Jack Reacher

edited November 2013 in General Discussion Posts: 12,837
A thread where we can discuss Lee Childs books and slag off Tom Cruise ;)

If you've read them, what's your favourite? Mine is probably a toss up between Gone Tomorrow, Killing Floor and Worth Dying For but I really like all of them, and I haven't read the latest one yet. I think Reacher is a fantastic character. Love his background and I love the "drifter" aspect to his character. He's like Rambo in First Blood except maybe even more badass.

The film wasn't bad but Tom Cruise is completely wrong for Reacher. I'm looking forward to the new Mission Impossible film (from the same director too), and I hope somebody else comes along and really gets it right. Maybe even do a TV show? They could do it ala Sherlock, with a handful of mini movies per series, or even just think up original stories for the character if adapting the books for TV proves too problematic.


  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2013 Posts: 12,501
    Oooh, good idea for a thread! I love the Reacher books.

    My favorite is definitely Gone Tomorrow - so exciting, well written, enjoyable.
    I like all of them but I think Child's writing was particularly excellent in this story.

    He is a unique (I think rather unique at least) character that as had other characters come after him be a bit similar, at least size wize (the John Puller character comes to mind, but I forget the author).

    I have not seen the Cruise film yet and still find it hard to want to see it. Because truly, he looks nothing like the character. I do not know why Childs championed him. Sigh ...

    I do think a TV series would be awesome! They wouldn't need someone literally as huge as Reacher in the novels, but for sure a whole lot larger and taller than Cruise.

    Child lives in NY now mostly, but I'd love for anybody - BBC or in America, maybe a cable network - to do a great TV series of Reacher. Preferably not weekly - better if a few episodes per season, but high quality. That would indeed be awesome! This is a very enjoyable character.
  • Posts: 11,216
    I got a load of Reacher books for my birthday. Really looking forward to finishing the mediocre Solo (I took a break from it for a few days) so I can start working my way through them.

    So far I've only read Die Trying, which I really enjoyed.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    I have said that I have read all of them, but I do think now there are maybe 2 early ones I have not. Tripwire is one. Hmmm. I'll have to order them soon!
  • Yeah I think Gone Tommorrow has to be my favourite. Really grips you from the start that one because right away you're presented with a very intriguing mystery and like all the Reacher books you really can't put it down.

    I'm normally a slow reader (I read posts in the Solo thread about people finishing it in a day, I could never do that, most books take me at least a couple of weeks), but it never takes me long to finish these books. It's not that they're short, it's just that they're so gripping and enjoyable. When I first read One Shot (first one I read) a few years ago, I remember being really pleased with myself because I finished it in a week.

    @BAIN123 You'll really enjoy them. They're thrilling, well written and fast paced.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2013 Posts: 12,501
    Yes, and One Shot is one of the best, too! I also liked very muc The Hard Way.

    I've got to remember to use spoiler tags if needed. So far I haven't needed that, but I will try to remember. I really do not want to spoil anything for someone who has not read whatever I'm talking about.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Does anyone know if a sequel Reacher film - with Cruise - is happening?
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited November 2013 Posts: 13,369
    One is planned, the first one made nearly four times its budget, it's just a question of when. After the next <i>Mission: Impossible</i> most likely.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Thanks for letting me know. sigh ...
    I'll maybe rent the first film. I'll try to stomach Cruise in the next one.

    But the character for me in the novels is just great and is, no disrespect actually, in no way Tom Cruise.
  • Posts: 1,052
    Hmm, I have read quite a few, I actually thought Tripwire was pretty good, the last one i read was the Visitor, which was good but was the first one where I guessed the outcome.

    The film with Tom Cruise was very good and despite thinking that his casting was ridiculous I have thought he gave a good performance and can't really think of too many big lumps who would be good enough to carry a film?
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2013 Posts: 12,501
    No, but I don't think they would need to get a huge guy per the size mentioned in the books; but a much larger guy would definitely be more appropriate.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Samuel001 wrote:
    One is planned, the first one made nearly four times its budget, it's just a question of when. After the next <i>Mission: Impossible</i> most likely.
    Where did you read it? Any mention of the title, which book they are doing next? Thanks, @Samuel001.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited November 2013 Posts: 13,369
    A sequel has been in the planning stages since the first film did so very well, so back in January/February time. There is no word on which book but it will be a year or so before filming at the earliest, so that will come in time.
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 12,837
    A sequel? FFS. The first film wasn't bad but it could've been so much better and no matter how hard Cruise tries (he did give a decent performance), he's just not Jack Reacher imo.

    Not sure why Lee Child decided to cast him.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    I can't complain about Cruise playing Reacher, as I've never read the novels, but I know almost all of the fans were outraged at the casting choice. I believe Reacher is really tall and muscular, and Cruise is the opposite? Something like that. Either way, 'Jack Reacher' grew on me and I like it a good bit now. Not my favorite of Cruise's films, but it's enjoyable enough.
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 12,837
    One of the things that made Reacher stand out as a character was that he was a complete beast. Dead tall and really ripped. In one book (Worth Dying For, I think), he kills a man with a single punch to the chest. In another he crushed someone to death with a bear hug.

