Universal will help MGM with Bond (No longer 20th Century Fox)

M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
edited February 2014 in Bond 26 & Beyond Posts: 4,544

Some people mabey notice MGM/ Universal and not MGM/ Fox will release Bond 24 in The Netherlands/Dutch cinema and possible this also mean in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain etc.. see IMDB page of Bond 24. There have deals with Universal and Fox movies. Strange enough Universal movies who realy be made by Universal there lost since this year to Sbs6. This mean that a movie like Bourne Legacy and Jurassic World be on SBS6. Whyle movies like Kung Fu Panda 3 no longer be on that channel.

Also since last Sunday, Bond is back where it belongs on tv at Rtl Nederland, the channel show Casino Royale. (A litle bit more then 1 million views and that's very good for that time against a 4 million program.) I record it and stil must take a look to it or there show it with studio logo's.

Since Goldeneye in 1998 be for the first time on tv there losing the rights to SBS6 and Twine be last movie there promote. I also think there own Skyfall, because there making more promotion include Preview program Sneak Preview. I expect there wil show the gunbarrel with QOS who not been seen with 4 earlier views on this channel. Also Sbs6 There not showing studio logo's or special things in end credits exept Jackie Chan. Next Thuesday (13 February 2014) around 20.30 QOS wil get his first view on Rtl 4 and possible with gunbarrel.

Since 1999 20th Century Fox be one who release the first 19 SE like there doing some none Bond movies like TCA 1999, DAD SE, QOS and Skyfall with MGM. Also there are one that re-release CR. With DAD there have more power, whyle with CR les power. But the documentry's on all versions are moost of time produced by them. Last couple of years there are not so good any more, inspecialy with animated releases who look like simalar disapointed as some Paramount/Univeral movies there take over now.

Universal is not 100% new for MGM, because there are the one that release Terminator 2 on BD for first time. Also Fox is possible to bissy with Dreamworks who there take over from Universal who work for Paramount.

I get the feeling MGM be in Money problems again and afraid for delay. Moost people mabey remember the problems in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2011. Last year it look like Sam Mendes asking for delay to 2016 and lucky it be 2015, but mabey it be MGM and search again to new partner. If this be case, iam happy not take so long as in between QOS And Skyfall.

Also of course i hope on new QOS release, finaly. Sony re-release Terminator 2 on BD this year, whyle there have nothing to do with this movie who is from MGM and Fox or MGM/Universal and Sony own part 1 (with Fox), Part 3 and Part 4. So Fox can stil working on those and let them release by MGM Sony or this case MGM/ Universal. Universal proof in my opnion there can make very nice editions of movies if there whant, see Gladiator and Jaws digibook and there are the one that release Johny English Reborn and Mi4 (under Paramount) on DVD/BD. Also i get litle of idea Universal is not big fan of 3D whyle Fox, (Paramount) and Disney are and in case of Bond that be goodnews. Universal/Paramount losing some movies from them to Disney. Also Fox like to have same problems as Warner Home Entertainment and release some movies/ tv series not on BD. Die Hard 5 be released on dvd and BD but Hitcock only on dvd and digital. Warner example in this case be Side Effects who not be released on BD.


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