Brosnan's Bond Popularity



  • 00Beast wrote:
    Brosnan's popularity is easy to understand- the ladies adore him for his suave style and dashing swagger, and guys want to be him for that reason! Out of the six Bond actors, Brosnan is the one who I can most quickly identify as Bond; when I think of James Bond, Brosnan is the picture I have. That could be due in part to the fact that his incarnation of the character was the first I encountered, but I also believe it is because he just simply "has it".
    00Beast wrote:
    Brosnan's popularity is easy to understand- the ladies adore him for his suave style and dashing swagger, and guys want to be him for that reason! Out of the six Bond actors, Brosnan is the one who I can most quickly identify as Bond; when I think of James Bond, Brosnan is the picture I have. That could be due in part to the fact that his incarnation of the character was the first I encountered, but I also believe it is because he just simply "has it".

    Back on topic now!
  • LivingRoyal's post is great. I think Brozzer pulled himself out of the rut with TWINE, at least as general fans are concerned; it gets a lot of hate on this board though. I think there are similarities myself. With both TND and QoS they had to make it up as they went along and fell into all-out action at times.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    I think Brozzer pulled himself out of the rut with TWINE, at least as general fans are concerned; it gets a lot of hate on this board though.
    Tell me about it!!! :O +
    I like Pierce's first three better than any Moore film, and I LIKE many of Moore's films.
  • I love all of Pierce's Bonds including DAD. I think most movie fans in general look fondly at his.
  • Posts: 4,762
    I love all of Pierce's Bonds including DAD. I think most movie fans in general look fondly at his.

    The proof is in the masses! Brosnan's era is the best!
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    We have a CLUB here!!
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    chrisisall wrote:
    We have a CLUB here!!

    Did you say club? \m/
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited March 2014 Posts: 17,989
    Yeah, baby!!!

    And for sheer childish Brosnan controversy I'll say that any guy watching Pierce touch the screen at Sophie's tears in TWINE that wasn't strongly emotionally affected is a wanker.
  • Posts: 1,052
    Outside of this forum I don't think I know anyone who doesn't like Brosnan as Bond, the films are not that highly thought of from what I can tell.
  • Posts: 7,653
    Outside of this forum I don't think I know anyone who doesn't like Brosnan as Bond, the films are not that highly thought of from what I can tell.

    But then again they get thrown upon the heap called James Bond movies, and they are generally recognised for being a fun evening out.
    Which they are and should remain so.

  • LicencedToKilt69007LicencedToKilt69007 Belgium, Wallonia
    Posts: 523
    Brosnan era FTW !
  • Brosnan's Bonds also had video games in his era. Before Call of Duty, the James Bond video games were the king of shooters. Games like Goldeneye, TWINE, Agent Under Fire, Nightfire, and Everything or Nothing were hits among the video game industry; Goldeneye being a benchmark in gaming history. When people played them, they immediately thought of Brosnan as Bond. He introduced a whole new generation to the franchise. To the video game generation, Bond was a secret agent who battled OTT villains with a wide variety of weapons.

    Brosnan's Bonds are the most played in the series on tv (from what I can tell). They were not just spy movies, but good action movies in general. I believe that people who analyze Fleming's works to the minute details have a problem with Brosnan, but casual movie lovers think highly of his work.
  • Posts: 11,216
    GE was "a good action movie". The rest were mediocre action movies at best. I enjoy TND in a simple way, but its fairly well known that that film had a messy production. It feels like action is put in the film to cover up gaps in the story.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    BAIN123 wrote:
    It feels like action is put in the film to cover up gaps in the story.
    You say that like it's a bad thing...
  • Posts: 11,216
    chrisisall wrote:
    BAIN123 wrote:
    It feels like action is put in the film to cover up gaps in the story.
    You say that like it's a bad thing...

    Well...sometimes it is. Especially when the action takes up the vast majority of the second half.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited March 2014 Posts: 17,989
    BAIN123 wrote:
    Well...sometimes it is. Especially when the action takes up the vast majority of the second half.

