly. I advise a ban if this is the case. He's from the Bond and Beyond forum.

    And MI6 way before that, back in the day.
  • edited October 2013 Posts: 3,494
    Let's not waste our time here talking about that piece of crap. That subject is kind of like musing about the cause of death of various Spinal Tap drummers. Like Nigel said, "best left alone".

    I wonder if Laurel's partner goes by the name of "Hardy"? Certainly I for one am expecting a load of carpet munching feministas to now come here and give us a thorough tongue lashing ;)
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    I can't see Ambler taking the time to type out this garbage. He's pokey but usually more intelligent about it than the OP here seems.

    That said, spammers (no matter what their identity) should be disciplined on their current spamming offences, not on their associations at any of the other Bond forums around town. Right, General Dragonpol?
  • @Draggers- that had to hurt.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited October 2013 Posts: 18,488
    @Draggers- that had to hurt.

    Not really - I have rhino skin. I was judging the poster on his posts here - not anywhere else. I think that above is a veiled reference to other forums that I was a past member of, but you should know that MI6 Commuinity cares naught for this, as they have made all too clear on numerous occasions.
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    I don't care for it either, Dragonpol. So best you not bring it up again.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,488
    Well I'm glad to hear that. No more on that, then. On with this thread - whatever it is meant to be about...
  • Dragonpol wrote:
    Well I'm glad to hear that. No more on that, then. On with this thread - whatever it is meant to be about...

    Yes sir! salute2.gif
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,488
    Dragonpol wrote:
    Well I'm glad to hear that. No more on that, then. On with this thread - whatever it is meant to be about...

    Yes sir! salute2.gif

    At ease, sergeant. :P
  • Thank you Mr. Whitaker. I have watched entirely too many Bond films too often.

  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited October 2013 Posts: 18,488
    Thank you Mr. Whitaker. I have watched entirely too many Bond films too often.

    Me too. But some of them I need to revist, Sir Henry in order to be able to write my alternative take on all things James Bond.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,592
    Well, let's see what we can make of this thread then. 'Male privilege'? I guess that's something like peeing standing up? Having a willie? Something like that? Then again, girls have assets I really, really enjoy, so they have their privileges too...

    Right. and the Bond era? well, that's sincethe past 50 (!, hell yeah!) years and ongoing!

    So, unless we want to discuss the benefits of hanging toilets, I'd prefer to talk about proper manners.

    As I just have a new girlfriend (well it aint official yet, but we're well on our way) I again get confronted with misbehaviour of other men (thankfully, that's why I'm different, it's really that easy).

    Some manners that'll make men stand out without losing oneself in beeing a metroman, hipster or the like.

    -listen to her! know what she said. not only will girls love you for it, it prevents them from whining as well (flak fire 3,2,1...).
    - Always be the gentileman. never talk bad about exes. it aint none of her business and it's unsporting.
    - Also, be gallant. hold that door open. It's not hard to do, and a smile from her is worth it, it really is.
    - be decisive. Don't let her choose everything. Consult her though, don't do things she really doesn't want.
    - take her out for dinner. Fast food is no dinner.
    -take good care of your body, but don't overdo it. there's really nothing manly about all those creams etc. David Beckham is no gentileman. Just a clean shaven thug.

    Oh well, these are just a few comments on the stories I heard from my girl. she's been dating some idiots. Which makes my life so. much. better.

    Now that's male priviledge if you ask me.

  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    First of all, I think the OP is a spammer, nothing else. The use of the term "womyn" offends me much more than anything I've ever seen in a Bond film.

    I never saw Bond girls as objects, I saw them as beautiful women, all different, all interesting. As a little girl I saw that smart, independent, beautiful women could lead interesting lives and have interesting jobs. They could be spies, scientists, smugglers... I looked up to them. I like to think of myself as a [disable modesty] sexy scientist [enable modesty] and I think Bond films have some of the blame for that. I think people like the OP give a bad a bad name to what is being a feminist (that is, if I take anything said seriously, but I doubt).

