Re-Reading Fleming

brinkeguthriebrinkeguthrie Piz Gloria
edited March 2014 in Literary 007 Posts: 1,400
I re-read the IF titles once a year, I think. I enjoy it tremendously- it feels very comfortable- I am so used to the writing..I know what's coming. It just feels like visiting with an old friend- plus I have old ratty original paperbacks from the 60s, all beat up and held together with tape. Anyone else feel that way?


  • XXXXXX Banned
    Posts: 132
    I really do...... Bond is forever but so are the books without Vesper in a book, no Daniel Craig
  • Posts: 5,767
    Perhaps not once a year, but I surely will re-read them again.

    I had some wonderful experiences reading most of them in my teens, and then some 15 years later re-reading them and discovering them all anew, since I didn´t get many things when I was a teen, e.g. the 50s ambience, back then I never really got that the IF novels are not from the 80s like the films I knew about ;-).

    I´m sure when I re-read them again in the future, it will be both like visiting an old friend and like discovering the books anew. Looking forward to it.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,495
    Yes, I agree. I think you always discover new things when you re-read the Fleming originals and the same goes for the continuation Bonds, too.
  • Posts: 2,483
    I periodically reread the Fleming's. I'm doing so now. Bond, Honey and Dr. No are presently at the dinner table.
  • I'm constantly re-reading them, I also bought them all on Kindle when they came out so I always have them with me, and in the last couple years I've been listening to them on audiobooks as well. The audiobooks are interesting because you get the pronunciation of various words and terms that you might've not heard previously when you've read the books, and I always seem to hear a detail that makes me view it in a different light from when I had read them.

    I love that I can pick any book off the shelf, open to any page, and know right where I am in the book, character and series and still be engrossed in it.
  • Posts: 1,817
    I want to read Fleming again mostly because I didn't read the novels in order. But if I only had time for one book, it would be Quantum of Solace - the complete short stories. Someday perhaps, but until that day, I have many other authors I want to explore, but I really do appreciate Fleming's literary quality.
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