People who can't behave in a civilized manner in theaters...



  • Posts: 1,856
    I Amit a DO talk to the person next to me but quietly and I would shut up if asked

    Now I know this is the not the right type of theater but your talking about a cinema not a theater

    I was helping with the school production and SOMEONE brings a baby!!!!!!!¡ It took her about 5 minutes to notice he/she was crying
  • Posts: 212
    i love the cinema - and the whole experience.. especially when you get an entire crowd into the movie - it can be a comedy, horror, action - whatever.. there is nothing like it in my opinion.. when you have a great crowd, it's a great experience.. and for the most part, crowds are good - at least in my experience... it's those couple obnoxious people that have to ruin the experience, for not just me, but for everyone else as well..
    Having the audience get into the film like that can be a great experience. I've seen several comedies in such an atmosphere where I thought the film was great, only to be rather disappointed with it after viewing it alone on home video. The same can be said for horror films as well. When the audience is engaged, but respectful, it can be a great experience. Sadly, that's not often the case anymore.

    What I really don't like is when the audiences talk during films that don't even really allow for that sort of audience engagement, such as dramas. I remember one time going to see The Interpreter (the film with Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman), thinking that I would be seeing such a film with a more mature and intelligent crowd. This was coming after a string of several bad experiences with the younger crowds. It turned out that the more "mature" and "intelligent" crowd was just as bad, if not worse. A couple of people were sitting in front of me, the entire time explaining the film to each other. Granted, the film has a couple of twists and turns in it, but nothing so complex that it needs to be explained. Some of the time it wasn't even complicated stuff they were explaining to each other, but rather stuff that was so self explanatory that they really should have been embarrassed for not knowing what was going on.

  • Posts: 4,622
    Speaking of cinema picture quality. I really do hope the move to digital and hi-def continues.
    Check this out
    This festival has come and gone (it will be back next year). All the films are shown in either hi-def or 2k digital, and the quality is unbelievable and these are older films.
    I saw DN and GF in 2k digital at this festival in 2010. I was absolutely in awe of the pristine quality not to mention huge screen size and full sound.
    It was the best Bond experience ever. A Bond digital film fest would be the ulitmate.
    Unfortunately there were no Bond films this year. Maybe next year.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited June 2011 Posts: 15,732
    @haserot I complete agree- working as a projectionnist in a multiplex (one of many jobs I have there), I am definitly in favor of digital projectors. I am tired of assembling 8 reels for a 2.5 hour film... and of course 35mm reels are a disaster to the environment.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    I don't go to the movie theater that much anymore. This entire Summer so far, I haven't seen one single Summer movie at the Cinema. I will go see Super 8 tomorrow and then Transformers 3 on July 1st (IMAX, can't get that at home) and that's all the movies I will want to see in the cinema this Summer.
  • edited June 2011 Posts: 4,622
    The biggest problem in cinema-going now is how 3d is being forced on us. I would prefer to pay the extra money to not watch the 3d version of a movie.
    At least XmenFirst Class wasn't in 3d but Green Lantern is. Damn.
    3d makes the screen darker and ruins the whole movie. Harrumph :O
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    The biggest problem in cinema going now is how 3d is being forced on us. I would prefer to pay the extra money to not watch the 3d version of a movie.
    At least XmenFirst Class wasn't in 3d but Green Lantern is. Damn.
    3d makes the screen darker and ruins the whole movie. Harrumph :O
    they don't also show the movie in 2D where you are?

    here (Texas, USA) you can get 3D and 2D for the same movie!

  • Posts: 4,622
    We had a choice for the new Pirates film but that's it, however that was no help as I have no interest in that film.
    Thor was 3d only, so was Tron, so was Narnia, so was Green Hornet.
    Now if we had a choice at the big multiplexes, then I'd stop complaining but we don't.

    I think 3d is dead anyway. Theatres are getting a lot of negative feedback about having to pay more for something generally not wanted in the first place, and there is the issue of the darker screen.
  • Interstingly, a review I read for Clash of the Titans recommended seeing it in 2D. They said that the 3D added nothing (in fact hurt the film as it was added in post-production) so people should just save their money.

    As for digital I still prefer film - for now. That's simply because the digital theatres in Toronto show 2K, so an image that isn't as clear as film. But when digital catches up to film (and greater frames per second can help) I'll definitely switch.