    Honestly, I remember thinking that Bond outran a LOT of bullets in GE, but when TND came out, I never felt like there was too much action.
    I guess I have a higher tolerance for action than you, eh @BAIN123?

    Here's Roger Ebert's 1997 review of the movie.
    Whilst he clearly doesn't like the movie as much as I do, I think he gets the majority of it correct (I especially like his comment on product placement).
  • We'll see a resurgence in his popularity when Expendables 4 comes out.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Brosnan's post Bond career has done very nicely, without adding Expendables 4. I am happy he is in it - I think. I will watch it, but I am not super excited about the Expendables films (I have seen two).
    Brosnan's popularity has grown steadily during and after Bond. He has made a variety of kinds of films. He definitely does not need an Expendables film - but perhaps it could be fun. The one I am most excited about truly is November Man. That one sounds awesome! And I still need to see Seraphim Falls; I heard that film was excellent. Hard to believe I have not seen it yet.
  • Brosnan's post Bond career has done very nicely, without adding Expendables 4. I am happy he is in it - I think. I will watch it, but I am not super excited about the Expendables films (I have seen two).
    Brosnan's popularity has grown steadily during and after Bond. He has made a variety of kinds of films. He definitely does not need an Expendables film - but perhaps it could be fun. The one I am most excited about truly is November Man. That one sounds awesome! And I still need to see Seraphim Falls; I heard that film was excellent. Hard to believe I have not seen it yet.

    No doubt November Man will do wonders for his career. He's be the leading man in a gritty spy movie. I don't like how he does small movies though; I wish Brosnan could be the leading man in big budget movies. Hopefully his successes in November and Ex 4 will show producers his chops and revenue making skills.
  • pachazopachazo Make Your Choice
    Posts: 7,315
    No doubt November Man will do wonders for his career. He's be the leading man in a gritty spy movie. I don't like how he does small movies though; I wish Brosnan could be the leading man in big budget movies. Hopefully his successes in November and Ex 4 will show producers his chops and revenue making skills.
    I think that Brosnan has been around long enough now that everyone is aware of his capabilities.
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    Posts: 1,130
    I adore Pierce Brosnan and loved all his films as Bond and oustide of Bond

    I think the reason on why the opinions are so polar opposites between hard core Bond fans and casual Bond fans is that we have a different idea on how James Bond is supoussed to be.

    Casual fans say bond is all about being cool, great looking man, charming and good with the ladies.
    In that definition : Pierce Brosnan Roger Moore and Sean Connery are the best Bond actors.
    For casual movie goers, or casual Bond fans Bond is like a Christian Grey in an action flick before Chrsitian Grey existed of course.

    Meanwhile for most hard Core bond fans who read the Fleming novels Bond is an anti hero,an unlikable man who hates woman anf drinks a lot.
    Well that's part of his characteristics.

    So for them the Best Bond actors are Sean Connery, Daniel Craig and Timothy Dalton.

    Now between The Bond fans there are some like me who are in the midle of both thoughts on what makes a perfect Bond.

    The traits i look for the most or the most important characteristics for me on what makes the perfect Bond are

    Good looks
    Sex appeall
    Sense of humor
    Being belivable as an action Star

    So Rating the actors in these 6 Categories the winners end up being

    Pierce Brosnan, Sean Connery and Timothy Dalton

    Pierce gets an A+ in : Charm, good looks, sex appeal, Sophistication, Charm and Sense of Humor but gets a B in being an action star.

    Sean Connery gets an A+ in Charm, good looks, sex appeal, Sophistication, Charm and Sense of Humor but gets an B+ in being an action star.

    Timothy Dalton gets an A+ as an action star, A in sophistication, looks, charm and sex appeal but a B- in Sense of Humor

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    Szonana wrote: »

    So Rating the actors in these 6 Categories the winners end up being

    Pierce Brosnan, Sean Connery and Timothy Dalton

    Can't argue much there.
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