    Tom Cruise is an actor famous for being short and there's no way he could do any of that credibly, so I think they lost part of what makes the character special.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    Cruise isn't even that muscular. Sure, he works out and he has a good body for his age, but it sounds like the role of Reacher is more fitted for someone like The Rock. Am I right in assuming that?
  • The Rock could've been quite good (definitely has the build for it) but my personal choice would've been Ray Stevenson, from Punisher and Outpost.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    edited November 2013 Posts: 41,105
    Ray Stevenson seems like a good choice, albeit not as marketable as Cruise. It's a shame that's what they have to look for these days, though: don't focus on the character and which actor is talented enough/looks the part the most, just go with the most popular face.
  • I've read Persuader, Without Fail and 61 Hours. All very good, but WF is probably my favorite out of that bunch.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2013 Posts: 12,501
    It is my impression (from reading Lee Child's website over the past several years) that the film rights have been sold for quite a long time. It seems to have taken getting a name like Tom Cruise attached to get a Jack Reacher film made. He goes on quite a bit on his website about what a great actor Cruise is. I think, surely, Childs is happy to have a film made of Reacher at last. And he probably does admire him as an actor.

    But for me, as a fan, a reader of the story, Tom Cruise can never be fully Jack Reacher. Nope. I will watch the film in the next month. I am thinking it is a decent film based on opinions I have read. But if I have to go thru the next 4 or 5 films that are Jack Reacher films, which features a main character I have come to know and really enjoy a lot thru the books, then I will be watching a version that does not connect me 100% to the character. The difference is too extreme. I will sort of know the plot and enjoy it if well done, but he cannot embody Reacher for me.

    I do not know Ray Stevenson, but I am familiar with The Rock (and surely that is not all natural build on him). I don't need a famous person to play Reacher and actually I do not need someone as huge as the above actors, but it has to be a decent actor who is big enough (height and muscles) to be the real deal Jack Reacher for me. His size and strength are actually a big part of the character, his psyche is in tune with that and is talked about in the books.

    So, Tom Cruise ... meh. And that won't change. But I like the character of Reacher so much, I hope the novels continue for many years - and I hope there is a change in lead actor somewhere in the not too distant future.

    Hmmm. I know it won't happen, but as for name actors I would have been really okay with Hugh Jackman in the role, come to think of it.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,393
    Of the big name actors, Hugh Jackman would have owned the role. One of the lesser known actors that could have done a fine job is Dave Legeno. He's been in The later Harry Potter films and in Snatch. He's big and physical. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0499270/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t63
  • Posts: 1,052
    talos7 wrote:
    Of the big name actors, Hugh Jackman would have owned the role. One of the lesser known actors that could have done a fine job is Dave Legeno. He's been in The later Harry Potter films and in Snatch. He's big and physical. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0499270/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t63

    Jackman would have been great, never really thought about him before. Maybe someone like Thomas Jane could have been good?
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Yes, Hugh Jackman has the right blend of height, physique, gravitas, and the guy can act. But he went the Wolverine way. :( Happy for him to be popular as Wolverine, I guess; but I would have enjoyed him as Jack Reacher.
  • Posts: 7,653
    Yes, Hugh Jackman has the right blend of height, physique, gravitas, and the guy can act. But he went the Wolverine way. :( Happy for him to be popular as Wolverine, I guess; but I would have enjoyed him as Jack Reacher.

    I liked him as van Helsing too, some kind of supernatural secret agent. But he still could do Reacher for me.

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Yes, I wish I wish I wish ... but Cruise is attached like a clam with its mouth shut firmly on this character and is in place apparently for at least one more film. I cannot be quite so mean-spirited as to wish the film to fail, yet I kind of do want that if I am honest. So they could start fresh again with a different lead actor.

    I do not like Cruise much, but he can act to a certain degree and I enjoy him in some films. But not this character. However, the reality is that he is on board now and we shall have to endure him as Reacher. I just do not know for how long.

    I still may write to Jackman, though. ;)
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    I've yet to see the film or read any novels, but the person who used to own my local video store said Daniel Craig was their ideal Jack Reacher. Thoughts?
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 12,837
    Murdock wrote:
    I've yet to see the film or read any novels, but the person who used to own my local video store said Daniel Craig was their ideal Jack Reacher. Thoughts?

    He's too short.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    He is definitely too short - and for me, I do not think of DC as short. But compared to Reacher, he is too short. Maybe the person could see it because of Craig being such a physical, even brutal at times James Bond. But no, he wouldn't be the right fit for Reacher.
  • JakeDelToroJakeDelToro Universal Exports
    Posts: 28
    I'm currently on the third Reacher novel and I'm enjoying it. I read the first 2 back to back and while I enjoyed them, they are quite samey and needed a break.

    I started reading them after I watched the Jack Reacher film. My wife is a fan of the books and wanted to watch it so I saw it with her. I'm a fan of Tom Cruise but wasn't really interested in the film at all. I'm really glad I watched it though, I really enjoyed it. It inspired me to start the books.

    Tom Cruise is an odd choice to play a 6'5" 250lb man but I thought he was great in the role. I was expecting an Ethan Hunt clone but he avoids that entirely.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    If I was coming to discover Reacher thru the film, I would undoubtedly feel differently to a certain extent. But I have been reading about this character for more than, I don't know, ten years. That weighs more heavily in my appreciation of who can play Reacher appropriately. Glad you discovered the books. :-bd
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