Feminization of the 007 franchise...

Smoloko123Smoloko123 Banned
edited February 2014 in Bond 26 & Beyond Posts: 18
Naomie Harris wants Miss Moneypenny 'in the midst of things'
Bond 24 - 06-02-14

Actress Naomie Harris doesn't want to see Miss Moneypenny stick behind the desk for good since she retired for field duty at the end of "Skyfall".

Harris told the Belfast Telegraph: "I definitely think she needs to be in the action, in the midst of things.

"I'm all about empowered women so I really hope so. I'll push for that for sure."

Harris has just wrapped up the promotional tour for her latest film "Mandela". and is taking a break from filming. "I'm not working at the moment actually, I'm off skiing, so I'm on a nice break at the moment, I'm off to Chamonix. It'll be my first time [on the slopes]."

As I visited MI6 today I saw this article and it really pissed me off. Naomi Harris says she is all about empowering women, and she doesn't want to be stuck behind a desk as Moneypenny...Well then why in the fuc* did she accept the role ? Has this politically correct bit* even read one Fleming novel ? I highly doubt it. The feminzation of the Bondfranchise is here more than ever, and it's ruining the series...Almost every show I see on television here in the state's portrays Men as senseless and stupid, while the woman is always saving the day and kicking ass. Yet in real life if you even argue with your wife or girlfriend, you can go to jail because of the anti-family draconian "domestic violence" laws..but that's another topic for another time...When I see a Bond movie, I want to see Bond as he was intended to be. A government hitman that is on his own, using his wits and evading enemies with stealth, to act cunning and persuasive when the time calls...Instead, because EON productions has become politically correct and mainstream, bond films now only consist of constant kiddy action and unbelievable scripts. Casino Royale was the last decent film of the series because it was the most serious film released in decades...QoS was alright, it atleast attempted to maintain some seriousness with the plot revolving around a corporation moving into Bolivia for it's water-resources while installing a puppet government to power...but with Skyfall, the beginning was good, then the movie just centered around a poorly created villain with a bad-wig running around London causing mayhem around the city LOL ! How unoriginal can you be EON ? Now for B24 I see Nomi Harris wants to be a action oriented woman for her role as moneypenny ? this makes me sick to read, so I guess we'll be seeing Naomi Harris beat up guys besides Bond...Why not just call her Wai Lin 2.0 ? If I had control of the Bond franchise I would get rid of the whole bond girl concept in general, while keeping Bond's womanizing fully in-tact....Perhaps showing Bond taking a woman to bed here and there, but there would be no major action roles for women in my Bond Franchise. Money-Penny would maintain her original premise as Fleming intended. But since everything is politically correct and the CIA-funded woman's right movement in the states has turned women into worker-drones and sex-objects, I guess we'll be seeing more "equality" in the bond films....oh and mark my words guys, Q is going to be gay in B24...and when you see it happen while you're watching B24 next year, you'll remember my prediction came true...John Logan helped ruin Skyfall, and his horrible writing and politically correct agendas are going to help ruin B24 as well...


  • Posts: 6,396
    When you use "LOL" in your rant, I tend to lose interest. Goodbye.
  • edited February 2014 Posts: 6,396
  • Smoloko123Smoloko123 Banned
    Posts: 18
    okay, I really don't care. It's a common internet abbreviation used around the world. If you judge a entire forum post on that judgement, I pity you.
  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    Posts: 18,483
    RC7 wrote:

    They are for people who are in physical and emotional distress. Does this really count? ;)
  • Smoloko123Smoloko123 Banned
    edited February 2014 Posts: 18
    The majority of "guys" on this forum are like little girls, anybody or anything you "guys" don't agree with you name-call and gang up against...offer me a debate, instead of senseless post's insulting me.
  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    Posts: 18,483
    Smoloko123 wrote:
    The majority of "guys" on this forum are like little girls, anybody or anything you "guys" don't agree with you name-call and gang up against...offer me a debate, instead of senseless post's insulting me.

    With your track record I wouldn't bet on it. You're competing against yourself. All of your posts are disappointingly negative in nature - why don't you try writing about something positive in Bondology you actually like and are interested in without the need to rant - that becomes tiring and predictable after a while. There, I've given you some constructive criticism that should put you in good stead for future posts and threads.
  • Posts: 6,396
    Smoloko123 wrote:
    The majority of "guys" on this forum are like little girls, anybody or anything you "guys" don't agree with you name-call and gang up against...offer me a debate, instead of senseless post's insulting me.

    You're a cretin who doesn't deserve to involved in honest debates.
  • Smoloko123Smoloko123 Banned
    Posts: 18
    Smoloko123 wrote:
    The majority of "guys" on this forum are like little girls, anybody or anything you "guys" don't agree with you name-call and gang up against...offer me a debate, instead of senseless post's insulting me.

    You're a cretin who doesn't deserve to involved in honest debates.

