BATTLEFIELD 4 - Appreciation, News, Help, Reviews, & Platoons

edited March 2014 in General Discussion Posts: 170
I thought this should be a place where Battlefield 4 players can discuss, help each other out, group up, and learn more about the game from each other. I'll also write what platoons have been started by the members here


  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    The game is absolute broken trash. End of discussion!

    Seriously, though, it is plagued with countless issues, glitches, bugs, lag, and problems that seem to never be fixed, but when it manages to work remotely well, I love my time with it.

    Anyone on here have it for the PS4 like I do?
  • edited March 2014 Posts: 170
    Creasy47 wrote:
    The game is absolute broken trash. End of discussion!

    Seriously, though, it is plagued with countless issues, glitches, bugs, lag, and problems that seem to never be fixed, but when it manages to work remotely well, I love my time with it.

    Anyone on here have it for the PS4 like I do?
    While I dont think I'm having as many problems as you on my PS4, I agree, because months after the game launched it still has a LOT of bugs, glitches than need to be worked out. The netcode is absolute garbage at the moment. Whats your experiences with it like?
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    I couldn't possibly agree more about the netcode, there's so many issues with it: killed a good 20 or 30 feet around corners, getting killed by people that always have 1 Health left, shooting people over and over and they turn and OHK me, and it says they have 0 Health, etc. I just think I'm having a problem with almost everything in the game, but some nights, I manage to ride out a good connection and I can have fun for a while.

    I don't like what DICE did with the weapons, most of them are just useless in terms of damage or accuracy over range. I remember smoking everyone with the AEK in BF3, but now? The recoil is ridiculous, as it is with almost every other AR.

    And the levels? I loved almost all of the BF3 ones, including the DLC, but this time around I'm just not impressed in the slightest. I love one map and enjoy another one or two, the rest just don't impress me at all.
  • Way not as impressed with the levels as in BF3. The designs are just not as creative and seem as they're repeating themselves a bit.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    Way not as impressed with the levels as in BF3. The designs are just not as creative and seem as they're repeating themselves a bit.

    Agreed, and while it may not have a bearing on the maps shipped with the game, the first DLC I played contained maps that were massive expanses of nothingness with a few bases or rocks thrown throughout it. Terribly uninspired and too dull for my tastes. I miss maps like 'Grand Bazaar,' maps like that had perfect size.
  • edited March 2014 Posts: 170

    Creasy47 wrote:
    Way not as impressed with the levels as in BF3. The designs are just not as creative and seem as they're repeating themselves a bit.

    Agreed, and while it may not have a bearing on the maps shipped with the game, the first DLC I played contained maps that were massive expanses of nothingness with a few bases or rocks thrown throughout it. Terribly uninspired and too dull for my tastes. I miss maps like 'Grand Bazaar,' maps like that had perfect size.
    I am however impressed so far with the Naval strike maps because they offer a different spin on how to play battlefield.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    @RogerMoore007, in what way? I hated the first map pack, but I've really wanted to dive into the BF3 maps because I loved those, sans Caspian Border (but my friend said the way they edited the map makes it more enjoyable).
  • Creasy47 wrote:
    @RogerMoore007, in what way? I hated the first map pack, but I've really wanted to dive into the BF3 maps because I loved those, sans Caspian Border (but my friend said the way they edited the map makes it more enjoyable).
    With the Naval Strike maps, they made it so theres whole stretches of ocean you have to get through to play through all of the map. Making it a real pain in the a** to go on foot. That's why you'll see barely anyone not in a vehicle in the Naval strike maps. I guess its not too different in the way the Armored Kill map pack was.

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    @RogerMoore007, I don't mind using vehicles, but I prefer the infantry gameplay and moving on foot. It's why I hate how it always seems like I'm getting destroyed on foot by someone with ridiculous skill in a helicopter, tank, boat, etc. in any vehicle-based map. I'll pass on the Naval Strike maps, then.
  • I can see how you think that, it seems they upgraded the vehicles a bit since BF3, don't you think?
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    I think so, but I feel like I get killed way too easily by some vehicles. It's ridiculous. Hell, the MMG's on tanks manage to kill me in one or two shots when the ones in the tanks I use only warrant hit markers sometimes.
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