The Deplorable Sexism of Bond movies DN - TMWTGG



  • edited May 2014 Posts: 4,622
    One thing to bear in mind re Anya in the TSWLM. She wasn't at all believable anyway. She had no moves. Her karate posing was laughable. She was wooden in the extreme. She could barely act. Nothing lethal about her at all.
    Thus I can't really fuss over how Rog treated her. She was like a cardboard cutout, looking real good in an evening dress.
    The two of them, Rog and Bach, IMO, were really quite ridiculous looking during the daylight pyramid fight scene with Jaws.
    I think probably the least suspenseful fight scene in the series, as it was so cartoonish, and devoid of any real danger.
    @BAIN123 I wouldn't feel bad about smiling at Rog's delving treasures comment. The whole scene was cheeseball anyway.
    I do like TSWLM as a great escapist fantasy Bond film. It's really well done I think, but it also served as Rog's big post-Connery coming out movie too, so we got our first big dose of the Rog touch, for better or cringey worst.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    timmer wrote:
    One thing to bear in mind re Anya in the TSWLM. She wasn't at all believable anyway. She had no moves. Her karate posing was laughable. She was wooden in the extreme. She could barely act. Nothing lethal about her at all.
    Thus I can't really can't fuss over how Rog treated her. She was like a cardboard cutout, looking real good in an evening dress.
    She was no Michelle Yeoh...
  • Posts: 2,341
    I hated Anya from the start. From her first scene in bed with her lover she just really got on my nerves. Her only good scene was when she found out that Bond had killed her lover.

    That being said, women have not been well treated by the production team. Especially early on. Later it got somewhat better and perhaps with Babs driving the bus we may see women treated better. (Now if they would only stop killing Craig's bedmates!)
  • edited May 2014 Posts: 11,216
    I can tolerate Bach but all her line deliveries sound the same. As if she's staring off vacantly into the distance...and people call Broz a bad actor.

    I really like TSWLM but Bach is certainly the weak link. At least she's saved by her looks and the fact she's with Rog who can act a little when he wants to.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,494
    I don't think Bond's violence against women had any grounding in Fleming's Bond novels, Tilly Masterton apart. It seems to be a part of the film Bond's character though, and not a very endearing one either.
  • edited May 2014 Posts: 11,216
    To be honest I don't remember Bond hitting any of the women in the books. Though Fleming (through Bond) did complain that women weren't suited to spy work and should "stick to their pots and pans" (Casino Royale).
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