Jack Reacher



  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    A couple of pictures from Never Go Back


    This pic of one scene alone looks to have more exciting colours than the whole of SP.

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    I've read all but one book in the series. Love the character and the way Lee writes. I still never, ever picture Tom as Reacher, though. Nope.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Jack Reacher: Never Go Back teaser trailer

  • Posts: 9,913
    It looks decent sadly et kept talking over it so...
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited June 2016 Posts: 15,732
    It looks a lot more than decent, Cruise is a damn beast in this teaser (if we disregard the journalist talking over the trailer).
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Looks brilliant.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    Cobie was a good pick for this imho. We don't see much here, but what there is seems very promising. Similar tone to the first one, which I really liked.
  • edited June 2016 Posts: 1,661
    Saw this post on IMDB:
    Jack Reacher 2: Still Too Short

    I fixed the title for them.

  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    That trailer was not cohesive or entertaining at all, thanks to the odd cuts and the horrible narrating that ET feels the need to do with literally any trailer they get lucky enough to premiere.
  • Posts: 12,553
    This looks like fun!
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I know that these films try so hard to make the things that Reacher says and do appear "cool," but I still don't see it. He's not Bond or Bourne or Batman, so it just doesn't work well when delivered, as great as Tom is.

    Throughout the whole of the first Reacher film I find myself mentally face-palming a lot, because the writing tries so hard to make Reacher this cool, resourceful guy, and it all just falls flat in its presentation. And the things he did were just downright thick-headed, to boot.

    This, however, does look much better, and it seems we'll get a look into Reacher's military past and how he became who he is today.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,263
    I know that these films try so hard to make the things that Reacher says and do appear "cool," but I still don't see it. He's not Bond or Bourne or Batman, so it just doesn't work well when delivered, as great as Tom is.

    Throughout the whole of the first Reacher film I find myself mentally face-palming a lot, because the writing tries so hard to make Reacher this cool, resourceful guy, and it all just falls flat in its presentation. And the things he did were just downright thick-headed, to boot.

    This, however, does look much better, and it seems we'll get a look into Reacher's military past and how he became who he is today.

    I usually agree with most things you say but I humbly disagree with you on this one - I never felt that they tried overly hard to make Reacher seem "cool". Just a guy who does his own thing. And despite his physical difference to his literary counterpart, Cruise had the mannerisms down to a tee. The only part of the first film that fell flat to me was the fight with the two goons in the house, which felt (because of how it was played) solely there to remind us that Cruise is a small guy yet able to tough it out with the big fellas.

    Reacher in the books would have brought the door frame down on those two. Other than that, I thought they captured it just right and they look to have done it again from those brief glimpses above.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    Tom Cruise is cool, which to me, immediately makes his characters cool. The banter he has with the punks in the bar in the first movie was rich.

    "Remember....you wanted this."
    *proceeds to lay everyone out*
  • Jack Reacher: Never Go Back teaser trailer

    If they've released a trailer with et talking over it im guessing the official one can't be that far away.

  • edited June 2016 Posts: 503
    Looks good.
  • second trailer
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited August 2016 Posts: 12,501
    I've read the books. I love the character. Cruise is not by a long shot Reacher. So I'll be skipping this film too. It is true I dislike Cruise anyway (and he is uncool; just my opinion) - but aside from that, he does not fit the appearance of the character at all. I know others see it, but I don't see him having the mannerisms down either. I saw a clip from the first one, too, and that was enough. Just not my cup of tea. Big fan of the books, though.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited August 2016 Posts: 12,501
    @OBrady, I feel sure some of the dialog is taken from the books, though. I just don't buy Cruise delivering it. Don't think they are tailoring the dialog to make him cool - the character in the book is cool and does say sentences like that.
  • Posts: 2,495
    I know that these films try so hard to make the things that Reacher says and do appear "cool," but I still don't see it. He's not Bond or Bourne or Batman, so it just doesn't work well when delivered, as great as Tom is.

    Throughout the whole of the first Reacher film I find myself mentally face-palming a lot, because the writing tries so hard to make Reacher this cool, resourceful guy, and it all just falls flat in its presentation. And the things he did were just downright thick-headed, to boot.

    This, however, does look much better, and it seems we'll get a look into Reacher's military past and how he became who he is today.
    Isn't the book Reacher cool like the movie counter part? What I mean is...is his personality different than the movie?
  • ChriscoopChriscoop North Yorkshire
    Posts: 281
    I've read all the reacher books, child has dropped off a bit in the last few book, as in the books reacher is described as blonde, blue eyes and 6' 2" If I remember right cruise was never a decent casting choice for the role though I do quite like him, i enjoyed one shot and this looks like a decent popcorn action flick, not cinema material but I'll definitely catch it when the download comes out.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    I remember a couple of mates, complaining endlessly over Cruise playing Reacher.
    As they loved the books and couldn't see him as Reacher. In fact they still can't :D
  • Posts: 1,631
    Cruise did a fine job as Reacher in the first film, IMO. Of course, he doesn't look like the guy from the novels, but I'd have to wonder just how many actors you would be able to find who do fit the description and can actually act. For what he lacks in a similar appearance I thought he more than made up for with everything else.
  • ChriscoopChriscoop North Yorkshire
    Posts: 281
    Well physically cruise is the opposite of reacher, i have never been able to picture any well known actor as reacher when reading the books, when I watch the films I have to try very hard not to picture tom cruise standing on box! When filming night and day with Cameron Diaz, Diaz had to stand in hole in beach for some scenes.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Much as I liked the film ( Never read a book yet, so no need to start now) :D
    I too thought Cruise very good but some of his threats, I did find laughable.
    the one about "Seeing the inside of an ambulance" , looked like a teenager
    threatening an adult.
  • ChriscoopChriscoop North Yorkshire
    Posts: 281
    ah yes I remember that scene, what is laughable is he'd never be taken seriously as an mp, which is his background. " come on now you rangers stop fighting or I'll jump in your pocket and bite your nuts " sort of thing :)
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    I also though they played down the violence, I actually thought
    it needed to show more violence be a bit harder edged ? but this
    would have cut into the profit margin with a higher cert, I guess.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    That opening scene in the first film with the sniper hits is movie magic. Reminds me of another film from the 70's (can't put my finger on it) and Dirty Harry as well.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    For literary Reacher fans, obviously some of you have very set ideas for how Jack should be portrayed on screen and how he should feel (in presence) or appear (height/weight/stature).

    I was curious, for fans of the books, who your dream casting/s for Reacher would've been in place of Tom? I'm genuinely curious because Reacher's description as given above seems hard to nail, as you'd need someone who could make you shake in your boots as a mountain of a man, while still retaining a sense of swiftness in movement or reflex, and a knack for resourcefulness becoming of a trained military man.

    Actor suggestions, then?
  • ChriscoopChriscoop North Yorkshire
    Posts: 281
    I always kind of thought Hugh Hackman. But he's not blond or has blue eyes. His physique is about right though. While watching American sniper Bradley cooper also passed through my mind as a reacher but no one actor has definitely been the one for me.
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