You called it! Bond 24 Theme Song Predictions (Choose One)

edited April 2014 in Music Posts: 645
I've seen a few threads on who could had played a Bond theme song in the past and such, but this is dedicated to not just your absolute favorites but who you think could be chosen for a Bond theme song. These are to be living candidates, who you think have a chance of making it to the Bond franchise. (Only choosing one)

I thought of this thread idea back when Adele won a music award and before it was announced she was playing the new theme and I thought she would be a dead ringer for the spot.

I know it may be a long-shot, but I'm picking...


Who do you pick?


  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited April 2014 Posts: 13,369
    jolearon wrote:
    this is dedicated to not just your absolute favorites but who you think could be chosen for a Bond theme song. These are to be living candidates, who you think have a chance of making it to the Bond franchise.

    Not to be a killjoy but isn't this thread not the same thing or very similar?
  • edited April 2014 Posts: 9,913
  • edited April 2014 Posts: 645
    No. This thread is more for bragging rights in your prediction.
    You can only choose one for Bond 24.

    Like the choice or not.

    And back to point on the prediction, I can personally think of several others I would have liked to play a Bond theme, but I could see the stars lining up for Adele, it just seemed right, which is what this thread is for. I'm appalled at the taste of something new in this forum, you have to defend your every word on a new thread. Uggg.

    @Samuel001 How about contributing to the conversation rather than quoting paragraphs you haven't clearly read and leaving condescending remarks and links to make your day feel complete. **facepalm** Mission Killjoy Complete.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited April 2014 Posts: 13,369
    Condescending remarks? I'm merely asking a question.

    Trust me, linking to another thread couldn't make my, or anyone I know, day feel complete.

    And it does seem for the same kind of topic to me. About who could be chosen for a Bond theme song, even though we pick just one artist.

    Anyway, I shall join in and choose...

  • WalecsWalecs On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    Posts: 3,157
    I have a strong feeling that Adele will return for Bond 24, but I hope she won't. Don't get me wrong, I love her voice and Skyfall is my third favourite Bond theme, but I don't want next movie to be a copy of Skyfall. I'd welcome Adele's return, but not for the next one, maybe for Bond 27 or 28.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited April 2014 Posts: 4,571
    Adele having a child and my expections is that she is bissy with making a new album and on this moment Skyfall is the only single on the moment. Funny be is that if she name the Album 25 it can be released in 2015, because 21 she whas in 2009 but released in 2011. She turn 25 in 2013.. But 2 Bonds song from her in row, don't know.

    Mabey it wil be Shirley Bassey with No Good about Goodbye or mabey she wil be replaced by another singer but there keep the music and lyrics or no singer at all.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    My vote is, due to producers/Craig and whoever voicing this strongly and consistently: Adele.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I'd like something new, so it's a no from me on an Adele return.

    All this has been done before, but I'll restate my choice so that I don't get my head chopped off or called condescending: Michael Bublé.
  • Posts: 28
    Someone signed to sony thats for sure.
  • The Muse

    I'd also say Michael Buble but that's because of how dramatic his Cry Me a River sounds so much like a Bond song.
  • edited April 2014 Posts: 1,283

    Bat for Lashes is definitely a good choice! Just hear "All Your Gold"
  • Posts: 645
    Great choices.
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Michael Bublé
    @dramaticscenesofQOS The Muse

    I believe Michael has a chance, but even though I love The Muse, I don't think they would be chosen for a Bond theme. Or at least any time soon.

    I see Adele mentioned twice, would they ever consider having the same artist twice?
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    I've always thought Muse would be an excellent choice and could really make one stellar Bond theme song. What was the song they did a few years ago that everyone said sounded exactly like a Bond title track?
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    But we are not saying who we'd like, we are guessing who really will get the job. The producers and Craig have both - I think - indicted they would have the same artist twice in a row. I am still skeptical but I am thinking they would ask her due to the immense popularity of the song and the film.
  • Posts: 1,052
    It's gonna be Susan Boyle or One Direction, untapped potential in certain demographics to take the next entry into the $2billion region!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    edited April 2014 Posts: 41,105
    I see Adele returning. If a big portion of the SF team is returning, and Adele's phenomenal work on SF nabbed some Oscars and got rave reviews for her song, I wouldn't be surprised if she came back to do the theme song.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Creasy47 wrote:
    I've always thought Muse would be an excellent choice and could really make one stellar Bond theme song. What was the song they did a few years ago that everyone said sounded exactly like a Bond title track?

  • When I hear The Last Day by Moby, I think of the Come & Dive trailer because it kinda touches on the theme of death. Very befitting.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited April 2014 Posts: 4,571
    Pharrell Williams, Avcii or Gotye. Pharrell Williams His song Happy stay already for 34! weaks in Top 40 of The Netherlands since 17 August 2013, 2 months after the release of Despicable Me 2. The song start at 18, only going higher in the list and at the moment stay for the fift weak in row on number 11. Over 5 weeks Happy beat ''Somebody that i used to know'' from Gotye (Belgium-Australia singer) who songs stay 38 weaks in the list in 2011-2012. It already beat Royals van Lorde (33 weaks) and next weak, the song beat Wake Me up van Avcii (34 weaks) who left the list weaks a go. Avcii who also has 2 other singles in the list include Addicted to You, a the duet with American Adele Audra Mae.

