Thoughts on "Blast from the Past"?

edited February 2014 in Literary 007 Posts: 2,140
For some reason this short story has eluded me for years. I finally came across it the other day after just having read YOLT again. There were so many directions, so many places Benson could have taken this story. Instead of a blast, it was a fizzle.
I gather the irony wasn't intended, but a Bond who had to be pushing 60 and shagging a girl who might not even be 18 felt like an homage to Hugh Hefner.

I'd be interested in hearing other thoughts on this story.


  • Brendon Fraser played a precursor version of the same type of character he would later portray in Bedazzled. Christopher Walken plays a precursor version of the character whom he would portray in Click (just another Adam Sandler movie, don't waste your money on his films).
  • Posts: 2,140
    [i]Brendon Fraser played a precursor version of the same type of character he would later portray in Bedazzled. Christopher Walken plays a precursor version of the character whom he would portray in Click (just another Adam Sandler movie, don't waste your money on his films).[/i]

    Not at all what I'm talking about.
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