    Another great reason for digital is cost. I got talking to an assistant manager at a theatre some time ago and was shocked at how much it costs to ship canisters of film - and especially the insurance that goes with it. Not that I think that the savings would be passed on to ticket buyers, though :-)

    Timmer - how were the audiences at Cineplex's Bond showings? I was worried that the crowds would not react too well to Dr. No. The "film buff" audience at my rep theatre loved Dr. No so that was a great experience. But Cineplex's Wrath of Khan audience had some people laughing at the film which really bothered me.
  • Posts: 4,622

    Timmer - how were the audiences at Cineplex's Bond showings? I was worried that the crowds would not react too well to Dr. No. The "film buff" audience at my rep theatre loved Dr. No so that was a great experience. But Cineplex's Wrath of Khan audience had some people laughing at the film which really bothered me.
    This was about a year and a half ago.
    The audiences were happy with both DN and GF. They played as a double bill on a weekday night. Theatre was quite full. They laughed in the right places and seemed quite content. What I do remember is that a real quiet came over the theatre when Bond first meets DN in DN's lair. The theatre was very quiet for that whole tension filled tete a tete between Bond and No. I was amazed at the power, that that scene packed with a large audience.

    I'm no film expert, in terms of digital vs film but the Bond films did look exceptionally pristine in 2k digital. As for new releases, film may still be the way to go.
  • Timmer - very cool. It's one of my great joys in life to see a film I like still working on a modern audience. When my rep theatre played Psycho the two 18 year old girls in front of me were totally freaked out by the shower scene - they had no idea it was coming (which is cool considering how well known a film it was). When I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark there a whole bunch of university students loved it. And to hear the audiences love the Bond films - too cool. Great to hear how much the audiences loved Connery when I saw DN, FRWL, and GF there - he had the audience eating out of the palm of his hand. Still!
  • edited June 2011 Posts: 4,622
    Areyou talking the Bloor Rep theatre in Toronto?They haven't shown Bond recently but they went on a bit of a Bond binge in 2008 and 2009. They burned through DN, FRWL (nice restored print) GF, OHMSS, TSWLM, TLD, GE plus CR and QoS.
    I think they were trying to cover off the early Connery classics along with what they considered the best film for each of the other actors, finishing up with the two latest.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    @thelordflasheart switching to digital projectors would increase ticket price for a while - a digital projector cost 100,000 $... so imagine having to buy 10 of them for a multiplex...
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    @thelordflasheart switching to digital projectors would increase ticket price for a while - a digital projector cost 100,000 $... so imagine having to buy 10 of them for a multiplex...
    one of the theater here went through a major remodeling here a year ago.

    every projector is digital plus they also have XD and Real 3D screens.

    they even made the smaller auditoriums bigger; I don't know how they did that. It doesn't look like any walls has been knocked down and the theater still has the same number of auditoriums it had before the remodeling.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    my thoughts on 3D....

    the biggest marketing gag to ever be forced down our throats by the film industry - all because they are losing money... so why not create 3D, jack up the prices and break even (or in most cases, not)..... it's a joke, and a farce.... i hate it.... if you gotta add pretty 3D effects to a movie in order for me to enjoy it - that must mean that the movie is pretty shallow......... i know.... i am ranting....... but it's so terrible, to the point where we have 3D TVs - yeah sounds cool, except when your by yourself having to wear those stupid glasses for your precious 3D, then you look like a complete tool..... 3D is a theater gag, that is now being forced on us as "the future" of movie entertainment... lol - sorry... but 3D in all it's advancements from the 50s to the 80s to now, is still EXTREMELY limited....... until we get Star Wars like holograms and projectors - count me out of this 3D craze..

    im more excited about Peter Jackson's experiment with increased FPS..... screw 3D..
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    the only movies I paid $ to watch in 3D were Avatar and Transformers 2.
  • Posts: 7,653
    Avatar I saw in 3D and found the movie bloody brilliant that way. Now when I see it on 2D on tv there is some magic missing.
    Where Bond 23 in 3D I somehow doubt I want to see it that way.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    nope, I dont want them to mess with the Bond films and turn them into 3D crap
  • @anotherbondgeek , you guys don't have red boxes video rental kiosk and netflix there?

    Blockbuster is almost dead here - they closed so many stores and the ones that are still open are on life support!