    Or wil it be:

    Ed Sheeran (7 singles between 2011-2013) who's I See Fire from The Hobbit stay 21 weaks in the list at the moment, but earlier 32 weaks with his song The A-team. Lego house be his third and only other single in the list with 13 weaks.

    Coldplay released totaly 26 singles in 14 years (2000-2014) and with 31 weaks Viva La Vida (Single number 25) be there biggest hit followd by Paradise (single 15, 23 weaks), Talk (single number 19, stay 20 weaks in the list) and Speed of Sound (single 17 and 17 weaks) and Clocks (single 4 and 17 weaks).

    Adele. All her 10 singles (released in 4 years between 2008-2012) stay in Top 40. Rolling in the deep (5th single) with 29 weaks be Adele her biggest hit, followd by her 7th single Someone Like You (25), 6th single Set fire to the rain (23) and 3th single Make you feel my love (21) and her last and 10th single Skyfall (20). Her first single (Chasing pavements) stay 15 weaks in the list and 9th single (Turning Tables) 13 weaks.
  • Posts: 645
    Adele was great, but theres no need to do a repeat when there are so many greats to choose from. I highly doubt it will be Adele.
  • jolearon wrote:
    Adele was great, but theres no need to do a repeat when there are so many greats to choose from. I highly doubt it will be Adele.

    Are you sure? DC has been keen on getting her back. With Sam Mendes returning, it sounds like they want her back. If she's not returning, it would be because it's her choice. Let's hope they tap into unused talent.

    I have a question singers do well after they perform a Bond song? Until DC, you could argue the Bond song "curse" perhaps but DC's era has been one of we'll see.
  • edited April 2014 Posts: 157
    I liked the last song by Adele if she doesn't return what about Shakira
  • WalecsWalecs On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    Posts: 3,157
    I hope Shakira won't ever do a Bond theme, I don't like her at all.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Honestly, the more I think about it ... I think Adele will be offered the job. I do not know if she will accept it (she can hardly top Skyfall's success). But I can see the producers, director, and Craig thinking that announcing Adele as the first artist to sing two Bond theme songs since Shirley Bassey would be a positive (considering the song Skyfall's huge success).

    I'm happy to have a different singer or group ... but now I think the odds are she will be offered that job.
  • Posts: 157
    if Adele sings the next Bond theme she would do something even Shirley Bassey
    could not do,two songs in a row?
  • Posts: 645
    It's absurd to think they would choose the same performer again for a new film.

    Think about it... They always choose people in the know, who are talented and fit the bill. Also someone who will be relevant to the worlds pop culture. Meaning if Adele hadn't won those awards she may have not been the dead ringer. -- Meaning, once her record was released and the numbers were in, she was a shoe in for the award and the part. Being popular world-wide.

    As an example: Check out the resent popularity of actor Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave) and the rumors he may be the villain in the new Bond film. And the reason he will be chosen, is because of the same reasons of Adele (for the theme song) got the job. -- If I have to reiterate, I will.

    So, not that it's a bad thing at all, it's the 100% smart idea (story & financially).
    It would be a hit, and get a lot more attention, which grows the franchise.

    As for who could possibly in the same position as Adele in the same sense, noone comes to mind, but they won't resort back to Adele just because they don't have someone better, (a better fit). They have plenty to choose.

    I will say I would be very surprised if they would ever use another American pop star icon like Madonna, or..... maybe I'm wrong, Lady Gaga could do it.

    And I certainly didn't see the due with Alicia Keys and Jack White.
  • My vote is for Olivia Newton-John! She is an ICON and it surprises me that she has never been asked! #ONJforBond ~
  • edited April 2014 Posts: 645
    The choice for performer to do a Bond theme is never just the fan base or their ability to fit in the Bond universe, it's a large decision based on the many factors of making a successful Bond theme, bringing in a new crowd, fans of the artist who may not be a Bond fan, etc.

    Explaining this make me wonder what is the exact formula to a Bond theme would be. Don't get confused here, this is not "oh, I like blank or I think so-and-so would be great", no, I'm meaning the formula (or requirements) to choosing the right performer for a Bond flick. It seems to mostly coincide with pop culture, or who's popular and fits for short.

    So when I read about all these long-time Bond fan favorites, I know it would be nice to see such a thing (Shirley Bassey), but let's be realistic here, you have to think like a business, because that's what this is, a profitable business. Their not supporting the fanboy favorites to serve a select group, they have to chose the overall best choice based on said factors above.

    I hope I was clear, as this was my intent on this thread for predictions, not just who you like or think would be a good choice, etc. That is for another thread all together.

    And with little detail on any other performer, it may come down to who's going to be hot around the time of the release date.

    Kimbra, maybe. Lana Del Rey, maybe.
    Adele, no, been there, it wouldn't be wise to have a repeat.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    My prediction-Depeche Mode. Or is it just wishful thinking...
  • Posts: 645
    @Thunderfinger More Wishful unfortunately. I would like to see them as well.
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