    Now let us talk seriously about sexual objectification in Bond films, it is an interesting subject. I think it all began when Sean Connery was first told he would have to take his shirt off in Dr. No (see what I just did?). Ever since that day every single Bond actor has been as objectified as each and every Bond girl. I have no problem with it! I find every Bond actor without exception to be (or have been in their glory days) fine human male specimens, otherwise they would never have become Bond. I don't see anyone saying it's time for an ugly, fat, cross-eyed Bond to end the stereotype :)) If we go back, Fleming described Bond in an objectified manner as well, regarding that I always remember a scene in the book Dr. No where Bond's physical attributes are very well described.

    So let us leave this ridiculous conversation behind and accept that there will always be a sexy Bond and a sexy Bond girl in these films, so there is something to appeal everyone in the world of Bond fandom! Now I'll just go google pictures of topless Bond actors to prove it ;)

    @CommanderRoss that's the way to go, if only more men did that...
  • I have subscribed to what the good Commander has said for years, and it's sage advice. Being a caveman only attracts the worst kind of woman with no self esteem. I always appreciate a woman who thinks for herself without having a chip on the shoulder to go with it. Thank you Sandy as well for expressing an intelligent female point of view regarding the films. Obviously Ms. Laurel isn't going to find the hardcore man haters she was looking for here, let alone any sympathy. Her efforts would be better focused on attitudes in such places where women are truly objectified, treated as a man's personal property and made to be subservient or get abused, genitally mutilated, etc. Those women truly need the help of special interest groups such as hers, not those who enjoy these films.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Sandy wrote:
    First of all, I think the OP is a spammer, nothing else. The use of the term "womyn" offends me much more than anything I've ever seen in a Bond film.

    I never saw Bond girls as objects, I saw them as beautiful women, all different, all interesting. As a little girl I saw that smart, independent, beautiful women could lead interesting lives and have interesting jobs. They could be spies, scientists, smugglers... I looked up to them. I like to think of myself as a [disable modesty] sexy scientist [enable modesty] and I think Bond films have some of the blame for that. I think people like the OP give a bad a bad name to what is being a feminist (that is, if I take anything said seriously, but I doubt).

    Now let us talk seriously about sexual objectification in Bond films, it is an interesting subject. I think it all began when Sean Connery was first told he would have to take his shirt off in Dr. No (see what I just did?). Ever since that day every single Bond actor has been as objectified as each and every Bond girl. I have no problem with it! I find every Bond actor without exception to be (or have been in their glory days) fine human male specimens, otherwise they would never have become Bond. I don't see anyone saying it's time for an ugly, fat, cross-eyed Bond to end the stereotype :)) If we go back, Fleming described Bond in an objectified manner as well, regarding that I always remember a scene in the book Dr. No where Bond's physical attributes are very well described.

    So let us leave this ridiculous conversation behind and accept that there will always be a sexy Bond and a sexy Bond girl in these films, so there is something to appeal everyone in the world of Bond fandom! Now I'll just go google pictures of topless Bond actors to prove it ;)

    @CommanderRoss that's the way to go, if only more men did that...

    Well said Madam.

    As one who has to confess to having done his fair share of googling of Bond girls topless I can hardly begrudge you (or indeed any gay Bond fans out there) a little ogle of Dan in his budgie smugglers.

    Girl power!!
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited October 2013 Posts: 12,501
    Indeed I second all of Sandy's comments.

    Well, I like looking at all the Bonds - as Sandy mentioned, in their prime they were well worth a good, long look. ;)

    I remember telling one gentleman I was close to (years ago) something I said with a smile, without really thinking about it - "You've got a Sean Connery chest." It was immediately accepted as the compliment as intended (it was an accurate observation, by the way).

    Excuse me while I also do some googling of photos now. And I think I'll be watching TND again tonight. Followed by TSWLM tomorrow, and FRWL Friday, TLD on Saturday, and then finishing with (yet again) Skyfall on Sunday. That's a good plan.
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