    Blockbuster's still going OK over here in England as far as I know. There's one just down the road from my house and it always seems pretty popular, no idea how it's doing around the rest of the country.

  • Timmer - yes, The Bloor. They ran both Craig films as second run features just after their initial releases and ran several old Bond films around them. However, The Bloor seems to often play classic Bond films once every year or two - mostly the first three and OHMSS (which they played as part of their Xmas movies one year - along with Die Hard!).

    Blockbuster is closing 167 locations so there can be good deals at those locations. My hipster neighborhood doesn't have one as our Blockbuster closed down quite a while ago - a lot of people boycotted it and supported the two local independant stores instead.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    Blockbuster closing is good for me; I own 4 Electronics Retail stores with a large regular movies and adult movies DVD and VHS rental section.

    Yes, there are people who don't own a DVD player and still rent VHS.
  • Someone I knew in the 90's (an MBA student) loved Blockbuster because of their business plan. Rather than take the risk of opening up a store in a new location, they would identify neighborhoods where the demographics appeared to justify opening up a store. They would then watch as an independant video store would open and see how it did over the next year and a half to two years. If it was successful they would then open a location and have a lot of specials and promotions to steal the other's store's customers and business and run them into bankruptcy. After that they would go back to the normal pricing which usually meant higher prices and smaller selection.

    Business is business, that that just seemed evil to me (and not good for the customer in the long run - why pay more for less?). Of course, I was a little biased when I saw our local store with amazing selection of obscure films and prices half that of Blockbuster go under. The nicest guy ran it; he had put his life savings into the store and was a true movie fan. He was so knowledgable and gave me so many great recommendations. Whereas a friend of mine tried the Blockbuster and no one in the store could answer a question about a film if it was more than 5 years old or an "art house" film.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    edited June 2011 Posts: 821
    Whereas a friend of mine tried the Blockbuster and no one in the store could answer a question about a film if it was more than 5 years old or an "art house" film.
    my brother (who doesn't live in the same city I have my stores) went into Blockbuster looking for Ferris Bueller's Day Off - his kids never seen it, they weren't born yet when it came out in 1985 - and the 2 employees in Blockbuster never even heard of that movie!!

    The reason my stores didn't go under having 3 blockbusters near one of them is because we had Adult movies; they didn't!!


    Now after 18 years, our business more profitable than ever while theirs is going down the toilet!!

    We started with 1 stores renting movies and now we have 4 superstores which also sell home theater systems, tvs, computers, gaming systems, etc et

    Even Fry's and Best Buy is scared of us!!
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,303
    Does your business have a website j7? Be interested to see how it looks.
    Videostores here are going out of business faster than superman.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    Does your business have a website j7? Be interested to see how it looks.
    Videostores here are going out of business faster than superman.
    no website - retail stores that also do online business are $$$$ to run!

    we had it in 1999-2001 selling DVD movies online and it was hard to make a profit!

  • Posts: 4,762
    I always hate it when those little kids come to a movie and shout the whole time, laugh too loudly at every moment, and scream when they want more food and drink. I mean, if your kid can't behave in a theater, then don't bring them!
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,303
    I always hate it when those little kids come to a movie and shout the whole time, laugh too loudly at every moment, and scream when they want more food and drink. I mean, if your kid can't behave in a theater, then don't bring them!
    Have to agree with you on that 00Beast.
    I took my son to see POTC yesterday. He's 8, but behaved the whole time. Makes me proud, but he knows manners, and gets angry himself when people talk through movies.
    I recall when me and the wife went to see TDK, and there were two teenage girls behind us. Everytime Heath Ledger was onscreen they'd gasp and "Oh HEATH". After several instances I decided to tell them to shut the hell up or take a hike. It worked.
    Infact I find that if there is a case of bad behaviour, it's usually from teenagers showing off, rather than kids. But as I said in a previous post, generally if you're told to give it a rest here in OZ, that's enough. The only time I've had to call the manager was when we took the kids to see a family movie, and Mr.Brooks was put on by mistake. Not the movie you want your kids watching.

  • Posts: 4,762
    Yeah, I see what you mean about teenagers acting up. It's just so inconsiderate to ruin someone else's experience during a movie just to draw attention to yourself. I mean, it's not like any of the people in the theater are going to remember you for your funny remarks. You'll probably never see them again, so why make an impression in the first place?
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