    You just proved my point little buddy, all you can do is insult me...thank's for proving my point once again. Have a good day

  • Posts: 6,396
    Smoloko123 wrote:
    Smoloko123 wrote:
    The majority of "guys" on this forum are like little girls, anybody or anything you "guys" don't agree with you name-call and gang up against...offer me a debate, instead of senseless post's insulting me.

    You're a cretin who doesn't deserve to involved in honest debates.

    You just proved my point little buddy, all you can do is insult me...thank's for proving my point once again. Have a good day

    It's just so much fun insulting you.
  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    Let us just lock this before it gets any worse .
  • Posts: 6,396
    Admin will have banned him by morning. That's another of his "names" to add to the collection.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Smoloko123 wrote:
    The majority of "guys" on this forum are like little girls, anybody or anything you "guys" don't agree with you name-call and gang up against...

    Oh. My. God. People ridicule what they don't agree with? When did this sh*t start happening?

    Oh, yeah. I seem to remember a guy being crucified.

  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    Who Brian?
  • Posts: 15,408
    Smoloko123 wrote:
    Smoloko123 wrote:
    The majority of "guys" on this forum are like little girls, anybody or anything you "guys" don't agree with you name-call and gang up against...offer me a debate, instead of senseless post's insulting me.

    You're a cretin who doesn't deserve to involved in honest debates.

    You just proved my point little buddy, all you can do is insult me...thank's for proving my point once again. Have a good day

    Sorry but you named called the majority of people here. you started the insults.
  • Posts: 15,408
    Birdleson wrote:
    It seems like the answer would be to refrain from reading or responding to his posts from now on, if you know what he does and it is going to get you riled.
    That's is always my response.
    Banishment seems extreme.

    And I'm out of this thread.

    I plead guilty as charged, I fed a troll. It won't happen again. That said no, judging by the content of his posts and the threads he started, I am all for banishment: he despises people on this forum, he writes inflammatory posts, he does not deserve to be here, IMO.
  • Smoloko123Smoloko123 Banned
    edited February 2014 Posts: 18
    I barely post on the forum, I have 17 posts, yet I'm a troll ? You come into this thread and can do nothing but insult me and hope for my "banishment"...You have contributed nothing to this thread at all, except negativity...I started a discussion in which I hoped the majority here could talk about, instead I get harassed by little boys who do nothing but guard this forum as if it was their castle or something...let's be mature here, and I noticed my thread about MI6 and the CIA has been locked by Benny...It was a viable post, it seems like some of these "MODS" don't want the young folk to know the truth about what MI6 is really all about.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Smoloko123 wrote:
    I barely post on the forum, I have 17 posts, yet I'm a troll ?

    Tis the content of your posts which lead us to believe in your trollishness. We've seen people like you before.
    Smoloko123 wrote:
    You come into this thread and can do nothing but insult me and hope for my "banishment"...

    You're doing quite a bit of insulting by yourself. Any post made by anybody that calls you out is instantly met with degrading insults that we're "little girls" or "little boys".
    Smoloko123 wrote:
    I started a discussion in which I hoped the majority here could talk about, instead I get harassed by little boys who do nothing but guard this forum as if it was their castle or something...

    A lot of us like this forum. Are we wrong for that? Some of us use this forum as a retreat, others for entertainment, all of us for information of some sort. Threads like your MI6/CIA thread are pretty well useless to the general masses. If somebody doesn't know that MI6 and CIA or any other government agency from any other government aren't like Hollywood portrays them, they're seriously out of touch with reality.

  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379

    You can lock this thread now mods.
  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    Posts: 18,483
    Murdock wrote:

    You can lock this thread now mods.

    Yes, I thought it was our good ol' friend back again. Beam me up Scottie.
  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    He has a visit from housekeeping and is now banned again thank goodness .
  • Posts: 6,396
    Smoloko123 wrote:
    I barely post on the forum, I have 17 posts, yet I'm a troll ?

    Tis the content of your posts which lead us to believe in your trollishness. We've seen people like you before.

    That's because it's the same person. Again and again and again.
    Smoloko123 wrote:
    I barely post on the forum, I have 17 posts, yet I'm a troll ? You come into this thread and can do nothing but insult me and hope for my "banishment"...You have contributed nothing to this thread at all, except negativity...I started a discussion in which I hoped the majority here could talk about, instead I get harassed by little boys who do nothing but guard this forum as if it was their castle or something...let's be mature here, and I noticed my thread about MI6 and the CIA has been locked by Benny...It was a viable post, it seems like some of these "MODS" don't want the young folk to know the truth about what MI6 is really all about.

    That made me laugh. A lot.

    Scottie seems to think we don't know who he is!

    He's banned now thank heavens. Until next time I guess.
  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    Posts: 18,483
    Yes, we farmers as putting out the dung. Don't come back, Scottie.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,302
    Okay I think we can lock this now. No need for all of us to post our thoughts on the troublesome members who frequent the forums.
    @Smoloko123 has been dealt with. Carry on with your lives.
This discussion has been closed.